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National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks

Central Head Quarters
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110 001, Ph: 011 23321378, 09446436592
BD-1/GDS/December-21 03.02.2021
The Chief General Manager,
BD Directorate,
Vth Floor,
Dak Bhavan,
New Delhi-1

Sub: Payment of wages to the GDS employees engaged in Adhar enrollment/ Updat-
ing melas regarding.

Adhar enrollment centers have been started nationwide with a view to supply Adhar card to
the entire people in the country. This is being done, conducting camps and Melas in Post offices
about 6,90000 Villeges. GDS employees who are given Adhar Enrollment training and personal ID
are mainly engaged to attend this duty in rural and semi urban areas. GDS employees are entrusted
this work as the Postal authorities are not enough to spare due to acute shortage of staff. Though the
System Administrators and SDHs are visit the center’s GDS are to work from 8 am to 7 pm. But
regarding SA’s their service is treated as duty and will be paid TA also. But regarding GDS employ-
ees, I have received complaints from Circles that certain such Divisions have offered special paid
leave for the purpose and that too is not received often. As per Rule 3a (1) of GDS C&E Rules GDS
need not work beyond 5 hours per day. But the reports shown that they are compelled to work
beyond even 10 hours per day. Therefore, the case may kindly be examined and steps taken to allow
the following demands early:-

1) Treat the duty done by the GDS in Adhar melas as skilled one.
2) GDS employees engaged in BD activities may be paid wages equal to what is payable while
officiating in a Postman’s vacancy. (Minimum Pay+DA)
3) Such payment may be paid including the item in next month's extra expenditure bill.
4) When GDS employees are engaged out of their office, bus charge to the duty place may be
paid, in addition.
5) It must be ensured that necessary food is supplied to GDS employees engaged by the Depart

Yours Sincerely,

Copy to
ADG, GDS Section
P. U. Muraleedharan,
General Secretary.

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