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Military College of Signals (MCS)

National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST)

1. Course Information
Course Number and Title: EE-355 Digital Communication System

Credits: 4 (3+1)

Instructor(s)-in-charge: Asst Prof Abdul Wakeel, Zeeshan (Lab Engr)

Course type: Lecture + Lab

Required or Elective: Required

Course pre-requisites Nil

Degree and Semester TE-55D, Semester – 6

Month and Year Spring 2021

2. Course Schedule
Lecture: 3 hrs/week, Meets twice weekly

Lab: 3 hrs/week, Meets once in a week

Discussion: 1 hrs/week

Office Hours : 3 hrs/week by instructor, 3 hrs/week by lab engineer

3. Course Assessment
Exam: 2 OHT and 1 Final Examination

Home work: 6 Assignments

Lab reports: 13 Reports

Semester Research Paper: Semester research paper (Report/Viva/Presentation)

Quizzes: 5 Quizzes

Grading: Quizzes: 10%

Assignments: 10%

2 One Hour Tests (OHTs): 30%

Final Exam: 50%

Lab: 70% (Sessional) + 30% (Final)

4. Course book and Related Course Material

Textbooks: 1. Digital Comm Sys, by Bernard Sklar
2. Principal of Comm Sys, by Taub &Schiling
Reference Books: 1. Proakis, Digital Communications (5th edition), McGraw Hill, 2005
2. Simon Haykin and Michael Moher, “Communication Systems,” Wiley; 5 th
Edition, 2009
3. Leon W. Couch, “Digital and Analog Communication Systems,” Prentice
Hall; 8th Edition, 2012 
5. Catalog Descriptions
This course is designed to give an appreciation of the principals of digital comm sys. This is a core course in
Electrical / Telecom Engineering and essentially equips the students to understand and handle modern digital sys
and technologies.
6. Course Objectives
To retain the young engineers in digital communication systems in such a way that they are able to understand all
blocks of a digital communication systems.
7. Topics covered in the Course and Level of Coverage
Significance of Digital Communication 3hrs
Pulse shaping Inter-Symbol Interference, Equalization, Synchronization, 8hrs
Basic Detection Theory and Optimum Receiver Design, Maximum a
posteriori and maximum likelihood detection, Matched filter demodulation,
Symbol by symbol MAP detector for channels with memory, Receiver
Multiplexing, TDM, FDM, T-1 Systems and Hierarchy, E-1 Systems Hierarchy, 4hrs
Digital Modulation Techniques, Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK), Frequency Shift
Keying (FSK), and Phase Shift Keying (PSK, DPSK, DEPSK, QPSK), Differential
Encoding and M-Ary Signaling, Performance of Binary and M-Ary Signaling,
Performance comparisons of modulation schemes,
Basic concepts of information theory. 6hrs
Forward Error Correction Codes 6hrs
8. Lab Experiments
Lab 01 Introduction to Digital Communication (Lab Volt)

Lab 02 Frequency Shift Keying

Lab 03 Phase Shift Keying

Lab 04 Amplitude Shift Keying

Lab 05 Effect of Noise

Lab 06 Channel Effects

Lab 07 Maximum Likelihood Receiver – Simulation -MATLAB

Lab 08 Matched Filter Demodulation -MATLAB

Lab 09 Implementation of TDM/FDM with varied number of users - MATLAB

Lab 10 Channel coding – decoding (Block Codes) - MATLAB

Lab 11 Channel coding – decoding (Convolutional Coding) - MATLAB

Lab 12 Channel coding – decoding (Convolutional Decoding –Viterbi Algorithm) - MATLAB

Lab 13 Source Encoding – MATLAB

9. Course Outcomes and their Relation to Program Outcomes

(Mapping CLO to PLO)

Course Learning Outcome (CLOs) PLOs Learning Level

CLO 1 Identify the main elements of a digital communication system 1 C2

Understand band pass digital signaling and modulation techniques 2 C2
CLO 2 and carry out performance comparison of different modulation
scheme and relate it with information theory and coding.
Understand the basic principal of info theory and Mechanics of Error 2 C3
Correction Coding
Design and Implement various modulation and keying techniques 5 P4
using simulation and hardware.
Demonstrate ability to work effectively as an individual or in a team 9 A4
for labs and semester project.
10. Mapping of CLOs to Program Learning Outcomes


PLO:1 (Engineering Knowledge) C2 C3
PLO:2 (Problem Analysis) C2 C3
PLO:3 (Design/ Development of
PLO:4 (Investigation) C4
PLO:5 (Modern Tool Usage) P4
PLO:6 (The Engineer and Society) P9
PLO:7 (Environment and Sustainability)

PLO:8 (ProfessionalEthics)

PLO:9 (Individual and Team Work) A6

PLO:10 (Communication)

PLO:11 (Project Management)
PLO:12 (Lifelong Learning)

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