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Section: A

Assignment: 1
Principles of Management

Adeel Sultan
Roll No:
BBA (Hons)
1. Define management and explain basic management functions

with the help of examples.


“Management is simply the process of decision making and control over the action of human

beings for the express purpose of attaining pre-determined goals.”

Functions of Management

There are four fundamental functions of management i.e Planning, organizing, leading and


Planning: The first of the managerial functions is planning. In this step, the manager
will create a detailed action plan aimed at some organization goal.

Organizing: The second of the managerial function is organizing. This step, After a

plan is in place, a manager needs to organize her team and materials according to her plan.

Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing.

Leading: A manager needs to do more than just plan, organize her team to achieve a

goal. She must also lead. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and

encouraging. It requires the manager to coach, assist and problem solve with employees.
Controlling: after the other elements are in place, a manager’s job is not finished. He

needs to continuously check results against goals and take any corrective actions necessary to

make sure that his area’s plans remain on tract

Example: The organization’s goal is to improve company sales. The manager first needs to
decide which steps are necessary to accomplish that goal. These steps may include increasing

advertising, inventory, and sales staff. The necessary steps are developed into a plan. When the plan

is in place, the manager can follow it to accomplish the goal of improving company sales. After the

planning the organization assign and create a flow chart to which help during staffing. Means which

people follow specific task according to the plan.

2. How do mangers differ from no managerial staff? Provide proper

example to support your answer?


-Individuals who direct the activities of others

Non-managerial Employees

 Directly work on tasks

 No responsibilities for overseeing the others


Non-managerial employees are responsible only for themselves and their work. Managers

are responsible for the productivity of others.

People who are manager guide or order their staff (non-managerial) staff to complete the

work with proper instruction. Manager are the only one who make the direction but they

don’t deal with the lower work.

3. Explain the concept of effectivity an efficiency with the help of



It is ability to do thing well without waste is called efficiency.

For example: Doing it the fastest or in the least expensive way.

Effectiveness is about doing or using the right things. How useful something is.

For example: a car is a very effective from of transportation, able to move people across

long distance, to specific places, but a car may not transport people efficiently because of

how it uses fuel.

4. Is there one best style of management? Why or why not?

Not everyone can be a manager. Certain Skills, or abilities to knowledge into action that result

in desired performance, are required to help other employees because more productive. These

skills are: Technical, Human and Conceptual.

Human: This skill demonstrates the ability to work well in cooperation with others. Human
skills emerge in workplaces as a spirit of trust, enthusiasm, and genuine involvement in

interpersonal relationships. A manager with good human skills has a high degree of self-

awareness and a capacity to understand or empathize with the feelings of others. Some

managers are naturally born with great human skills while others improve their skills through

classes or experience. No matter how human skills are acquired, they’re critical for all managers

because of the highly interpersonal nature of managerial work.

5. Describe the factors that are reshaping and redefining a

manager’s job?

Changing Workplaces + Changing Workforce

The changes impacting managers’ jobs include global economic and political uncertainties,

changing workplaces, ethical issues, security threats, and changing technology. Managers must

be concerned with customer service because employee attitudes and behaviors play a big role

in customer satisfaction. Managers must also be concerned with innovation because it is

important for organization to be competitive. And finally, managers must be concerned with

sustainability as business goals are developed.

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