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Lesson 3: Digital Images - Types, Purpose and Practice

Jalen Holston|| 6/5/21

Assignment #3.1

Screen: 1 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Scene Description: The first scene in this presentation will introduce the learner to the
objective of catching a football the correct way. This will be the first slide of the presentation.

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to the learner to increase the

comprehension of the new material they will learn.


Speech: No narration will be included in this scene
Music: No music will be used in this scene.

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 66 & TW Cen MT 20 22 for supporting black text. Black text
Still Images: N/A

Screen: 2 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Reception – the video shows the process of catching a
football and teaches some techniques. This gains the learner’s attention by introducing them to
what they are about to learn. Expectancy – the video also informs learners of the objective I
want them to obtain. Retrieval – The video relates the topic of football my target audience who
is already interested in football.

Scene Description: The second scene in this presentation will give the learner a visual
representation of what I want them to learn. A video is used to gain attention and the video
presents how to catch a football.

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image in a video to the learner to increase the
comprehension of the new material they will learn.

Narration: Hello learners, I know you are eager to learn how to catch a football. I will be
introducing to you the proper way to catch a football. Click the video to watch an overview of the
task I will be teaching you. Focus your attention on the key points I will mention as I guide you
into how to complete the task.


Speech: Audio narration is included to assist students at various levels.

Music: Music is present during the video

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36. Black text

Still Images: N/A

Screen: 3 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Present new material – I’m presenting new material in
an effective way. Provide learning guidance – I am providing guidance and giving approaches
that illustrate the information.

Scene Description: A picture presenting the proper body position needed while attempting to
catch a football. I have inserted captions to assist learning the steps to help catch a football.

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to introduce new material to a learner

who isn’t very familiar with the process of catching a football

Speech: Audio narration will be included to explain why having a good body position will benefit
someone catching a ball.

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36 & TW Cen MT 24 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: Now that you have got in overview of what you will be learning let’s get into the steps
on how to complete catching a football. To start, it is important to have your body positioned
correctly. This first step is extremely important because you need to be able to see the ball
coming and be in position to make contact with the ball.

Still Images: One image of a person having the correct body position, eyes, feet, and their
hands up ready for the ball.

Screen: 4 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Present new material – I’m presenting new material in
an effective way. Provide learning guidance – I am providing guidance and giving approaches
that illustrate the information.
Scene Description: A picture and text presenting the proper hand position needed while
attempting to catch a football. I have inserted captions to assist learning the steps to help catch
a football.

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to guide and assist the learner with tips
through new material


Speech: Audio narration will be included to explain why having the hands in a good position will
benefit someone catching a ball.

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 32 & TW Cen MT 16 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: Hand placement is another important element in the process of catching a football.
Many dropped balls or incomplete catches are due to players not being able to put their hands
in the diamond shape placement. The football will come hard and fast and as a pass catcher
you need to able to stop the force of the ball and grasp it. If you don’t have your hands placed
correctly the ball will go through your hands or you could jam your fingers. The next slide will
inform you on how to grasp the football once contact is made.

Still Images: One image of a person’s hands being in the diamond position correctly

Screen: 5 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Present new material – I’m presenting new material in
an effective way. Provide learning guidance – I am providing guidance and giving approaches
that illustrate the information.

Scene Description: A picture and text presenting what to do when the ball contacts the hands

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to increase the chances of the learner
comprehending the new material presented

Speech: Audio narration will be included to explain grabbing the ball while it is in the air

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36 & TW Cen MT 24 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: All the steps in the process of catching a football build on one another. Once the ball
has landed in the diamond shape of your hand it is important to use your finger tips and the
palm of your hand to grip the ball. Once the gripping process had been complete the next slide
will inform you on how to put the ball away after the catch.

Still Images: One image of a person grabbing the ball out of the air

Screen: 6 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Present new material – I’m presenting new material in
an effective way. Provide learning guidance – I am providing guidance and giving approaches
that illustrate the information.

Scene Description: Text and an image explaining what to do once you have secured the catch

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to increase the chances of the learner
comprehending the new material presented

Speech: Audio narration will be included to explain what you should do right after you have
caught the ball in the air

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 32 & TW Cen MT 16 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: When you watch the game of football the receiver always has to put the ball away
after the catch so the defender can’t knock it out. As a pass catch you have to be mindful of not
having the ball out for others to take way from you. This step has to be practice often so it can
be quick and precise.

Still Images: One image of a person securing the catch and how to position the ball when

Screen: 7 of 9
Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Present new material – I’m presenting new material in
an effective way. Provide learning guidance – I am providing guidance and giving approaches
that illustrate the information.

Scene Description: Text and an image explaining how to tuck the ball away and then run with it

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to increase the chances of the learner
comprehending the new material presented


Speech: Audio narration will be included to explain how to tuck and run with a football

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36 & TW Cen MT 20 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: Once you have put the ball away it is now time to tuck it and run. With the proper ball
carrying placement you are now able to have the ball away from defenders and can make
moves to avoid tackles. I

Still Images: One image of a person tucking the ball properly

Screen: 8 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Elicit the performance – ensuring that my learners can
demonstrate the information that they’ve retained.

Scene Description: Text and an image showing a football player completing the instructed
steps and attempting to catch a football

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text and an image to increase the chances of the learner
comprehending the new material presented

Speech: Audio narration will be included to give a review of how to properly catch a football

Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36 & TW Cen MT 24 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: Once all these steps are applied in the order given you will be able to catch a football
properly to improve your skills.

Still Images: One image of a football player attempting to follow through a catch

Screen: 9 of 9

Multimedia Storyboard

Project: How to catch a football

Date: 6/5/21

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction: Providing Feedback – after learners demonstrate their
knowledge of the material I will provide feedback. Assessing Performance. Enhancing
Retention and Transfer.

Scene Description: Text reviewing the steps provided and advising the learner to practice the
steps and tips they learned

Functionality/Interactivity: Present text to increase the chances of the learner comprehending

the new material presented

Speech: Narration will be included to give an overview of what was went over and to tell
learners to transfer what they learned to the real world
Music: Music will not be present in this scene

Sound Effects: No sound effects will be used

Text Attributes:

Fonts: Title TW Cen MT 36 & TW Cen MT 24 for supporting text. Black text

Narration: After this presentation I hope you now have a better understanding of the proper way
to catch a football. Now it’s your turn to go out and practice these steps and go catch a football.

Still Images: No images

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