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Wesleyan College

Lab Course Observation Instrument (LCOI)

Miss A. Watts 308/452 November 12, 2021
Name Course Date Observation #
Lolita Moore Rosa Taylor 1st Grade/Math Lolita
Cooperating Teacher School Grade/Area Evaluator

NOTE: If an area was not included in the observed lesson, list N/A in the Score cell.
Observation 0 = Not Present 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 – Exemplary Proficiencie Score
Planning and Preparation
Lesson planning, There is no evidence There is an attempt at The candidate has The candidate has The candidate’s II-3b 3
preparation, and of a lesson plan, lesson planning, written a lesson plan, written a good lesson lesson plan is
organization are preparation, or preparation, or and is mostly prepared plan, and has excellent, and it is
evident. organization. organization, but it is and organized, however, presented it in a evident that the
evident that the additional experience is prepared and candidate was
candidate needs much needed in order to organized way. prepared to deliver
more work on this. deliver the lesson plan in the lesson in an
the desired manner. organized way.
Materials are The candidate failed The candidate prepared The candidate prepared The candidate The candidate II-5a; II-5b 3
organized and to distribute materials and distributed materials that are prepared neat and prepared excellent
distributed materials or the them to the class but not somewhat neat and organized materials materials for the
efficiently. materials were not in an efficient or organized, but there is and distributed them students and
organized. organized way OR the room for improvement. in an efficient distributed them in
materials were not neat The candidate was not manner. an organized and
and organized. efficient in distributing efficient way.
Various and The candidate failed The candidate The candidate It is evident that the The candidate II-3b 3
appropriate resources to use various introduced one or two introduced a few candidate is able to went above and
are utilized. resources in the additional resources to resources to the use various and beyond to use
classroom. the classroom, but there classroom, and shows appropriate resources various and
should have been more potential for selecting in the classroom. appropriate
OR they were not quite appropriate resources to resources in the
appropriate for the topic use with each topic. classroom.
Sound knowledge of There is no evidence The candidate has The candidate shows The candidate The candidate not I-1a 3
the content is that the candidate practiced the lesson in great potential for demonstrates sound only demonstrates
evident. has command of the order to teach it, but teaching in this content knowledge of the sound knowledge
content. does not seem to have area, but needs greater content. of the content, but
true practice to have true also demonstrates
knowledge of the command of the content. mastery of the
content. information.
Objectives are Objectives are not Objectives are present, The objectives are either The objectives are The candidate I-1b 3
measurable and present. but they are poorly not measurable OR not measurable and excelled at writing
relevant. written and are not relevant. relevant. measurable and
measurable or relevant. relevant objectives.
Observation 0 = Not Present 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 – Exemplary Proficiencie Score
Knowledge of each There is no evidence The candidate made an The candidate shows The candidate is able
The candidate III-7a; III-
student’s background that the candidate attempt to incorporate potential for being able to incorporate effortlessly 7b; III-7c
and performance is attempted to knowledge of each to incorporate knowledge of each incorporates
used to assist in incorporate student’s background knowledge of each student’s background
knowledge of each
developing activities knowledge of and performance into student’s background and performance into
and assessments. students’ activities and and performance into developing activities
background and
backgrounds and assessments, but it felt activities and and assessments. performance in
performances into forced and not natural. assessments, but needs developing
activities and more practice to make activities and
assessments. this seem natural. assessments, and
does so in unique
or creative ways.
Assessments are There was no The candidate attempted The candidate showed a The candidate The candidate III-7a; III- 2
aligned to the lesson attempt to align the to align the assessments weak alignment of the demonstrated the delivered excellent 7b; III-7c
objectives. assessments to the to the lesson objectives, assessments to the lesson ability to deliver assessments that
lesson objectives. but the alignment was objectives. assessments that aligned perfectly to
not actually there. align to the lesson the lesson
objectives. objectives.
Comments: Miss Watts planned for the math lesson problem solving subtraction within 20 ahead of time. Her lesson was organized using Google Slides, so she was able to
smoothly deliver her lesson.

Instructional Effectiveness
The candidate opens The candidate failed The candidate opened The candidate opened The candidate The candidate 3
the lesson in an to open the lesson. the lesson, but not in a the lesson in a somewhat demonstrates the excels at opening
engaging way that particularly engaging engaging way, but needs skill of opening a the lesson in an
sets the tone and way. more practice to master lesson in an engaging way, and
engages the learners. this skill. engaging way that is successful at
sets the tone and setting the tone
engages the learners. and engaging

The purpose of the The candidate failed The candidate attempted The candidate had a The candidate The candidate I-2b 3
lesson is to communicate the to communicate the rough start in showed competence excelled in
communicated to the purpose of the purpose of the lesson to communicating the in communicating communicating the
students. lesson to the the students, however, it purpose of the lesson to the purpose of the purpose of the
students. is evident that much the students, however, lesson to the lesson to the
more practice is needed she shows great potential students. students,
to master this skill. for mastering this skill exhibiting mastery
with practice. of this skill.
Observation 0 = Not Present 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 – Exemplary Proficiencie Score
The candidate There is no evidence The candidate made a The candidate It is evident that the The candidate was I-1b; II-4b; 3
differentiates the that candidate poor attempt to differentiated the lesson candidate original and II-4c
lesson to attempted to differentiate the lesson to accommodate a few differentiated the creative in
accommodate a differentiate the to accommodate students’ abilities and lesson to differentiating the
variety of student lesson to students’ abilities and preferred learning styles, accommodate a lesson to
abilities and accommodate preferred learning styles, but more could be done variety of student accommodate a
preferred learning student abilities or falling short of to reach all students. abilities and variety of student
styles. preferred learning succeeding. preferred learning abilities and
styles. styles. preferred learning
Students are given The candidate made The candidate attempted The candidate gave The candidate gave The candidate II-4b 3
clear directions and no attempt to give to give directions to the somewhat clear clear directions to excelled at giving
demonstrate a directions to the class, but they were not instructions to the class, the class, and the directions to the
readiness to complete students nor is there clear or easily but the class did not students demonstrate students, and the
the assignments/ evidence that the understood. The class demonstrate a readiness a readiness to students were
assessments. class is ready to did not seem ready to to complete the work. complete the engaged and read
complete work. work. assignments/ to complete the
assessments. work.
“Real world” There was no The candidate tried to The candidate made real The candidate did a The candidate I-1b 3
connections are attempt to make real make real world world connections, but good job of making excelled at
addressed in the world connections. connections, but fell needs more practice to real world connecting the
lesson. short of achieving this. do this effectively. connections. lesson to the real
Assistance is The candidate did The candidate provided The candidate provided The candidate is The candidate I-2b 3
provided to not provide some assistance to much individual and effective in assisting excelled at
individuals or groups individual or group individuals or groups, group assistance, but individuals and identifying and
as needed. assistance. but ignored many needs to work to reach groups as needed. providing
requests for help. all who need help or to assistance to
help students in an individuals and
effective way. groups.
Candidate closes No lesson closure The candidate attempted The candidate closed the The candidate The candidate III-8a; III- 3
lesson effectively was observed. to close the lesson lesson, but not in an effectively closed the demonstrated 8b; III-8c
(e.g., provides effectively, but failed to effective way. lesson. excellence in
students an deliver. closing the lesson
opportunity to self- effectively.
Transitions are There is no evidence The candidate attempts The candidate attempted The candidate The candidate II-5a; II-5b 3
effective. of transitions from to transition to a new to transition to the new transitioned demonstrated
lesson to lesson. lesson, but falls short on lesson, but needs much effectively. excellence in
this skill. more practice in this transitioning from
area to make effective lesson to lesson.

Observation 0 = Not Present 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 – Exemplary Proficiencie Score

The candidate speaks There is no attempt The candidate writes OR The candidate speaks The candidate is an The candidate II-3a 3
and writes standard to use standard speaks standard English and writes standard effective speaker and excels at speaking
English clearly, English clearly, poorly. English clearly, writer of standard and writing
correctly, and correctly, and correctly, and distinctly English, with only standard English
distinctly. distinctly. much of the time, with one or two errors clearly, correctly,
some violations. here and there. and distinctly.
Technology was used There is no evidence The candidate attempted The candidate enhanced The candidate is able The candidate 3
to enhance the of technology used to use technology in the the learning experience to enhance the excels at
learning experience. in the classroom. classroom, but struggled with technology, but learning experience enhancing the
with her own knowledge needs more knowledge with technology in a learning
of the technology. and experience to do so meaningful and experience with
in an effective way. effortless way. technology.
The candidate There is no evidence The candidate made The candidate attempted The candidate is able The candidate does 3
addresses individual that the candidate little attempt to address to address individual to address individual a very thorough
student needs addressed any individual student needs student needs or student needs or and effective job
pertaining to IEP, individual student or accommodations. accommodations, but academic of addressing
504, RTI, or other needs. failed to address all accommodations in student needs or
academic student needs. an effective way. academic
accommodations. accommodations.
Miss Watts stated her learning targets and success criteria at the beginning of her lesson. She made real world connections so the students could see the importance of
subtraction. The delivery of her lesson was very smooth and engaging. The calmness in her voice reassures her students it is ok to make mistakes. She walked around the room
and monitored aggressively as students were working. She helped students as needed. She used the I do, we do, you do model with students. The district requires that students
engage in I-Ready and Freckle. Miss Watts made sure students were engaged in technology. She also divided students into small groups and worked with students based on
their needs.

The one improvement that could use tweaking is the amount of time she spent doing guided practice with students. A lot of time was spent walking around helping students.
Some of the learning issues can be addressed in small groups.

Positive Learning Environment

Adequate feedback The candidate does The candidate attempted Some feedback and The candidate The candidate II-5c; II-6a;
and encouragement not provide to provide feedback and encouragement were demonstrated an excels at providing II-6b; II-6c
are provided to the feedback or encouragement, but does provided, however, more ability to provide targeted and
students. encouragement to not yet possess the skill practice is needed in effective feedback effective feedback
the students. set to effectively deliver delivering feedback and and encouragement and
either. encouragement that is to the students. encouragement to
effective for the the students.
High academic The candidate did The candidate attempted The candidate The candidate The candidate II-3a 3
expectations are not communicate to communicate high communicated high effectively demonstrated an
communicated to high academic academic expectations to academic expectations to communicated high ease for effectively
students. expectations to the the students, but failed to the students, but needs academic communicating
students. effectively deliver the more practice to expectations to the high academic
expectations. accomplish this in an students. expectations to the
effective manner. students.

Observation 0 = Not Present 1 = Emerging 2 = Developing 3 = Proficient 4 – Exemplary Proficiencie Score

Students are treated There is no evidence The candidate does not The candidate attempts The candidate The candidate II-6a; II- 3
fairly and equitably. of fair and equitable demonstrate to treat students fairly effectively treats excels at her 6b; II-6c
treatment in the effectiveness at treating and equitably, however, students fairly and ability to treat all
classroom. students fairly and it is obvious when a equitably. students fairly and
equitably. student is liked or equitably.
disliked more than the
The classroom There is no attempt The candidate attempted The candidate attempted The candidate The candidate II-5a; II- 3
environment is to create a to create a classroom to create a classroom created a classroom excels at creating a 5b;
supportive of supportive supportive of learning, supportive of learning, environment that is classroom
learning. classroom. but failed to deliver. but needs more practice supportive of environment that is
to master this skill. learning. supportive of
Effective classroom There is no evidence The candidate attempts The candidate is able to The candidate The candidate II-5a; II- 3
management skills of any classroom to maintain classroom demonstrate classroom demonstrates excels at classroom 5b; II-5c
are evident. management skills. management, but fails to management skills some effective classroom management skills.
deliver. of the time. management skills.
The candidate has a The candidate did The candidate attempted The candidate is The candidate The candidate 3
strong and respectful not try to develop a to develop a rapport with developing a respectful demonstrates a excels at
rapport with the rapport with the the class, but struggles rapport with the class, strong and respectful developing a
class. class. with this skill. but needs more rapport with the strong and
experience in order to class. respectful rapport
develop strong skills. with the class.
The candidate The candidate has The candidate attempts The candidate needs The candidate does a The candidate does 3
models and not modeled nor to model and encourage more practice in order to good job modeling an excellent job
encourages respectful encouraged respectful interpersonal more effectively model and encouraging modeling and
interpersonal skills. respectful skills, but needs to work and encourage respectful respectful encouraging
interpersonal skills. to develop this skill. interpersonal skills. interpersonal skills. respectful
Comments: During the observation, the Miss Watts was dealing with a student misbehaving. She kept calm and continued to work with the student and not let the student
interrupt the learning of others. Miss Watts handled the situation by following the student’s BIP.

________________________/_________________ _______Lolita Moore /________December 2, 2021____________

Candidate’ Signature Date Evaluator’s Signature Date

A plan of action addressing any area where a ‘1’ was received should be submitted within one week of signing this form.

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