Practice Questions - XI Physics: Third Weekly Exam Syllabus - (Mangsir 2078)

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Third Weekly Exam Syllabus – [ Mangsir 2078]

Practice Questions - XI
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.
1. Which of the following number carry three significant figures?
a. 3.033 b. 0.003
c. 33.33 d. 0.333
2. The volume of a liquid is 20.5 mL. Which of the following sets of
measurement represents the value with good accuracy?
a. 18.6 mL, 17.8 mL, 19.6 mL, 17.2 mL
b. 19.2 mL, 19.3 mL, 18.8 mL, 18.6 mL
c. 18.9 mL, 19.0 mL, 19.2 mL, 18.8 mL
d. 20.2 mL, 20.5 mL, 20.3 mL, 20.1 mL
3. Which of the following is a dimensional constant?
a. Refractive Index b. Dielectric Constant
c. Relative Density d. Gravitational Constant
4. If y = a + bt +ct2 + dt3, where ‘y’ is distance and ‘t’ is time. Then, the unit of
‘d’ is
a. m b. m/s
c. m/s2 d. m/s3
5. If a physical quantity has magnitude equals to zero but arbitrary direction
then the quantity is
a. a scalar
b. a vector
c. such type of physical quantity does not exist.
d. information insufficient.
6. A metal sheet has a circular hole in it. When it is heated the diameter of the
a. increases b. decreases
c. does not change d. may increase or decrease
7. In case of concave mirror, the minimum distance between a real object and
its real image is
a. f b. 2f
c. 4f d. zero
8. A virtual image larger than the object can be produced by
a. convex mirror b. concave mirror
c. plane mirror d. both a and b
9. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 90° with each other. The number of images
formed is
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d. 5
10. Lateral shift observed in a glass slab is minimum when the angle of incidence
a. 0° b. 30°
c. 60° d. 90°
11. A coin is observed at a distance of 2 cm from the bottom of a glass slab 6 cm
thick. If the coin is at the bottom of a glass, the refractive index of glass is,
a. 1.45 b. 3
c. 1.5 d. 1.6
12. The length of rod is exactly 1 cm. An observer records the reading as 1.0 cm,
1.00 cm and 1.000 cm. Which is the most precise measurement?
a. 1.0 cm b. 1.00 cm
c. 1.000 cm d. All readings are equally precise
13. The number of Significant figures in the number 1.00950 × 10–8 is
a. 3 b. 6
c. 9 d. 12
14. A force ’F’ is given as F = at + bt2, where t is time. What are the dimensions
of a and b?
a. [MLT-3] and [MLT-4] b. [MLT-3] and [ML2T-4]
-3 0
c. [MLT ] and [MLT ] d. [MLT-4] and [MLT4]
15. Light year is the unit of
a. Length b. Velocity
c. Time d. Momentum
16. If the magnitude and direction of two vectors is equal then the vectors are
a. Equal vectors b. Parallel vectors
c. Aniparallel vectors d. Unit vectors
17. The coefficient of linear expansion is ⍺ per oC. If the temperature is
measured on Fahrenheit scale instead of Celsius scale, the coefficient of
linear expansion now will be
a. ⍺ per oF b. ⍺ per oF
4 5
c. ⍺ per oF d. ⍺ per oF
5 9
18. A light ray incident normally on a plane mirror suffers a deviation of
a. zero b.
c. c d. 2c
19. If a spherical mirror is immersed in liquid, its focal length
a. increases b. decreases
c. remains constant d. depends on nature of light
20. Two mirrors are inclined at 60° with each other. The number of images
formed of an object is
a. 3 b. 4
c. 5 d. 6
21. The lateral shift observed in a glass slab is maximum when angle of
incidence is
a. 0° b. 30°
c. 60° d. 90°
22. The critical angle for water glass interface can be calculated by
1 1
a. sin C = b. sin C =
g w a w
c. sin C = d. sin C = wg
w g

Give short answer to the following questions.

1. a. Find the dimensional formula of following quantities. [1+1]

i. Specific heat capacity
ii. Power
b. By using the applications of dimensional analysis, derive an expression
for the centripetal force ‘F’ acting on a body of mass ‘m’ moving with
velocity ‘v’ in a circle of radius ‘r’. [3]

2. a. Is electric current scalar or vector quantity? Why? [2]

b. Convert 1N into dyne by the method of dimension. [3]

3. Two bodies made of the same material have the same external dimensions
and appearance, but one is solid and the other is hollow as shown in figure.

a. Will their cubical expansivity be the same or different? Give

justification of your answer. [1]
b. When they are heated to the same temperature range, is overall volume
expansion the same or different? [2]
c. If they are heated by equal amount of heat, is volume expansion the
same or different? [2]

4. a. An object is situated 40 cm from a convex mirror. When a plane mirror

is inserted between object and convex mirror at a distance of 32 cm
from the object, the images in the mirrors coincide. What is the focal
length of convex mirror? [3]
b. What type of mirror will you suggest for shaving or make-up purpose
and why? [2]

Give long answer to the following questions.

5. a. The velocity 'v' of a particle at time 't' is given as v = at + , where
(t + c)
a, b, c, are constants. Find the dimensions of a, b & c. [2]
[Ans: [LT ], [L] & [T]
b. State triangle law of vector addition. If 𝑃⃗ and 𝑄⃗ are two vectors e.g.,
forces, acting on a body simultaneously at a point making an angle 𝜃
with each other. Find the resultant force in both magnitude and
direction by using triangle law of vector addition. [1+3]
c. The resultant of two forces at right angles is 5 N and when the angle
between them is 120°, the resultant is √13 N. Calculate the forces. [2]
[Ans: 3N and 4 N]

6. a. A thermometer is laid out in direct sunlight. Does it measure the

temperature of air or of the sun or something else? Explain. [2]
b. A metal cube is heated from 1° C to 2° C so that length increases
from l1 to l2 and volume from V1 to V2 as
l2 = l1 [1 + (2 – 1)]
and V2 = V1[1 + (2 – 1)]
i. Define the  and  used in above expressions. [1]

ii. Show that  = [2]
c. A metal rod is 40.125 cm long at 20.0°C and 40.148 cm long at 45.0°C.
Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion of the rod for this
temperature range. Also calculate the length of the rod at 0oC. [3]

7. a. Complete the path of ray to show lateral shift. [1]



b. Derive the expression of lateral shift from figure. [3]

c. How does the lateral shift vary with angle of incidence? [2]
d. Sketch a graph to explain the variation of lateral shift with angle of
incidence. [2]
Circle the correct one from given alternatives.

1. Which of the following statement is wrong about electron?

a. It is a particle
b. Its motion is affected by magnetic field
c. It has wave like property
d. It emits energy while moving in orbit.
2. In the ground state, an element has 13 electrons in its M-shell. The element
is _____.
a. Copper b. Chromium
c. Nickel d. Iron
3. If an atom has four unpaired electrons? What is likely to be the total spin of
the electron?
a. 1 b. 2.5
c. 2 d. 4
4. Which of the following sets of quantum numbers represents the highest
energy of an electron?
a. n = 3, l = 0, m = 0, s = + ½ b. n = 3, l = 1, m = 1, s = + ½
c. n = 3, l = 2, m = 1, s = + ½ d. n = 4, l = 0, m = 0, s = + ½
5. The orientation of atomic orbitals depends on their
a. spin quantum number b. magnetic quantum number
c. azimuthal quantum number d. principal quantum number
6. Which of the following isotope of has equal number of proton and neutron?
1 2
a. 1H b. H
3 7
c. 1H d. 3Li
7. Which of the following particle is emitted by tritium?
a. α - particle b. β - particle
c. x - ray d. neutron
8. Ozone does not acts as
a. oxidizing agent b. Reducing agent
c. Bleaching agent d. Dehydrating agent
9. O22- is the symbol of ……… ion.
a. oxide b. superoxide
c. peroxide d. monoxide
10. Elements of group 15 or VA are known as
a. Chalcogens b. Pnicogens
c. Halogens d. Alkalis
11. Which of the following is not the characteristic property of organic
a. They are large in number.
b. They have low melting and boiling points.
c. They are combustible.
d. They are highly soluble in polar solvents.
12. The splitting of spectral line into fine lines under the effect of magnetic field
a. Stark effect b. Zeeman effect
c. Crompton effect d. Pressure effect
13. The electrons of the same orbitals can be distinguished by
a. Principal quantum number b. Azimuthal quantum number
c. Spin quantum number d. Magnetic quantum number
14. The number of unpaired electrons in a chromic ion, Cr 3+ is
a. 6 b. 4
c. 3 d. 1
15. From the given sets of quantum number the one that is inconsistent with the
theory is
𝟏 1
a. n= 3; l=2; m=-3; s =+ b. n= 4; l=3; m=3; s =+
𝟐 2
1 1
c. n= 2; l=1; m=0; s = – d. n= 4; l=3; m=2; s =+
2 2
16. Which of the following electron transitions will require the largest amount
of energy in a hydrogen atom?
a. From n = 1 to n = 2 b. From n = 2 to n = 3
c. From n = ∞ to n = 1 d. From n = 3 to n = 5
17. Which of the following is least metallic
a. P b. As
c. Sb d. Bi
18. Which of the following will not displace hydrogen?
a. Ba b. Pb
c. Hg d. Sn
19. Freon is used as
a. Refrigent b. Antibiotic
c. Antiseptic d. Antichlor
20. For the manufacture of ammonia by the reaction,
N2 + 3H2 ⇌ 2NH3 + 23 kcal, the favorable conditions are
a. Low temperature, low pressure and catalyst
b. Low temperature, high pressure and catalyst
c. High temperature, low pressure, catalyst
d. High temperature, high pressure, catalyst
21. Nitrogen is used to fill electric bulbs because it
a. is lighter than air b. makes the bulb give more light
c. doesnot support combustion d. is non-toxic
22. The property by which an element can form bonds with its own atoms
forming long chains or rings of various lengths and shapes is called
a. Isomerism b. Catenation
c. Ionization d. Cyclization

Give short answer to the following questions.

1. Bohr’s atomic theory is able to explain the stability of atom as well as the
formation of hydrogen spectra.
a. Draw a labeled diagram to show different spectral series of hydrogen
spectra. [2]
b. Explain the spectral line observed in visible and UV region. [2]
c. How many electrons could be held in the second shell of an atom, if
the spin quantum number ms could have three values instead of just
two? [1]
2. Ozone is triatomic molecule with the chemical formula O₃. It is a pale blue
gas with a distinctively pungent smell. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is
much less stable than the diatomic allotrope O₂.
a. How is oxygen converted into ozone? [1]
b. What is meant by ozone hole? [1]
c. How ozone is tested? [1]
d. Suggest your ideas to protect ozone layer from its depletion. [2]
3. Urea is a very much demanded chemical fertilizer in agricultural country like
Nepal because of the lack of domestic production. One of the raw materials
for urea production is ammonia which is obtained from Haber’s process.
a. Why all of the nitrogen and hydrogen are not converted to ammonia?
b. What are the necessary physical conditions for the higher yield of
ammonia in Haber’s process? Explain. [3]
c. Why ammonia is not dried over conc. H2SO4 and anhydrous CaCl2? [1]
4. The large number of organic compounds are possible due to some special
properties of carbon like catenation property and tetra covalency.
a. Define tetra covalency of carbon. [1]
b. Define organic compounds, write any two special characters of them.
c. Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds [2]
i. CH3–CH2– CHO ii. CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – Cl
iii. CH3 – COOH iv. (CH3)2 CH – CH3
Give long answer to the following questions.

5. Different scientist gave different model to explain the structure of atom,

which provides very useful information regarding the structure of atom.
a. Explain the model which discover the nucleus. [4]
b. Write the shortcomings of the model. [1]
c. State the principle which gives a way to fill the electrons in the
available energy level. [1].
d. Write the electronic configuration of Co+2. Mention the number of
unpaired electrons and total number of subshells. [2]

6. Ozone is a highly reactive gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It is both a

natural and a man-made product that occurs in the Earth's upper atmosphere
(the stratosphere) and lower atmosphere (the troposphere).
a. How ozone is formed in stratosphere? [1]
b. How chlorofluorocarbon deplete the ozone layer? [2]
c. What happens when;
i. Mercury is exposed to ozonoid atmosphere?
ii. Ozone gas is passed through starch iodide solution? [1+1]
d. Write the resonance structure of ozone. [2]
e. Mention the major uses of ozone. [1]

7. The system of naming organic compounds developed by IUPAC which is

accepted all over the world is called IUPAC nomenclature of organic
compounds. IUPAC name of organic compounds contain Prefix, word root,
primary suffix and secondary suffix. Word root and primary suffix must be
present in the name.
a. What is word root? Give word roots for the compounds with two, three,
five and six continuous chain of C-atoms. [2]
b. What are the prefixes for –NH2, -CH3, -NO2 and –OR? [2]
c. Write the IUPAC names for the following compounds. [2]
i. CH3–CH2–OH. ii. CH3–CH(CH3)CH3
iii. CH3 – CH – CH2– CH3 iv. CH3 – CH2 – CH2– CHO
d. Name the functional groups with their structures for the following
secondary suffixes. [2]
i. -al ii. -oic acid
iii. -ol iv. -one

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