07.01 TrainingGeology

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Geological Surveillance

updated February 18, 2007

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Geological Surveillance

Some of the material reported in this

Eni presentation comes from Eni and TOTAL
geological manuals.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Geological Surveillance

The scope of the Geological Surveillance is to evaluate the drilled

formation in order to re-build the lithological column encountered
sequentially through the well.
The correct construction of the lithological and stratigraphical
column is essential for the safety and the efficiency of the drilling
operation and also for further production and planning through
correlations of future wells (delineation of the structure).

 Safety : recognition of Evaporites (Cap rocks), Argillaceous

transition zones, porous Sand or Carbonates layers, unstable rocks...
 Efficiency : Hole stability, correct bit and drilling parameters
selection, correct casing shoe position...
 Production : visualisation of the reservoir characterization
(porosity, permeability...)
 Correlations : with other wells for the basin / reservoir delineation

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Geological Surveillance

The evaluation of the drilled formation will be done through the

observation of the :

 cuttings : fragments of the rock destroyed by the bit and carried at

the surface by the mud
 bottom cores : a cylinder of formation cut and recovered by a special
tool (standard length is 9 m)
 side-wall cores : small cylinders of the formation sampled laterally
by a special tool

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

PDC Bits effect on Cuttings

Unfortunately, while drilling with a PDC bit at very high RPM, the heat
generated by the bit will destroy the original structure of the rock.
Also, due to the intense shearing effect of the cutters, the rocks will be
milled and not recognizable anymore.
As for example, a Dolomite will not react properly at the dolomimetry test.


Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Geological Surveillance

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (1)
Frequency : is normally given by the Oil Company (each 10m, 5 m, 1m ...
according to the ROP and the interest to look for a specific lithotype (marker,
change of formation, reservoir...).

Packing :
 Number of sets : always given by the Oil Company according to its
specific needs and the number of partners.
 Bags : control that bags are correctly closed
 Large bags to be used with unwashed samples (20 X 30 cm)
 Small bags to be used with washed samples (15 X 20 cm)

Identification : according to Oil Company but always the name of the Operator,
well and the measured depth (specify the unit m or ft). Use an indelible felt pen.

Various types :
 Unwashed sample (reference – micropaleontology)
 Washed and Wet (percentage lost- lithological reference)
 Washed and Dry
 Head Space or Mini Head Space (Geochemistry)

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (2)

Where : cuttings samples MUST BE taken on the various levels of the shale
shakers using a washed bucket and a washed trowel.
A plate of wood can be used downstream the shakers to collect all cuttings
between two samplings.

When : According to a correct and controlled lag

- time.

Quantity :
 Unwashed sample : normally 500 cc.
 Washed : 100 – 150 cc after washing
 Head Space or Mini Head Space : volume of the phial

Drying : in the drying oven, spreading the samples as much as possible. Use
aluminium plates and do not cook the samples !!!

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (3)

Geochemical samples (Head Space) :

The containers “Mini Head Space” (phials 20 ml ) are filled with unwashed
samples to 3/4 full.
Then pour either an oversaturated saline solution, or a bactericidal solution
“Carbosan EF “ up to 1.5 cm from the upper edge.
After wiping the container upper edge, close it carefully and write on the
container lid and side the usual information with an indelible felt pen.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (4)
Storage : Refer to the Customer's instructions.
It is possible to use either wooden cases or cardboard boxes designed for
cuttings (these cardboard boxes must be carefully clamped before filling).

The specifications must be marked on both faces (lid and lateral side)
 Customer's name (or that of the subsidiary)
 Well name
 Sample nature (unwashed, washed, containers ...
 The first and last sample depths
 Receiver's name if it is not to be the Customer

These indications are written :

 with an indelible felt pen on the cardboard boxes
 with paint on the wooden cases (flatten the surfaces which will bear the
It is imperative that :
 the specifications are correctly presented (legibility)
 the presentation is uniform (same line for the same references)

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (5)

Dispatching : Refer to the Customer's instructions.

Packages are stored on a carriage pallet in a sheltered spot. As soon as the

pallet is full (or on Customer's request), contact the Customer's Representative
to prepare dispatching after filling up the dispatch document (keep a copy).

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (6)
Washing and Sieving : Refer to the Customer's instructions for sieves mesh.
In the absence of indications use 5, 2, (0.5), 0.250, (0.125), 0.063 mm.

Water Base Mud :

Place the sieves in the sink and wash smoothly with water helping with fingers.
In case of soft and/or fragile formations (chalk, clay, gypsum, etc ... ), avoid
washing under too much water pressure.
The residues of sieve 5 must be thrown away systematically (they correspond
to cavings).
Evaluate with accuracy the percentage recovered : fill a graduated container (1
litre) with cuttings not yet washed of mud, empty it in the sieves and wash.
Gather the contents of the various sieves in the container. After reading the
graduations, it is possible to determine the quantity "gone during washing".
lf samples are taken to carry out paleontological study, use the residues of the
0.500, 0.250, 0.125, 0.063 sieves.
After each operation, the sieves must be washed and dipped in a solution
coloured with methylene blue.
The micro - fossils remaining in the sieve will be coloured in blue, allowing
resistant fossils to be excluded from subsequent analysis.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Cuttings Sampling Procedures (7)

Washing and Sieving : Refer to the Customer's instructions for sieves mesh.
In the absence of indications. use 5, 2, (0.5), 0.250, (0.125), 0.063 mm.

Oil Base Mud :

 Cleaning with detergents : use several consecutive washings in water
containing 10 % detergent.

 Cleaning with gas oil : the sample is placed in the sieve corresponding to the
minimum mesh selected. It is dipped in several containers (successively and
always in the same order) containing gas oil; the operation can be improved by
washing in water, if possible, hot water with 10 % detergent.

Important remarks : oil shows study is rather difficult; it is advised to dry the
cuttings after cleaning; this operation will provoke the exudation of the oil
which might have been absorbed by the rock.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Lithological and Mineralogical Description

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Lithological and Mineralogical Description

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Lithological and Mineralogical Description

1. Rock Name......................................and abundance (%)

2. Colour..............................................under natural light and wet sample
3. Hardness & Induration...................with Mosh scale for minerals
4. Texture.............................................components organization
5. Matrix & Cement.............................mechanical / chemical process
6. Particles...........................................Fossils & Accessories
7. Porosity (apparent)........................qualitative evaluation
8. Oil Shows........................................odour, fluorescence

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Lithological and Mineralogical Description


Control of Direct Fluorescence
Evaluation of the Washed (Plastic) Clay
 Evaluation of cavings

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Sedimentary Rocks Families

1. Argillaceous : Clay, Shale, Marl

2. Siliceous : Silt, Sand, Siltstone, Sandstone, Chert, Quarzite
3. Carbonates : Limestone, Dolostone (Secondary Dolomite)
4. Evaporites : Gypsum, Anhydrite, Halite (Salt), Primary Dolomite
5. Organic : Lignite, Coal, Bitumen

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Sedimentary Rocks Families
Carbonate Rocks

The Carbonate rocks make up 10 to 15% of sedimentary rocks. They largely consist
of two types of rocks:

Limestones which are composed mostly of calcite (CaCO3)

Dolostones which are composed mostly of dolomite [CaMg(CO3)2]

Because carbonate minerals in general are soluble in slightly acidic waters, they often
have high porosity and permeability, making them ideal reservoirs for
petroleum. For this reason they are well studied.
Limestone can be easily recognized in hand specimen or outcrop because of its high
solubility in HCl. A drop of such acid placed on the rock will cause it to fizz due to
the generation of CO2 gas. A Dolostone, on the other hand, will not fizz until a fine
powder is made from the rock or mineral. Also, Dolostones tend to weather to a
brownish color rock, whereas Limestones tend to weather to a white or gray colored
The brown color of Dolostones is due to the fact that Fe occurs in small amounts
replacing some of the Mg in dolomite.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Sedimentary Rocks Families

Carbonate Rocks (Folk Classification)

The classification divides Carbonates Rocks into two groups:

Allochemical rocks are those that contain grains brought in from elsewhere (i.e.
similar to detrital grains in clastic rocks).
They have grains that may consist of fossiliferous material, ooids, peloids, or intraclasts.
These are embedded in a matrix consisting of microcrystalline carbonate (calcite or
dolomite), called micrite, or larger visible crystals of carbonate, called sparite.
Sparite is clear granular carbonate that has formed through recrystallization of
micrite, or by crystallization within previously existing void spaces during diagenesis.

Orthochemical rocks are those in which the carbonate crystallized in place.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Sedimentary Rocks Families
Carbonate Rocks (Folk Classification)

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Percentage estimation

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Percentage estimation

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Rock colour depends on :

 Constituents grains
 Matrix and / or cement
 Staining from various origin

Amber amb Milky mky White wh Medium med

Black blk Olive olv Yellow yel Varigated vgt
Blue bl Pink pk Mottle mtl
Brown brn Purple purp Clear clr Dusky dsk
Grey gy Red red Pale pa Transparent trnsp
Green gn Smokey smky Light lt Translucent trnsl

Determine the colour on wet samples and natural light and beware of light

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance


Loose LSE
Soft SFT
Friable FRI
Hard HD
Very hard VHD

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance


The texture of a rock is characterized by the organization of its components :

 size  granulometry
 shape  roundness and sphericity
 arrangement  sorting

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Texture : Grains Size

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Texture : Grains Size

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Texture : Roundness

The roundness characterizes the sharpness of the edges of the particle

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Texture : Sphericity

The sphericity characterizes the ratio width / length of the particle

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Texture : Sorting

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Matrix / Cement

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Matrix / Cement

The matrix of Carbonate rocks consists of either fine grained carbonate mud,
called micrite, or coarser grained calcite crystals formed during diagenesis, called

The micrite results from recrystallization of carbonate mud during diagenesis or from
direct precipitation of calcite, and causes lithification of the sediment. The micrite gives
the dull opaque appearance of most limestones as seen in hand specimen. If the rock
consists entirely of fine
- grained mud matrix, it implies deposition in a low energy
environment just like in siliclastic mudstones. Some of the mud may start out as
Aragonite needles 5 to 10 mm in length produced by calcareous algae. But, again this
becomes recrystallized to a microspar 5 to 15 mm in diameter during diagenesis.

Larger sparry Calcite matrix results from diagenesis in the same way that calcite cement
originates in sandstones.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance


The grains that occur in Carbonate rocks are called allochemical particles or

They are grains often deposited by organisms that formed elsewhere and became included in
the carbonate sediment. Because calcite and aragonite, the main biochemical precipitates, are
soft and soluble in water, the distance of transport is usually not very far. Unlike clastic
sediments, the degree of rounding and sorting of the grains may not be a reflection of the
energy of the transporting medium, but may be biologically determined. For example some
organisms produce particles that already have a rounded shape. If many of the same size
organisms die at the same place, then the grains may be well sorted. Grains found in
carbonate rocks are as follows:

1. Whole or broken skeletons of organisms (fossils). These may range in size from gravel to fine sand,
depending on the organism and the degree to which the grains are broken by waves or during transport.

2. Ooids. These are spherical sand sized particles that have a concentric or radial internal structure. The
central part of each particle consists of a grain of quartz or other carbonate particle surrounded by thin
concentric layers of chemically precipitated calcite. The layers or coatings are formed in agitated waters as
the grain rolls around.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance


3. Peloids. These are spherical aggregates of microcrystalline calcite of coarse silt to fine sand size. Most
appear to be fecal pellets from burrowing benthic organisms. As these organisms burrow through the muddy
carbonate-rich sediment, they ingest material in search of nutritional organic compounds resulting in waste
products containing microcrystalline calcite. The peloids are much easier seen in thin section than in hand
specimen because of their small size.

4. Limeclasts. These are fragments of earlier formed limestone or partially lithified carbonate
sediment. Most are intraclasts, originating within the basin of deposition. They may be pieces of partially
cemented carbonate mud that were ripped from the seafloor by storms. Some appear to be fragments of
partially cemented carbonate mud that originated in intertidal mudflats. Some may also be pieces of
limestone carried into the basin from nearby carbonate outcrops.

5. Insoluble Residues. While minor amounts of clay minerals and quartz occur in limestones, most of the
insoluble residues, (so called because they do not dissolve in HCl) are grains of nodules of chert. Such chert
mostly originates from the shells of silica secreting organisms. These include diatoms, radiolarians, and
some sponges. Individual grains of chert result from recrystallization of the shells of these organisms. Chert
nodules can range in size from centimeters to meters in length. Many nodules are concentrated along
bedding planes and probably resulted from dissolution of the siliceous debris and reprecipitation of the
microcrystalline quartz at centers of nucleation located along zones of migration of the fluids, such as along
bedding planes.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Fossils & Accessories

They are easy to recognize but difficult to identify. They give

information on ORIGIN and HISTORY of the sediment and are
useful for CORRELATIONS and environment characterization.

Their percentage qualifier are :

 > 10 % = abundant
 5 to 10 % = Minor
 1 to 5 % = Rare
 < 1 % = Traces

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

The main micro
- fossils present are the following :

 ..... and many others


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Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance


algal diatom

algae coccolithophoridae radiolaria

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Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Accessory Minerals / Insoluble Particles

The main minerals accessories present are the following :

Coal and Lignite

They represent fossilized woods. It is often possible to see vestigial vegetal traces.
Very hard rocks composed of silica, often characterized by a very slow R.O.P.
They can arise from the fossilization of siliceous sponge spicules.
The best known are the Orthoclases. They come from the destruction of intrusive or
metamorphic rocks. They exemplify minimal weathering (as they are chemically very
They appear in the form of small granules or white and pinkish fragments.
They can be identified by their low hardness (can be scratched by steel).
 Muscovite : white
 Biotite : black
 Chlorite : green
They have the same origin as feldspars, but are more resistant.
They appear in the form of glittering flakes.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Accessory Minerals / Insoluble Particles

Very hard (scratches glass).
Can appear in the form of more or less rounded grains (sand or sandy fraction in clay) or
in the form of pyramidal crystals (or more rarely, bipyramidal).
May be frequent (ex : Lacq) characterized by its bright yellow colour.
Appears in the form of cubes with very sharp edges. Of a golden colour, it can turn to
reddish- brown when oxidized.
It may exemplify a reducing diagenesis environment (with no oxygen).
Appears in the form of olive
- green to pine
- green spherules (very characteristic).
It exemplifies a well oxygenized deposit environment (shoreline for example).
Iron oxides
Can be present, bluish to blackish colour for the "ferrous", bright red to orange for the

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Apparent Porosity & Permeability


Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Apparent Porosity & Permeability
They are rather difficult to evaluate on cuttings, especially on soft sediments.
 0- 5 % Negligible porosity (NEG- POR)
 5- 10 % Poor porosity (POOR - POR)
 10- 15 % Fair porosity (FAIR- POR)
 15- 20 % Good porosity (GD- POR)
 20- 25 % Very good porosity (V
- GD - POR)

Porosity types :
Chalky porosity PK :
The pores are too small to be seen under a weak magnification, but porosity can be
deduced after study of the rock texture : very chalky carbonates are quickly soaked
with water.
Permeability : very poor.
Intergranular porosity PI :
The rocks belonging to this category show isolated interstices between the elements
constructing the rock (fossils, particles).
Permeability : nil to poor.
Intergranular porosity PIc :
The interstices (mainly primary porosity between the elements constructing the rock)
are visibly interconnected.
Permeability : fair to good.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Apparent Porosity & Permeability

Vacuolar porosity PV :
The interstices are not related to the building organisms, but are due to fossils flushed
away, to dissolution channels ...
Permeability : nil to poor.
Vacuolar porosity PVc :
The vacuoles are visibly interconnected.
Permeability : fair to good.
Intercrystalline porosity PC :
Isolated interstices between Calcite or Dolomite crystals. Generally poor, porosity will
only become evident when the rock is soaked in oil.
Permeability : nil to poor.
Intercrystalline porosity PCc :
The interstices are visibly interconnected.
Permeability : fair to good.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Carbonates : Dunham Classification (1962)

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Carbonates : Dunham Classification

Clastic Limestones are roughly formed of two phases :

 the matrix ("mud“ or micrite)
 the elements
The matrix was, in the depositional conditions, a mud (more or less calcareous),
which hardened after elimination of interstitial water (compaction) and a possible
- crystallization (diagenesis).

The elements, through their size, percentage, aspect and origin are going to
characterize the rock type and from there, its stratigraphic facies :
 the particles (oolites, pisolites, oncolites ... ) are more or less spherical
small particles (d<mm d>cm) size formed by aggregation of concentric
layers around an inorganic fragment.
 the fossils or microfossils (can play the part of particles) and are "packed"
into the matrix.
 the crystals :
 clastic (all except Calcite, Aragonite, Dolomite).
 Calcite, Aragonite, Dolomite are due to re - crystallization.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Carbonates : Dunham Classification

"Is depositional texture still recognizable?"

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Carbonates : Dunham Classification

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Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

The Calcimetry / Dolomimetry is the measurement of the amount of

calcium carbonate and/or magnesium carbonate in rock samples.

The carbonate content of a rock sample is determined from the carbon
dioxide (CO2) liberated during a chemical reaction between a known
quantity of the sample and hydrochloric acid.

CaCO3 + 2HCl CO2 + CaCl2 + H2O

(Ca, Mg)(CO3)2 + 4HCl 2CO2 + CaCl2 + MgCl2 + 2H2O

Instrumentation used at rig site:

 Bernard’s calcimeter
 Automatic calcimeter (Autocalcimeter)

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Correction for temperature

Example: 200mg CaCO3 generates 48cc of CO2 @ 20°C ( θ)

CaCO3 + 2HCl CO2 + CaCl2 + H2O

100g + 73g 22.4 l @ 0°C and 76 mmg Hg
200mg CaCO3 generates: 22400 / 100,000 * 200 = 44.8 cc @ 0°C and 76 mm HG
VT / T = V0 / 273
VT = V0 / 273 * T T = 273 + θ
VT = V0 * (273 + θ) / 273
= 44.8 * (273 + 20) / 273
= 48 cc

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

• Wash the sample to remove only the mud
• Dry the sample and crush it
• Use only crushed cuttings taken from
0.125 and 0.063 mm sieves
• Weight 0.2 g of this powder on a filter
• Analyse the sample using HCl 17.5%
• Move slowly the phial for 1 minute
• Read the value of calcimetry after 1’ and
15’ from the beginning of the reaction (after
levels synchronisation)



Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry
Reaction between rocks and HCl occurs in a constant-volume cell, where any CO2 pressure rise
versus time is recorded (automatically up to 15 minutes per analysis), allowing identification of
the carbonate percentage. The monitoring process is not dependent on variations in
atmospheric pressure and is temperature compensated.
All results are stored in memory.
Accuracy : +/- 1%

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

It indispensable to make a calcimetry / dolomimetry on selected pieces of a specific

rock in order to identify it : selective calcimetry.
It is also interesting to study the elements which have not been dissolved by HCl
acid to determine their nature, and their quantity after weighting the dry residue (if
The main minerals not corroded by acid are :
 Iron oxydes

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Recommendations :

 remove all particles with a size less than 63µ using the small sieves
 dry the powder to be analyzed
 pay extreme attention to the weight of cuttings to be analyzed
 DONOT move the container during the HCl reaction : this will create unwanted
peaks on the curve
 remember that the true percentage of Dolomite is (R900 – R60) * 0.92

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry / Dolomimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification : Calcimetry

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Rocks Identification

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows

The presence of liquid hydrocarbons in the mud or inside the cuttings is

characterized by :
 the direct or natural fluorescence
 the odour and colour
 the distribution : staining and bleeding
 the solvent fluorescence

Shows are ephemeral, because liquid hydrocarbons are highly volatile and are a
function of :
 mud weight
 mud type (WBM or OBM)
 bits used
 flushing while drilling (overbalance)
 sample washing
 cuttings size

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Fluorescence
Before undertaking any practical work on the cuttings, smell them and observe
them with the fluoroscope.
 strong odour and dark colour corresponds to low gravity oil
 weak odour and light colour corresponds to high gravity oil

Direct (Natural fluorescence) :

Put unwashed cutting in a dish and study them under the fluoroscope (U.V. light)
and proceed with washed cuttings.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Fluorescence




Excitation wavelength Emission wavelength

(nm) (nm)
UV light box 365 (possibile also at 270) NN
Standard QFT 254 320
Multipoint QFT 254 1) 287 2) 365
Spectrofluorometry 320 (variable) Between 350 and 600
(ELF) (continue)


Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Fluorescence

Very light oils or condensates and heavy tars will not give any direct fluorescence.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Fluorescence

Precautions to follow :

 Any fluorescence must be reported to the geologist.

 Any trace in the mud must be clarified. For example, if trails are noticed on the
mud, take a sample and study it with the fluoroscope. lf the test is positive, report it
immediately and ask to the Mud Engineer.
 On arrival on the rig site, it is advisable to carry out a fluorescence test on all the
mud products present on the site.
 Determine the agents / cuttings responsible for fluorescence.
 Give the percentage of fluorescent cuttings.
 Solvents being volatile, sometimes inflammable, take the necessary precautions
(ventilation, avoid contact with eyes and skin, do not smoke, avoid spatters on the
hot plate). See Safety Data Sheet present in Unit.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Direct Fluorescence

Eni : Shell :

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Cut (Solvent) Fluorescence
Two methods can be used (refer to the geologist) :

 Introduce a small quantity (1.5- 2 g) of powder (the same than for calcimetry) in a
test tube previously cleaned and dried. Add roughly 3 cc of cyclo- hexane. Shake
and study with the fluoroscope.

 Place the same quantity of powder on a filter paper of a large diameter.

Wet it with solvent and put a few drops of solvent directly on the paper.
Let it dry out and shake the paper to remove the powder.
Look under the fluoroscope for a possible ring.
Write on the filter paper (in pen only) the depth and type of solvent used (cyclo
hexane only).
Keep the filter paper.
Give the solvent colour under normal light and under U.V. light.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Oil Shows : Cut Fluorescence

Eni : Shell :

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Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Thin sections

They are used to :

identify the rock type

describe the rock
characterize particles and matrix / cement

General rules :
 Interval : no general rule (refer to the Customer's instructions).
 The cuttings will be selected in order to make one or more thin sections.
 They are chosen as big as possible paying attention to cavings.
 Always try to fill the thin sections as much as possible.
 If the sample is composed of rocks of very different hardness, prepare selective thin
sections, that is to say, sections that will only contain one type of rock.
 As soon as the section is ready, write the well name and depth on it with ink pen.
 Study them with the microscope and refer to Dunham classification for the

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Thin sections

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Thin Sections

Siltstone Sandstone Limestone


Dolomite Basalt Tuff

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Chemical Tests : Phenolphalein Test



Sometime the cement could be confused with

Preparation of Phenolphtalein solution:
sandstone or siltstone but:
Dilute 1g of phenolphtalein powder in 50 cc of
ethyl or methyl alcohol.
(Normally is ready for use in unit).

After removing mud from the sample (mud is normally

basic), apply some drops of Phenolpthalein (pH=8.3)
then examine the sample

CEMENT : will stain RED/VIOLET


Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Sulfates Tests

GYPSUM (d = 2.32 sg) : CaSO4 + 2H2O

Eni Turns white when heated at flame
Normally present at surface conditions

ANHIDRITE (d = 2.99sg) : CaSO4

Normally found in subsurface

Crush about 2 g of powder sample

Put the powder in a glass tube and add 2 / 3 cc of HCl
12% and distilled water
Mix and heat the solution until boiling
Filter and decant the solution
Add to filtrate some drops of BaCl2 solution and then
examine the filtrate


Presence of SULFATES : becomes MILKY WHITISH

BaCl2 + Ca + + + SO4− − ⇒ BaSO4 + Ca + + + 2Cl −

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Staining Test for Carbonates

Apply a drop or two of Alizarin S to the clean

and dry sample for at least 45 sec. Remove Preparation of Alizarin S staining solution:
excess of staining solution and then examine 1 gram Alizarin S + 998 cc distilled water +
sample 2cc concentrated HCl (N)
CALCITE : will stain RED


Dolomite euhedral in limestone Micro-boring in a mollusk bioclasts. Thin section has

Sample has been stained with alizarin red-s. been stained with alizarin red-s and was impregnated
with blue dyed epoxy to enhance porosity.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Staining Test for Carbonates


Silty oolitic grainstone partly replaced by non planar dolomite. Calcite is

stained with alizarin red-S.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Staining Test for Carbonates

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Chlorides

The most frequent is Halite NaCl (Salt). It is characterized by :

 its taste
 its reduced hardness (can be scratched with finger nails)
 its high solubility
lf still suspicious, carry out the chlorides test, normally done by the Mud Engineer.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Organic Rocks

If the test with HNO3 confirms the presence of lignite, ask the mud engineer if
some products based on lignite (ligno- sulphonates) have been added. If so, take a
sample and compare using the binocular microscope to compare.

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Chemical Tests : Preparation of Solutions

HYDROCLORIC ACID HCl 17% (Calcimetry) :

500cc HCl 37% (sour, fuming) in 500cc distilled H2O (part 1: 2)
The dilution must have done slowly pouring 1 acid part in 1 part of distilled water,
and not on the contrary.

Ag N03 SOLUTION (Clorides identification) :

9.06 gr. AgNO3 diluted in 1000 cc of distilled water.
50 cc AgNO3_ N diluted in 1000 cc of distilled water.

BARIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION (sulphates identification) :

61 g of BaCI2 diluted in 1000 cc of distilled water.


29 g diluted in 1000 cc of distilled water.


360 g of salt for I000 cc of distilled water (d : 1.2).

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

Minerals Densities

 Quartz 2.654
 Calcite 2.710
 Dolomite 2.850
 Gypsum 2.320
 Anhydrite 2.96
 Halite 2.165
 Barite 4.480

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

The End...

Geolog Training Department 2007  Geological Surveillance

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