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18TH DEC 2016
Paper - 1


(One or More than One Options Correct Type)

This section contains 10 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) for its
answer, out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE is/are correct.

1. The resistance of a platinum wire is measured in 5 different experiments as given below 16.72 Ω ,
16.57 Ω , 16.68 Ω , 16.88 Ω ; 16.50 Ω . Which one of the following is most appropriate way to write the
mean resistance of wire .
(a) (16.7 ± 0.1) Ω (b) (16.67 ± 0.11) Ω
(c) (16.670 ± 0.108) Ω (d) (16.67 ± 0.108) Ω
2. Air column in a pipe closed at one end is made to vibrate in its third over tone by a tuning fork of
frequency 252 Hz. If P 0 is mean pressure at any point on the pipe and p max , the maximum amplitude of
pressure variation then (given that speed of sound is 320 m/s)
(a) The amplitude of pressure variation in the middle of the pipe is
(b) The minimum pressure at the closed end is P 0 – P max .
(c) The length of the air column is 2.22 m
(d) The maximum pressure at the open end of the pipe is P 0 .
3. A water drop and a mercury drop is taken inside identical horizontal conical glass pipes. Then
(a) The water drop tends to move towards the narrow end
(b) The water drop tends to move towards the wide end.
(c) The mercury drop tends to move towards the wide end.
(d) The mercury drop tends to move towards the narrow end.
4. −1 me 4
Let E n = be the energy of the nth level of H-atom. If all the H-atoms are in the ground state and
8ε 0 n h
2 2 2

radiation of frequency (E 2 – E 1 ) / h falls on it,

(a) it will not be absorbed at all
(b) some of atoms will move to the first excited state.
(c) all atoms will be excited to the n = 2 state.
(d) no atoms will makes a transition to the n = 3 state.
5. 1 
In a two silt interference pattern ; the intensity distribution is given =by formula I I0 cos 2  kd sin θ  ,
2 
where I 0 is maximum intensity; k is wave number; d is separation between the source and θ is the angular
position of a point P far away from the source in comparison to d. Let θm be the angular position of mth
bright fringe ; assume that m is small. Let | θ+m − θ+m | be the two angles on either side of θm for which
I= . The quantity ∆θm = | θm+ − θm+ | . What conclusions can be obtained about ∆θm .
(a) ∆θm will be a function of m (b) ∆θm does not depend on the value of m
mλ λ
(c) ∆θm = (d) ∆θm =
2d 2d
6. A light wave with electric field amplitude E i is travelling in an optical material with index of refraction
n a . It sticks; at normal incidence an interface with another optical material with index n b . The amplitude
E r of the wave reflected form the interface is proportional to the amplitude E i of the incident wave. Then
(a) Phase shift of the reflected wave relative to the incident wave is zero if n a > n b .
(b) light wave will not reflected in n a = n b .
(c) Phase shift of the reflected wave relative to the incident wave is π radian if n a < n b .
(d) Phase shift of the reflected wave relative to the incident wave is zero n a < n b .
7. The refracting angle of a prism having refractive index µ is 90o . If γ is the angle of minimum ddeviation
and β is the deviation of ray which enters at grazing incidence, then
(a) sin=
γ sin 2 β (b) cos γ = µ cos β
(c) sin γ = µ2 − 1 (d) sin β = µ2 − 1
8. A sound source with natural frequency 3.0 kHz moves uniformly along a straight line that lies at a
perpendicular distance of 300 m form a stationary observer. The velocity of source is half of the velocity
of sound then .
(a) The frequency of sound received by the observer when the source is nearest to him is 3kHz.
(b) The observer always receives frequency greater than natural frequency .
(c) The frequency of sound received by the observer when source is nearest to him is a 4 kHz.
(d) The distance between the source and the observer at the moment when he receives natural frequency
of source is 150 5 m.
9. The length of a rod is 5.88 cm (exact). It is measured by using a vernire callipers in which total length of
10 vernier space is equal to 8 main scale space. One division of main scale is 1 mm. On putting the rod
between the source jaws of callipers which line of vernier lies over any line of main scale.
(a) 4th (b) 5th (c) 8th (d) 9th
10. A particle of mass m is thrown in a parabolic path towards earth having mass M and radius R. It comes to
a greatest approach distance R/2 from surface of earth . Magnitude of total energy change required t make
the particle moving in an elliptical path having eccentricity ½ ; with the greatest approach point either
aphelion or perihelion are
1 GMm 1 GMm 1 GMm GMm
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 R 6 R 2 R R

(One Integer Value Correct Type)
This section contains 10 questions. Each question, when worked out will result in one integer form 0 to 9
(both inclusive) .

1. The star Betelgeuse has a surface temperature of 3000 K and is 600 times the diameter of our sun.
Diameter of sun is 7 x 105 km. Assume that it radiates like an ideal blackbody. If Betelgeuse werw to
radiate all of its energy at the peak intensity wave length then number of photons radiated per second are
x x 1049. x will be
2. In a two atom system equilibrium distance centres is r = R 0 . Centre of one atom is at origin and centre of
 R 0 12  R0  

other is at r away. Potential energy of system is given by U U 0   − 2  r   ; where U 0 is a
 r    
positive constant with units of joules. The atoms vibrates with restoring force for this potential energy
9nU 0
function is given by F r = -kx; where k = . N will be :
R 02
3. 13 19
Two radioactive materials A and B have decay constant units and units respectively. Directally
7 14
both have the same number of nuclei. The time (in same system of units), after which the ratio of their
remaining nuclei will be 1/e is
4. A circular disc of diameter d lies horizontally inside a metallic hemisphere blow of radius 12.5 cm. The
disc is just visible to an eye looking over the edge. The bowl is now filled with an liquid of refractive
inside 4/3. Now , the whole of the disc is just visible to the eye in the same position. d (in cm) will be :
5. 8
In the figure shown, the heavy cylinder (radius m ) kept
on a smooth surface separates two liquids of 2ρ
h R
densities 2ρ and 3ρ . The height h (in meter) for the 3ρ
translational equilibrium of the cylinder must be
6. An artificial satellite of mass m of a planet of mass M, revolves in a circular orbit whose radius in n times
the radius R of planet. In the process of motions; the satellite experiences a slight resistance of cosmic
dust; the resistance force being F = avn (where a = constant) and v is speed. Assuming that the orbit
remains at most circular. Time taken by the satellite to stay in orbit before it falls to the planets surface is
n −1
m  R  2  nx−1 
 n − y  .x + y will be :
a(n − 1)  GM   
7. A string is stretched along x-axis. The shape of the string is given by the curve
9 9
=y = at t 0;=
and y = at t 1 unit. The speed of pulse is…………..
2x − 24x + 90
2x − 4(11x − 65)

8. Two similar thin bars AB and OC of mass (1/2) kg and length (9/34) m are joined to form an inverted T.
The system of 2 bars is hinged at O, such that it can rotate freely about a horizontal axis through O and
perpendicular to plane of paper. The bar OC is slightly displaced from the vertical and released. The
period of oscillation (in sec) is
9. Two very large open tanks. A and F contain the
same liquid as shown in the figure. A horizontal
pipe BCD having a constriction at C and open to h1
the air at D, leads out of the bottom of tank A, B D
and a vertical pipe E opens into the constriction
at C and dips into the liquid in tank F. Assume C
streamline flow and no viscosity. If the cross
sectional area at C is one half the area at D and if h2 E
D is a distance 3 cm below the level of the liquid
in A, two what height h 2 (m) will the liquid rise
in pipe E. F

10. A ring of radius 1 m made up of wire of density ρ(kg / m3 ) is rotated about a stationary vertical axis
passing through its centre and perpendicular to plane of ring. The angular velocity in (rad/sec) of ring at
which the breaks. The wire breaks at tensile stress σ(N / m 2 ) . Ignore gravity. Given that σ = 4ρ(m / s 2 )


1. A 2. C, D 3. A, C 4. B, D 5. B, D
6. A, B, C 7. A, B 8. C, D 9. A, D 10. B, C

1. 5 2. 8 3. 2 4. 7 5. 2 6. 3 7. 5 8. 1 9. 9 10. 2

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