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In Partial Requirement for NCM 107 Care of Mother, Child and Adolescents
(Well Clients)

Submitted by:

Casey D. Rosios

Nichelle Mitch A. Lordan

Aisha Marie B. Pepito

Jhia Willin J. Prada

Wendelyn S. Arcamo

Mary Cleir O. Credo

Jyssa Mae B. Javelona

Rusty Vincent E. Heyrosa

Dave T. Barbon

Submitted to:
Mrs. Fleoy T. Ysmael, RN, Ed. D, MAN, RM, PT
General Objective:
To educate married couples who are still on their reproductive years about the Family Planning
Specific Objectives:
At the end of the discussion the married couples will be able to:
1. Understand the definition of contraception and family planning.
2. Understand the concept of Coitus interruptus or the Withdrawal method
3. Understand the concept of the Bilateral Tubal ligation.
4. To be more knowledgeable about the proper usage of condoms.
Family planning is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as "the ability of
individuals and couples to predict and achieve their desired number of children, as well as the
spacing and timing of their births." It is accomplished by using contraceptive techniques and
treating involuntary infertility" (working definition used by the WHO Department of
Reproductive Health and Research [WHO, 2008]). The relevance of family planning may be
seen in the benefits it provides to individuals, families, communities, and societies (AGI, 2003).
Family planning addresses three essential needs: (1) it helps couples avoid unplanned births; (2)
it reduces the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); and (3) it helps reduce rates of
infertility by addressing the STD problem.
By providing education, counseling, and birth control options, Family Planning services assist
people in making decisions about when and if they want to have children.Pregnancies separated
by two or more years result in healthier babies and fewer medical issues for the mother.If you
plan ahead for a kid, you will be more prepared to deal with an unanticipated pregnancy.

Profile of each participant

Names: C.D.R & N.A.R
Age: 23 years old & 25 years old
Occupation: Clinic assistant & Construction worker
Year(s) of marriage: 2 years
Number (s) of children: 2
Religion: Roman Catholic

Profile of each participant

Names: M.M.D & E.T.D
Age: 26 years old & 27 years old
Occupation: Housewife & Seafarer
Year (s) of marriage: 3 years
Number (s) of children: 3
Religion: Roman Catholic

Profile of each participant

Names: S.D.A & J.L.A
Age: 33 years old & 36 years old
Occupation: Housewife & Assistant manager
Year (s) of marriage: 9 years
Number (s) of children: 5
Religion: Roman Catholic

Profile of each participant

Names: L.D.P & J.A.P
Age: 29 years old & 31 years old
Occupation: Teacher & Call center agent
Year (s) of marriage: 5 years
Number (s) of children: 1
Religion: Roman Catholic

Profile of each participant

Names: J.J.G & F.A.G
Age: 33 years old & 35 years old
Occupation: Nurse & Engineer
Year (s) of marriage: 6 years
Number (s) of children: 2
Religion: Roman Catholic

Profile of each participant

Names: J.A.L & I.D.L
Age: 22 years old & 24 years old
Occupation: Barangay treasurer & Call center agent
Year (s) of marriage: 1 year
Number (s) of children: 0
Religion: Roman Catholic

Textual Narrative Discussion:

Definition of Contraception
Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of
ovulation, fertilization, and implantation. There are different kinds of birth control that act at
different points in the process.
Definition of Family Planning
Family Planning (FP) is having the desired number of children and when you want to have them
by using safe and effective modern methods. Proper birth spacing is having children 3 to 5 years
apart, which is best for the health of the mother, her child, and the family.
Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children, if any, and to
determine the spacing of their pregnancies. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods
and the treatment of infertility.
Contraceptive information and services are fundamental to the health and human rights of all
The prevention of unintended pregnancies helps to lower maternal ill-health and the number of
pregnancy-related deaths. Delaying pregnancies in young girls who are at increased risk of health
problems from early childbearing, and preventing pregnancies among older women who also
face increased risks, are important health benefits of family planning.
By reducing rates of unintended pregnancies, contraception also reduces the need for unsafe
abortion and reduces HIV transmissions from mothers to newborns. This can also benefit the
education of girls and create opportunities for women to participate more fully in society,
including paid employment.
Natural Method (Coitus Interruptus or Withdrawal method)
The withdrawal method of contraception (coitus interruptus) is the practice of withdrawing the
penis from the vagina and away from a woman's external genitals before ejaculation to prevent
pregnancy. The goal of the withdrawal method is also called "pulling out" and is to prevent
sperm from entering the vagina.

Using the withdrawal method for birth control requires self-control. Even then, the withdrawal
method isn't an especially effective form of birth control. Sperm may enter the vagina if
withdrawal isn't properly timed or if pre-ejaculation fluid contains sperm. The withdrawal
method doesn't offer protection from sexually transmitted infections.


• Is free and readily available

• Has no side effects
• Doesn't require a fitting or prescription

Some couples choose to use the withdrawal method because they don't want to use other
contraceptive methods.


• Does not offer protection from sexually transmitted infections.

• Some couples may also feel that this method disrupts sexual pleasure.
• The withdrawal method isn't as effective at preventing pregnancy as other forms of birth
• Requires great self-control, practice and experience.

What you can expect:

To use the withdrawal method:

 Properly time withdrawal.

- When the man feels the urge to ejaculate while having sex, he must pull out his penis
from the vagina of the woman and must ejaculate away from the genitalia of the
 Take precautions before having sex again.
- Make sure that the man urinates first and cleans off the tip of his penis if he plans to
have sex again within a short period of time. This will help to remove the remaining
sperm from the previous ejaculation.

Artificial Method (Condoms)

A male condom is a thin sheath placed over the erect penis. When left in place during sexual
intercourse, oral sex or anal sex, male condoms are an effective way to protect yourself and your
partner from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Male condoms are also an effective way to
prevent pregnancy.
Condoms, also called rubbers, are usually made of latex, but some are made from polyurethane
or lambskin. Latex and polyurethane condoms provide the most protection against STIs.
Male condoms are simple to use, inexpensive and widely available. They are available with or
without a lubricant and come in a variety of lengths, shapes, widths, thicknesses and colors.
Some condoms are textured to increase sensation.
• Condoms may be purchased without a prescription.
• Easy to use.
• Condoms do not physically alter the fertility of the person using them.
• Condoms is freely available from number of places (grocery stores, condom dispensing
machines in public restrooms, and even online).
• Protection against STIs and pregnancies.
• Condoms have high success rate as a contraceptive method when used properly. This
means that condoms are inexpensive means of contraception that is easily available to the
• Those with latex allergies may not be able to use regular condoms. An alternative would
be to use polyurethane condoms, or condoms made from lambskin. These are more
expensive than the regular condoms.
• Reduced sensitivity during intercourse.
• Condoms cannot be used oil-based lubricants, on water-based ones. Oil based lubricants
can cause the latex material of the condoms to disintegrate, and the condom may tear
during actual intercourse.
• Excessive friction During intercourse may cause the condom to tear and may result in an
unwanted pregnancy.
Incorrect removal and disposal of the condom may cause unintended pregnancy.
Types of Condoms
 Lubricated
 Spermicide-coated
 Textured Condoms
The female condomis also called an internal condom and is a birth control (contraceptive)
device that acts as a barrier to keep sperm from entering the uterus. It protects against pregnancy
and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
The female condom is a soft, loose-fitting pouch with a ring on each end. One ring is inserted
into the vagina to hold the female condom in place. The ring at the open end of the condom
remains outside the vagina. The outer ring helps keep the condom in place and is also used for
removal. The female condom can be used during anal sex, too.
 Female condoms help to protect both partners from STIs, including HIV.
 When used correctly, they're a reliable method of preventing pregnancy.
 It's a form of contraception you only need to use when you have sex.
 There are no serious side effects.
 Some couples find that putting in a condom interrupts sex. To get around this, insert it in
advance or try to make doing so a part of foreplay.
 Female condoms are very strong, but they may split or tear if not used properly.
 They're not as widely available as male condoms and can be more expensive.
What you can expect:
To use the female condom:
 Open the package carefully. Don't use your teeth or fingernails, which could tear the
 Consider using additional lubrication. You can apply additional water-based or oil-based
lubricant to the condom to make it easier to insert and to minimize noise during sex.
 Insert the female condom. Squeeze the ring at the closed end of the pouch with your
middle finger and thumb and insert it into your vagina like a tampon. Place your index
finger inside the condom and push the ring up as far as it will go.
 Don't allow the condom to twist. Make sure the outer ring remains outside the vagina,
extending about 1 inch (or about 2.5 centimeters) beyond the labia. You can place the
female condom inside your vagina up to eight hours before sex.
 Guide the penis into the female condom. Make sure the penis doesn't slip between the
vagina and the outer surface of the female condom. During sex, make sure the outer ring
of the condom doesn't get pushed into the vagina.
Permanent Method (Bilateral Tubal Ligation)
Sterilization is meant to be permanent. Getting a sterilization reversed is really expensive,
complicated, and it doesn't always work — your fertility may never come back.

Bilateral Tubal Ligation

• is a type of birth control called sterilization where in it blocks your fallopian tubes, preventing
sperm from meeting egg, effectively preventing pregnancy. Bilateral means the procedure is
being done to both fallopian tubes.

 Hulka or Filshie Clip Tubal Ligation

 Falloope ring (Rubber band) Tubal Ligation
 Pomeroy or Modified Pomeroy Ligation
 Bipolar Cauterization of the Tubes
 Monopolar Cauterizations of the Tubes
 Salpingectomy


• Make sure you are not pregnant

• IV Line
• Medicine for relaxation
• Local anesthesia
• General or Spinal Anesthesia can also be used


• The gas or carbon dioxide will be release

• Abdominal pain or cramping
• Fatigue
• Dizziness
• Gassiness or bloating
• Before you leave the hospital, your health care practitioner will talk to you about how to
manage any post-procedure pain.
• You can bathe 48 hours after the procedure, but don't massage or stretch the incision.
After showering, carefully dry the incision.
• Heavy lifting and sex should be avoided until your health care practitioner says it's okay.
As you begin to feel better, gradually resume your normal activities. Your stitches will
dissolve and you will not need to remove them.
• Check with your doctor to determine whether you need to schedule a follow-up


• You do not have to remember to take a pill every day.

• Permanently prevents pregnancy. A single procedure leads to lifelong, safe and effective
• May also decrease your risk of ovarian cancer, especially if the fallopian tubes are
• Does not interfere with sex.
• Results increased sexual enjoyment-no need to worry about pregnancy.
• No effect in breastfeeding-quantity and quality of milk not affected.
• No known long term side effects or health risks.

• Uncommon complications of surgery ; infection or bleeding at the incision site, internal
infection or bleeding, injuries to internalorgans.
• It cannot be undone depending on the type of ligation but even reversible ligation may
lead to infertility
• In rare cases Tubal ligation can cause fallopian tubes to rejoin or unblock, however this is
extremely uncommon.
• If you become pregnant after tubal ligation, the pregnancy may develop in your fallopian
tube, a condition known as ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancy is extremely risky.
• Requires physical examination and minor surgery by trained service provider
• Clients may have limitation in physical activities such as heavy work and lifting heavy
objects immediately after surgery.

Task and Responsibilities of each member:

Casey D. Rosios – Leader/ Reporter
Nichelle Mitch A. Lordan- Reporter
Aisha Marie Pepito- Videographer and Video editor
Jhia Willin Prada- Reporter
Wendelyn Arcamo- Reporter
Mary Cleir Credo- Powerpoint and brochure creator
Jyssa Mae B. Javelona- Reporter
Rusty Vincent Heyrosa- Reporter
Dave Barbon- Reporter


Group No. ____________ Date of Evaluation_______________
Task Description: Students will work together in assigned groups to create a video presentation
that details a specific aspect of the course. The presentation may include appropriate
photographs, video, music, graphs, and other visual aids. The final output must be saved in DVD
Activity 15-20 points 10-14 points 5-9 points 0-4 points POINTS
Has a clear Has a fairly Has Little effort
Concept picture of clear picture brainstormed has been
what they are of what they their concept, spent on
trying to are trying to but no clear brainstorming
achieve. achieve. Can focus has and refining a
Adequate describe what emerged. concept.
description of they are Goals/final Unclear on
what they are trying to do product not the goals and
trying to do overall but clearly how the
and generally has trouble defined. project
how the describing objectives
individual how his/her will be met.
work will work will
contribute to contribute to
the final the final
project. project.
The content Information is The content Content lacks
Content/ includes a presented as a does not a central
Organization clear connected present a theme, clear
statement of theme with clearly stated point of view
purpose or accurate, theme, is and logical
theme and is current vague, and sequence of
creative, supporting some of the information.
compelling information supporting Much of the
and clearly that information supporting
written. A contributes to does not seem information is
rich variety of understanding to fit the main irrelevant to
supporting the project’s idea or the overall
information in main idea. appears as a message. The
the video Details are disconnected viewer is
contributes to logical and series of unsure what
the persuasive scenes with the message
understanding information is no unifying is because
of the effectively main idea. there is little
project’s main used. The Includes few persuasive
idea. Events content citations and information
and messages includes a few facts. and only one
are presented clear point of or two facts
in a logical view with a about the
order. progression of topic are
Includes ideas and articulated.
properly cited supporting
sources. information.
properly cited

Movie was Movie was Movie was There was no

Quality completed completed made, but had movie, or
and had all and contained very little if tape was
required all required any editing. totally
elements. The items. Editing Many poor unedited with
video was was not done shots remain. no transitions
well edited as well as it Video was or audio
and moves should have very support of
smoothly been. Some fragmented any kind.
from scene to poor shots and choppy
scene with remain. with little to
proper use of Movie is still no audio
transitions. somewhat reinforcement
Audio and choppy. .
other Audio and
enhancements other
were well enhancements
used. were utilized,
but not for
Student met Students met Only a couple Meetings
Teamwork and had and had of team were not held
discussions discussions meetings and/or some
regularly. All regularly. were held. of the team
students on Most of the Most of the members did
the team students on students on not contribute
contributed to the team the team at all to the
the discussion contributed to contributed at project. Low
and were part the discussion some level, levels of
of the final and were part but a majority respect were
project. Team of the final of the work evident
members project. Team was done by within the
showed members one or two. team.
respect with mostly
each other. showed
respect with
each other.

All project Most project Many project Deadlines

Timeliness deadlines deadlines deadlines were
were met. were met. were not met, regularly
Those that resulting in missed,
were late did some impact having a
not have on the significant
significant finished impact on the
impact on the project. final project.

Final Score

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