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African Educational Research Journal


Reviewer’s Name Mr. Ahmad Adnan bin Mohd Shukri

Manuscript Number AERJ-2021-015
Effects of Socio-Scientific STEM Activities on 21st Century
Skills of Disadvantaged Students
Date Sent to Reviewer 9 February 2021
Date Expected from Reviewer 18 February 2021
Specialisation STEM education, Science education

SECTION II: Comments per Section of Manuscript

There are some things that need to be improved starting with

General comment
Introduction is quite long. There is no problem statement
Research sample, implementation of the study, data
collection, findings and discussions need some improvement
Methodology according to my suggestions. Overall, methodology section is
quite long. There are many less important things to write
Qualitative data seem to be less important (2nd research
question). Quantitative data are enough to explain students’
21st century skills. Students’ Perception of 21st Century Skills
Form is not related to the sub-dimensions in the 21st Century
Skills Scale (the other instrument). Thus, I think the third
research question should be removed too.

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Researchers simply state back the findings of the study
obtained and write down a literature review too. Overall, it is
not a discussion. This part can be improved according to my
Well-written. I’m not sure about the line spacing. Normally, it
should be 1.0.
Others refer to my comments in the manuscript.
Decision Accepted with minor corrections.

SECTION III - Please rate the following: (1 = Excellent) (2 = Good) (3 = Fair) (4 = poor)

Originality 1
Contribution to the Field 2
Technical Quality 3
Clarity of Presentation 3
Depth of Research 3

SECTION IV - Recommendation: (Kindly mark with an X)

Accept as it is
Requires Minor Corrections X
Requires Moderate Revision
Requires Major Revision
Submit to Another Publication such as
Reject on Grounds of (Please be Specific):

SECTION V: Additional Comments

Sentence structures should be improved.

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