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DOI: 10.1111/1471-0528.


Prevalence and risk factors for pelvic organ

prolapse 20 years after childbirth: a national
cohort study in singleton primiparae after
vaginal or caesarean delivery
M Gyhagen,a M Bullarbo,a,b TF Nielsen,a,b I Milsoma
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sahlgrenska Academy at Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden b Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Södra Älvsborgs Hospital, Borås, Sweden
Correspondence: I Milsom, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, SE-416 85 Gothenburg, Sweden.
Email ian.milsom@gu.se

Accepted 12 September 2012. Published Online 2 November 2012.

Objective To investigate prevalence and risk factors for Episiotomy, vacuum extraction and second-degree or more
symptomatic pelvic organ prolapse (sPOP) and sPOP concomitant laceration were not associated with increased risk of sPOP
with urinary incontinence (UI) in women 20 years after one compared with spontaneous vaginal delivery. Symptomatic POP
vaginal delivery or one caesarean delivery. increased 3% (OR 1.03; 95% CI 1.01–1.05) with each unit
increase of current BMI and by 3% (OR 1.03; 95% CI 1.02–1.05)
Design Registry-based national cohort study.
for each 100 g increase of infant birthweight. Mothers £160 cm
Setting Women who returned a postal questionnaire in 2008 who delivered a child with birthweight ‡4000 g had a doubled
(response rate 65.2%). prevalence of sPOP compared with short mothers who delivered
an infant weighing <4000 g (24.2 versus 13.4%, OR 2.06; 95% CI
Population Singleton primiparae with a birth in 1985–88 and no
1.19–3.55). Women with sPOP had UI and UI > 10 years more
further births (n = 5236).
often than women without prolapse.
Methods The SWEPOP study used validated questionnaires about
Conclusion The prevalence of sPOP was doubled after vaginal
sPOP and UI.
delivery compared with caesarean section, two decades after one
Main outcome measures Prevalence rate and risk of sPOP with or birth. Infant birthweight and current BMI were risk factors for
without concomitant UI. sPOP after vaginal delivery.
Results Prevalence of sPOP was higher after vaginal delivery Keywords Body mass index, caesarean section, epidemiology,
compared with caesarean section (14.6 versus 6.3%, odds ratio episiotomy, long-term risk factor, pelvic organ prolapse, perineal
[OR] 2.55; 95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.98–3.28) but was laceration, questionnaire, urinary incontinence, vacuum extraction,
not increased after acute compared with elective caesarean section. vaginal delivery.

Please cite this paper as: Gyhagen M, Bullarbo M, Nielsen T, Milsom I. Prevalence and risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse 20 years after childbirth: a
national cohort study in singleton primiparae after vaginal or caesarean delivery. BJOG 2013;120:152–160.

reported to be 11–19% in welfare states.6–8 Life expectancy

of women worldwide is increasing and women throughout
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is considered to be one of the the world are living longer after childbirth and therefore
major anatomical sequelae of childbirth.1 Globally up to we must further increase our efforts to minimise possible
half of all parous women have some degree of clinical pro- long-term morbidity due to childbirth through preventive
lapse and 10–20% are symptomatic (sPOP).1,2 In addition strategies based on a better knowledge of risk factors.
to mechanical discomfort, POP may negatively affect sexu- Pelvic organ prolapse is a rare condition in nulliparous
ality, body image and quality of life1,3,4 and is one of the women and in women after one or several caesarean sec-
most common reasons for gynaecological surgery5 peaking tions, indicating that mode of delivery is more important
in upper midlife.6 Today the lifetime risk of POP surgery is than pregnancy alone.9,10 Obstetric trauma resulting from

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Pelvic organ prolapse 20 years after childbirth

the passage of the fetus through the pelvic floor during height measurements in early pregnancy at 8–10 weeks of
vaginal delivery and increasing parity have been implicated gestation (early pregnancy BMI), at delivery (delivery BMI),
as important risk factors for the development of POP.1,11,12 and 20 years after delivery (current BMI). Perineal tears were
The assessment of the influence of childbirth on POP later diagnosed by the midwife or obstetrician and classified into
in life has been hampered by the heterogeneity of study four degrees according to the WHO International Classifica-
populations. Women of different ages and varying body tion of Diseases. A first-degree tear involves the forchet, the
weights have been included after a variable number of perineal skin, vaginal epithelium but not the underlying fas-
pregnancies often with different modes of delivery. cia and muscles. A second-degree tear also involves the fas-
The aim of the present study was to determine the prev- cia, muscles, perineal body but not the anal sphincter. A
alence of sPOP and concomitant urinary incontinence (UI) third-degree tear involves the anal sphincter, but does not
in women 20 years after one single pregnancy terminating extend through the rectal mucosa. A fourth-degree tear is
either in a vaginal or a surgical delivery and to analyse the defined as extending through the rectal mucosa.17
relative importance of obstetric and non-obstetric risk
factors. Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with sas 9.1 (SAS Insti-
tute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The influence of potential risk
factors for sPOP and sPOP concomitant with UI in
A national survey of pelvic floor dysfunction, the SWEPOP women 20 years after one delivery was compared according
(SWEdish Pregnancy, Obesity and Pelvic floor) study was to mode of delivery. Chi-square test was used to compare
conducted in 2008 assessing pelvic floor function in women categorical variables and Student’s t test was used to com-
20 years after one single pregnancy terminating either in a pare continuous variables. Original data were sometimes
vaginal or a surgical delivery. The population studied and stratified in the analyses, e.g. when comparing women
their obstetric data were obtained from the Swedish Medi- delivered by the vaginal route with women delivered by
cal Birth Register and complemented with information caesarean section. Stratification was performed according
from a postal questionnaire sent to the women 20 years to the following: Maternal age groups: <23 years; 23–
after the single delivery. A detailed description of the study 29 years; 30–34 years; ‡35 years; BMI: categories of BMI
population and methods, including an analysis of the non- were the same as the WHO classification; Infant head cir-
responders, has been published previously.13 cumference: dichotomised according to £35 cm or >35 cm;
The questionnaire included 31 questions about current Infant birthweight: we chose the most commonly used
height and weight, urinary or anal incontinence and genital stratification in the literature (starting at <3000 g and with
prolapse, menstrual status, hysterectomy, the menopause intervals of 500 g); Maternal height and infant birthweight:
and hormone treatment. Symptomatic prolapse was diag- maternal height was dichotomised into £160 cm or
nosed according to a validated five-item questionnaire:14 >160 cm and the birthweight was dichotomised into
sPOP was defined by the key symptom ‘feeling of a vaginal <4000 g or ‡4000 g. Logistic regression analysis was used
bulge’ (often/sometimes/infrequently). This symptom was to demonstrate independent risk factors for sPOP while
sufficient for classification as having POP. In the absence controlling for potential confounding factors. Potential risk
of this symptom, a combination of the symptoms ‘vaginal factors used in the analysis were mode of delivery, mater-
pain/discomfort’ (often), ‘worsening upon heavy lifting’ nal age at delivery, current BMI, hysterectomy, hormone
and ‘need of manual reduction of the anterior vaginal wall’ replacement therapy, gestational age, infant birthweight
(often/sometimes/infrequently), and urge incontinence and infant head circumference. Odds ratios (ORs) and
(often/sometimes/infrequently) could also lead to a POP their 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated
classification, but no women reported this combination, from the model. The Wald Odds Ratio test was used to
and in practice, all had a feeling of a vaginal bulge in the test for multiple parameters simultaneously. Adjusted prev-
validation study performed by Tegerstedt et al.14 Urinary alence rates and odds ratios were calculated using a covari-
incontinence was defined according to the International ance analysis model for maternal age, infant birthweight,
Continence Society15 and by the question ‘Do you have current BMI and infant head circumference (only for the
involuntary loss of urine?’ Participants reporting UI were subgroup analysis of the vaginal delivery group). These
grouped according to the duration of UI (UI < 5 years, variables were considered potential confounders and effect
5–10 years, or >10 years). modifiers on the basis of a combination of clinical consid-
Body mass index (BMI; kg/m2) was categorised as normal erations and the significance of risk factors identified in
(<25), overweight (‡25–29.9) and obese (‡30) according to the logistic regression analysis. Because the regression mod-
the World Health Organization (WHO) classification16 and els require that there be no missing data for the dependent
was calculated for each woman according to weight and variable and all of the independent variables, the number

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Gyhagen et al.

of women included in each analysis varies. A P value of

<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Nonlinearity Results
and possible threshold effects of the stratified variables The questionnaire was returned by 65.2% of 9423 women
(current BMI, infant birthweight and maternal age) were invited to participate and the basic characteristics of those
analysed for vaginal delivery and caesarean section sepa- included, grouped according to mode of delivery, have
rately. To address some specific obstetric events (vacuum been described in detail previously.13
extraction, disproportion, episiotomy) associated with vagi- The overall prevalence of sPOP was 12.8% (663/5199).
nal delivery, subgroup analysis was performed and pre- The number of women with sPOP in the vaginal delivery
sented separately. The prevalence data permitted the group was 588/3995 and in the caesarean group was 75/
calculation of the number of caesarean sections needed to 1204 (48/766 elective caesarean section and 27/438 acute
avoid one case of sPOP using the number-needed-to-treat caesarean section; Table 1). The prevalence of sPOP was
principle. The number-needed-to-treat was calculated as more than doubled after vaginal delivery compared with
the inverse of the absolute risk reduction, where risk caesarean section (14.6 versus 6.3%, OR 2.55; 95% CI
reduction was the difference of adjusted sPOP prevalence 1.98–3.28) (Table 1). One percent of the women delivered
between vaginal delivery and caesarean section. vaginally had received treatment for pelvic organ prolapse.

Table 1. The difference in crude and adjusted prevalence rates of sPOP between vaginal delivery (VD) and caesarean section (CS) in relation to
stratified risk factors

CS (%) VD (%) Crude OR (95% CI) CS (%) VD (%) Adjusted* OR (95% CI)

All 6.2 14.7 2.60 (2.02–3.33) 6.3 14.6 2.55 (1.98–3.28)

Infant birthweight (g)
<3000 7.9 11.7 1.53 (0.95–2.47) 7.9 11.8 1.57 (0.97–2.56)
n = 808 n = 353 n = 455
3000–3499 5.4 14.1 2.89 (1.82–4.61) 5.0 14.2 3.17 (1.95–5.15)
n = 1698 n = 390 n = 1308
3500–3999 5.7 14.6 2.82 (1.61–4.95) 5.9 14.6 2.73 (1.55–4.80)
n = 1430 n = 245 n = 1185
4000–4499 4.3 16.1 4.27 (1.96–9.29) 3.7 15.8 4.85 (2.10–11.17)
n = 1078 n = 163 n = 915
‡4500 9.6 23.3 2.84 (1.04–7.81) 7.8 23.8 3.67 (1.22–11.03)
n = 181 n = 52 n = 129
Infant head circumference (cm)
£35 7.4 14.7 2.15 (1.60–2.88) 8.0 14.4 1.93 (1.45–2.57)
n = 3490 n = 756 n = 2734
>35 4.1 15.1 4.14 (2.45–7.00) 3.7 15.1 4.70 (2.70–8.21)
n = 1593 n = 390 n = 1203
Current BMI (kg/m2)
<25 4.7 12.2 2.80 (1.86–4.22) 5.1 12.1 2.57 (1.73–3.83)
n = 2477 n = 572 n = 1905
25–29 7.8 15.5 2.19 (1.44–3.31) 7.8 15.5 2.18 (1.44–3.30)
n = 1643 n = 361 n = 1282
‡30 7.4 19.4 3.03 (1.82–5.07) 7.4 19.4 3.04 (1.82–5.08)
n = 977 n = 245 n = 732
Maternal age at delivery (years)
<23 10.3 15.4 1.59 (0.85–2.99) 7.1 15.5 2.41 (1.02–5.70)
n = 869 n = 116 n = 753
23–29 6.8 12.9 2.02 (1.27–3.24) 8.5 12.9 1.59 (1.05–2.40)
n = 1735 n = 308 n = 1427
30–34 6.8 14.9 2.39 (1.53–3.73) 6.7 14.9 2.45 (1.55–3.86)
n = 1471 n = 351 n = 1120
‡35 4.2 17.3 4.76 (2.86–7.95) 4.6 17.3 4.39 (2.66–7.25)
n = 1124 n = 429 n = 695

Chi-square test was used for statistical comparison between groups.

*Adjusted for current BMI, infant birthweight and maternal age.

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Pelvic organ prolapse 20 years after childbirth

The corresponding figure for women delivered by caesarean have to be performed to avoid one case of either UI or
section was 0.1%. sPOP or the combination of UI and sPOP.
The results indicated that 12 caesarean sections needed
to be performed to avoid one case of sPOP. There was Risk factors for sPOP
however no significant difference in the prevalence or odds Risk factors for sPOP were analysed using logistic regres-
of sPOP after acute caesarean section compared with elec- sion analysis (Table 3). Vaginal delivery, infant birthweight
tive caesarean section 6.0 versus 6.3% (OR 0.95; 95% CI and current maternal BMI were shown to be risk factors
0.58–1.57). The difference in crude and adjusted prevalence for sPOP. There were no effects demonstrated for gesta-
rates of sPOP between vaginal delivery and caesarean sec- tional length, infant head circumference, or factors such as
tion in relation to stratified risk factors (infant birthweight, hysterectomy or estrogen treatment (Table 3). Age was not
head circumference, current BMI and maternal age at a risk factor for sPOP (OR 1.01; 95% CI 0.99–1.02).
delivery) are also shown in Table 1. The odds of sPOP increased 3% (OR 1.03; 95% CI
1.01–1.05) for each unit increase of BMI (Table 3). With
Concomitant UI and sPOP normal current BMI as reference the odds of sPOP
The prevalence of UI (61.8 versus 34.8%, OR 3.02; 95% CI increased significantly for both overweight and obese
2.54–3.59) was higher in women with sPOP and the preva- women in the vaginal delivery group (Table 4).
lence of UI > 10 years more than doubled (16.7 versus There was also a 3% increased odds of sPOP (OR 1.03;
7.6%, OR 2.43; 95% CI 1.93–3.07) in women with sPOP 95% CI 1.01–1.05) for each 100-g increase of infant birth-
compared with those without sPOP. Vaginally delivered weight (Table 3). Analysis of birthweight after vaginal
women with sPOP had an almost tripled prevalence of UI delivery showed a numerical trend towards higher rates of
compared with women delivered by caesarean section with prolapse with increasing birthweight, which became signif-
sPOP (9.1 versus 2.8%, OR 3.48; 95% CI 2.41–4.99) icantly higher for the birthweight group ‡4500 g com-
(Table 2). Furthermore, women who were delivered vagi- pared with birthweight group <3000 g. This effect of
nally and who had sPOP reported UI > 10 years five times birthweight was not observed after caesarean section
more often compared with women delivered by caesarean (Table 4).
section with sPOP (2.6 versus 0.5%, OR 5.22; 95% CI The importance of infant birthweight in conjunction
2.29–11.92; Table 2). Of the 383 women with a combina- with maternal height was also investigated. The combined
tion of sPOP and UI, 351(91.6%) had a vaginal delivery factor of birthweight and maternal height together was
and of 110 women with the combination sPOP and found to be important for the development of sPOP after
UI > 10 years 105 (95.5%) had a vaginal delivery. The vaginal delivery (Table 5). Mothers £160 cm who delivered
prevalence of either sPOP or UI or sPOP + UI combined a child with birthweight ‡4000 g (n = 91) after vaginal
was 45.5% in women who had a vaginal delivery. The cor- delivery had a higher prevalence of sPOP compared with
responding prevalence of either sPOP or UI or sPOP + UI short mothers who delivered an infant weighing <4000 g
combined for women delivered by caesarean section was (n = 484; 24.2 versus 13.4%, OR 2.06; 95% CI 1.19–3.55)
33.2%. These results indicate that eight caesarean sections after adjusting for maternal age, current BMI and infant

Table 2. Crude and adjusted prevalence rates of sPOP and concomitant UI and concomitant UI persisting for more than 10 years (UI > 10 years)
according to mode of delivery

CS VD Crude CS VD Adjusted*
(%) (%) OR (95% CI) (%) (%) OR (95% CI)

sPOP 6.2 14.7 2.60 (2.02–3.33) 6.3 14.6 2.55 (1.98–3.28)

n = 663 n = 75 n = 588
sPOP and UI 2.9 9.2 3.36 (2.37–4.79) 2.8 9.1 3.48 (2.41–4.99)
n = 383 n = 32 n = 351
sPOP and UI > 10 years 0.4 2.6 6.47 (2.63–15.9) 0.5 2.6 5.22 (2.29–11.92)
n = 110 n=5 n = 105

CS, caesarean section; VD, vaginal delivery.

n = 5159, missing n = 40.
Chi-square test was used for statistical comparison between groups.
*Adjusted for current weight, maternal age, infant birth weight and head circumference.

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Table 3. Logistic regression of risk factors for sPOP including all the
cantly associated with an increased prevalence or odds of
variables of the full model (n = 4066) sPOP. The prevalence of sPOP after spontaneous vaginal
delivery was similar to the prevalence of sPOP after birth
OR (95% CI) P assisted by vacuum extraction, between women who had
an episiotomy compared with those without episiotomy
Vaginal delivery (yes vs no)* 2.36 (1.76–3.17) <0.001 and between women who had at least second degree lacera-
Age at delivery (years) 1.01 (0.99–1.02) 0.57
tions and those without or with a less than second-degree
Infant birthweight (0.1 kg) 1.03 (1.01–1.05) 0.02
lacerations (Table 6).
Infant head circumference 0.97 (0.92–1.03) 0.34
(£35 vs >35 cm)**
Gestational length (weeks) 0.99 (0.92–1.06) 0.71
BMI current (kg/m2) 1.03 (1.01–1.05) <0.001
Hysterectomy (yes vs no)*** 0.75 (0.48–1.17) 0.21 The odds of sPOP 20 years after birth increased by 255%
Estrogen therapy (yes vs no)**** 1.36 (0.92–2.00) 0.13 after vaginal delivery compared with caesarean section.
References: categorical variables *caesarean section; **infant head There was however no difference in the prevalence or odds
circumference £35 cm; ***no hysterectomy; ****no oestrogen of sPOP after acute caesarean section compared with elec-
therapy. tive caesarean section. The BMI was a significant risk factor
for prolapse and for each unit increase of BMI the odds of
sPOP increased by 3%. Infant birthweight ‡4500 g signifi-
Table 4. Adjusted* odds ratio for sPOP in relation to stratified risk cantly increased the rate and odds of sPOP compared with
factors and according to mode of delivery infants <3000 g after vaginal delivery. This was not
observed after caesarean section. Shorter mothers <160 cm
Caesarean section Vaginal delivery
who delivered a child with infant birthweight ‡4000 g had
a doubled prevalence of sPOP compared with shorter
Current BMI (kg/m2)
<25 1.0 (ref) 1.0 (ref)
mothers <160 cm who delivered a child <4000 g. The prev-
25–29.9 1.70 (0.99–2.94) 1.33 (1.08–1.63) alence of UI almost doubled to over 60% in women with
‡30 1.60 (0.86–2.96) 1.74 (1.38–2.18) prolapse compared with those without and the combined
Age at delivery (years) risk factor of vaginal delivery and sPOP was even stronger
<23 1.0 (ref) 1.0 (ref) for UI that had persisted for more than 10 years. It is also
23–29 1.43 (0.53–3.83) 0.83 (0.63–1.10) important to note that we found no increase in the preva-
30–34 1.14 (0.42–3.10) 1.01 (0.75–1.34)
lence of sPOP after vacuum extraction or in women with
‡35 0.72 (0.26–2.00) 1.20 (0.88–1.63)
Infant birthweight (g)
vaginal tears of second degree or greater or an episiotomy
<3000 1.0 (ref) 1.0 (ref) compared with a normal vaginal delivery.
3000–3499 0.65 (0.36–1.18) 1.26 (0.91–1.75) The main strengths of this study are the high response
3500–3999 0.73 (0.38–1.43) 1.28 (0.92–1.77) rate and the large study population included according to
4000–4499 0.53 (0.23–1.25) 1.39 (0.99–1.95) strict inclusion criteria from the national cohort of single-
‡4500 0.96 (0.32–2.86) 2.09 (1.26–3.47) ton primiparae who delivered during 1985–1988. A detailed
*When applicable adjusted for current BMI, age at delivery and summary and discussion of the strengths and limitations of
infant birthweight. this study design using a national cohort of primiparous
women was presented in the paper evaluating urinary
incontinence.13 Some specific limitations of the present
head circumference (Table 5). This effect of birthweight investigation evaluating sPOP must also be considered.
was not observed for mothers >160 cm. The prevalence First, symptomatic women have been shown to be more
and odds of concomitant sPOP and UI was doubled and predisposed to participate in studies and therefore sPOP
the prevalence and odds of concomitant sPOP and might have been overestimated.18 Second, the symptoms of
UI > 10 years was tripled after giving birth to a child with POP were self-reported. However, several studies have
birthweight ‡4000 g in women of short stature (£160 cm). shown that self-reported symptoms are consistent19 and
The prevalence and odds of concomitant sPOP and valid when they exist at the time of report.20,21 Third, it
UI > 10 years was also doubled for mothers >160 cm who has been shown in a community-based population14 that
gave birth to a child with birthweight ‡4000 g (Table 5). sensitivity and specificity for the question ‘feeling a bulge’
No effects of maternal height and birthweight were seen in to correctly identify genital prolapse according to the
the caesarean section group. POPQ system were 66.5 and 94.2%, respectively. However,
None of the obstetric events, vacuum extraction, episiot- it should be noted that although every third woman with
omy, or second-degree or greater laceration was signifi- prolapse was a false negative, most of the missed cases

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Pelvic organ prolapse 20 years after childbirth

Table 5. Prevalence and odds ratio of sPOP, sPOP combined with UI, and sPOP combined with UI for more than 10 years (>10 years) in women
delivered vaginally grouped according to maternal height and fetal weight

Maternal height/ sPOP sPOP and UI sPOP and

infant birthweight UI >10 years

% OR (95% CI) % OR (95% CI) % OR (95% CI)

£160 cm/<4000 g (n = 484) vs 13.4 vs 24.2 2.06 (1.19–3.55) 8.4 vs 15.4 1.96 (1.02–3.78) 2.1 vs 6.6 3.35 (1.18–9.45)
£160 cm/‡4000 g (n = 91)
>160 cm/<4000 g (n = 2364) vs 12.3 vs 14.7 1.12 (0.90–1.38) 8.9 vs 9.5 1.08 (0.83–1.40) 2.1 vs 4.0 1.93 (1.25–2.98)
>160 cm/‡4000 g (n = 923)

Chi-square test was used for statistical comparison between groups. Prevalence and odds ratios were adjusted for current weight, maternal age,
head circumference.

Table 6. Adjusted* prevalence and odds ratio of sPOP in relation to

elective caesarean section. We interpret our results to indi-
obstetric events in vaginally delivered women cate that it is not until the final stage of delivery when the
fetus passes through the pelvic hiatus during vaginal deliv-
(%) OR (CI 95%) ery (at the end of the second stage of delivery) that the
structural damage to the pelvic floor occurs causing POP.
SVD vs VE 14.8 vs 14.0 0.94 (0.74–1.19) This is also consistent with the findings on the occurrence
(n = 3283/n = 712)
of UI in the SWEPOP study, which also did not show any
No episiotomy vs episiotomy 14.8 vs 13.7 0.92 (0.70–1.20)
difference in the prevalence of UI between acute caesarean
(n = 3418/n = 498)
Less than second-degree 14.5 vs 16.9 1.20 (0.80–1.80) section or elective caesarean section.13
tear vs second-degree Whether or not infant birthweight is a risk factor for
tear or greater prolapse is still controversial. In the study of Tegerstedt
(n = 3744/n = 172) et al.10 birthweight was not a risk factor for sPOP after
adjustment for age and parity, but groups were probably
SVD, spontaneous vaginal delivery; VE, vacuum extraction.
Chi-square test was used for statistical comparison between groups. too small. Our results are however consistent with those of
*Adjusted for current BMI, maternal age, infant birth weight and two other studies indicating that birthweight is a risk fac-
infant head circumference. tor. In the cross-sectional population study of Samuelsson
et al.25 a strong correlation was found between odds of
POP and maximum birthweight. Timonen et al.26 reported
(72.5%) were stage I prolapses only. In our study, as also that POP was found in more than one-third of women
in the study of Tegerstedt et al.,14 all the women who who delivered a child ‡4000 g compared with 9.5% in the
reported a combination of symptoms indicating sPOP in general population. Similarly, the analysis of prolapse prev-
fact also reported the single symptom ‘feeling a bulge’ indi- alence in relation to stratified infant birthweights in the
cating the discriminatory importance of this single present study showed that sPOP more than doubled for
symtom. infants ‡4500 g in comparison with infants <3000 g after
The reported wide range (15–48%) in the prevalence of vaginal delivery. In contrast this was not observed after cae-
POP after childbirth is mainly a result of differences in sarean section. The logistic regression analysis confirmed a
study populations and varying classification of POP.1,10,22 3% risk increase in the prevalence of sPOP for each 100-g
The influence of specific obstetric events is difficult to increase of birthweight. However, from the analysis of
interpret in the majority of studies because of the inclusion stratified infant birthweight the relationship did not seem
of several pregnancies and information about the preva- to be linear and there seemed to be a threshold effect for a
lence of sPOP after one single vaginal or surgical delivery is birthweight around 4500 g.
scarce.23 In this study the odds of sPOP after vaginal deliv- When analysing the effect of maternal height we found a
ery were more than double those after caesarean section, significant increased prevalence and odds of sPOP among
which is in contrast to the findings of Lukacz et al.24 who mothers who delivered an infant ‡4000 g compared with an
found no difference in prolapse rates between women infant <4000 g after vaginal delivery in mothers £160 cm.
delivered by acute caesarean section and vaginal delivery. This infant-birthweight-dependent effect was not observed
We did not find any difference in the prevalence of sPOP for mothers >160 cm and no effect of maternal height and
between women delivered by acute caesarean section or birthweight was seen in the caesarean section group. Data

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in the literature on the effect of incongruity between mother Advancing age is a widely accepted independent risk fac-
and child as a risk factor for sPOP are lacking for compari- tor for POP.1 In two cross-sectional studies on sPOP, prev-
son. From our data it is obviously not possible to determine alence increased with greater age.31,32 Miedel et al.12 also
whether high birthweight in combination with shorter found a significant age-dependent (parity-adjusted) increase
mother itself is causative for sPOP or is associated with of sPOP for women of all age groups ‡50 years (OR 2.0–
other underlying factors that predispose to pelvic floor 2.3) compared with women aged 30–39 years old, after one
trauma. Other studies have shown that neuromuscular or more vaginal and/or surgical deliveries. Contrary to
damage is associated with prolonged second stage of labour these findings we did not find age to be a significant risk
and extended voluntary straining,27,28 which may be linked factor for sPOP, neither in the logistic regression analysis
to disproportion. Our results suggest that maternal and nor in the covariance analysis of stratified age groups. One
infant body characteristics may be of significance and explanation for differences in the reported results may be
should perhaps also be taken into account at the time of related to population and time period bias. In our study
scheduled vaginal delivery to minimise pelvic floor damage. the women at the time of assessment in 2008 were aged
Short-term follow-up magnetic resonance imaging stud- 35–67 years and the interval after delivery had been fixed
ies have shown that levator ani muscle injury is found in to 20 years. Our findings may reflect a generally good
10% of women after spontaneous vaginal delivery, in 25% access to modern antenatal care and obstetric practices in
after vacuum extraction and in 66% of women after for- the 1980s, a more favourable health status among pregnant
ceps delivery, but are not seen in nulliparous women.29 women and the narrow age range of our cohort. Cross-sec-
Opening of the genital hiatus and weakening of the pelvic tional studies have included elderly women who gave birth
plate have also been shown to occur more often in women earlier under perhaps less optimal birth conditions. In sup-
with prolapse than in those with normal pelvic support.30 port of our results the Oxford FPA Study also concluded
Risk for subsequent long-term development of POP that that age was a much less important risk factor, once parity
could be attributed to specific obstetric events during vaginal and calendar period was taken into account.33
delivery is however poorly analysed in the literature. Teger- The observation that POP is associated with a higher fre-
stedt et al.10 found that episiotomy or instrumental delivery quency of UI was first reported by Olsen et al.6 in 1985 and
(proportions of vacuum extraction and forceps were not was later confirmed in the EPIQ study34 and by Buchs-
specified) was neither positively nor negatively associated baum.35 All three studies reported that about 60% of
with sPOP, which is consistent with the outcome shown in women with POP are also diagnosed with UI. These find-
our study. Handa et al.23 showed a strong association ings are very close to our results that 61.8% of all women
between operative vaginal delivery and POP despite a low with sPOP also reported UI compared with 34.8% of
prevalence rate (3%) in their study. Tegerstedt et al.10 also women with no sPOP. Further, it was found that in women
found that vaginal delivery in combination with ‘extensive with sPOP, as opposed to women without sPOP, UI with a
vaginal rupture’ more than doubled the odds of sPOP (in duration of more than 10 years was more prevalent.
connection with at least one delivery). The diagnosis how- The combination of vaginal delivery and sPOP was a
ever was based on patient recall. This is contrary to our find- strong risk factor for concomitant UI and even stronger for
ing that a tear of second degree or more, after adjustment women with UI of longer duration (>10 years). The preva-
for birthweight, maternal age, current BMI and infant head lence of sPOP in our study was more than twice as common
circumference, was not significantly associated with sPOP. in women who had undergone vaginal delivery compared
Whether current BMI is a risk factor for POP or not is with caesarean section and in addition the prevalence of
still controversial. In our study current BMI was an inde- concomitant UI was tripled after vaginal delivery compared
pendent but, in comparison with mode of delivery, less with caesarean section in women who had sPOP. It should
important risk factor with a weak effect on odds of pro- also be noted that the prevalence of UI > 10 year was more
lapse. By each unit increase of BMI sPOP increased 3%. A than five times greater after vaginal delivery compared with
positive association between BMI and odds of sPOP has caesarean section in women who had sPOP. This indicates a
also been shown in the study by Miedel et al.12 and in the protective effect of caesarean section for the occurrence of
Women’s Health Initiative.31 Even if the analysis techniques sPOP and the protective effect of caesarean section was even
used in these two studies differed from our study, the esti- greater for sPOP + UI and sPOP + UI > 10 year. It is rea-
mated risk increase by each unit increase of BMI from the sonable therefore to assume that women with concomitant
stratified data in these two studies was approximately in sPOP and UI and especially those with sPOP and
the same range as ours. However it should be noted that UI > 10 year more often have pelvic floor damage as a
studies by Rortveit et al.9 and Samuelsson et al.25 did not result of vaginal delivery compared with women delivered
establish BMI as a significant risk factor for sPOP and clin- by caesarean section. It is also important to note that there
ical POP, respectively. may be other differences in the pathogenesis of prolapse

158 ª 2012 The Authors BJOG An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ª 2012 RCOG
Pelvic organ prolapse 20 years after childbirth

occuring after caesarean section compared with vaginal MG and IM take full responsibility for the integrity of the
delivery (e.g. due to other non-obstetric factors). data and the accuracy of the data analysis.
In conclusion, the results from this study clearly demon-
strate that in primiparous women the single most impor- Details of ethics approval
tant long-term risk factor for genital prolapse is delivery Ethical approval for the SWEPOP study was obtained from
via the vaginal route. Taking into account the prevalence of the Regional and the National Ethic Review Boards (the
POP stated for nulliparous women in the literature, caesar- Ethics Committee at Sahlgrenska Academy, Gothenburg
ean section seems to be protective. The results indicated University, ref no.381-07, 13 August 2007 and the National
that 12 caesarean sections needed to be performed to avoid Board of Health and Welfare, ref no. 34-9148/2007, 26
one case of sPOP and that eight caesarean sections have to October 2007).
be performed to avoid one case of either UI or sPOP or
the combination of UI and sPOP. In mid- and upper mid- Funding
life other long-term risk factors are much less important The study was supported by a National LUA/ALF grant no.
although current BMI is a significant risk factor in com- 11315 and the Region of Västra Götaland, grants from The
bination with a previous vaginal delivery. The obstetric Göteborg Medical Society and Hjalmar Svenssons Fund,
events episiotomy, vacuum extraction and tear of second- The funding source had no role in the study design, data
degree or more were not found to be associated with an analysis, data interpretation or writing of the report. MG
increased risk of sPOP. In contrast, other parameters were and IM had full access to all study data and had final
more important. Infant birthweight and the combined risk responsibility for the decision to submit for publication.
factor maternal height and birthweight were stronger risk
factors for sPOP, but only in association with vaginal Acknowledgements
delivery. There seemed to be a threshold effect of a birth- We thank Ms Marianne Sahlén and Ms Anja Andersson for
weight around 4500 g and the combination of short help with data registration and Björn Areskoug MSc for
mother and large baby (‡4000 g) more than doubled sPOP expertise in statistical programming. j
prevalence. Prolapse itself seemed to be a risk factor for UI
and UI > 10 years. Women with sPOP after vaginal deliv- References
ery fared significantly worse than women with sPOP after
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