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Wesleyan College Lab Course Observation Instrument (LCON) Atalaya Watts EDU 370 4/6/21 Name Course Date Observation # April Harvey Alexander II Magnet School 5" grade April Harvey Cooperating Teacher snd orgmized. ficient in distributing efficient way. materials Various and “The candidate fled | The candidate iniroducal | The candidate introduced | Iris evideat tat the | The candidate weat | 030 appropriate resources | to uso various concortwo additions! — | afew rsourcesto the | candidate is able to | ahove and beyond sc ublized, resources inthe | resources tothe classroom, and stows | use variousand | to use various and classroom. classroom, burthere | potential forseecting | sppropriate resources | appropriate cerrmm fete, | yout irterig, | ppp ramus | spre z OR they were not quite | use with each opie, 7 | ssstoom appropriate forthe topic ‘Sound Knowiedge of | There is no evidence | The candidate has “The candidate shows | Toe candidate The candidate nat | Cla ‘he contents evident. | thatthe candidate | practiced the lesion in| grest potential for demonstrates sound | only demonstrates ‘bas command of the | ordertoteach it but does | teaching in this content | knowledge ofthe | sound knowiedge ‘content. not seem tohave true | area, butneeds greater | content. ofthe content, but 3 nowiedge ofthe practice to have tre also demonstates content. ‘command ofthe content WY | mastery ofthe information, Objectives aro ‘Objectives are not | Objectives ae preset, | The objectives are ether | The objectives are | The candidate | E16 measurable and | present. butthey are poorly | not measorble ORnot | measurableand | excelled at wring 2 relevant. vittenandarenot | relevant relevant, V7 | measurable sad measurable o elovaat, relevant objectives. Observation T= Noe Present [1 = Emerg T= Developi = Profcieat | 4 xemplary | Proiciscies [ Seare Knowledge ofeach | There is no evidons | Te canis made an | Tae candidate shows | The candidate sable | Tie canbe | TT Ts student’s background | that the candidate | attempt to incorporate | potential for being able _| to incorporate effortlessly 7b; I1I-7¢ td performance is | stamped to Knowledge ofeach | fo incorporate nowieige ofeach _ | incorporates sed:oassistin | incorporate sindeu?’s background | Inowietge ofeach | saen's background | Enowodgeof cc developing actives | mowiedge of | andperfommance into | siacen'stackground | and pertmanc int | students sadaseamens, | sudons" aetvites and and erforsance nto | developing activites | background and backgrounds aad | assesment bot itt wets nd sedassesment, | perfomance in 3 performances into | foro nd not maaral, | esessment, but needs | developing Eetiitos end tore patie to make setivites and sessment ‘his seem nana fssessints, and does sofa wig: or xeative a ‘Assessments There was wo | The candidate atompied | The candidate showed | Tho candiaie The candidate] T-7ay HP alignedtotelewson | attempt toatignthe | toalgntheassnsments | veakaligment ofthe | | demonstated the | delivers excelent | Yer Rive objectives ascesamenisio the | tothelessom objectives, | assesment tae lesson | eit liver | aaeesments hat lesson objectives. | butthe alignment was ” | objectives. | assessments that | aligned perfcty to a notacuallytiee, | Pott aligntotie lesson | the lesen Gesessrent ony | objectives, objectives. Aap. did o grea job on the lesson. To was overall noticeable that che was well prepared for the lesson. The "2" was given becage she only Gos, rote a ap vaas Sort of gene ea the risttuctional ff 0 = Not Freseat Z= Developing Proficlences | Score "There is no evi idence The candidate Tb; 4b; that candidate differentiated the lsso Bae atiemped to to accommodate afew diterentiate the students? abilities and lesson to prefered leaming styles, accommodate ‘bat more could be done 3 student abilities, toresch al staden's. preferred leering styles The candidate made “The candidate gave 14> xo attempt to gi somewbat clear a directions tothe instructions tothe class, ‘but the class did not demonstrate a readiness ‘0 complete the work. Hib 89; OT | No lesion closure was observed. 8b; T-8e 3 There sno evidence 1159; ISB | of transitions from lesson to lesson, [Observation (0=Not Present [T= Ema 2= Developing 3= Proficient 4—Fremplary | Proficiencies [Score ‘The candidate speaks [ There is po attempt | The candidate writes OR | The candidate speaks | The candidate isa | The candidate] Tae and writes standard | tousestendard | speaks standard linglish | and rites sundard | effective speaker and | excel at speaking English clearly, | Englishclealy, | poorly. English clearly, writer ofstandand | and writing comectiy, and corey, and correctly, anddistinetly | English withonly | standard Enlish 3 distinetly. disney, uchofthetine, with | one artwoenors | cleady, comedy, some violations, hero and there, and distinct ‘Technology was used | There iso evidence | The candidat atempied | The candida enhanced | The candidate able | The candida to enhance the coftechnology used | to use technology inthe | theleaming experience | to enhance the excels atcahancing leaming experince, | inthe classroom. | classroom, but stuggied | with technology, but | leering experience | the caring 2 With her owm knowledge | needs more knowledge | with technology ina | experience with ofthe technology. andexpriacewdo so | meaningful nd | technology Jinan efiecive way fortes wa The candidate ‘hers is'no evidence | The candidate made litle |The candidate attempted | The cendidate i able | The candidate Goa aaddesoes individual | thatthe candidate | attempt to addess toaddress individual | to address individual | a very thorouth student neods addressed any Individual student needs | student needs or student needs or | and effective job of, pertaining oP, | individual smident | or accommodations. | accommodations, ut | academe addressing student S04, RTL orother | needs filed to addressall | accommodations in _| needs or academic academic student needs snefizctive way. ,/] accommodations. accommodations. ! al ; ut Th vielial learning, pur class 1s one of the hy brick Classes in the bul [bog Aelia did a good job with rohwolesg- ity t0 students, encouragement to | not yet possess the skill | practice is needed in fective feedback | effective feedback Giestudeus, | sett etetvely deiver | elvering fedbacknd | sadmeumgenent | eelccomoene . ithe. encouragementthat is | tothe students. to the students. effective forthe stodent | High academic ‘The candidate did | The candidate alfempied | The candidate “The candidate "The candidat 13a expectations are communicate | tocomminicate high | communicated high | effectively demonstrated an communicated to | high academic academic expectations to | academic expectations to | communicated high | ease for effectively students. expectations tothe | the students, but failed to | the smdents, but needs | seademic communicating 3 students. effectively deliver the | more practice to expectations tothe | high academic expectations, ‘accomplish this in en | students expectations to the effective manner. vy | seat ‘3= Proficient [4— Exemplary | Proficiencies | Score E is | The candidate “The candidate | TI-6a; 11-6; effectively teats | excels at her ability | 11-6 lassroom. equitably. fairly and os exuitably. af ‘The classroom ‘There is no attempt ‘The candidate ‘The candidate Tl-5a; T1-5b; enviroamentis | tocreatea created aclassroom | excels atcreating a supportive of supportive exviroament at is | classroom learning. classroom, supportive of environment tht is lemming L~ | supportive of ieaming. Eifecive classroom | There Tro ovideace Tic cndicnte "The candidate | T-5a; TF-5by management skills | of any classroom demonstrates excels atelassroom | II-5¢ are evident. ‘management skills, ve agement skills. The candidate has a | The candidate aia “The candidate The candidate strong and respectéul. | not try to develop. demonstrates a excelsat rapport with the rapport with th strong end respectful | developing: class. Tass. rapport with the strong and lass. V | Fespestiul rapport ‘with the cla “The candidate does | The candidate does good job modeling | an excellent job i : A [ | F w | w Jo] a respectful encouraged respectfil interpersonal | more effectively model | and encoureging _, | modeling and interpersonal skills. | respectful skill, butneeds to work | and encourage respectful | respectial Y | encouraging ‘nforpersonal skills. | to develop this ski. | interpersonal skis. interpersonal skills. | respeetfi Nhe (059 was overall amazing. Sudlerds had! a goed time blunng Phe mstructonal period. TH was obviacs thats. Watts ee reruous, but relaxed as He lesson went on, Enjoyek yhe lesson!!! atta Afzoaoal by ia Evaluator’s(ignature Date was received should be submitted within one week of signing

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