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Pamela Vucinich

SNT 160 77
Professor Gallaher

Many sources have claimed to have gained results from functional foods that can
actually prevent health risk, such as heart disease, cancer and cholesterol.  The question
still remains, what is a functional food and if they can be modified to be considered as a
functional food, with consideration that there are plenty of foods that you can purchase
that have the same health benefits. We should understand that all food shall be
considered functional due to benefits they offer with protein, carbohydrates and
vitamins. Japan created classes of functions foods in the 1980s, these classes include
conventional and modified that offer nutrition benefits, while the FDA cannot provide a
definition of a functional food or regulate the labelling for them. On the other hand The
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has provided a definition for what a functional food
is with the expansion of the Japanese food classes.  A functional food is consider a
“whole food along the fortified, enriched or enhanced foods that have a potentially
beneficial effect on health when consumed as a part of a varied diet on a regular basis”
(Wolfram, T. 2017). These food classes consist of conventional foods (grains, fruits),
modified foods (yogurts, cereals), medical foods (foods and beverages for certain health
conditions, and foods for special dietary use (infant formula).
Without a legal definition of a functional food, consumers are still left to read
labels and evaluate health claims, such as reduces cholesterol and heart disease. Another
issue with label claim is that many fortified foods can be placed alongside a healthy and
balanced diet, but they should not be used to replace foods or ingredients that already
offer those same benefits. When considering functional foods, consider eating cold
water fish like salmon for its protein and omega-3 fatty acid, or try eating nuts for aid
with blood sugar.  Whole grains can help reduce cholesterol and help with blood sugar as
well, while beans offer protein and potassium, berries are offer a low calorie snack.
Drinking Tea is becoming a trend in the U.S. as over half the population find
themselves drinking tea. Tea is becoming popular because of the health benefits that are
being associated with it. The article reviews some of these clams and summarize them.
Tea and heart health was concluded that black tea reduces risk of heart attack, and
green tea lowers total cholesterol. With Tea and cancer, there is no strong support that
tea prevents cancer. With Tea and teeth, it is said that tea helps with lowering the Ph
level of the teeth with the help of the fluoride from the water and what was the
naturally adsorbed by the tea leaves when it was growing. Tea can be consider a weight
loss aid. Tea has caffeine in it but it is sufficiently less than coffee.

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