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In the name of ALLAH

Soran University
Faculty of Science
Biology Department
Third Stage

Chromatography Analysis

Prepared by: Submitted to:

Sivan Abbas Chnour Atta

Academic year (2021_2022)


The objective of chromatography is to separate the various

substances that make up a mixture. The applications range
from a simple verification of the purity of a given compound
to the quantitative determination of the components of a
Chromatography is a process for separating components of a
mixture. ... The different components of the mixture travel
through the stationary phase at different speeds, causing them
to separate from one another
method of separating the constituents of a solution, based on
one or more of its chemical properties. This could be charge,
polarity, or a combination of these traits and pH balance. ...
There are many different types of chromatography, used in a
variety of circumstances
An example of chromatography is when a chemical reaction is
used to cause each of the different size molecules in a liquid
compound to separate into their own parts on a piece of paper.

Method and Meterial
In this experiment we have four leaves, which groups study or
working of one of this leave , we working
on this leave that explained in image
below , then by a some tools this leave
We will fine-tune it thoroughly, then add
2.5 millilitres of acetone to make it
then we mixed 6.0 millilitres of either and
2.0 millilitres of water and 2.0 millilitres
of acetone , and then we closed this .
after that we used Filter paper or prepare Filter paper and
distanced by size .
in this stage that we leaves put of paper in this time we added
acetone, by siring 10 drop on the filter paper .


Rf = distance colour travel / distance solvent front travel

The measurement of the central part is then determined

by average of the top and bottom edge distance , hence

( Distance top + Distance bottom / 2 ) .

Distance of the central = ( 4.4 + 4.1 / 2 ) = 4.25

Rf = 4.25 / 6.4

Rf = 0.66

Answer three questions
1) Which of the three pigment has the greatest affinity
to the mobile phase ?

2) Which of the three pigment has the greatest affinity

to the stationary phase ?

3) Why will the results of groups that have worked on

different nations be different? And do all the leaves
have all their pigments ?

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