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Joyous Jaya Rauniyar


©Copyright 2021, Peaceful Writers International

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transmitted, in any form by any means, electronic,
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prior written consent of its writers.


BY: Joyous Jaya Runiyar




PRICE: 200

It gives me immense pleasure to be able to present
as I have taken more efforts in this book.

However, it would not been possible without the

kind support and help of many individuals.
A huge thanks to PEACEFUL WRITER
INTERNATIONAL for this great chance through
giveway surprise.

Special thanks to my parents for raising me to

believe that anything is possible & teachers who
always trained me with growth mind-set.

Also, the present situations i gone through &

studying as well which favoured me to publish.
Though we can get so much more. I would like to
draw reader attention to most frequent experiencing
one going through recent days and request them to
care about their loved ones a little more before they
lose to be normally okay.
Please just don't label mentally ill as dramatic or
extra, not a joke. Please understand why they
reacted this way. It is really a huge trauma & needed
to be cared. There's often a lot more going on than
the 'trigger'.

Dedicating to all who have lost their valuable happy

living life or just experiencing so much more
different than the normal one.
Don't worry, great news & future is waiting for
Giving up is not okay but giving up on the thought
of giving up is.

Joyous Jaya Rauniyar

Joyous Jaya Rauniyar is a spiritual, optimistic girl

from nepal who put down her emotions ,thoughts
and experiences by landing it on the paper through
inking and considering where you are reading this
makes a meaningful sense.
Talking about her educational qualifications, she did
her SEE from Golden Future Higher Sec.School,
Birgunj & +2 from SMC , kathmandu, further more
to continue in her favorite field.
Being lover of reading books , soon she got to be
introduced as co-author in 50+ anthologies like
Ujale Ki Orr , Self happiness, Sarang , Scream ,
Little World etc.
She is already author of “ REALITY OF LIFE
OTHER THAN ILLUSION “ which you can get in
Google books ,amazon & kindle as well. She is
published writer of YourQuote app too with her
book “Joyous Jaya Meraki”.
She also have published her own collection of
poems book named “दास्तान-ए-कविता” on Amazon,
kindle & some other sites.
Similarly, Brand Ambassador of book ‘meaning of
life' & ‘Ring the blues’. She is also compiling some
anthologies like “MANN KI AAWAZ”, “DEAR
PARENTS”, “मैं कौन हूं ”, “जज़्बात-ए-ककताब”etc.
She is also RJ, Manuscript designer, Promotinal
Manager & so on.
Writing is her love which can never fade away .
Happy Writing ,let’s create a change through it.
Follow her on YourQuote @Joyous Jaya Rauniyar
and Nojoto @ Joyous Jaya Rauniyar
She is in process of writing some more which also
includes the one you are reading now.
The inspiration of her writing are well wishers &
specially her experiences to which she want to give
voice as she believes that everything around holds a
concept to be written , just being conscious about it,
is required.She always puts her feelings in the form
of words.
You can connect with her for more writing or social
cause on:
Joyous Jaya Rauniyar @Nojoto app
Joyous Jaya Rauniyar @YourQuote app
Jaya_uncaptured @Instagram

Just search on google “ Joyous Jaya Rauniyar “


‘Four Wheel Era ‘ is book which is basically based

on the most important four parts of this era or
generation i. e.
depression &
mental health
which are inter connected with each other so much.
The pro-cons of one can surely effect the others . So,
one must take good care of them.
This book is actually written to make specially this
generation or young ones be familiar about the real
or true meaning of everything like life , relation,
goals ,career and must importantly mental health &

Inner peace & peaceful mind is new success.

The pandemic called ‘NOBEL CORONA' also
know COVID-19 is respiratory disease as it started
lastly of 2019. The actual/ true news about it and its
existence is still unknown. But still there are some
being focused.
1st news: When people where busy in their day to
day normal schedule, some people started being ill
in some different manner. It was searched by the
doctors of china and concluded that due to mutation
of human virus & animal virus in sea market; a new
human virus resulted and is repeatedly spreading in
humans. As different people for variety of work had
visited the Wuhan, china and as they visited back to
their countries, the virus got spread all over.
2nd news : Any lab experiment was going on in
Wuhan as when some wrong attempt took place that
resulted in formation of this virus.
3rd news : It is mostly spread that it is silent or
peaceful war from china towards India.
I am not supporting any as there are some others
too. Following to any of the news & taking useless
action without proper thinking is not considered as
smart. More than truth, most news & platforms are
spreading rumors all around and this is the reason
people are having more panic & losing patience as
well as hope.
The virus have spike protein which don’t blow in air
& with no change it is so easy to transmit through
sneezing /coughing no matter on hand or in air. It is
still being spread as we didn’t followed social
distancing & proper personal care as well. Lack of
required techniques or tools, i. e. oxygen, ventilator,
beds or help.
We already know that the condition is getting so
worse but some good parts are also there . We can
save us only when we understand that i am because
we are and that’s what matter most. More than
creating black market, we need to proceed with our
humanity. Being human, all of us are gifted with
humanity but I wonder why it depends or why
everyone cannot go on with it. Remember, we get to
be human only after 80 generations, so do positive,
right & awesome acts which be counted as u pass
As we experienced 1st phase more in old age people,
2nd phase in young/ adults and further or next phase
to experience more in small child as news explains.
As it was lost in some countries but back again its
None ever knows that when will it end purely from
world but we mustn’t ignore it at any cost as we
know that lakhs of people lost their life because of
it. We must be concern towards its prevention
before it destroys us completely.
Going back to initial, After it was felt by china
doctors and was confirmed, china was made to
follow lockdown as emergency condition.

Lockdown is a state of isolation or restricted access

instituted as a security measure. Partial or full
lockdown is one of the prime quarantine strategies
adopted by countries to control the exploding
infection. Simply lockdown means stay where you
are. As it felt effective in china, it was followed by
some other countries like Italy, Spain, France, India,
Nepal and so on.
It is made with thought of protection & prevention.
But I am also feeling that this lockdown or
distancing method is also giving rise to people
suffering more than someone can ever think. May be
some are enjoying it and taking advantage of it but
most are its sufferer.
A lockdown usually allows essential supplies,
grocery stores, pharmacies and banks to continue to
serve the people.
During this curfew, we shall neither leave our
homes nor get onto the streets or roam about our
localities. This people’s curfew will, in a way, be a
litmus test for us, for our nation. This is also the
time to see and test how prepared India is for
fighting off a global pandemic.”
Without the means to earn an income during
lockdowns, many are unable to feed themselves and
their families. For most, no income means no food,
or, at best, less food and less nutritious food
Looking towards nature & natural resources, they
are surely showing positive effect. New or good
changes can be seen in the nature along with having
hope of seeing it as normal as it was in back time ;
safe, clean and secure as done by human activities or
wrong actions.
The schedule of people got drastically change
because of this lockdown or routine and is not
satisfied one taking in majority. Giving emphasis/
priority to MONEY more than anything, this
selection have made people to lose humanity.
This have caused a huge loss of human life
worldwide & presents an unprecedented challenge
to public health, food & system and the world of
work. Most of us or all are having our life at risk.
Along with that we are losing the basic need of
livelihood that is care of mental health,
Spirituality, inner peace, kindness, patience so on
including most importantly HUMANITY.
We are human and will be human till our last breath
but why showing humanity depends and is not
matter of concern I always wonder.
We are okay with candle march and can do
repeatedly as required but be busy taking pictures &
videos when the victims be in pain, asking for help.
Here, most of us are suffering though being under
the roof and we cannot explain it of those who are
living with no roof & lack of basic needs.
Today, the corona virus epidemic has engulfed the
entire world. Lockdown is now the only way to
overcome this.
Lockdown, today whenever we hear this word, only
one thought comes to our mind and that is lockout.
Lockdown has been in place in many countries of
the world for the last 1 year. And I want you to
have concern towards one of them: our migrant
In this composition, I have shown the difficulties
faced by migrant laborers in the lockdown.
Who should be proud of the power of labor,
Don’t know why he is wandering like this today.
Feelings are not stories on which it is written,
Today they are wandering like this only for the sake
of a shelter.
The buildings that were erected were done by their
own hard work,
Now denied today when those same buildings.
Who run the machines by themselves only for your
Now they removed the machines as soon as they

Feet do not have slippers, bare feet. They are going,

They are just stumbling around for the sake of a few
Writing history itself, you are explaining this to
He is going home today after settling himself in

Will write life again who breaks stones, breaking

themselves and connecting themselves to the
I am explaining the importance of this poem itself,
Labor is the best, this is what I am saying.

At this time, more than anything that can save

us are Humanity and Kind Support.
I really request all to be there for help. May be not
physically but sure online. Let people know their
requirement reach & help them with positive
feedback. I am grateful of those groups & page
which are doing this . This shows the true nature & a
heart full of kindness as well as team work to cope
with the pandemic.
As I mentioned above I am because We are, and
that’s how we need to join hand in hand for our
better days to come as quick as possible. No one
knows the final outcome of this COVID-19 but we
can reduce the sufferings. Soon as natural selection,
our body will maintain it too.
Its true your single help or efforts cannot save all but
it can save at least a life and for him/her you can be
a great support. Karma is believed to be back again.
So as human we must make each good actions be
counted so for the next time, god shouldn’t have to
think much.
Let’s start being spiritual too.
Spirituality is a belief in a power operating in the
universe. It is the way one finds meaning, hope,
comfort, and inner peace in life. Spirituality can be a
quiet time of reflection, meditation, yoga, rituals or
prayer. For others it can be simply connecting to
nature through a walk, hugging trees or gazing at the
Spirituality brings a higher purpose to people’s
lives. Believing in something greater than yourself
can bring more peace, connection, joy and
understanding. No matter how one practices
spirituality and whether or not it is connected to
religion, the type of faith it is, it can have a strong
impact on one’s health. Research has shown that
spirituality can impact mortality, coping and
The act of praying – putting oneself in the presence
of or conversing with a higher power – has been
used as a means of healing across all cultures
throughout the ages. It is believed that intercessory
prayer (distance prayer or distance healing) too has a
positive effect on healing.
If you ever see no idea to procedure or conclude tour
decision , just be Spiritual and its no fact of feeling
shame or burden of. Moreover you will find one .
Taking about curriculum context:
Yes, we have learned so many lessons in social
related to environment & natural conservation,
uplifting methods and individual tasks to perform.
Even we got highest mark by writing the correct
points in exam & was so motivated to bring it in our
daily activities. We did it too but just for some days
till we saw the back face of society, politics &
humanity. We tried back again to maintain it in
normal livelihood and failed again just because we
were not familiar with two sides of coin.
But now its too late & most be quick to develop
long-term sustainable strategies to address the
challenges facing the health.
As most of children are just force to study all the
time with hope of their betterment making a wrong
impact in their brain. Some also starts feeling like
being home is not matter of comfortably living with
ideas which they personally want to grow.
Similarly, the lack of events can lead to a change in
a child’s behavior, growth, and well being. They can
instill a sense of fear if their home is not a safe place
to live as well. Some children have also been away
from their parents due to the lockdown restrictions.
This pandemic has affected in many ways. We need
to focus on mental health and motivate the people
around us to be positive. Be empathetic; take care
of people, and make this “world a better place to
Here, I was writing about depression and mental
health as I felt that only this is to be cared more for
true overall growth but then came the year 2020 ; a
drastic one. And I added two points like corona &
I would like to share some of my thoughts about
work with depression and how aspects of loss are
linked with depressive states. I just expressed almost
of my ideas ,views , personal as well as some other
people experiences of life the way it is actually
meant to be .
One must understand that depression is a liar ,it’s far
better & important to live a life ,
Precious one.
Slipping through
The people, alone,
Never did I connect.
It never felt like home,
Rejections surrounded.
I may look like a normal person,
Two legs and two hands
That do not know what to do
When wrapped around
Like a sheath, all over.
You see my both eyes
Blinking into emptiness
And a nose that smells
Nothing but death.
Even if you all see me there
Still like a statue
Swollen with fear,
Why can’t I see anyone?
I just try
With failed attempts
To run away, far somewhere.
Why am I afraid of
Absolute nothingness?
Is it because I dug
Myself a coffin
To live within?
Most of we are just having a dream life of making
different things or thoughts true but cannot do the
required effort , not because we don’t have will
power or knowledge but because of different
superstition , illusionary views or some thought
which are like written law from generations. After
going through this book ,one can actually conclude
there wondering thought and can surely bring some
positive change in their lifestyle. Not only
explanation about different topics ,it also includes
ideas and people thought & personal experience
which will help you better too.
One must have some quotes for regular routine to
read to have positive attitude and respond as well .
This is finally a published set of my thoughts which
is fine.
I hope of getting a true actually changes in young
and make them familiar about everything as let them
know that the life they are living is actually a
illusion. Listen , it really not fault of you for
whatever situations , circumstances , people or place
you are in . Just trust in God and have faith in
yourself .
We are all messed up in things we’ve adapted as
living. Someone is competitive, someone is content.
Someone is curious, someone is composed.
Someone is cautious, someone is carefree. Someone
is courageous, someone is coward. Someone is
comprehensive, someone is concise. All this seems
so easy as if a naturally fallen leaf when we write
about it. In this journey where we all travel at our
respective paces, we’ve somewhere forgotten to be
grateful, to smile, to take care of the wear and tear
of this body and most crucially of this mind. What if
we have failed to do it individually, there is still a
scope to strive together. Depression is a state of low
mood and aversion to activity. Depression affects an
estimated one in 15 adults (6.7%) in any given year.
And one in six people (16.6%) will experience
depression at some time in their life. Depression can
occur at any time, but on average, first appears
during the late teens to Mid-20s. Women are more
likely than men to experience depression. Some
studies show that one-third of women will
experience a major depressive episode in their
lifetime. There is a high degree of heritability
(approximately 40%) when first-degree relatives
(parents/children/siblings) have depression. Those
experiencing loss often might describe themselves
as being “depressed.”

But being sad is not the same as having depression.

The grieving process is natural and unique to each
individual and shares some of the same features of
depression. Both grief and depression may involve
intense sadness and withdrawal from usual
activities. There are a number of things people can
do to help reduce the symptoms of depression. For
many people, regular exercise helps create positive
feeling and improves mood. Getting enough quality
sleep on a regular basis, eating a healthy diet and
avoiding alcohol (a Depressant) can also help reduce
symptoms of depression.

Depression is a real illness and help is available.

With proper diagnosis and treatment, the vast
majority of people with depression will overcome it.
If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, a
first step is to see your family physician or
psychiatrist. Talk about your concerns and request a
thorough evaluation. This is a start to addressing
your mental health needs.

So, here I am, just a message away, waiting for you.

Yes, YOU, my dear. I value your thoughts &
experiences of life and your present conditions too. I
am writing to let you know & feel what is that
bothering you so much, day and night, in and out,
making you restless and desperate not to be alive is
actually not something which must be prioritized
. Just to let you feel the presence of your life over
thousands of stress & pressure you had gone
through. Pour out to the one who listens you or
simply to mirror , keeping in front of you as it never
can judge and blame you for whatever be it. I cannot
promise to, in a go, preserve you in barrel. But, l
will try to loosen the lid that is throttling your
Depression is fundamentally told as something you
expected to happen but it didn’t happen. You are
simply against what’s happening ; that’s all . May
be you are against people , place or life itself .
Accordingly , the depression will run deeper and
deeper. Why are you against something ? Only
because things doesn’t happen your way. Why
should the whole world go your way ? Please know
,the world don’t go your stupid way . Either you
have no faith in the creator or you have no
acceptance or both & you have hyper sensitive ego.
That is why you get depressed : Think & act
accordingly . Get to be in touch with everything that
takes place and try to search positive in it .
~ Sadh guru

Only when you’ve stared death in the face.

And survive.
Only then are you truly alive.
Live like it is your last day.
Don’t make it something you just say.
Dear pretty strangers,
From a very beautiful & bright life with no thoughts
of experiencing dark time and the true color of
people around ; U must again go back to those best
days when u expressed yourself in the best way u
can. I was also a mate of depression from some
years but we broke up last year and it happened not
because of any moments, times or anything that held
in external or around my environment but within me
i.e. from inside. Actually, the reason behind these
dark days is our own thoughts, expectations & views
and specially a new trend of faking ourselves better.
But in all of these, we forgot ourselves; the self
within in each which must be cared, loved & valued
as it deserved of. Likely, it’s not our mistakes. But
just a act we carried out as other did. You know“ its
really okay to not to be okay for some time but not
for forever ”. To be honest, “Darkness leads to
brighter days.” “Only with the high temperature,
those raw carbons are changed into diamonds.” “It’s
never too late to start new & rock.” These were the
quotes I followed & u should too. I truly believe for
life u want ,U have to get so many experiences &
the very best are from those bad experiences which
ended up so sadly. So don’t just seat around & ask
“Why me?” Instead deal with “How I can
continue?” I know it’s hard but remember: No one
knows you the way u know & want to explore your
self. So, People choices & opinion should no longer
harm your peace of mind or should matter. Act
accordingly and look forward to the life u always
dreamt of. Just stop faking the way u are not, accept
& prioritise yourself & your views (self love &care).
With love
The author (JJR)
Come on , come on
Let’s take a vow with self .
Among millions around,
Fall in love with own self.
Once you get victory,
May be for small act
See in the mirror &
Appreciate yourself.
And say yourself ,
I did well today and
Will rock next time too.
And if someday you are surrounded with
So much of troubles & pain ,
When type of time is unknown and
Only you feel is to sleep
Then back again the same ,
Look into the mirror and say
Listen my soul ,
May be I am tired of myself
May be I can’t do the way
The things are meant to be done
But remember that
I still need to move on.
May be I get back again ,
You may blame me
And say I always give up .
If u want ,can laugh too.
And I will cry as well .
May be this way,
I will break myself in
Pieces and be left alone.
But this time you should
Motivate me & say
‘please one time more’ .
Please take care & keep
Going on.
Just one time more .
Move on.
~ Joyous Jaya Rauniyar
I truly understand this condition and one must.
Please don’t judge anyone if you never have been in
that situation , no mention what.
You may better know what pain is; in your suffering
journey, damaged in a way that cannot refer
something fresh. Then now at least you can better be
concerned about how to survive . You want is
yourself , just focus on yourself and mind it that it’s
really okay. No one knows your uniqueness . Stay
where you feel comfort as your heart feels happy.
Do the things you are fond of or was loving to do .
See you are aware of the fact that you got birth
alone and will die alone. So you really don’t need to
care about to much of anything, anytime, anyway if
anything is letting you feel like hell , just close your
eyes and remember :
Think of every good times , favorite persons ,
laughter and everything u feel happy with .With the
same faith ,start a little to move on. I am not saying
it will be easy but it will surely be worthy once you
will make perfect conclusion about your mind &
body .
Distance yourself from everything and everyone not
meant to be in your journey of survival .You should
understand that your life is your own creation
because you truly do decide whatever meaning you
give each situations . The most important things in
life are feelings, moments ,smiles and laughter but
all we care about is those people, materialistic things
,places ,money etc. .May be you are tired of
everything around ,may be you are burning yourself
in process of
Taking revenge from them who left / made you in
pieces but my dear all you need to understand that
the best revenge is no revenge ,just be happy &
continue your precious journey of life .
All time u are having dissatisfaction with your
current situation, it normal for most of all
. Remember, failing is just steps to success, these
people have wrong concept of it as failure. Just have
faith in yourself and work on everything you think
of ,dream of or want of without caring who thinks
the hell about it .Let the future noise of success so
much more within you that you really don’t have to
care about different noises around considering you
as someone useless or burden for them/others .
“ It’s always about mindset that some think
themselves disabled and some make themselves
differently able “.
I just wanted to add some lines from my first books
as it favour the condition that Tough times don’t
come to destroy you. They
come to bring out the best in you. When tough
times come, don’t just concentrate on survival or
ways to escape, otherwise you’ll miss the big
picture. Open your mind and look for ways to
take advantage.
Tough times don’t last but tough people do.
Maintaining a positive mental attitude can defeat
the most cruel of situations. Negativity will
definitely break the toughest man or woman.
When it comes to mind over matter, mind
always wins.
Its simply like when we don’t attempt to grow
necessary food crops in the farmland, some
unnecessary crops will grow itself. Negative
thought acts in the same way. If you don’t feed
your mind with positive thoughts & affirmations
daily or repeatedly, negative itself
grows. Learn to know what’s your priority &
eradicate those of no value.
Most importantly don’t allow so much of news be
settled in your mind & harm unknowingly as you
don’t know how many or which of them are true.
Just for some like & comments, most people are
sharing useless or own mind made information and
we are getting hyper or serious towards it.
While being in grade 3 ,I had took part in a speech
competition with title “ HEALTH IS WEALTH”. I
regret choosing the opposite side as we were always
kept in a fact to believe that money mean us the
world & with money we are supposed to get
everything but as I grew older ,get to know about so
many things suffering , journey of life of mine as
well as different other near by . I get to know that
living life to the fullest and with peace doesn’t needs
crores of money ,it just needs the inner peace and
your presence of life within you.
Get to know that some times people with the worst
past end up making best future ,never lose hope.
Self-love is worth, never lack it, prioritize it for
being the one you want. Happy & cheerful you.
I feel the same way that:
Sometimes we just want someone who can console
us and say “You are not insane or mad, you just
need someone who sticks to you in your worst days
rather than getting irritated with you.” We all
deserve to be loved and prioritized. Sometimes we
want to hear is we matter in someone’s life and they
love us whole heartedly. Nothing is ever gained
through this process, all we end up making own self
feel helpless & hurt.
Despite ,let’s think like :
Even on your worst days,you are living a miracle .
Think of each smiles you added in someone’s face.
Each days you enjoyed living & felt wow with your
victory ,did you get sad with the odds around ? You
didn’t , because your concern was only on you. So
be the same you back again, let’s crack this mode of
loneliness together.
Remember ,once you get to know the benefits of
being alone ,you will no more feel lonely . Just get
fond of it in positive way . Only listen & talk with
small group of people who can help you in your
journey ,don’t ask the one about what you are
thinking of doing but he/she never did . How can
you take advice from one who haven’t done what
you want to do ? Talk accordingly & uselessly.
I hope this time you save yourself before you get
damaged again. Life knows no failure, it’s always a
level up ; may be through your achievement or
experience. One day you will tell your story of how
you’ve overcome what you are going through now
and it will become a part of someone’s survival
guide. It’s high time now ,let your happiness begin
with yourself. Life is ironic ,it takes sadness to know
Until we heal ourselves , we will be toxic for every
person who tries to love us. Life is full of blessings ,
sometimes we don’t value it . Only when you don’t
know yourself, the choice and opinions of other is
important. Learn to live your life in your basis and
try to figure out about yourself ,the more you can ;
the more happy you will be with yourself .
Doubting yourself or something around is good but
having suspicion is making yourself believe the
negative to happen within you. Nothing will kill you
other than your own thoughts . Keep a block for
what you should think , understand ,repeat or
eradicate as soon as possible for your happy living
. If you are looking for the one person that can can
your life then , just look in the mirror.
Believe me , it’s only you that can make it possible .
Let’s start doing the right things for own self so that
you didn’t need to regret later .
Have faith in god & let’s move on once .
Thus, this year (2020+2021 & may be some more)
not more that a book with thousands of lessons to be
learn as mostly survival for existence is prioritized.
Not only a new disease or virus CORONA came
with it but a huge change & controversy in people
thinking pattern, so much to learn /deal too.

I still have so much to tell, to blame, to get rid of in

mind but not all thoughts are for writing. So, with
this much I like you to take to my poems I wrote in
last lockdown :
Humanity is priority

इं सानियत

कि इं सान सब है,

तो इं साकनयत भी होंगी जरूर,

पर सायद ये अब नहीं l

क्ों वो इतने खुश है ये सोच िे खुद िो जलाते है ,

और जब वो दु खी हो हम खुद िो बहोत खुश बताते है l

ररश्ते, रीवाज, संस्कार िे नाम पे क्ों हम सब कबखराते है l

हं माना वो सही थे तब पर अब ये मेल नहीं खाते है l

जाने िब हम समझेंगे ये, या बस इं साकनयतिो िाटगेहेर

मे रहने दे ?

सच, झूठ, सही, गलत कि खेल ना जाने िब ति हम

खेलेंगे l

ता उम्र तो इं सान बेसख रहें गे हम,

पर क्ा िभी इं साकनयत से मेल जोड़ें गे?

मेने मुझसे िई बार ये पूछा है ,

जवाब ना कमलने पे, दपपण से रूठा है l

और आज आप से भी यही सवाल है मेऱी,

क्ा इं साकनयत मर गयी यार इसे िाटगेहेर मे रहने दे ?

Being Corona positive is so depressing


The thought of corona matters


SPEAK (It says)

It’s not me but your own sins return,

The way u fulfilled Ur wish & hurted your
motherland for fun.
Pollution more than sanitation,
Exploitation more than utilisation,
Hatred more than love,
Vulnerable more than immune,
And U still think am not doing good.
I agree some good and great individual are also in
my trap
that’s just a fault.
Can I know what your parent do if they are over
irritated with u,
Yes; they say to obey them & ask Ur concern. So do
I had requested and warned through so many
epidemic and all.
But still some of you never left your nonsense
recover everything undone.
But still some of u performing the unusual
and U feel I am wrong.
I am still giving chance to stay home & things to be
The words of corona matters.

IF CORONA COULD SPEAK (there would be

so much to talk)

Nation would ask of its all lose,

Human would ask of its all dose.
Father would ask of ways to feed his family,
Mother would request to be away from her
The pregnant women dead yesterday asked
of her mistake,
The unborn infant would ask if they can be
born healthy & safe.
The children would ask of no torture in
lockdown zone,
Those away from family would ask of
reaching home.
Looking the world in so much deep feelings
& stress,
I would asked reasons behind these pain.
Being fond of nature

कुद्रत से निलगी

हा, महोब्बत आपसे भी है ैँ हमे प्रािृकति श्रोतो

बस ब्यक्त िरना नहीं याता l
यु तो ख्याल रखना चाहती हु आप सब िी
पर समय नहीं कमल पाता l

छोटी सी हु मैं पर आशाये बहोत बड़ी

धरती पे रहती हु और सोच आसमान छूने िी l
नदी िे पानी से खेलती हु, फूलो िी खुसबू लेती हु
पेड़ो से बात िरती हु और हावािो िे साथ
नाचती हु l

हर बार जब रूठ जाती हु किन्दगी से

और थि जाती हु आसपास िे लोगोसे
एि बार मुस्कुराती हु और आजाती हु
पास तुमलोगोंिे क्ुिी हमें पता है ैँ
तुम हमेशा ऐसेही रहोंगे

युही भी मुस्कुराती हु ईंन सब िे साथ

क्ुिी ये दोस्त है ैँ हमारे बहोत ख़ास
ना खोने िी कचंता, ना पाने िी सौख
जब ति कजयेंगे हम, ये हमारे सच्चे दोस्त l
Self love is worth

Yes, we can

Let’s all engage in self love & care,

Once we fall within each soul,
We will surely love self more,
Feel better fresh & calm,
That is worth,
Glow differently,
Thoughts uncaptured
Is she okay?

She is blind towards knowing her worth.

She is dead to listen true words of her heart.
She is handicap to help someone with deep call.
She is degrading herself always just to make all
around people feel wow.
She is deepen in feelings unsaid.
She is suffering mental trauma each second.
She is stopping the sadness making her feel
She is tired of faking big smiles.
She is trying her best to glow .
And after all with smiles,
She term as “ I AM OKAY”.
Is she?
Old ages thoughts should be

िािीमा को समझो कोई :

िुछ पल प्यार कि चाह उन्हें भी है,

साथ बैठिर मुस्कुराना पसद है उन्हें ,
वी युही नहीं बस टीवी दे खती है ,
खाली पण खलता है उन्हें l

वो चाहती है िोई उन्हें सुने,

िुछ वक़्त उनिे साथ कबताये l

सपने उन्होंने पररवार साथ होने िा दे खा था,

यूं टु िड़ो मे कबखरे गा सोचा िहा था,
बोले और समझाये भी तो िैसे ये सही,
आखखर कयनिा िौन सुनेगा?

इसीकलए टीवी और आराम बस अब ये यही िरती

है ,
भगवान पे भरोसा जो सकदयों से रखा है l
Own thoughts are so confusing

नक आज खुि पे कुछ नलखिे बैठे है ,

और अब सोचिा सुरु नकया :

सच कलखू या वो जो सब िो पसंद है ,
अैँधेरी यादे जोड़ दु या कसरफ सुख भरी बाते,
कि िुछ दफनाये राज भी कलखदु पर
लोग क्ा िहेग ैँ े ?

खुद कि खुशी कलखू या

लोगो िे कबच कि ख़ामोशी,
कलखू क्ा धोिो पे उन लोगो िे
या सुकिया िेहे िे छोड़ दु ?

कि उम्मीद, प्यार, भरोसा िे नाम पे जो

कयन लोगो ने मुझिो मुझसे जुदा िरकदया ;
इनपे कलखू भी तो क्ा कलखू?

आखखर खुद पे कलखना

िहा से सुरु िरू और िहा ख़तम l
ये िलम और पंने बोलरे है तुम कलखो,
पर इन्हे क्ा पता मे मौन हु l
Dedicated to Corona Warriors
डॉक्टर + भगवाि

खुद िा किन्दगी दाव पे लगािे,

बहोत िम दु सरो िे किन्दगी िो बचाते है ,

और सायद इकसकलए उन्हें भगवान िा दजाप कदया जाता है l

वो खुद हसना, मुस्कुराना छोड़

लोगोंिो खुशी दे ते है l

ररश्ता िोई हो ना हो,

किन्दगी एि नयी दे ते है l

कि वो पररवार से दू र िई दफा रहते है

और दु सरो िे पररवार िा उम्मीद पूरा िरते है l

डरते है पर लड़ते है l

सेहेमते है पर आगे बढ़ते है l

वो अैँधेरी रात िे बाद िा

खूबसूरत उजाला बया िरते है l

वो चाहत किसी और िे है और
चाहते किसी और िे पूरा िरते है l

िभी आस, िभी उम्मीद,

िभी राह नयी सुरुवात िे

और जब इन खुदा िे साथ वो खुदा कमले,

तो सारे सवाल िे जवाफ कमल जाते है l

Dream, god knows if it will be true.

एक सपिा

कि एि आस मुझे भी बनना है,

किसी एि िे कलए नहीं : सब िे कलए
ख़ास बन ना है l
थि िे कगरुैँगी बेसख,
पर कफर से आगे बढ़ना है l

कि नींद, चैन कि किि नहीं

बस कदया वादा कनभाना है l
ये आसान नहीं होगा बेसख,
पर यही मुझे लड़ना है l

हैँ , मुझे डॉक्टर बनना है l

खुद कि किन्दगी दाव पे लगा िे
लोगो िो खुशी दे ना है l

पता नहीं ये होगा भी कि नहीं सच

पर हर बार खुद िो यही िहती हु मे,
हैँ , मुझे डॉक्टर बनना है l
God is bestfriend.

हमेशा साथ िे िा

तुजपे भी भरोसा बाकि है अब,

तुम ही एि सहारा किन्दगी िे अब l
चाहत बहोत थी दु कनया से,
तजुबाप ने किन्दगी िी खुशी दफना कद l
क्ा, क्ों,िब सोचा था पाने िो,
अब बस साथ तुम्हारा है कनवाने िो l
एि बस तेरा हाथ थामे,
किन्दगी िी डोर
आगे बढ़ानी है l
बस युही जताते रहना,
हम भी तुम्हारे है,
हम भी तुम्हारे है l
Lockdown poem

I & my dreams
Locked inside a dark room .
Neither I can respire nor it can breathe,
Our together journey unsaid ,
We will continue or not God knows.
Though being together ,
Our charm grows.
Lesson in lockdown
Poem on loss

It was all planned for the New journey home,

But destiny was meant something else.
All of the works had being completed just cooking
meal was continue.
Destiny is the superior & it proved itself well.
Those hot oils suddenly felt on my face,
The burning sensation broken me in pieces & I was
almost dead.
Soon as I remember it’s nature trial towards the
prove of my success ,I quit.
I quit because silence was needed, not because I
gave up.
Baby girl life reality
बच्ची : अपिे िपपण से अंजाि

वो एि लड़िी है, खुद पर भरोसा बहुत

िरती है पर अपने पे होने वाले जूमो से अंजान..!

वो नन्हीं-सी परी है खुद शोर मचाती है,

सच्चाई से अंजान

िी िभी चूपी उससे डरना होगा।

वो गुलाब िी िली है उन िाटों से अंजान

जो समय िे साथ उसे चुबने वाले है।

वो कततली िी तरह घूमती रहती है इस हिीित

से अंजान िी िभी अंधेरों से मोहब्बत िरनी पड़े गी।

वो आस है अपने मां-बाप िी,

िभी उनिे आं सू िा िारण भी

परोक्छ रूप से बन ना पड़े गा।

ख्वाब उसिे भी ढे र सारे है ,

पर उन्हें चूल्हे में एि कदन जलना होगा।

अभी तो मासूम बच्ची है , दु कनया से अंजान

उसे क्ा पता उसिी सच्ची हसीं

एि कदन छु पने वाली हैं,

वो अपने किन्दगी से कफर रूठने वाली हैं।

वो अब वो िहां रहेगी,

जो हर रोज सपनों में सजाती थी।

हिीित से अंजान आज भी

वो एि नया सपना बुनते चली हैं।

ज़ख्म, और उनका क्या?

On scene

ु ो, कल से कहा हो?

कल स्कटर के सामने आगयी थी l

िो ज़रा चोट लग गई हैं,

पैरो मैं ददद हैं, ज़रा हाथ भी कट गयी हैं,

सर पे भी थोड़ी सी लग गई हैं :

पर मैं ठीक हु, चचूंता मत करो l

ओह्ह, ख्याल रखो अपना जल्दी ठीक होजाओगी l

Haa, िही, ओके बाय l

Behind scene

अच्छा तो ज़ख्म बताये ज़ारे है हमें l


उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो मैं तुम्हारी आँखो मैं दे खती

हु हर बार जब नज़रे ममलती हैं?

उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो बातो मैं मुझे महसस होता


उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो तुम्हारे हसीूं के वपछे चीखती

रहती हैं,.?

उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो तुम चचलाके सब को बताना

चाहती हो

पर मौन रहना ही चुनती हो,

उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो तुम बस अपने मन मैं

दबायी हो,

उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जजनकी बस एक मैं एक

गिाही हु?
और उन ज़ख्मो का क्या जो मझ
ु से उनके ठीक होने
कक घड़ी पछती हैं?

चलो कॉल रखो और बात करो उनसे

चलो कॉल रखो और बात करो उनसे

जजसे तुम ययन सब के बारे मैं बोल सखो,

मुझसे तो झठ ही बोलोगी ‘ठीक हु’,

जाि और बैठो आज उनके पास जजन्हे तम

ु अपनी
मन कक सारी बबचारो का सच केह सको l

माना कक रास्तो मैं बहोत सी मजु ककल हैं,

पर क्यों तुम खुद को ठहराि दे रही हो?

हा, अगर चाहो :अगर चाहो :

मुझसे तुम ययनकी बाते कर सकती हो,

सिाल नहीूं करँ गी कुछ,

बस तुम्हे ययनकी सचाई बताना चाहती हु l

हर एक ने खाये हैं ऐसे ज़ख्म

जो शायद बयाूं नहीूं ककये जा सकते पर

ु से िो दोस्ती तोड़ी नहीूं,

आज चीखलो, चीला लो, रोलो मन भर,

कल क़े कॉल पे जब तुम बोलो ‘ठीक हु मैं ‘

तो मुझे बस ये एक सचाई लगनी चाहहए l

सुकिया कक उम्मीद नहीूं बस तुम्हारी

िो मुस्कुराहट मैं किर से एक उम्मीद का झलक


बस तम्
ु हारी

िो मुस्कुराहट मैं किर से एक उम्मीद का झलक


और आँखो मैं कुछ पाने कक जज्बा l

होसले किर से बुलूंद हो और

ख्िाब अनचगनत हो l

आगे बढ़ते रहने मैं इस ठहरािो भरी जज़न्दगी को

अब मूंजज़ल कक आस हो और

तुम बस ख़द के मलए

िही परु ानी और सहे ली सबसे ख़ास हो l

ख्याल रखो,

एक ही हो तुम,

जो मेरे पास हो l

On scene and behind scene, feelings are

mostly different but not each of them get
words to be explained.

And this create misunderstanding in

मैं कौन हँ , मैं क्या हँ?

मैं िो नहीूं जो तम
ु मझ
ु को समझते हो,

पर मैं िो भी नहीूं जो मैं ख़ुद को समझती हँ l

मैं गुर हँ कुछ लोगों की,

पर ख़ुद के मलए एक इम्तेहान हँ l

मैं रे त नहीूं जो हाथों से किसल जाऊूं,

मैं एक हकीकत हँ,मैं एक हकीकत हँ,

तुमने जो दे खा है उस ख़्िाब से परे l

मैं कौन हँ, मैं क्या हँ ??

मैं िक़्त नहीूं जो बबन बताये आगे बढ़ जाऊूं,

मैं साूंसों की तरह आख़ख़री साूंस तक ररकता यनभा

सकती हँ,
पर कोमशश

कोमशश तुम्हें भी उतनी ही करनी पड़ेगी l

मैं सच हँ और झठ भी,

मैं अूंधेरा हँ और सुबह के

उजाले में तुझपे पड़ती िो पहली धप भी l

मैं कौन हँ, मैं क्या हँ ??

मैं कीचड़ में ख़खलने िाले कमल सी ख़बसरत हँ


पर गहरी अँधेरी रातों में हटमहटमाते जुगनुओूं में से

भी एक हु l

मैं टटा तारा भी हँ शायद

क्योंकक कोई मझ
ु से कुछ माूंगे तो में मना नहीूं कर

पर मैं उस कोने में पड़ा खाली िेविकोल का डिब्बा

भी हँ

क्योंकक मैं ख़ुद के टुकड़े कभी नहीूं जोड़ पाती l

मैं कौन हँ, मैं क्या हँ ??

मैं उम्मीद हँ ककसी की, ककसी के ददद का कारण भी

हँ l

मैं मुस्कान हँ कई िरे , सहमे, जाने अनजाने चेहरों


पर ज़ख्म भी हँ उनकी बेबस, उदास नज़रो कक l

और, मैं बेशक़

और, मैं बेशक़ ढे रों शब्द हँ जजसे तुम अपनी

कविताओूं में वपरो सको,

पर मैं मूंजज़ल नहीूं ककसी की बेइूंतहा मोहब्बत की l

मैं मूंजज़ल नहीूं ककसी की बेइूंतहा मोहब्बत की l

मैं कौन हँ, मैं क्या हँ ??

ये सिाल हर रोज़

मुझे मुझसे ख़िा करता है,

पर होठों पे मुस्कान मलए आज भी मौन हँ l

पर होठों पे मुस्कान मलए आज भी मौन हँ l

अब आप ही बताइये मैं

क्या हँ, मैं कौन हँ?

शौक़ नहीूं है मुझ!े

की खेल कद, मज़ाक,

मौज मस्ती –

जजद्द और दोस्तों से यूंही शतद लगाने और उन्हें

परी करने के उम्र में ,

जजम्मेदार कहा जा रहाूं हूं l

जो खद
ु का घर, पररिार, सब छोड़,

बहुत दर आया हूं l

या मेरे सपनो के खायतर,

हो कर मजबर आया हूं l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझेl

की िहाँ कमरा खाली है मेरा,

और मै यहाँ िशद पे सोता हूं l

की िहाँ एक कमरे में अकेला था,

यहाँ मैं दस के साथ भी तन्हा सा होता हूं l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझेl

घर पर पापा के पैसे की चगनती कम,

और ज़रूरत की ज़्यादा होती थी,

यहाँ मज़े के मलए यूंही कुछ पैसे उड़ाना पड़ता है l

माँ हदन रात मैं जो, जैसा कहूं बनाके 2-4 दिा
कुछ ना कुछ ख़खला हदया करती थी,

यहाँ एक से दो बार जला या थोड़ा अच्छा ही ममल

जाए तो ख़ुशी होती है l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझे l

की घर पे पराठे , सब्जी, दही, चीनी, सलाद और

जाने क्या क्या ममलता था,

की घर पे पराठे , सब्जी, दही, चीनी, सलाद और

जाने क्या क्या ममलता था,

इजम्तहान दे ने जाने से पहले l

यहाँ भखे पेट,िक़्त पर पहुूंच जाऊ बस यही सोच :


जल्दी कमरे से यनकल आया हूं l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझेl

की िहाँ घर पे गाड़ी खड़ी धल से गूंदी हो रही होंगी,

िहाँ घर पे गाड़ी खड़ी धल से गूंदी हो रही होंगी,

और हम धल ममट्टी में यहाँ दर दर तक पैदल चल

रहे है l

इस मूंजज़ल को पाने के सफ़र में,

ना जाने क्या क्या पीछे छोड़ आया हूं l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझेl

भाई के मलए नये कपड़े,

माँ के मलए साड़ी और कूंगन,

पापा के मलए चप्पल नये

लेके आऊूंगा, कह के आया हूं l

ु के मलए कुछ हो ना हो,

इन सब की उम्मीदों को टटने ना दूं गा,

इसी मलए कमाने इतनी दर आया हूं l

और दे खा था जजन आूंखो में बेटे के मलए गिद

दे खते थे माँ – पापा जब मेरी तरि,

माँ – पापा ने जन्म के िक़्त कुछ सपने दे खे थे,

बस हौसले के साथ

उन्हें परा कर मैं, िो बेटा बनने

इतने दर आया हूं l

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझेl

सुनो, शौक़ नहीूं है मुझे l

भीगी मस यादें ,

अँधेरी मस रातें,

नम मस आँखे,

चीखो से भरी सन्नाटे l

जज़न्दगी क़ी बाते,

सुनसान राहे ,

मूंजज़लको पाने क़ी चाहे ,

भीड़भाड़ से िरके जो चुनते है

अलग राहे ,

िो हूं : मैं l

खुद को पाने क़ी नाकाम कोमशसे,

ककसको यु अचानक से खोअ दूं गा,

उसका खौफ़ l

जाने अनजाने ककतने बातो के बबच,

जज़न्दगी के उतार-चढ़ाि के साथ,

युही आगे बढ़ता सा,

सहमता और मस्
ु कुराता सा,

मैं l

खुश हूं ये सब को हदखाते हुिे,

इस झठ को सच बताते हुिे,

ु िर के चप
ु चाप आगे जाते हुिे l

भीड़ में भी अकेला सा,

हकीकत में थका सा,

ख़्िाबों में रका सा l

मैं l
In major point “taking birth & death” , just this is
our life phenomenon.
Still I have question that WHAT IS HUMAN
For this, I wrote my thoughts in my first book
ILLUSION ”, I want you to go through. That is
just my point of view & will love to know it from

Thanks so much for your valuable time to get
through my book, will bring next with new thoughts
Take care, Stay motivated , Be a reason to inspire.
The author
(Joyous Jaya Rauniyar)

Peaceful Writers International is a global Whatsapp

writing community and an Indian based Publication
providing Inscribing platform to amateur and
budding writers to prove and brushen up their
writing skills globally. It's a publication working in
certain countries like

• Kenya

• Nigeria

• South Africa

• Ghana

• Zimbabwe

• Mauritius.

We provide paid publishing services, organize

writing events, Open Mics, monthly fests and
commemorate anthologies to celebrate the joy of



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