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Assignment 9: Book Activities for Weeks 5 and 6

Jose Monteverde
•Jan 2
85 points
Due Jan 31, 11:59 PM
For Weeks 5 and 6
• Answer all of the 17 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (page 81) (5 points per question, a total of 85 points)
• EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVITIES (page 82) will serve as your enrichment activities.

Summative Assessment
Discussion Questions:
1) Distinguish between a business and an industry.
- Business is established when an individual or a group of individuals decide to start something on their own.
Legal formalities like registration are to be fulfilled. Business involves production and exchange of goods and
services For example-production of soaps, shampoos, TV sets etc. The person who performs the activities related
to business is called a businessman. A firm established to carry a business activity is called a business enterprise.
No specific qualifications are required. Amount of capital depends upon the type of business. Business activities
are performed in order to earn profit. Profit is the main motive behind such activities. Risk of loss is also there

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because wherever profit exists, risk is involved. One can transfer his business by following certain legal

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Industry on the other hand is that part of business activities which works for the production of want satisfying

goods with the help of material resources readily available. It creates form utility of goods. The work of the
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industry is to use the natural resources and bring them into such a form that is useful for further use.
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For example—farms, factories, mines etc. Goods that fulfill the needs of the people and are convenient to them
are often produced. In the industry, human beings are engaged in activities of extraction, production, processing,

construction and fabrication of products.

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2) Why is competition an important factor that has to be studied before putting up a business?
- Answer: Competition is important to your business because it enables you to identify your specific and unique
traits that are appealing to customers. It is extremely important for you to know about the positioning, pricing,
strengths, and weaknesses of your competitors. 7 important factors to consider when u starting a small business.
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3) When you decide on putting up a business, how do you choose the market that you should cater to?
- When I choose a market, I should consider five main factors: 1. How many customers are in the market? 2. Can
these customers pay for your products or services? 3. Do these customers have the need you solve? 4. How
many competitors are competing for your customers’ business? 5. How does your business compare to your


- Business analytics is the methodology or tool that breaks down past performances to draw the plan for the
future and make informed decisions. It essentially comprises of quantitative and statistical analysis, predictive
modeling, data mining, multivariate testing, and more. Today, every organization is trying its best to use business
analytics for its decision-making purposes. It is a must-have for businesses that want to excel in today’s

competitive landscape and stay ahead of the curve. There are several advantages associated with business
analytics, but before digging deeper into it, let’s understand it in simple terms first.

4) What is the level of Philippine industrial development according to the World Economic Forum (WEF)?
- MANILA, Philippines — The Philippines advanced two notches in the 2018 Inclusive Development Index (IDI) of
the World Economic Forum which measures the ability of advanced and emerging economies to foster inclusive
growth and development. The country now ranks 38th among 74 emerging economies for the 2018 index.

5) Contrast this current stage with the highest development stage that our country can aim for.
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- The Philippines has one of the most vibrant economies in the East Asia Pacific region, growing at 6.2% in 2018
and 5.9% in 2019. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, dims the country’s growth prospects in 2020. Timely
measures are important to cushion against the health and economic shocks and protect the most vulnerable

6) Compare a sectoral contributions to output with sectoral shares in employment. How does the comparison
indicate the relative efficiencies of the different sectors (agriculture, industry, and service)?
- Explanation: Gross output in agriculture, industry and service are showing a slow growth. Auto Industry has
pointed a low graph in the GDP growth.
Agriculture growth has also declined due to the flood in the monsoon 2019. Karnataka, Maharashtra and Assam
has faced the highest rainfall with flood. Services are consistent with beginning of start-ups has helped in GDP
Efficiency in all sectors are showing low GDP growth in Indian Economy.

7) What are micro establishments constrained to take advantage of in contrast to large scale establishments?
- The micro establishments are constrained to take advantage in contrast to large scale establishment is because
large scale companies are well recognised and they can increase their brand recognition by promoting their
products. Explanation: On the other hand, smaller companies are lesser-known and are unable to expand their

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8) What farm –to –market facilities do small farmers and fishermen need and why?

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- Farmers and fishermen need a good quality farm-to-market roads. Road transport is important for both the
farmers and the fishermen to sell their products. Good quality of the farm-to-market roads will facilitate If the

roads transport is adequate, they will not miss the following - Easy transport of the goods.
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What would they miss out if these facilities were inadequate?
- Farmer’s Market Stand. When you’re first starting out, it can be overwhelming and even intimidating to try and
compete against well established market vendors. Whether you’re new or seasoned and striving to sell

more, these many simple farmers market ideas will help you stand out in the crowd and develop a loyal
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9) In what way do rice farmers lose to imports from neighboring countries?

- The low import also goes in accordance with the climatic changes employed in the particular area. The
ecologist Williams details the losses which happens from harvesting the rice that is bought but not consumed. All
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of these accounts about thirty percent of the reduction value in what can be recovered from the harvest.
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10) Why do local manufacturers mostly consisit of consumer items produced without much need for technology and
- The local and small scale manufacturers are mainly dependent on such production line-ups which don't require

that much technological equipments and skillful labour works. Because, 1) The amount of technology

implementation is directly proportional to the amount of initial investment. And in most cases,the initial
investments are small in amount by these local manufacturers.

11) Why are large scale manufacturers, only engaged in the final stages of the production?

- Answer. The large scale manufacturers are engaged in creating bulk orders on a large scale. It requires huge
investments in plant, machinery, and equipment. Most large scale companies prefer to outsource their
operations and functions and focus on in final assembly and testing of the products.

12) What are the disadvantages of manufacturing establishments operating outside of Metro Manila and the
CALABARZON industrial zone?
- I don’t think there is a disadvantage in manufacturing outside metro manila. In fact there are lots of advantages
when factories relocate to the provinces. The cost of land in the provinces is relatively cheaper than in MM; The
problem of congestion in MM will be addressed; People will no longer immigrate to the MM area for jobs
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13) Why is it disadvantage of trade and transport services to overcrowd in urban centers like Metro Manila?
- Cities exist precisely because trade and transport (and governance and education and cultural services)
converge and become more efficient as they concentrate in a certain area

14) Why do the country’s electronic exports hardly add value and employment to the economy?
- The country's electronic export do not add value and employment to the economy because most of electronic
export are related to high level of technology and the manufacturers invest a lot of money on their products
which do not add value to the economy

15) What can micro enterprises collectively do with their cooperative actions and associations?
- Answer: They can facilitate and leverage market linkages for small scale entrepreneurs and producers, improve
their bargaining power and access to market information. For instance, joint purchasing, financial and other
activities enable organizations to achieve economies of scale that cannot be achieved by single firms.

16) What markets can small manufacturing enterprises tap together with trade and transport services?
Where can they best locate their operations?
- Answer: The best market is the importation, and exportation, while partnering with the trade and transport
services, the small manufacturing should exert effort to expand, produce, and send more products both local and

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global market, also buy products from there. It is a good way of making business with the transport services. The
idle location for them should be near port where it is easy to load and unload container van from the ship. This

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type of business partnership should not be placed in a narrow area, since it carries volume of product with the
numbers of heavy container van. There is always a market, it depends on the plan and initiative both the

management of the manufacturing and the management of the trade-transport services. They can have a
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meeting to materialize their plan which is getting more markets share anywhere in the world.
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17) What are the foremost regions where tourism-related services can operate?

- Region 1 ilocos region, Ilocos region were famous for its beautiful beaches and historical site
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Experiental Activities:
1. The class will be divided into five groups. With the teacher’s guide, each group should suggest a business that they
want to put up. Each group should then justify their choice of business. Each group will discuss among the members the
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environment that should be studied in terms of the location they decided to choose. based on the environmental
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analysis, the group members should identify all the factors need to be studied in the specific environment/location.

2. Think of new product you would want to introduce in the market. It can be a good already being sold but which you
can innovate and improve, or it could be something really new that you yourself conceptualized. Describe that product in

terms of design, composition as to materials used, product use or application, and its attributes which you believe are

unique in that product.

3. Observe and talk the small producers/sellers in your barangay (farmers, fishermen, or vendors cottage industries).
What other market opportunities do they see and for what purpose and what product. What can they collectively do

when they form an association and for what goals? What kinds of government support do you think they need for what
specific activities? What can your barangay and city/municipal government can do to support these small
producers/sellers and for what specific projects and products. How would you conduct your business if you were one of
the owners of a small –scale cottage industry?

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