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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY – HOCHIMINH CITY Student’s Full Name: ________________________________


Student ID: _______________________________________

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS Class Code: _______________________________________

In-Service Program
Instructor: ________________________________________

Course: Reading and Writing level 2
Time Allotted: 60 minutes Exam Date: July 2020

Reading Comprehension: True or False

Mark each statement as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the reading passage.

Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The three most important qualities of a good boss are patience, clarity of thought, and fairness. Starting a
new job can be difficult and stressful, and it is helpful for new employees when their boss is patient with
them as they learn their jobs. If their boss demands too much of them too quickly, then employees might
become discouraged, leading to poor-quality work. Some employees might even give up entirely. No boss
wants that.

A good boss also needs to be clear about what he or she wants and expects from others. Employees cannot
be expected to perform well when they are confused about the task in the first place. Furthermore, if the
definition of success is not clearly defined by the boss, then those working under him or her cannot
reasonably be expected to succeed. Finally, a sense of fairness is very important for a boss to have. If not all
members of a team are being treated equally, then the boss might spoil any unity or cooperation among the
team. Of course, there will be a range of skills among a group of employees, but it is important not to play
favorites. This way, those who are struggling will not feel discouraged, and those who are more efficient
will not pull back or coast by doing less work.

1. Clear expectations are important for a boss to communicate to his employees.

A) True
B) False

2. A boss cannot be reasonably expected to define success for his employees.

A) True
B) False

Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice

Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

3. All of the following are good qualities in a boss except ___.

A) clarity of thought
B) patience
C) playing favorites
D) fairness
4. If a boss plays favorites, he or she can expect that ___.
A) his or her employees will succeed
B) his or her employees will cooperate more with each other
C) his or her employees who are struggling will feel discouraged
D) his or her employees who are more efficient will work harder

Reading Comprehension: True or False

Mark each statement as T (true) or F (false) according to the information in the reading passage.

Read this passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Jake Nickell has always been a creative guy with a passion for art. When he was just 20 years old, he
designed a T-shirt for an online competition. He won. An hour later, he decided to start his own competition.
He asked people to submit their own T-shirt designs, and he promised to print the best designs for everyone
to wear. That's how his successful company,, began. Through the company’s website, Jake
asks anyone and everyone to submit T-shirt designs. In the beginning, he enjoyed looking at the T-shirt
designs for fun, but when more people started to submit designs, the website grew and grew, and Jake's
career, combining art and business, took off. Today, has 1.8 million users who submit T-
shirt designs, and Jake and his staff print over 500 different T-shirts designs each year, which are available
for sale to the general public. Jake is an example of how you can turn a passion into a career!

5. Anyone who wants to can submit a design to Nickell’s website.

A) True
B) False

6. Today, the business is growing, and Nickell has combined his passion for art into a
successful business.
A) True
B) False

Reading Comprehension: Multiple Choice

Choose the option that best completes each sentence.

7. Nickell started his business when ___.

A) he won a -Tshirt competition
B) he asked people to submit their T-shirt designs, and he printed the best of them
C) he started combining his art into his business
D) he sold 500 T-shirts

8. Jake Nickell is an example of ___.

A) a person with an ability to turn his passion into a successful business
B) a person who doesn’t like looking at T-shirt designs
C) a person who started his business when he got older
D) a person who designs 500 T-shirts each year

Vocabulary: Word Families

Choose the word form that correctly completes each sentence.

9. Jennifer is ____ to changing her life. She has quit smoking and is now on a strict diet.
A) commitment
B) commit
C) committed
10. Richard made a ____ to stay with the research project until it was finished.
A) commitment
B) commit
C) committed

11. The ____ was slow, but eventually, the silkworm turned into a moth.
A) transformation
B) transform
C) transformed

12. Water ____ landscapes by carving valleys and eroding some types of stone more
quickly than others.
A) transformation
B) transforms
C) transformative

13. The principal stepped between the two students in the fight, ____ before anyone could
get hurt.
A) intervention
B) intervene
C) intervening

14. Once it became clear that Melissa was not behaving responsibly, her parents and
teachers joined together to ____ and help her make better choices.
A) intervention
B) intervene
C) intervened

15. The journal ____ submissions to articles about ecological issues.

A) restriction
B) restricts
C) restrict

16. The only ____ given to the writer was that she must send her articles in on a weekly
A) restriction
B) restrict
C) restricted

17. He attempted to identify the strange insect on his plants by ____ the president of the
local gardening club.
A) contact
B) contacts
C) contacting

18. I had a lot of friends in high school, but I'm not ____ any of them now.
A) in contact with
B) have contact with
C) contacted
Vocabulary: Multiple Choice
Choose the word that best completes each sentence.

19. The ___ effect the hurricane had on the community was as intense as the physical effect.
A) discrete
B) coordinated
C) reactive
D) mental

20. Florence Nightingale, a nurse from the 1800s, created the modern ___ for battlefield
A) team
B) paradigm
C) journal
D) period

21. The students were asked to work on their own for a short ___ of time while the teacher
went to the office.
A) prospect
B) commitment
C) period
D) journal

22. The environmental clean-up team knew that they would never be able to ___ the
damage done to the lakebed after the nuclear accident.
A) fluctuate
B) reverse
C) transform
D) displace

23. The bus going to the bottom of the canyon could only ___ 20 people.
A) comprehend
B) displace
C) aid
D) accommodate

24. The small problem of waste disposal ___ into a much bigger environmental issue when
the company began dumping waste into the ocean.
A) fluctuated
B) evolved
C) integrated
D) displaced

25. The teacher argued that the student who was caught cheating on his exam should not be
suspended. She feared that kicking him out would drive him away from school forever.
The principal argued the ___. He wanted to set an example to other students.
A) inevitability
B) converse
C) guarantee
D) clause
26. In order to ___ the positive effect of the drug, it should be taken on an empty stomach.
A) institute
B) maximize
C) deviate
D) intervene

27. The editors always ___ the most boring or unpleasant stories to the new reporters.
A) assigned
B) purchased
C) eliminated
D) emphasized

28. The editor decided to ___ the gardening column to make room for more local news.
A) emphasize
B) restrict
C) purchase
D) eliminate

29. The newspaper wanted to ___ the paper's sympathy for the hurricane victims, so the
editors made sure to publicly contribute to the relief fund.
A) ignore
B) emphasize
C) restrict
D) eliminate

30. The poor farmers were angry because they were given only ___ government assistance
during the drought.
A) chemical
B) neutral
C) sufficient
D) minimal

31. ___ the appropriate authorities to obtain the necessary permits.

A) Minimize
B) Contact
C) Initiate
D) Neutralize

Vocabulary: Fill in the blank

Use the words below to complete the sentences. Use each word one time.

institute promote
accommodating nucleus
maximum perceives
transformation affect
amend emphasis
append percentage

32. The caffeine in coffee can negatively _____________ blood pressure, so be careful how
much you drink.
33. The lawyer's assistant prepared a _____________ of reports from expert witnesses in
the field of child psychology.

34. At the conference this weekend, our marketing team will _____________ the new
product by passing out flyers and giving demonstrations.

35. The tour company was very _____________. It worked hard to meet all our needs and
even most of our many special requests.

36. Two years after the hurricane, visitors were amazed by the _____________ of the city.
It looked better than before the destruction.

37. The Earth has many layers, from the _____________ in the center to the topsoil where
we grow our crops.

38. The psychologist finally had to _____________ a rule that parents were not allowed to
speak during their child's therapy session.

39. Even though all of the students studied hard all year, the _____________ number that
could go to the academic competition was 20.

40. The angry parent was _____________ a few moments to speak to the school board at
the next meeting.

41. In fashion magazines lately, there has been less _____________ on body shape and
more focus on facial beauty.

42. Even though the story is accurate, the public _____________ it as unreliable because no
sources are quoted directly.

43. The mayor felt the need to _____________ his position on property taxes after
newspapers carried dozens of angry editorials from homeowners.

44. After the report was published, the committee needed to _____________ a short list of
corrections to the data.

45. A small _____________ of people stung by bees have an allergic reaction.

Read the topic questions given below, then choose either A or B. Write your answers in paragraph form of
about 120 words.

A. Many people use food in ways not related to nutrition. For example, they may
use food to relieve boredom, reduce stress, celebrate or reward themselves,
increase energy, ease emotional pain, or socialize with others. Give your opinion
about one of these, and explain why it is positive or negative.

B. Benefits of the Vietnamese diet

Full Name: ______________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: ________________
Notes: Materials and dictionaries of all kinds are NOT allowed.
Students write their answers on the answer sheet.
Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences. (1 point)
1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.
PASSAGE 1 (30 points)
1. 8.
2. 9.
3. 10.
4. 11.
5. 12.
6. 13.
PASSAGE 2 (32 points)

1. 9.
2. 10.
3. 11.
4. 12.
5. 13.
6. 14.
7. 15.
8. 16.
PASSAGE 3 (12points)
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
PASSAGE 4 (6 points)


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