Mechanical Properties of The Pectin Hydrogels

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Received: 3 October 2018 Revised: 6 May 2019 Accepted: 9 May 2019

DOI: 10.1002/jbm.a.36721


Mechanical properties of the pectin hydrogels

and inflammation response to their subcutaneous implantation

Pavel A. Markov1 | Darya S. Khramova1 | Konstantin V. Shumikhin1 |

Ida R. Nikitina1 | Vladislav S. Beloserov2 | Ekaterina A. Martinson2 |
Sergey G. Litvinets2 | Sergey V. Popov1

Institute of Physiology, Komi Science Centre,
The Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Abstract
Sciences, Syktyvkar, Russia We studied the influence of the mechanical properties of pectin hydrogels on acute
Department of Biotechnology, Vyatka State
inflammation and tissue repair after subcutaneous implantation. We used hard and
University, Kirov, Russia
soft pectin hydrogels. The results of histology and the analysis of serum-level cyto-
kines demonstrated that the intensity of acute inflammation increased with increas-
Pavel A. Markov, Institute of Physiology,
Komi Science Centre, The Urals Branch of the ing hardness of the pectin hydrogels. We also showed that the pectin hydrogels did
Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar,
not inhibit tissue repair. The results of the morphometric and texture analysis of the
Email: pectin hydrogels showed that the in vivo biodegradation kinetics of hard hydrogels
were greater than those of soft pectin hydrogels. We also observed that on the sur-
face of the hard and soft pectin hydrogels, a network of collagen fibers was formed.
The surface of the pectin hydrogel was shown to prevent the adhesion of infiltrating
inflammatory cells. The results of the in vitro experiments demonstrated that pectin
hydrogels inhibited the functional activity of macrophages and minimally activated
the complement system. Therefore, we showed that soft pectin hydrogels have low
proinflammatory potential and can be used in surgery as a barrier material as preven-
tion of adhesions in the abdominal cavity. The hard pectin hydrogel can be used in
tissue engineering. The hard pectin hydrogels can be used in the reconstruction of
skin because are overpopulated with collagen fibers and contribute to the formation
of new connective tissue, their elasticity is comparable to the skin and can be
adjusted. They are biodegradable, and no additional manipulation is required to
remove them.

complement, cytokines, foreign body reaction, histology, hydrogel, implantation, inflammation,
macrophages, pectin, reactive oxygen species, texture

1 | I N T RO D UC T I O N The FBR composed of macrophages and foreign body giant cells is

the end-stage response of the inflammatory and wound healing
The development of novel biomaterials, biomedical devices, or tissue- responses following the implantation of a medical device or biomate-
engineered constructs necessitates a thorough understanding of the rial (Anderson, Rodriguez, & Chang, 2008).
biological responses to implanted materials. The implantation of syn- The results of many studies have shown that the texture, structure
thetic and natural biomaterials elicits a foreign body reaction (FBR). and surface chemistry of biomaterials can impact macrophage behaviors,

2088 © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res. 2019;107A:2088–2098.

such as adhesion, apoptosis, fusion, polarization, and cytokine secretion E = ðF=AÞ=ðΔH=HÞ

(Barbosa, Amaral, Aguas, & Barbosa, 2010; Blakney, Swartzlander, &
Bryant, 2012; Vasconcelos et al., 2013). Our previous studies have where F/A is the applied force (N) per surface unit and dH/H is the
shown that some pectins are capable of inhibiting the functional activity uniaxial deformation.
of macrophages and neutrophils and have an anti-inflammatory effect Compressive strength was calculated as follows:
(Markov, Popov, Nikitina, Ovodova, & Ovodov, 2011; Popov, Ovodova,
Qt = F=A
Popova, Nikitina, & Ovodov, 2005; Popov, Ovodova, Popova, Nikitina, &
Ovodov, 2007). Pectin is an anionic polysaccharide that constitutes the where F is the force (N) measured during compression and A is the

cell walls of most plants, and it has been extensively employed in the cross-sectional area of the probe P/5 (0.000019 m2). The mechanical

pharmaceutical and food industries due to its gelling properties. We characterization of the tissue was performed using a cylindrical probe

have shown that the mechanical properties of pectin hydrogels can P/2 (5-mm diameter, 0.000031 m2), at five points for each sample and

influence macrophage adhesion, the adsorption of blood plasma pro- was performed for all rats in each group.

teins, and the kinetics of biodegradation in vitro (Markov et al., 2017).

However, the influence of the mechanical properties of pectin hydro- 2.3 | In vitro test
gels on acute inflammation and tissue repair after subcutaneous implan-
tation of pectin hydrogels is not known. 2.3.1 | Reactive oxygen species quantification
The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by J774 macrophages
mechanical properties of pectin hydrogels on the functional activity of (Collection of the Institute of Cytology, Russian Academy of Sciences,
macrophages and the complement system in vitro and the inflamma- St. Petersburg, Russia) was determined using a chemiluminescence
tory responses of rats after the subcutaneous implantation of the method. Cells were plated in 96-well culture plates (100 μL, 1 × 106 cel-
hydrogels. ls/mL) in the presence or absence of hydrogel samples and incubated in
RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum for 2 hr at

2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS 37 C with 5% CO2. Then 50 μL of luminol was added into the each well.
The phosphate buffer solution (PBS, 10 μL) and the opsonized zymosan
2.1 | Materials (OZ) solution (10 μL, 100 μg/mL) were used as a negative and positive
control, respectively. Chemiluminescence was monitored every 2 min
Low methyl-esterified commercial apple pectin AU701 (Herbstreith &
for a 30-min period using a multidetector Zenyth 3,100 (Anthos, Aus-
Fox, Germany; 43% degree of methylation), Dulbecco's modified eagle
tria). OZ was obtained by incubation of washed commercial zymosan A
medium (DMEM, Biolot, Russia), HBSS (Hank's balanced salt solution),
with 1:10 diluted human serum at 37 C for 30 min. After washing, the
fetal bovine serum (HyClone), 4,6-diamidine-2-phenylindole dihydro-
opsonized product was resuspended in HBSS up to the final concentra-
chloride (DAPI, Sigma), rhodamine (Sigma), bovine serum albumin (BSA),
tion of 0.8 mg/mL (Beukelman et al., 2008).
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) zymosan A, ethylenediaminetetraacetic
acid (EDTA), luminol (BioRad), human C3a ELISA kit (Hycult biotech)
and recombinant rat cytokine, antigen affinity purified polyclonal 2.3.2 | Complement activation
antibody rabbit, anti-rat antigen affinity purified polyclonal antibody
A serum pool was obtained by drawing blood from five healthy volun-
biotinylated rabbit anti-rat for assay cytokine IL-1β, IL-10, TNF-α (all
teers. Serum was prepared by allowing the blood to clot at room tem-
manufactured PeproTech) were used in the study.
perature for 2 hr following centrifugation at 2500 g for 15 min at 4 C.
Hydrogel sample was mixed with 100 μL of serum in the plate well
2.2 | Hydrogel preparation and compression and, then, incubated for 2 hr at 37 C in a shaker incubator. EDTA was
measurements then added to a final concentration of 20 mM. Analysis of the fluid-
phase C3a complement activation products was performed using
The pectic hydrogels were made from 1 and 4% water pectin solution
ELISA commercial kit. OZ was obtained by incubation of washed com-
as previously described (Markov et al., 2017). Hydrogel samples
mercial zymosan A with 1:10 diluted human serum at 37 C for 30 min.
(2-mm height, 8-mm diameter) were fixed on the platform of the tex-
After washing, the opsonized product was resuspended in HBSS up to
ture analyzer (TA-XT plus, Stable Micro Systems, UK). The mechanical
the final concentration of 0.8 mg/mL (Beukelman et al., 2008).
characterization of the hydrogels was performed using a cylindrical
aluminum probe P/5 (5-mm diameter). The method settings, including
the pretest, test, and posttest speeds, were 2.0, 1.0, and 2.0 mm/s, 2.4 | In vivo test
respectively. The distance (depth of insertion) was set as 10 and 80%
2.4.1 | Hydrogels subcutaneous implantation
of the initial height of the samples. Several mechanical parameters
were extrapolated from the force-time curves: hardness, Young's After a quarantine period of 7 days, the Wistar albino rats
modulus, and the compressive strength of the hydrogels. Young's (250–300 g) were randomly divided into four groups of seven animals
modulus was calculated using the following equation: each, according to the following protocol: group I (Int.), intact rats

developed by the addition of H2O2 and orthophenylenediamine. The

reaction was stopped after 15 min by the addition of 0.1 mL of
2.5 mol/L hydrochloric acid, and the absorbance (OD) was read at
492 nm (Power Wave 200, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, VT).

2.4.3 | Collection of tissue and hydrogels samples

At each time point, hydrogels were retrieved from the implantation
sites of each animal together with the skin, liver, kidneys, lung, and
spleen. The tissue samples were treated with formaldehyde (10%) and
embedded in paraffin. Thereafter, the samples were cut into 4 μm
FIGURE 1 Subcutaneous implantation of hydrogels in rats thick slices using cryomicrotome Leica RM 2145 RTS (Leica Bio-
systems, Germany). After the tissue sections were deparaffinized, they
(without skin longitudinal incisions); group II (Contr.), negative control were dehydrated and stained with hematoxylin–eosin and picrofuxin

group was set for the time periods of implantation with empty by Van-Geison's method using a vacuum infiltration processor

pockets; group III (AP 1%), rats with AP 1% hydrogel implantation; (Donatello Open System, DiaPath, Italy). The stained samples were

and group IV (AP 4%), rats with AP 1% hydrogel implantation. examined by light microscopy (Altami, Russia).

Animals were housed individually in standard cages with an ambi- The hydrogel samples were fixed with 2.5% glutaraldehyde for
  15 min, washed with PBS and were stained with rhodamine and DAPI.
ent temperature of 24 C to 26 C, and a12/12 hr light/dark cycle. The
Then, the number of cells was visually counted on each hydrogel using
animals had free access to drinking water and standard food for ani-
a light-fluorescent microscope (Altami, Russia) equipped with a digital
mals. The diet was supplemented with a vitamin-mineral premix rec-
camera (Canon). The number of adherent cells was counted and was
ommended by the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN-93M diet).
expressed as cells/100 mm2.
Rats were anesthetized by the administration of tiletamine/
zolazepam (Zoletil 100, 10 mg/kg, i.m.). An aseptic technique was used
throughout the experimental period. The pectic hydrogel discs were 2.4.4 | Hydrogel microstructure analysis
prepared as described above. Under surgical sterile conditions, two full
Dried gel samples were platinum coated under vacuum in an ion sput-
thickness skin longitudinal incisions (about 2 cm) containing the subcu-
ter for 30 s to render them electrically conductive. Then, the surface
tis and the panniculus carnosus (skin and smooth muscle) were per-
morphology was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
formed in the dorsum of each animal. The hydrogel discs were inserted
(JEOL, JSM6510LV) at 15 kV.
into these pockets (two discs of the same materials per animal), and the
panniculus carnosus and the skin were carefully sutured (Figure 1).
The structure of the study and the animal experimental proce- 2.5 | Statistical analysis
dures were approved by the Ethical Committee of Komi Science
The results were presented as the arithmetic mean standard deviation
Center of Russian Academy of Sciences on Animal Care and Use.
(SD). The significance of the differences between mean values was
evaluated using the Student's t test. The value of p < .05 was consid-
2.4.2 | Measurement of white blood cell numbers ered statistically significant.
and serum cytokine
After each predetermined implantation time period each animal was 3 | RESULTS
anesthetized with diethyl ether. The rats were bled with cardiac punc-
ture using a heparinized syringe and the blood was separated into two 3.1 | Production of ROS by macrophages and
aliquots. In the first aliquot of blood the following parameters were activation of the complement system in vitro
determined: the differential white cell percentage (neutrophils, lympho- Macrophage activity and activation of the complement system
cytes, eosinophils and monocytes), using a hemocytometer and a light (amount of C3a in the serum) have been used as the key of FBRs. In
microscope. The second aliquot of blood was centrifuged to collect the first part of this study, we investigated the immunogenicity of
stored at −40 C. The levels of cytokines TNF-α, Il-1β and IL-10 in the pectin hydrogels in vitro by estimating the ROS generated by J774
serum samples were determined using a sandwich ELISA according to macrophages and the activation of the complement system in the
the manufacturer's protocol. Monoclonal affinity purified anti-rat serum of volunteers.
TNF-α, anti-rat IL-1β and anti-rat IL-10 antibodies were used as capture We analyzed the ROS products using a chemiluminescent method
antibodies, and biotin-conjugated anti-rat TNF-α, anti-rat IL-1β anti- and estimated the ROS amount based on the area under the curve.
bodies were used as detection antibodies. Binding was detected using ROS generation by nonstimulated J774 macrophages was 280 ± 20
horseradish peroxidase-labeled streptavidin. The color reaction was RLU. OZ was added to the J774 macrophages and enhanced ROS

F I G U R E 2 The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by F I G U R E 3 C3a production in nonstimulated (PBS) and OZ-
nonstimulated (PBS) and OZ-stimulated J774 macrophages after stimulated (OZ) human serum and C3a formation after co-incubation
incubation with 1% and 4% AP hydrogels. Data are presented as the of 1% and 4% AP hydrogels with OZ-stimulated serum. Data are
arithmetic mean ± SD of the area under the curve (AUC); n = 5. presented as the arithmetic mean ± SD; n = 5. (a) p < .05 compared
(a) p < .05 compared with PBS; (b) p < .05 compared with OZ with PBS; (b) p < .05 compared with OZ; (c) p < .05 compared with AP
production by 40–50%, indicating the functional activity of macro- 1%; Sb—serum blood

phages. After incubating the 1% and 4% AP hydrogels with J774 mac-

rophages, ROS generation was not enhanced in response to The inflammatory response changed after implanting the 4% AP
stimulation with OZ (Figure 2). hydrogel. After 24 hr, inflammatory cell infiltration was comparable to
In the control group, the serum concentration of the С3а compo- that of the control group in its intensity and composition. After 3 days,
nent of the complement system was 760 ± 86 ng/mL. After OZ was inflammatory cell infiltration increased, mainly due to the involvement
added to the serum, the amount of the C3a fragment increased ten- of neutrophils in the tissue. The cell infiltration intensity was consider-
fold. After incubating the 1% and 4% AP hydrogels in serum, the ably greater than that in the control animals (Figure 5a). On day 8, post-
amount of the С3а formed was less than that in the control group operative swelling and hemorrhaging resolved in most animals. All
after the addition of PBS (Figure 3). hydrogels were divided into fragments, and the collagen fibers were
Therefore, the results of these experiments showed that the immu- stained with picrofuchin (Figure 5b). The hydrogel fragments were sur-
nogenicity of the hydrogels is insignificant and that they have good rounded by FBGCs (Figure 5c). Macrophages, plasmatic cells, and fibro-
prospects for being used as implants in tissue engineering applications. blasts were the predominant constituents of the leukocyte infiltrate.
Between days 8 and 11 of the experiment, there was no clear differ-
ence observed in the inflammation pattern. On day 17, the hydrogel
3.2 | The effect of subcutaneously implanted hard
surface was completely covered with collagen fibers, forming a capsule
and soft hydrogels on inflammation and tissue repair
and isolating the implant from the surrounding tissues (Figure 5d).
The aim of this part of the study was to determine changes in the Among the collagen fibers, proliferative inflammatory cells, including
inflammatory response after subcutaneously implanting pectin hydro- macrophages, lymphocytes, histiocytes, and fibroblasts, were observed.
gels. We used the 4% AP hydrogel since we believed it had a profound Three weeks after implantation, the proliferative inflammation phase
effect on inflammatory repair processes. continued, and the infiltrating cells included lymphocytes, fibroblasts,
Tissue damage caused by surgical manipulation leads to inflamma- and FBGCs. As a result of biodegradation, the gel fragments were rep-
tion in the incision area. At 24 hr, in control animals on the border laced with empty cavities (Figure 5e). The newly formed connective tis-
between the muscular layer and the hypodermis, inflammatory cell sue proliferated and gradually filled the cavities where the hydrogel
infiltration was observed and included neutrophils, macrophages, fragments had degraded (Figure 5f).
eosinophils, and plasmatic cells (Figure 4a). On day 3, inflammatory Hydrogel surface imaging performed by scanning electron micros-
cell infiltration increased (Figure 4b). On days 8–11, the amount of copy confirmed the histological data. On day 21 of the experiment,
foreign body giant cells (FBGCs) increased (Figure 4c), and new con- the hydrogel surface was covered with collagen fibers, forming a
nective tissue continued to proliferate (Figure 4d). Three weeks after branched network (Figure 6).
the surgery, the leukocyte infiltrate became focal (Figure 4e), and the The results of histological tests of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and
damage located in the incision area was repaired with a new connec- lungs showed that hydrogel implantation did not cause any pathologi-
tive tissue. Figure 4f shows a fragment of the incision restored by cal changes in the tissue structure of these organs. There were some
new connective tissue containing collagen fibers, as indicated by the insignificant changes in the liver. Three days after implantation, hepa-
picrofuchin staining. tocytes with small-droplet vacuolar dystrophy were observed in the

F I G U R E 4 Micrographs of tissue sections of the negative control group on 1 (a), 3 (b), 8 (c, d), and 21 days (e, f) after surgical manipulations.
Arrows indicate the inflammatory infiltrate, hd—hypoderm, ml—muscular layer, gt—granulation tissue, FBGCs—Foreign body giant cells,
Cf—Collagen fibers (van Gieson stainings). The new connective tissue at the incision site (f)

F I G U R E 5 Micrographs of tissue sections obtained on 3 (a), 8 (b, c), 17 (d), and 21 (e, f) days after subcutaneous implantation of the 4% AP
hydrogels. Arrows indicate the inflammatory infiltrate; hd—hypodermis, ml—muscular layer, gt—granulation tissue, FBGCs—Foreign body giant
cells, Cf—collagen fibers (van Gieson's staining)

liver of the rats, but by day 8, the signs of degeneration disappeared 1. inflammatory cell infiltration in tissues at day 3 after
(data not shown). implantation;
Based on the obtained results, three periods were distinguished 2. inflammatory cell proliferation with an inflammatory response of
with the most typical phases of the inflammatory response as follows: giant cells on day 11; and

F I G U R E 6 Scanning electron
micrographs of the surface of the
4% AP hydrogel after 21 days
after subcutaneous implantation.
Cf—collagen fibers; (a) before
implantation, (b) (c, d) after
implantation; (a, b) ×1,000;
(c, d) ×2,500

F I G U R E 7 Micrographs of
tissue sections obtained on 3 (a,
b), 8 (c), and 21 (d) days after
subcutaneous implantation of the
1% AP hydrogels. Arrows indicate
the inflammatory infiltrate; ml—
muscular layer, FBGCs—Foreign
body giant cells, Cf—collagen
fibers (van Gieson's staining)

3. tissue repair stage involving gel implant enclosure in the connec- implantation of the 4% AP hydrogel. The leukocyte infiltration intensity
tive tissue on day 21. in animals implanted with the 1% AP hydrogel was less than that in the
animals implanted with the 4% AP hydrogel (Figure 7a). On the third
Further studies on the effects of the mechanical properties of pec- day after implantation, the hydrogel was already divided by collagen
tin hydrogel implants on acute inflammation and tissue repair were fibers into individual fragments (Figure 7b). Furthermore, by days 8–11
conducted during the abovementioned periods. of the experiment, most of the fragments were degraded, and new cavi-
The effects of the implantation of the 1% AP hydrogel on the ties were formed. A proliferative giant cell reaction was observed
inflammatory response differed from the processes following the around the remaining fragments of the hydrogel (Figure 7c). Three

F I G U R E 8 Fluorescent
micrographs of infiltrated
inflammatory cells adhered to the
surface of the 1% and 4% AP
hydrogels. Ic—inflammatory cell,
Cf—collagen fibers (rhodamine
and DAPI staining)

weeks after implantation, the infiltrating cells included giant cells, fibro- cell adhesion appeared to be determined by the extent of the collagen
blasts, and lymphocytes. Van Gieson's staining showed proliferation of fiber network formed on the surface of the hydrogels.
new connective tissue that replaced the degraded implant (Figure 7d).
Therefore, within 21 days, the 1% AP hydrogel was completely
3.4 | In vivo biodegradation of the pectin hydrogel
degraded and replaced with fresh connective tissue. Nevertheless,
the inflammatory infiltrate remained, which showed that the repair
process was not yet completed. In this study, hydrogels with different mechanical properties were
used. The hardness of the 1% AP hydrogel was 10 times less than that
of the 4% AP hydrogel, and the 1% AP hydrogel was less elastic, that
3.3 | Cell adhesion on pectin hydrogel implants
is, its ability to resist elastic deformation was significantly less than
Cell adhesion was assessed by counting the number of cells on the that of the 4% AP hydrogel. The tensile strength, which is the ability
surface of the samples of implanted hydrogels at different time points to resist plastic deformation, of the 4% AP hydrogel was approxi-
after implantation. After 3 days of implantation, the number of adher- mately 7 times greater than that of the 1% AP hydrogel (Table 1). We
ent cells on the surface of the 1% and 4% AP hydrogel implants was evaluated how the mechanical properties of pectin hydrogels affect
82 ± 18 and 70 ± 14 cells/100 mm , respectively (Figure 8a,b). After the kinetic biodegradation after subcutaneous implantation in animals.
8 days of implantation, the number of adherent cells increased to We observed that 1% AP hydrogel implants degraded two times
110 ± 20 cells/100 mm for the 1% AP hydrogel and 125 ± 20 faster than 4% AP hydrogel implants. For example, the mechanical
cells/100 mm for the 4% AP hydrogel (Figure 8c,d). At 21 days after properties of the 1% AP hydrogels, such as hardness, compressive
implantation, the 1% AP hydrogel was degraded (Figure 8e), and the strength, and Young's modulus, decreased up to 12–15 times at 24 hr
number of adherent cells on the AP hydrogel increased to 184 ± 40 postimplantation. Furthermore, the mechanical properties of the 4%
cells/100 mm (Figure 8f). AP hydrogels decreased up to 6–8 times (Table 1). Hydrogel biodegra-
As shown in Figure 8a-f, most of the cells did not adhere to the dation is accompanied by the fragmentation of hydrogels. At 3 days
hydrogel surface, but adhered mainly to the collagen fibers; therefore, postimplantation, the 1% AP hydrogel collapsed into fragments with

T A B L E 1 Mechanical properties and

Hardness Compressive Young modulus Area
size of pectin hydrogels before and after
Samples/day (mN) strength (kРа) (kPa) (mm2)
subcutaneous implantation
AP 1% 0d 58 ± 5 32 ± 2 14 ± 3 51 ± 1
1d 4 ± 1* 2.6 ± 0.8* 0.8 ± 0.1* 12 ± 3*
3d n. d. n. d. n. d. 3.4 ± 0.7*
11 d n. d. n. d. n. d. 0.8 ± 0.4*
21 d n. d. n. d. n. d. Destr.
AP 4% 0d 615 ± 16 215 ± 20 106 ± 21 50 ± 1
1d 114 ± 27* 25 ± 2* 13 ± 1.5* 47 ± 2
3d 8 ± 4* 1.4 ± 0.11* 0.7 ± 0.3* 38 ± 1*
11 d n. d. n. d. n. d. 6.1 ± 1.9*
21 d n. d. n. d. n. d. 1.3 ± 0.2*

Note: Data are presented as the arithmetic mean ± SD; n = 7.

*p < .05 compared with previous point.

an approximate are of 4 mm2; furthermore, the size of the 4% AP 3.5 | Whole blood leukocyte response after
hydrogel did not change (Table 1). The fragmentation of the 4% AP the implantation of pectin hydrogels
4% began at 3 days postimplantation. On day 21, the 1% AP hydrogel
Surgical operations cause successive changes in the stages of the
was completely degraded. The 4% AP hydrogel was observed in the
increase and decrease in the number of leukocytes in the blood
form of fragments with a size of approximately 1 mm2 (Table 1).
(Figure 9a). The results of the leukogram of control rats showed an
Unfortunately, the mechanical properties of the hydrogel implants
increase in neutrophils and eosinophils, which were elevated by
could not be analyzed after 24 hr and 11 days after implantation for
230 and 190%, respectively, compared to the baseline levels at 3 days
the 1% and 4% AP hydrogels, respectively, due to insufficient
after the operation (Figure 9b). The implantation of 1% and 4% AP
material size.

F I G U R E 9 White blood cells after subcutaneous implantation; (a) leukocytes in the blood, (b) cell percentage in the blood of control rats,
(c) cell percentage in the blood of rats with 1% AP hydrogel implants, (d) cell percentage in the blood of rats with 4% AP hydrogel implants.
N—neutrophils, L—lymphocytes, E—eosinophils, M—monocytes. Data are presented as the arithmetic mean ± SD; n = 5. *p < .05 compared with
the previous point

hydrogels resulted in the enhancement of the whole blood leukocyte

number and the prolongation of leucopoenia (Figure 9a). The leukocyte
number in rats administered 1% AP hydrogel implants peaked only after
11 days of implantation due to an increase in the number of neutrophils
and eosinophils (Figure 9c). The leukocyte number in rats implanted
with the 4% AP hydrogel did not increase after 3 days of implantation
compared to the baseline level, which appeared to be associated with a
nonsignificant increase in the monocyte and eosinophil number and a
reduction in the lymphocyte number (Figure 9d). The peak leukocyte
number was observed at 21 days after implantation in rats administered
4% AP hydrogel implants (Figure 9a). The differences in the leukocyte
response observed for the 4% and 1% AP hydrogel implants appeared
to be determined by the kinetic biodegradation of the hydrogels.

3.6 | Serum cytokine levels after the implantation of

pectin hydrogels
The surgical procedures resulted in the enhancement of proinflammatory
cytokine levels in the blood serum of control rats. TNF-α and IL-1β levels
in the blood increased after 3 days and peaked at 11 days after the oper-
ation, respectively, compared to the baseline levels. At 21 days after the
operation, the TNF-α concentration returned to the baseline values,
whereas the IL-1β level remained higher. In contrast, the Il-10 concentra-
tion in the blood decreased after the operation (Figure 10a). The implan-
tation of pectin hydrogels caused an increase in the proinflammatory
cytokine concentrations in the blood, especially for the 4% AP hydrogel
implants. TNF-α and IL-1β concentrations were significantly higher in rats
implanted with the 4% AP hydrogel than in rats implanted with the 1%
AP hydrogel (Figure 10b,c). In contrast to the 4% AP hydrogel, implanta-
tion of the 1% AP hydrogel only caused an enhancement in the IL-1β
blood level, which peaked at 3 days after implantation compared to the
control rats (Figure 10b).
Implantation of the 1% AP hydrogel did not affect the concentra-
tion of Il-10 (Figure 10b). The Il-10 concentration increased after
11 days and remained at a higher level after 21 days in the rats that
received the 4% AP hydrogel implants (Figure 10c). F I G U R E 1 0 TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-10 cytokines in serum at 3, 11,
Therefore, at the initial stages, the production of proinflammatory and 21 days after subcutaneous hydrogel implantation; (a) control
rats, (b) cytokines in the serum of rats with 1% AP hydrogel implants,
cytokines was stimulated, and with the increasing hardness of the
(c) cytokines in the serum of rats with 4% AP hydrogel implants. Data
pectic hydrogel, the intensity of inflammation increased. are presented as the arithmetic mean ± SD; n = 5. *p < .05 compared
with the previous point

4 | DISCUSSION The complement system is a host recognition system that is

activated by any foreign surface, including biomaterials, and therefore,
The data obtained in this study demonstrated that inhibition of the it is a useful tool to investigate biocompatibility at the molecular level
functional activity of macrophages seems to be an advantage of pectin (Nilsson, Ekdahl, Mollnes, & Lambris, 2007). The results showed that
hydrogel compared to other hydrogel materials. For example, hydro- pectin hydrogels minimally activated the complement system. The
gels prepared from polydioxanone (Smith, White, Smith, & Bowlin, inhibition of C3a production by pectin hydrogels appeared to be com-
2009), poly(ethylene glycol)diacrylate (Waldeck, Wang, Joyce, & Kao, parable with that provided by an alginate hydrogel (Rokstad et al.,
2012), and chitosan (Santos, Marques, Silva, et al., 2007) have not 2011). The decrease in the amount of the C3a fragment may be due
been shown to generate ROS by stimulated macrophages and mono- to the adhesion of components of the complement system on the
cytes. The decrease in ROS in the medium after co-incubation of surface of the hydrogel. We have previously shown that when incu-
macrophages with hydrogels may be due to the absorption of ROS by bating hydrogels with human serum, hydrogels adsorb 30–50% of
hydrogels or a decrease in the functional activity of macrophages. whey proteins on their surface (Markov et al., 2017).

There are three main phases of tissue repair, including acute acidic mucopolysaccharides (hyaluronic and glucuronic acids, galac-
inflammation, proliferation, and remodeling with complete closure of a tosamine, glucosamine, etc.), which together with collagen fibers
wound (Krzyszczyk, Schloss, Palmer, & Berthiaume, 2018; Sindrilaru & form an intercellular matrix in which leukocytes, fibroblasts, histio-
Scharffetter-Kochanek, 2012). In general, we observed this pattern of cytes and mast cells are present (Franz, Rammelt, Scharnweber, &
tissue repair in the control animals, that is, in animals that were sub- Simon, 2011). Pectins, in contrast to chitosan, carrageenan, dextrin
jected to all surgical procedures except for hydrogel implantation. and agarose, are polyanionic polysaccharides. It is possible that, as in
Inflammation provoked by hydrogel implants is determined by the the case of glycosaminoglycans, the polyanionic charge of the
type of biomaterial (Chen, Lianga, & Thouas, 2013), the chemical com- macromolecule of pectins facilitates the binding of collagen and the
position of the polymer (Barbosa et al., 2010; Vasconcelos et al., formation of a connective tissue capsule around the hydrogel.
2013) or the component composition of the hydrogel (Nguyen, We have previously demonstrated that the surface of the pectic
Abueva, Ho, Lee, & Lee, 2018). We observed that pectic hydrogel hydrogel has qualities preventing the adhesion of J774 macrophages
implantation stimulated an acute phase of inflammation. The acute (Markov et al., 2017). The results of this study also confirmed this
inflammatory response increased with increasing hardness, Young's observation, and more than 90% of the adherent cells of the inflam-
modulus, and compressive strength of the pectin hydrogels. It is possi- matory infiltrate were not adhered to the surface of the hydrogels, but
ble that the acute inflammatory response was caused by a decreased adhered on the collagen fibers covering the surface of the implants.
mechanical compatibility of the 4% AP hydrogel implants with the
host tissue and an increased inflammatory response. Additionally, it is
possible that the changes were due to a high concentration of pectin 5 | C O N CL U S I O N S
in the gel, as a result of the prolonged release of the 4% AP hydrogel
implant degradation products into the surrounding tissues, which In this study, the effect of hard and soft pectin hydrogels after subcu-
could be either the pectin polysaccharides themselves or their com- taneous implantation on the inflammatory response and tissue repair
plexes with serum proteins, lipids, antibodies, and cytokines. was investigated. The intensity of acute inflammation and the dura-
By comparing the results of the biodegradation kinetics of pectin tion of biodegradation increased with increasing hardness, Young's
hydrogels in vitro (Markov et al., 2017) and in vivo, we concluded that modulus, and compressive strength of the pectin hydrogels. The sur-
after subcutaneous implantation of the hydrogels, the intensity of their face of the pectin hydrogel prevented the adhesion of infiltrated
biodegradation was much higher than that in PBS or DMEM. Pectin inflammatory cells. It was shown that after the subcutaneous implan-
hydrogel degradation was due to the displacement of calcium ions that tation of the pectin hydrogel, a network of collagen fibers formed, and
crosslink the hydrogel matrix with sodium, potassium, and phosphate new connective tissue developed and grew on its surface.
ions, along with the preferential dissolution of hydrophilic polymers. All The hard pectin hydrogel can be used in tissue engineering
of these salts are present in blood plasma and in interstitial fluid. An because it has low cytotoxicity, their elasticity is comparable to the
additional destructive factor that enhances the biodegradation of pectin skin and can be adjusted. The pectin hydrogel are biodegradable, and
hydrogels could be ROS generated by neutrophils and macrophages. no additional manipulation is required to remove them. These pectin
We also observed that the tissue repair step began, similar to the hydrogel are overpopulated with collagen fibers and contribute to the
control animals. The tissue repair step was accompanied by a decrease formation of new connective tissue. The newly formed connective tis-
in the amount of TNF-α and IL-1β and an increase in IL-10 cytokines, sue network can be used as a material for the extracellular matrix to
regardless of the mechanical properties of the implanted hydrogels. culture autotransplants under in vitro.
The results of some studies have shown that the pectin-containing We have previously demonstrated that soft pectin hydrogels
hydrogel was potential for skin tissue engineering. Such composite inhibit postoperative adhesions in the abdominal cavity (Popov et al.,
materials provide adhesion and proliferation of fibroblasts and 2016). The results from this current study showed that soft pectin
keratinocyte as well as de novo deposition of extracellular matrix com- hydrogels had low proinflammatory potential. In combination with a
ponents on its surface (Lin, Chen, Chang, & Ni, 2013; Martins et al., nonprolonged period of biodegradation, this property of pectin hydro-
2018; Naumenko, Guryanov, Yendluri, Lvov, & Fakhrullin, 2016; Pereira, gels can be used in surgery as a barrier material.
Barrias, Bartolo, & Grania, 2018). However, the action of the pectin-
containing biomaterials on skin regeneration was made in vitro
conditions. OR CID

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