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Workbook«answer key Starter Unit 223 bS cl ds e2 3 1 bank 2 smoke 3 oars 3 1b 2a sc 4c Sb 6a 4 sted 5 floating 6 tie Page2 4 Students own answers 7 bit 8 splash 11 Fin 2 Libby 1 Kate 4 Fin / Libby bby /Fin Page7 Page 12 artgalley 2 mural 1 bate sculptures 4 paintings 2 Students own answers fsa he'ped a footbel sets portraits 6 landscape Page 13 time, future foreground 8 background 11 Aeyougdingto 2 fi 6 Tom 7 Tom 8 Fin vt 1 ' ; sige 1 ly" woo 3 heyoupangte + tmnt : i ! 2 playycostumes b rer, park immature 4 urinteresting 3-1 holiday/ play 2 Jen Fin 8 5 Imgoingto 6 Ae youdoing Crpe 2 wed ; ead pom rd 7 aegong. 81 foe 9 re yousoing to 5 horse tke 6 pano/footbal aan sang 9 aeyousing 7 fim mater ‘ mnotgoing to 2 Fmatre unlucky 24 41 ToSpein 2 Finard Libby 1 the her 3 Dosemething Diferent Pages 2 Iwontweorthis ‘om 5 Cada Vth te 3a 4c 56 3 paint the sy ¢ feleciey ed 7f ag 4 Muse some ope. 5 1 chb 2 cousins 3 year 2-1 ‘mgoingo cll 3-1 impossble 2 staring 4 capsule 5 deaned “6 leet 2 ate going t paint 3 mural 4 landscape 7 joned. ag 5 legong tomake 5 foreground 6 asun 4 arent goingto pay 7 tie Boas eons 5 ‘sgoingto meet . 11 tmvatehing 6 ‘mgoingto buy Unit 2 2 Tinnotenjoying 7 ent going come 5 iatwinning) 4 isding saseeaecme Page 14 5 Doesshe ainaysdo 6 she eee Vas bi c2 4604 13 rake 2 ue 3 Fake ‘usual finshes 7 Da you vant Aas Epangte 61 ait Lcontike 9 tusualy all ainyaeeses Besa we Aue 5 false 6 Tre 7 False 2-1 Twoboyswere kicking a football. 31 must 2 word 3 library 2 Thewomanvvasteating book, Page 4 counties. § pices 2 Twochidrenuereriding thei) 1‘ Are 2-meeting 3 Imnot 6 tersle 7 time bikes 4s 5 Wetehaving 6 ateYOU pages 4 Thewomanwasdiningctee. 2 hang, 2 meeting ei ort 5 The mans eanying shopping area 4 a 3 baseball 4 rugby wap. pares Socwne 5 mountain biking 6 caving 6 The ducks were eating bred. Jaaeig We roeay 7 rocklimbing 8 paragising 3-1 wasdoing 2 were playing 31 Where s Tony visti wth his 4 disagree 2 incomplete Sided buauneg class? Hessvsting art galery ape | wel 5 wooing uted 3 watsineaneyimeingy | Te a het 7 was studying, phoned Thi tieabt ABO 3 incomplete 4 correct 8 were travelling, stopped ‘ Sere 5 disagree 6 sensitive Pages Vineesetigfevoghnc 7 apes dots 17 did done 2 made, made They'ehavinglunchin the garden. Page 16 3 eatjeaten 4 break, broke 5 Whatarethey doingafterluneh? 1 T well 2 nt 3 TH 5 spoke spoken 6 selsolo ‘eye takingaboat tp ater A lwortbe 5 Youll 6 theres 7 shim swam 8 ride, rode lunch. 2 1 'make 2 see 2 1 broken 2 spoke 3, swam 6 What te sTorys dad mecting 3 wontgo 4 lifngh 4 done § ate 6 ridden him?TonyScadis meetinghimat 5 will wear 6 doesnt play 3-1 00k 2 flown 3 wore 5:30pm. 31 fitrains, welll inthe gym 4 ridden 5 een 5 went . 2 we repair Bike rides a ‘afternoon. 1b) Anadventure onthe ver Unit 1 ST en a3 3 Ifthe rain doesn't stop. the match Peon wontstare at paren Page 11 4 if she sit careful shel allover 2 lmpassile daw 1 110m 2 tie 3 floating 4 it 5 if thee goalheeper catches the boll, Fare al iinai 5 starng_6 smoke 7 bonow theyitwin bee 2 1 bank 2 oats 3 lighting 6 Hfitdoesnt snow thisyear we 4 orb wontgosking. 126 Workbook answerkey (© Copyright Oxford Unkeraty Prose Page 7 Vie 2d af 42 55 be 2 1 dbuy 2 Wed 3 duavel 4 was 5 ployed 6 joined play 7 had, Buy 8 went take 3 Students own answers Page 18 1. 9 Hes working foran environmental group. 21 ue 2 Tue 3 Fae 4 False $ True 6 false 7 False 6 Tue Page 19 17 freedom 2 diving 1 a 5 1 1 ‘ 1 3 5 7 snorkeling 4 talented equipment 6 environment wildife ® pear sblls 2 provide 3 protect talenced 2 volunteer Provide 4 equipment skills 6 protect Snorkeling 8 pearls Page20 1 7 2 Whats satng? How tolearn| Equipment 3 Safety 2 Studentsown answers Page: 1 1 a 5 7 9 1 3 5 1 2 3 ‘ 5 2 rocklimbing 2 equipment baseball «ice skating dike 6 snorkeling inexperienced 8 wildlife willhelp 2 ‘use will come 4 will do wontwin 6s ‘rice tin the mountins idscore lots of goals lived in Swtzertane went paragliding wouldn't go wath them Unit 3 Page 22 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 3 ‘ 5 6 late 2 piewres 3 sports buildings 5 Tikes 6 world S ba cl d2 6 04 dita easy murals drawings person building unhappy happy month / weak ideas /food Poge 23 | 7 . ‘raditionsl 2 delicious disgusting 4 orginal 5 deserted 6 bright 7 auful 4 amazing 2 1 howrious 3 mystelous 3-1 dangerous 2 adventurous 5 mysterious 4 poisonous 5 furious 6 hazardous 7 mountanous. & lunurous Page 24 11 just 2 aleady 3 yet alcady 5 yet 6 just bbefowe 2 just 3 alreedy before 5 yet 6 already yet ‘Velned, since ‘vestucied for havent seen, since haven exten, since hhasotrained, for haswotked, since has played, since 4 haven't been, for Page2s 1-1 Have you ever been went 3 ddyoudo Wevished 5 werode Have you over done ‘vehad 8 didyougo Has he ever tried king? When cid he go sking? Has ne ever seen the Red Sea? What di he do there? Has he ever vied Istanbul? 6 When cid he gote Istanbul? 3 Students own ansets 2 mountainous 2 Pagez6 1b) Celebrating the ett 2icag3a4d 5b Sf 7h ge Page27 1-1 dish 2 demonstration 3 garlic 4 colebrated S Snacks 6 dessert 7 lasted 2 1 onthe floor 2 music Beat 4 melons 3 Veelebrate 2 bricks 3 demonsratons 4 recies 5 decorate 6 dessors 7 lasts hang 8 bunches Page 26 1 Stucents own answers 2. Stucents own answers 3 Siucents own answers Page29 11 fax since 2 since for 3 for since 4 since for 5 far since 21 ‘vedready been 2 vereveriaed 3 Have, ever tried (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press 4 went 5 ate 6 tried 7 enjoyed 8 vemet 9 hasjusthad 10 haven'theen 31 amazing 2 awiul 3 deserted 4 bright 5 ariginal 6 wadiional 7 disgusting 8 delicious Unit 4 Page 30 11d 2b 3c 40 5a 6e 21 futwe 2 ideas 3 drawing 4 transport 5 date 6 cub 7 bast 8 visitors 3 Vm 2 false 3 Tue 4 Fabe 5 Tue Page 31 1 motorbike, lomy coach B submarine yacht barge ota balloon helicopter 1 motorbike 2 coach 3 lony 4 yacht § barge 6 submarine 7 helicopter 5 hott balloon 21¢2a3d 4b 3 1 lookfor 2 lockup 3 look upto 4 Wokafter 5 lookinto 6 lookahcad 7 look round & lookforward to Page 32 11 ance 2 all 3 for 4 for 5 all 6 all 2-1 havebeen sang 2 hasbeen driving 5 have been using 4 hasbeen traveling 5 hasbeen riding 6 havebeen fying 3-1 Shes bean studying for four hous 2 Hes been painting all day 3 You've been watching TVsince lunchtime. 4 Jacks been walting atthe station {or 50 micutes, 5 They've been playing chess since ‘uo eos 6 Weve been cocking ll moming Aaa bicodzes f3 Page 33 11d 2e 3b af Se 6a 21 you've 2 been 3 repairing een 5 has 6 camping 3 1 Has Mum baen doing the shopping? Yes, she has. 2 Has Dad bean washiog the car? No he hast 3 Have Mick 2nd Greg been playing tennis? No, they havent Workbookanswerkey 127 4 Ha Joanna been drawing Pictures? Yes she has. 5 Have the neighbours been working in the garden? Yes, they have. 6 Has it been raining? No,ithasnt Page 34 1b) Acces the desert by camel 21 Tue 2 Te 3 Fale 4 Fake 5 True 6 Fale 7 Fale 8 True Page 3s 1 1 mud 2 connects 3 loads 4 ideal 5 local 6 fogs private 8 balance sanddunes 2 4x4 vehicke package 4 ralaay railway 2 connects packages 4 balance Toads 6 mud 7 ideal 4x4 9 sanddunes Page 36 1a saddle» pedal «handlebar é whee's 5 chaln 6 broke 2 Studenis‘own answers 3. Student’own answers Poges7 11a 2c 3a 4b Se 6b 21 have, been doing 2 vebeen working 3 Have, been studying 4 havent 5 Have been painting 6 hazbeen making 1 We've been travelling since 9.0, 2 Ivebeen reading mybadk since tenoddock My brother has been watching 2 ‘im for 20 minutes. 4 Mums been seeping foran hout. 5 Dadhas been doing puzies since 1030. 6 We've been fying over the sea for en minutes, Unit 5 Page 3s 11 Inentions 2 past 3 1970s 4 three 5 bike "6 Ay Rib 203d 4a Sc be 3 Studers'own answers Page39 11 invented 2 discovered 3 devices 4 inspiration desgned 6 experiments machines enjoyment 2 payment development 4 entertalement 3 128 Worbookanswerkey a Pas 1 2 3 Pa 1 2 Pa 1 2 Pa 1 Pa 1 2 Pa 1 1 enjoyment 2 arrangement 3 entertainment 4 payment 5 development 6 equipment 7 excitement 8 agreement ge 40 Twas 2 was 3K 4 was Siwas 6 wasnt 7 are 8 were 1 ateenjoyed 2 was invented 3 werebrought 4 were put 5 wasmade 6 wasopened atesold 8 arecaten Scents own ansaers geal TP 2A 3A 4P SP 5A 1 Isbeing bul 2 isnot beng sailed 3 Isbeing cocked 4 sbeing washes 5 are being paintec 6 tenotbelng used 1 Clothes are boing washed. 2 Awallisbeing painted. 3 Ice reamis being sls 4 Photos are being taken. 5 Pizzas are being made. 5 Acar Iebeing repaired, .ge 42 a) graphite, clay Ta 2a 3b 4b 5a be 7b .9e43 Tclay. 2 sharp 3 ink 4 cartidges 5S hallow S reservor 7 nibs 8 rotates 1 sting 2 underwater 3 rod 4 press Ved 2 sting 3 nibs 4 rotates 5 hollow 6 pressed 7 sharp 8 underwater 9244 1 Tobegin wth, phoneswere made ‘of metal and wood. 2 1876 the fist telephone cll was made, 3 Soon after, Bell Telephone Company was started. 4 Duting te late 1870s telechone systems tines were installed in ‘most Amesican cies, 5 In 1891, the fist prone callwas ‘made t another county. Stucents own answers s9e45 1 Glasses were invented in 1248, Todey, they are worn by many ‘people tohelp them see better. 2 This bulding wasdesigned bya Spanish arts caled Gaus Today, its vised by many tourists (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press a 1 3 6 ir ‘his machine used to cur bread Inwas inventecin 1928 2Erays were discovered in 1895, Now they ate used by doctors to look at aones. Bblcz as Experiments 2 device reservoir 4 press 5 clay achievement 7 equipment ula unité Page 45 1 2 3 1 4 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 5 -2 1 3 5 21 4 3 5 e 2c 3f 4a 5b 6d travels 2 pedals 3 tits avcids 5 pushes. 6 lands fist / second balloon / computer trafic wanspert car/ bike si fly Science Inventions ‘museum cla submarine /ht-air balloon ye 47 surfing 2 downloaded attaching 4 connect to upload 6 logoff speaker 2 bug 3 mouse chip peture1 2 picture | pecture2 4 picture 2 picture 6 picture 1 Page 48 1 take 2 becallected 3 heproviged 4 bestown ask 6 wort begiven work 2 willbe made willbe cand willbe washed 5 “lin vwiloe used ‘You willbe taken to New Yorkin a private pane, ‘You wil be driven to your hota in alvauy ea. You willbe given tickets or plays and fime ‘our essays wil be printed the ‘newspaper. ‘The €5595 will not bejudged nn 1 Mach ‘The winners willbe called by 1 Apel Page 49 a) 4 24 2 2 « 5 Tue 2 Tue 3 False Fake 5 True 6 Fae have been taken out tas been switched on has not been written has not been sited on bas accn eaten 6 havenot heen put away 31 Have the computers heen used? N,they haven't. 2 Has the ar been cleaned? Yes, has. 3 Has the package been opened? Nojit hasnt 4 Have the lights inthe assroom been switched of Yes, they have, Pageso 1-1 Thetitst mobile phone call 2. Thefist mail phone forthe public 2 The mate for mabe phones 4 Mobile phones today 21 Tue 2 false 3 Tue 4 False 5 False 6 False Tue 8 Te Pagest 11 created 2 experimental 3 immediatly 4 complications 5 market 6 huge 2 1 ordinary 2 public 3 avalble 4 expect 3 1 created 2 huge 3 Immediately 4 experimental 5 cusor 6 expect 7 president # complication Poges2 1 Students‘own ansvers 3. Students own answers Page 53 11 predict,A 2 connected, P 3 surf,A. 4 downloaded, P 5 bugs, 6 ordinary, P 2 1 created 2 prestlent 2 experimental 4 complications 5 market 6 invmeciately 31 The soup hes been made 2 The bread has been cut 3 The cake hasn'tbeen eaten, 4 Tho dis havent been poured, 5 The dethes have beon washed. 6 The posthas been opened. Unit 7 Pages4 11 explorers 2 map 3 compass 4 flags 5 hidden 6 after 7 wont & hours 9 win 10 Iuck 1 south /north 2 map/comaass 2 north/south 4 right / wrong 5 lake / vee 6 firestorm 7 house cave 8 small / dark 3 Studeris‘own answers Pagess TT map 2 treasure 3 compass north 5 east 6 binacubrs 7 west 8 south 2 1 diher 2 abt. 5 builder 4 guitarist 3 Vexplorer 2 novelist 3 artist 4 builder 5 drver 6 quitanst ? tounst& painter Pagesé Vic 2e3f 4a $d 6b 2 Vwhieh 2 which 3 wien Aho 5 who 6 whieh 7 which 1 Idle tomeet a person who has been to Antarctica, ‘ve gotsome jeans which were ‘made in Hong Kong. ‘Apenguin i bie which can swim underwatee. 41 My lends are people who goto ny school 4 Students‘own answers Pages7 T Tho 2 that 3 who that S who 6 that 7 that 8 who 2id 2c 3f 42 Se 6b 31 Nel Aemstrong wa an astronaut Wwho/ that walked on the moon. 22 Mount Everest sa mountain which /thtisin Nepal 5 Hannu was en Egyptian explorer who/ that explored the Red Sea nearly 30 years ago. 4 Thesand cat isa small wild cot which thatlives nthe desert. 5 Marco Polo was a taveller who! that went to Ching inthe 13" cemury. 6 Inthe museum there are some: ‘maps which that were made by cary explorers Pagese 1 8) Ris about weasuresthathave ben found 2 after /before 2 4/8 3 know think 4 Egyat/France 5 ten/six 6 bulling /stone 7 50/208 died/ived Page so 1 T voyage 2 sank 3 hurrane 4 drowned 5 searched 6 shiparecks 7 clus 1 temple 2 valuable 3 entrance 4 harbour Voyage 2 harbour 3 searched 4 valuable 5S sank 6 temple 7 clues 4 hurricane (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press Page co 1 aichas 2 forinstonce 2 tke 4 example 2 Students awn answers 3 Students own answers Page6t 1-1 Acompass san instrument which ‘hat hows you north, south, \westand eat 2 Anowelist isa person who that wits books 3 Avoyage sa long trip which | that ismade by sea. 4 Tourist ate people who /that rave on hobs. 5 The Ttonlewas the ship which / ‘that sankin the North Atanticin wi, 6 Jouralsssare people who / ‘that work for newspapers or ‘magazines 2 1 map 2 harbour 3 guitarist 4 voyage 5 shipwreck 6 treasure 3 Tarts 2 binoculars 3 sank 4 south 5 huricane 6 voyage Page62 Tad b2 1 d6 03 65 2ic2e sa 4a 5b 6c 3 Students awn answers Page63 11 ste 2 artefacts 3 ancient 4 investigation 5 evidence 6 strange 7 mysterious 8 fascinating 2 1 enjoyable 2 breakable 3 preferable 4 understandable 3 1 bieotable 2 believe 3 understandable 4 acceptable 5 prefer 6 enjoy 7 advisable 8 reasonable Pageea 1tc2f3e 4b 56 6a 2 Vhadlett 2 arrived 3 diopped 4 haceaten 5 went 6 had forgotten 131 AiterSerahad fished het ‘homework, she wentto the 2 iter the gilshad done the sopping they came home 8 AfterTim had travelled for five ‘hours, he arived atthe alrport. 4 Alter Abd and Amina had eaten {Gel anc they vied er ‘grandma Workbookanswerkey 129 0 Pagess Page?! 1 hadnt done 2 hadn'teaten 1 3 hadnt flown hade't ven 5 hadnt caught § hadnt sean 1 Hag the ship hit a tock? No, hadnt. 2 Hadallthe people disappeared? 2 Yes they had 3 Had they taken down te sais) No they hadnt. 3 44 Hac thay le (any) money and clothes on the ship, they had. 5 Had the captain weitenin hs book? Yes he had. 6 Had the weather bean stormy? Nit hadnt. 3 Studeris‘own answers 2 1 Pages 19 800 21 South actic 2 three 3 100,000 412 $ 1000 6 stone 7 More 8 cant Poge 6? 11 incredible 2 clmete 3 sol 4 historians 5 cleared away 6 figures 7 sketches 2 1 sawe 2 eupt 3 query 4 platform 31 sketches 2 co) 9 att 4 comfortable 5 statue © quany 7 underneath 8 platform Poge ss Vite 2g 3) 4a Sj 6h 74 af 9b we 2 Studers‘own answers ia Pagees ’ Tete 2 ann 2 Lime stove ¢hhotan 2 2 havens tate 2d hed 5 hod ened sowed 1 ef hatte belo we ved 2 im ikgcttothesepthad 3 chee 1 Teac hd ntsc my moot prne 4 « Hasjousena monty bebe youverttihe st ma Unit 9 2 Page 70 1-1 dot /ehest_ 2 mape/ some 6 sum 7 caught 8 court I meet 2 caught 3 ses seen 4 floes, buy 5 weather 8 some here 7 brake Page72 T hadet 2 wouldn't Shadat 4 vould 5 had 5 would 1 would have helped 2 hadilett 3 hadnt seen 4 would have played 5 hadsent 6 would have been 1 Mthey had taken aap, they wouldrit have got lst 2 They woulda'thave taken the wrong direction i they had taken 3 compass 3 if they had crossed the bridge, they would have ound the right path. 4 They would nothave ost their water bot if they had been more careful 5 tf they had worn good walking boots, theifet vrould not have gotsore .9e73 Tue 2 Tue 3 False 4 False 5 False 6 Fake 3 You mustrt swim here, 4 You can eat atthe cafe 5 Yow shoul take your mbbish home. 6 You can sleep ina tentora caravan here. 1 mustrt 2 dort have to 3 must 4 should 5 shouldnt 5 oughtto 7 haveto Students own answers s9e74 1) surviving after a shipreck 1 adventure island > parents aunt 3 passengers /crew 4 fads / store 5 capuain/wind 6 six/fve 7 dolphins seals 8 find build .9€75 1 storm 2 survivors 3 sheter 4 cut-down 5 walls 6 sally 7 fence 8 supplies (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press 2 1 eal 2 hunt 1 alone 4 hut 31 aurdvos 2 storm 3 hut 4 eutdown 5 hunt 6 seals 7 supples 8 alone Page 75 1 Students'own answers 2 students own answers Page 77 11 had stoned would have understood 2 had nun, would have won 3 would have made, hadrit forgotten 4 had known, would have phones 5 would have go had ad 6 hadnt eaten, wouldnt be 2 1 must 2 should 3 donthaveto 4 mustnt 5 shouldnt 6 havero 7 oughenotto 8 ought 31 supplies 2 hunt 3 penknife 4 matches 5 shelter 6 hut 7 sundvor 8 wihstle Unit 10 Page 78 Tad bS c2 dB 06 fa 91h? 21 fin 2 Kate 3 Kate om 4 Tom 5 Libby. 6 4 31 Allover theword. 250 3 castle elephant horse 4 Theartets 5 On the beach 6 Thename of your favourite sculpture Page 79 11 offciallanguages 2 bilingual 3 mother tongue 4 mothertongue 5 accents 6 dialects 7 mullingual 8 fluent 21c 2a 3d 4b 3 1 discovery 2 cockery 3 forgery 4 recovery 5 bravery 6 bakery 7 machinery & robbery Page 80 1-1 wanted 2 was 3 had had 4 hadbeen § woule go 6 were leaming 2 1 were 2 loved 3 had vistes 4 wereplnning 5 vasleoking 6 would get 3 1 liked her skirt as nice 2 had cooked te past, woud ‘make some salad 3 had read that bok at school 4 was going to Maroccoin July Pageat 1-1 myself 2 yourself 3 himself 4 herself tse 6 ourselves 7 yourselves 8 themcelves 21 myself 2 ourselves 3 themselves 4 himsell 5 itsell 6 yourself 7 herself 8 yourselves 1 yousel myself 2 himsat, herself 3 ourselves, themselves 4 isl yourselves 3 Page az 11g) Howmany languages are spoken in Papua New Guines? 2 a) Whatare the offical languages? 3 ) Why do people spesk English here? 4} Where dish languages come fom? 5 ) How have so mary languages survived? 21 Tue 2 Fase 3 Fake ‘True 5 Fale 6 Fale 7 Tue Fale Pagess 11 Intemational 2 continent 2 disappear 4 dominant 5 population 6 altogether 7 predict 8 century 1 tbe 2 nhabrams 3 communicate 4 isolated 1 a 5 2 3 1 tbe 2 population isolated 4 inhabitants communicate 6 predict 7 sappear 8 century Pages 1. Stuxents‘own ansivers 2 Stuclents‘own ansvers 3 Studens‘own answers Page ss 1-1 flusnt 2 communicate population 4 centuries bilingual § diseppear 1 a 5 2 1 was 2 wasnt 3 had anived 4 had studied 5 spoke 6 would disappear 31 owsches 2 myset 3 youself 4 himself 5 herself 6 themselves Unit 11 Page 86 Vazbic3 aes 21b2e3a 4c $d 6 3-1 Yes they da, 2 No they cant 3 Yes they do. 4 Na. they dont. 5 She swan interview on TV. 6 Pouring water onit 6 if Pages? 11 constelations 2 shooting sar 3 comet 4 telescope 5 astronaut 6 space shure 7 solasystem & space station 2 Tcomeon 2 cometh Scomeup 4 comeacoss 1 5 3 lon 2back 3 out 4 across round 6 of 7 up 8 in Pages 1 This 2 she 3 her 4 he S they 6 my 2 1 astronomersdid 2 she worked 3 apersoaneeded 4 sheliked 5 shelooked at 31 whather favourite planet was 2 when she started work 2 what he fe best abouther obs 4 what she was studying a the ‘moment 5 who else worked with har Pagess 1 Ttocomein 2 notto 3 asked 4 notto Sme 6 tad 21 asked Fank to dose 2 asked Jeno send 3 asked the boys to phone 4 asked Fon to dean 5 aekad Helen no oleae 1 tel Lee to wash is hands 2 told Susan tobe careful 3 told the class notto tak 4 told Rick not to forget his helmet Page 90 1 3) Dreaming of space 2ib2b 3a 4c sa sete Pagest 1 Theadoff 2 surface 3 bumgy 4 snug 5 glow 6 damonds 7 spins 1 launch 2 observatory 5 beams & imagine 1 bumpy 2 surface 3 precious ‘imagine 5 snug 6 beams 7 spin. 8 launched Pages? 1 1kltes 2 snow 3 dlamonds 4 duum 5 shooting star 6 toast 2 Stucents'own answers Page 93 11 why he wasin Uttlewood 2 where he wes gong next 3 otto forget to vist the new stadium 4 when hs next competition was 5 what he didn his fee time 6 tohelpthelrlocalfoatallchb 2 1 observatory 2 telescope 3 comet 4 constellation (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press space shuttle 6 launched 7 astronauts 8 heading 3-1 precious 2 glowed 3 span 4 bumpy 5 beam 6 shooting stars Unit 12 Page 9a 1-1 Theehilen 2 Tom 3 Uby 4 therescue team 5 thesea 6 tredolphin 21 shark 2 reahaed 3 waves 4 wet 5 arescueteam 6 cony 3-1 rescues 2 equipment 3 dolphins 4 hospital 5 volunteer 6 hours 7 dver 8 fun Page 95 11 basic 2 furious 3 posceful 4 busy 5 cheap 6 simulating 7 expensive 8 dull plaka wy 3 1 Grte 2 dno 3,Gour 4 sot) 38 6 fhonest 7 Ghee & groe Page 95 1 Teodd 2 ved 3 wasnt he Shad 6 didnt 2-1 Iwish my glasses werent broken 2 wish my fam lked Footbal 3 Iish asta, 4 tnish my bedroom was bigget 5 wish could play the outa 6 ish diet have curly hae. Bad b4c1 45 06 12 4 Students own answers Page 97 11 arent you 2 cartthe 3 doyou 4 weren'tthey S doesshe 6 cide 2 Visntie 2 did you 3 antthey 4 doesnt she 5 arentthere 6 doesnthe 3-1 Youre Ms Adams, aren't you? 2 You don'tike cold weather do you? 3 Weneed postards dont we? 4 Venice is amazing, isrtit? 5 Weaantswin her an ve? 6 You went to Mexico last yea, ddr you Page 98 Daa b2c4 at 2-1 Thailand 2 China 3 fustalia 4 Thaland 5 fustrala 6 Boeneo 7 fustaia 8 Boeneo Workbookanswerkey 131 Page so 11 rieshaw 2 rush 3 board game 4 unfortunately 5S scary 6 spicy 7 flavours 8 givewp 21 orangeutan 2 perfect 3 cofalteet 4 market 31 market 2 rush 3 rickshaw 4 perfect 5 corlreet 6 orang-utan 7 scary 8 unfortunately Page 100 2 Students own answers 3 Students own answers Page 101 11 could 2 wae 3 oul 4 had 5 wasnt 2 (lefttoright) 1,4,2.3,5 3-1 bas isn't, kxurlous didnt we 2 expensive, aren'tthey, cheap, crite 3 peaceful, donttyou 4 simulating, did'the Grammar Time Unit {going te plans and intentions 11 Tonys going to play tennis this, attemoon, 2 feel really ted. won'tcome 0 the cinema toniht 3 We're not going to England. We're going to America 4 You ook tied. it down, ll make youacupoftes. 2-1 Tina meeting Wis atthe shopping centre 2 Thayte taking the bus at 11 tieock 3 Thay renot having lunch atthe cate, 44 Where are they having lunch? unie2 Firstconditional 11 ifHory wists us wel goto the 2 Will you wash the dshes if cook thedinner? 2 flim hungry Peat sanduich 2-1 fyou phoned Ewe, you wouldnt be bored. 2 fred got up eae he woukdnt be lete for school 3 Would you eat lots of pastaifyou live italy? 122 Wobookanswerkey Unita Present perfect: since /for/ already / yet before just 11 She's hid her now bike since her birthday 2 You've been Il since Tuesday. 2 My parents have worked inthe same jeb for 15 years. 2-1 Thechidren havent seen thesea before. 2 We've ust come back for the 3 Haveyou frishedityet? 4 IWealread fished the cake. Present perfect and past simple 31 Yesterday we went tothe 2 I didnt see inri for along time. 3 We have lve in thishouseforten years 4 Frank hasbeen to France before Unita Present perfect continuous 1 11 Wehavebeen playing football since 3odock 2 Sarahas bien cooking fortwo rors 5 Chatllehas been traveling al dy. 44 Amy has been swimming all day. Present perfect continuous 1-1 Tmwet because Ive been walking intherann. 2 We'ehot because we've been playing tennis. 5 Your clothes are dry. Have you been paying football? 4 Theyre not hungry beceuse they've been eating lots cf cakes. units “The passive (present simple and past simple) 1 1 Pezaywasinvented in aly > Every day letters and postcards are sent around the worl 3 Computers werertused in schcols 20 yeas ago. 4 Cakes are eaten allover the wodd ‘The passive (present continuous) 2. 1 Photos ae being taken of cach dss 2 Tickets are being sold outside the stadium. 3 The chien haven'tbeen sent home eaty today (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press Unit ‘The passive (future) 1-1 Youwil be taken tothe museum, 2 Wewont be giver lunch. We wil have to take sandwiches, 3 Wil eilden ae taught at home in thefuture? “Wil they be driven by coach? ‘The passive (present perfect) 2-1 Ilostmy vaten, butithas been found row, 2 The grass is very/ong.thasrit ‘been cutfora longtime. 3 Have te children been taken home? 4 Has he been taken to the tation? No, he ase unit7 Relative pronouns: who, which 1-1 Acompassis an instrument which shows you where north is. 2 Anarchtect is person who designsbuidings. 3 saw i¢2t00| whieh you use for ‘cutting wood. Relative clauses 2-1 Aitorchis something which that ‘eves youlight 2 The Mayflower waste ship which {hat sailed to Ameria from Englandin 1620, 2 Can you temember the name oF the explorer that /who fist went to Antarctic? 4 Alexander Bal was the petson that/ who invented the telephone Unita Past perfect 1-1 When |artived at schoo eealed that had forgotten ll my books, 2 Thecaldrenal passed the test because they had worked hard, 3 Thad eaten abig lunch, so dit wwentany cake, 2-1 Iwas bunary because! hadnt eaten my lunch. 2 Fuiby hadnifrshed hee homework before her fends ated, 3 Had they eaten Chinese food before they hadivon Friday? Unit Third conditional 11 Iffehadn trained, we would have had lunch eusie 2 fUhad know about the TY show, I would have warched it 2 fhoitahadntlostyourmumbes, Unit 12 she would nave phoned yu 4 ifvadnt been | woulderthave wish 11 wish wasnt afraid of spiders. ‘missed your pay 2 wish had a bike, Modal verbs 3 wish you coule stay longer 2-1 You shouldtake your camera 4 wish it wasn'tso hot today ‘when you goon holiday Question tags ae me ah Lag Hi 21 These plwreslook great, don't concert -iesnotpalt 3 Ifyouwant to get fy you cught to do more eercs. 4 Youconthave towaera swimming cap, but t's a good idea, Unit 10 Reported speech: statements 11 He said that newanted tobe 2 pilot 2 He said that he would help her wither homework. 23 Thay said trey had wonthe mater 44 Sho said that she was enjoying this game of tennis, 5 They sald that they had hada great day, they? 2 Youdon'teat meat do you? 3 Mia can ski cant she? 4 Those boys arr fom our schoal, are they? Reflexive pronouns 21 Did the eildren enjoy themselves at the par? 2 I made mysafa fantastic sandwich. 5 Dad taught himself German when he was youns 4 Webought ouselvesticets for ‘hematen, Unit 11 Reported questions: Wh- questions 11 Sally asked Erin where her house 2 Tim asked me what my favourte Song was. 3 asked the tle gil why she was ening 4 Lilyaskee man when the bus was anivin, ‘Reported speech: commands and requests 2-1 Thatencher told the daestostop shat noise 2 The teacher asked Laylatocose ‘hewindow. 3 Annie tld Poly not t forget her book. 4 My mum asked metotum down they. (© Copyright Oxford Unversity Press ‘Workboakanswerkey we

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