Research Lesson

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Teacher Candidate: Bailey Power Unit Topic: Research Project

Essential Question(s): What are issues, problems to consider about the research process? What is the
focus question(s) for your project?

Lesson Number: 2 Approximate Time: 1 40 minute class period

State Standard and Objectives (Utilize Bloom’s) Acceptable Evidence and

Performance Indicator Type of Assessment
Quickwrite Sheet
Standard 1: Students will read, Students will examine their
write, listen, and speak for research process thus far and
information and understanding. fill out a quickwrite sheet
Indicator 1:Use prewriting
activities; for example,
f reewriting, note taking, and

Quickwrite Sheet
Standard 3: Students will read, Students will develop the
write, listen, and speak for next steps in their research
critical analysis and evaluation. plans (i.e, a research
question) by engaging in the
Indicator 1: Select, reject, and reflection process
reconcile ideas and information
in light of prior knowledge,
experiences, beliefs, and biases

Standard 4: Students will read, Quickwrite Sheet

write, listen and speak for social
interaction Students will discuss their
Indicator 1: Use strategies (such process with their peers in
as discussing with others, group setting.
reading guides and summaries,
reading aloud) to assist in
Teacher Candidate: Bailey Power Date: 04/08/2011

Unit Title: Of Mice and Men (Research Project) Subject: English Grade Level: 9
Essential Question(s): What are issues, problems, questions to consider about the research process?
What is the focus question(s) for your project?

Reflection of the Research Process

What are issues, problems, questions to consider about the research process?
Lesson Question (s) What is the focus question(s) for your project?

State Standards Standard 1: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for information
and Performance and understanding.
Indicator 1:Use prewriting activities; for example, brainstorming,
f reewriting, note taking, and outlining

Standard 3: Students will read, write, listen, and speak for critical
analysis and evaluation.

Indicator 1: Select, reject, and reconcile ideas and information in light of

prior knowledge, experiences, beliefs, and biases

Standard 4: Students will read, write, listen and speak for social

Indicator 1: Use strategies (such as discussing with others, reading guides

and summaries, reading aloud) to assist in comprehension
1. Students will examine their research process thus far and fill out a
Lesson Objectives quickwrite sheet
(Bloom’s Taxonomy)
2. Students will develop the next steps in their research plans (i.e, a
research question) by engaging in the reflection process

---------------------- 3. Students will discuss their process with their peers in group
*Could be collected for Acceptable Evidence for all three objectives will be the Quickwrite sheet
provided to them

Semi-Review Game titled: Marooned

Bell Ringer and Directions: Break the students into groups by having them count off by 5.
Prior Knowledge Once they are in their groups, explain to them that they are stranded on a
Tap deserted island, and the only way to get off is they must remember 5
things about summarizing and putting together a works cited page for
This can be together or their research project.
separate. Also may be
called: set induction,
anticipatory set, (Adapted from “Marooned” Ice Breaker
_______________ _______________________________________________________

The teacher will call the students back to their seats and pass out the
Procedure Quickwrite Note Sheet. While doing this, she will explain that the
research process is long, and that it is a slow process. Not every source
Teacher input, you find is going to have the information you need, and sometimes you
development, have to read through what seems like 15 sources before you find one that
instructional has the information you want.
method(s), modeling,
guided practice, Tell them that when you first started doing research projects, it wasn’t
independent practice,
easy, and even now, after having a lot of practice it still isn’t an easy
and/or activities

Students will work independently on the worksheet for about 10-15

minutes. Fill in the questions with whatever comes to mind, sort of a
“stream of consciousness” but with the overall focus on the question.
for learning
modalities are After this, they can work with their neighbor (Think-Pair-Share) to
required. discuss eachother’s sheets. They may find commonalities between their
responses, or find that their peers are having some of the same
Label…visual, difficulties. (Visual, auditory)
auditory, and
kinesthetic Teacher walks among students answering questions, checking progress.

Teacher will then call the group back and answer any questions that
students may have had in common.

For the weekend, and hopefully independently, they will have developed
an overarching question that they want for their research project. The
goal is to have them use this as a sort of “thesis” to guide the rest of their
research. They should put this question in their journal and consider it
over the weekend.
For the Bell Ringer Game: Ask a student to repeat the directions of what
they are supposed to be doing (directions)
Checks for
Understanding After handout is distributed, ask a student to read the directions on the
note sheet. (directions)
Label: directions,
procedures, routines, Have a student volunteer to read the questions aloud to the class (content)
and content

The students will fill out the Quickwrite note sheet which could be
considered a formative assessment. The goal for this assessment is to see
Assessment where they are at in the research process. It is really for students to
reflect, ask questions, and establish a goal for themselves and their
Type and purpose project.
(sometimes called

Teacher will remind students that a question, if one isn’t developed

already, or in class that day, that they are to try and focus on one over the
Closure weekend. They will be back in the library on Monday for another day of

Repetition of directions
Review of material


QuickWrite Note Sheet

1 40 minute class period

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