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Respondent: GEOZITA H. GUERRERO, Assistant Planning Officer
Please check membership: LGU, Vigan City

Question and Answer Comments and Suggestions

1. Do you think the current developmentdemands

some changes in the RDC structure, functions,
and processes?
Please indicate Y (Yes), S (Somewhat), N (No)
The RDC should be flexible and in tune
with current developments. The fast
_ Y_ Political Environment – structure and changing environment always poses a
process challenge to the RDC to make
_ Y_ Economic Environment – structure and appropriate responses. It must not be
process left behind in the application of
advanced technology. There is no way
_ Y_ Social Environment – structure and to go but global. To simply watch is to
process perish.
_ Y_ Technology Environment – structure and

The Super Regions address a specific,

although comprehensive, issue to
2. Is the RDC still relevant considering the National address as a development theme for
Government thrusts (like the Super Region the area. The RDC addresses ALL the
Program, localization) and development concerns of the region. Region I
environment? belongs to the Super Region of Northern
Luzon Agribusiness Quadrangle which
Please check: _/_ YES __Somewhat __NO focuses on Agribusiness. The other
concerns are as relevant to the member
LGUs which the RDC needs to address
3. Do we need to strengthen the following RDC
functions? Please indicate S (Strengthen), M
(Maintain), or A (Abolish)

_S_ Coordinate preparation, implementation, M&E

of regional development plans, regional physical
framework plans, policy recommendations

_S_ Integrate plans of provinces, cities, line

agencies, SUCs, GOCCs, and SDAs into the
regional development plan

_S_ Review, prioritize and endorse the investment

programs of the region for funding

_S_ Review and endorse the annual budgets of

agency offices, SUCs and SDAs

_S_ Promote and direct the inflow and allocation

of private investments in the region

_S_ Review and endorse to the ICC projects that

have regional impact and LGU projects requiring
NG financial structure

_S_ Initiate and coordinate the development,

funding and implementation of regional and
special development projects

_S_ Coordinate the monitoring and evaluation of

projects in the region

4. What additional functions should the RDC


To provide technical assistance to member A leveling off between members is in

LGUs through orientation seminars on the order. There has yet to be an
preparation of plans and reports to harmonize application of harmonized planning.
forms to facilitate review, monitoring and
evaluation of programs and projects.
5. What should we do with the following parts of the
RDC structure? Please indicate S (Strengthen), M
(Maintain), or A (Abolish)

_M_ Advisory Committee (with Congressmen)

The Soc Dev and Eco Dev Committees
_M_ Executive Committee need to be strengthened because they
are concerned with the primary target
_S_ Social Development Committee
beneficiaries of development
_S_ Economic Development Committee

_M_ Infrastructure Development Committee

_M_ Committee on Development Administration

6. In Region 2, we have the following support Dev Info and Commshould be

committees. Please indicate if we should S strengthened because of the vital role
(Strengthen), M (Maintain), or A (Abolish) the they play in bringing the issues of
committee development to the people.

_S_ Committee on Development Info and

In Research and development, Impact
_S_ Regional Research and Development Studies should be done to determine
Committee the effectiveness of programs and
projects implemented, if the desired
_S_ Regional Budget Review Committee
outcome is achieved, study the gap
_S_ Regional Government Center Management between the desired and the actual
Committee outcome.
_S_ Regional Geographic Info Network

_S_ PDAC (Project Development Assistance Center Advisory Every LGU should be encouraged to
Com. adapt its own GIS, not only for planning
_ ?_ Pagayaya Steering Committee purposes, but the chances of being
located is made easier, for all intents
and purposes is beneficial to any city or
municipality if it wants to be found by
organizations or institutions who are
interested in what they have.

7. We have some mandated committees (common The Info Tech Committee should be
to all regions) that have become support reinvented in a way that can be
committees of the RDC. Please indicate if we appreciated by the LDC membersto
should S (Strengthen), M (Maintain), or R address the need of cities and provinces
(Reinvent) the committee in the region to benchmark each other.
The potentials of Info Tech as a tool for
_R_ Regional Committee on Sustainable

_R_Regional Productivity Committee

_R_Regional Land Use Committee

_R_Regional Statistical Coordination Committee

development have yet to be realized.
_R_Regional Project Monitoring Committee

_R_Regional KALAHI Committee

_R_Regional Info Technology Committee

8. What additional support committee should the The LDC needs to address the Learning
RDC organize to be more effective? Perspectives of each member to keep
each one abreast of current
The Regional Training and Technical Assistance developments and establish a leveling
Committee off among members.
9. Is the RDC secretariat effective? Please check.
_/_ YES __Somewhat __NO
10.Is the regular membership of the following in the
RDC adequate? Please indicate if we should
Increase (I), Maintain (M) or Lessen (L).
_M_ All Provincial governors
_M_ All City mayors
_M_ All Capital City Mayors
_M_ Mayor of Regional Center
_M_ Provincial League of Mayors
_M_ Regional agencies based on the NEDA Board
_M_ Private Sector reps (25%)
11.Who else should be made a regular member of
the RDC?

12.Should we have special non-voting members The municipal/city/provincial planning

(SNVM) aside from the regular members? Please and development officers should be
check. _/_ YES __Somewhat __NO made SNVM. Being at the helm of
planning, they are the fait accompli of
the LCEs. Their membership will keep
them more in tune with the initiatives of
the RDC in terms of development
programs and projects.

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