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A 25-year-old lactating woman standing 5 feet and 4 inches and weighing 60 kg is on her 12th

week of pregnancy. Record shows her pre- pregnancy weight was 45 kg.
Check for the BMI:
BMI = Wt (Kg) = 60 kg = 60 kg = 22.56 Kg/m 2
Ht (m) 2 (1.63) 2 2.66 m2
BMI is within normal level
1. Determine Body Weight
DBW = 60 + 4 = 64 inches x 2.54 = 162.56 cm
= (162.56 – 100) – 10%
= 62.56 – 10% (6.256)
= 62.56 – 6.256

DBW = 56.30 kg

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2. Basal Needs

eH w
Basal Needs = 0.9 × 56.30 kg (DBW) × 24 = 1, 216.08 Kcal

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3. Physical Needs

Physical Activity: Use the lower limit for female


Bed rest 10-20 percent

aC s

Sedentary 30 percent
vi y re

Light activity 50-60 percent

Moderately active 60-70 percent
Severely active 90-110 percent
ed d
ar stu

Light Activity (female) = 50 %

PA = 1, 216.08 Kcal x 50 % = 608.04 kcal
1, 216.08 Kcal + 608.04 = 1,824.12 kcal

4. Total Energy Allowance


TEA = 1,824.12 kcal + 300 = 2,124.12 Kcal

5. Distribute Total Energy Allowance among Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat


Carbohydrates 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.50 = 1,062.06 kcal

Protein = 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.10 = 212.41 kcal
Fat = 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.20 = 424.82 kcal

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6. For normal diet, allot 65% of the total energy allowance for carbohydrates, 15% protein
and 20% fat. Thus, the corresponding energy contributions of the three nutrients in your
diet are as follows:
Carbohydrates = 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.65 = 1,380.68 kcal
Protein = 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.15 = 318.62 kcal
Fat = 2,124.12 Kcal x 0.20 = 424.82 kcal

7. Calculate the number of grams of CHO, Pro and Fats by dividing the calories for each
nutrient by the corresponding physiologic fuel values (4 kcal/g CHO, 4 kcal/g Pro, 9
kcal/g Fat).

Carbohydrates = 1,380.68 Kcal ÷ 4= 345.17 kcal

Protein = 318.62 Kcal ÷ 4= 79.66 kcal
Fat = 424.82 Kcal ÷ 9= 47.20 kcal

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8. To simplify the diet prescription (Rx), round off calories to the nearest 50, and

eH w
carbohydrates, proteins, and fats to the nearest 5 grams. Thus, your diet prescription is:

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Diet Rx: 2,100 Kcal; CHO – 345 grams, Protein – 80 grams, Fat – 45 grams
ou urc
9. Provide the food exchange and meal distribution

Food Exchange and Meal Distribution

aC s
vi y re

Food No. of CHO PRO FAT ENERGY Meal Distribution

Exchange Exchange 345 g. 80 g. 45 g. kcal B L D SN
I. Veg A 3 9 3 - 48 1 1 1
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Veg B 3 9 3 - 48 1 1 1
II. Fruits 3 30 - - 120 1 1 1
ar stu

III. Milk-
LF 2 24 16 10 1 1

IV. Rice 12 276 24 - 1200 3 3 3 3


Meat/Fish- 5 - 40 30 1 2 1 1
VI. Sugar 3 15 - - 60 1 1 1

VII. Fat 2 - - 10 90 1 1
Total 33 363 86 50 2246 10 9 8 6

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