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Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals

(ME 421)
Energy and Fuel
A.N.M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology (DUET), Gazipur-1707
Energy: Introduction
 Energy (from the Greek ἐνέργεια - energeia, "activity,
operation", from ἐνεργός - energos, "active, working) is a
scalar physical quantity that is a property of objects and
systems which is conserved by nature. Energy is often defined
as the ability to do work.

 It is the key of doing anything for our daily purposes.

 There are many different ways in which the abundance of

energy around us can be stored, converted, and amplified for
our use.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
What is energy
• Energy is the power to change things. It is the ability to do work.

• Energy lights our cities, powers our vehicles, and runs machinery in
factories. It warms and cools our homes, cooks our food, plays our
music, and gives us pictures on television.

• Joule - A unit of energy. One joule equals 0.2388 calories

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Energy sources
The energy sources have been split into three

o Renewable

o Non-renewable


A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Energy sources……..contd.

 Renewable energy sources include wind power; wave

power; Ocean Thermal Exchange Capacity (OTEC) - based on
temperature differences in ocean layers; solar power;
hydropower; fuel cells and bio-fuels – also known as biomass
fuels – such as alcohol from sugar; methane from organic
waste; or charcoal from trees.

↘ The key characteristic of renewable energies is that the energy sources

are continually available.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Energy sources……..contd.

 Non-renewable types of energy include all the

fossil fuels – coal, oil, gas and their derivatives
such as petrol and diesel. The non-renewable
are finite in supply because their rate of
formation is so slow that they are, in reality,
finite sources.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Energy sources……..contd.

 Sustainable energy is the sustainable provision of

energy that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their needs.

 Sustainable energy is a term sometimes applied to

nuclear power. The supplies are not exactly
renewable but they will last for a very long time
because a great deal of electricity is produced from a
small amount of radioactive material.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Comparison of Energy Sources

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Renewable Energy
 Renewable energy is a source of energy that
can never be exhausted.
 Renewable energy from the sun (solar energy), from
the water (hydropower), from the wind (windmills),
from hot dry rocks, magma, hot water springs
(geothermal) and even from firewood, animal
manure, crop residues and waste (Biomass).

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Renewable Energy……..contd.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solar Power

– Solar Cells really called photovoltaic" or

"photoelectric" cells convert light directly
into electricity.
• In a sunny climate, you can get enough
power to run a 100W light bulb from just
one square meter of solar panel.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to solar power
• Solar energy is free - it needs no fuel and produces no waste or
• In sunny countries, solar power can be used where there is no
easy way to get electricity to a remote place.
• Handy for low-power uses such as solar powered garden lights
and battery chargers

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages to Solar Power

• Doesn't work at night.

• Very expensive to build solar power
Solar cells cost a great deal compared to
the amount of electricity they'll produce in
their lifetime.
• Can be unreliable unless you're in a very
sunny climate.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is Solar Power Renewable?
• Solar power is renewable.

•The Sun will keep on shining anyway,

so it makes sense to use it.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Wind Power
– We've used the wind as an energy source for a
long time.
– The Babylonians and Chinese were using wind
power to pump water for irrigating crops 4,000
years ago, and sailing boats were around long
before that.
• Wind power was used in the Middle Ages, in
Europe, to grind corn, which is where the term
"windmill" comes from.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
How Wind Power Works
• The Sun heats our atmosphere unevenly, so some
patches become warmer than others.
• These warm patches of air rise, other air blows in to
replace them - and we feel a wind blowing.
• We can use the energy in the wind by building a tall
tower, with a large propellor on the

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Wind power
• Wind is free, wind farms need no fuel.
• Produces no waste or greenhouse gases.
• The land beneath can usually still be used for farming.
• Wind farms can be tourist attractions.
• A good method of supplying energy to remote areas.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages of Wind Power

• The wind is not always predictable

some days have no wind.
• Suitable areas for wind farms are
often near the coast, where land
is expensive.
• Some people feel that covering
• the landscape with these towers is unsightly.
• Can kill birds - migrating flocks tend to like strong winds. Splat!
• Can affect television reception if you live nearby.
• Noisy. A wind generator makes a constant, low, "swooshing"
noise day and night.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is Wind Power

• Wind power is renewable.

•Winds will keep on blowing,
it makes sense to use them.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
• A dam is built to trap water, usually in a
valley where there is an existing lake.
• Water is allowed to flow through tunnels in
the dam, to turn turbines and thus drive
• Hydro-electricity provides 20% of the
world’s power

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages of
• Once the dam is built, the energy is virtually free.
• No waste or pollution produced.
• Much more reliable than wind, solar or wave power.
• Water can be stored above the dam ready to cope
with peaks in demand.
• Hydro-electric power stations can increase to full
power very quickly, unlike other power stations.
• Electricity can be generated constantly.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages to Hydro-electricity

• The dams are very expensive to build.
• Building a large dam will flood a very large area upstream,
causing problems for animals that used to live there.
• Finding a suitable site can be difficult - the impact on residents
and the environment may be unacceptable.
• Water quality and quantity downstream can be affected, which
can have an impact on plant life.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is it Renewable?
• Hydro-electric power
is renewable.

The Sun provides the water by

evaporation from the sea, and will
keep on doing so.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
How Biomass Works
• Plant and animal waste is used to produce fuels such as
methanol, natural gas, and oil. We can use rubbish, animal
manure, woodchips, seaweed, corn stalks and other wastes.
Sugar cane is harvested and taken to a mill, where it is crushed
to extract the juice. The juice is used to make sugar, whilst the
left-over pulp, called "bagasse" can be burned in a power
Other solid wastes, can be burned to provide heat, or used to
make steam for a power station.
Burn fuel>heat water to make steam>steam turns
turbine>turbine turns generator>electrical power sent
around the country
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Biomass

• It makes sense to use waste materials

where we can.
• The fuel tends to be cheap.
• Less demand on the Earth's resources.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages to Using Biomass

• Collecting the waste in sufficient quantities can

be difficult.
• We burn the fuel, so it makes greenhouse
• Some waste materials are not available all
year round.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is It
• Biomass is renewable
•We will always make waste products.
We can always plant & grow more sugar cane and more
trees, so those are renewable too.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Geothermal Power

• Hot rocks underground heat water to produce steam.

We drill holes down to the hot region, steam comes
up, is purified and used to drive turbines, which drive
electric generators.
• There may be natural "groundwater" in the hot rocks
anyway, or we may need to drill more holes and pump
water down to them.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Geothermal Power

• Geothermal energy does not produce any pollution, and does not
contribute to the greenhouse effect.
• The power stations do not take up much room, so there is not
much impact on the environment.
• No fuel is needed.
• Once you've built a geothermal power station, the energy is
almost free.
• It may need a little energy to run a pump, but this can be taken
from the energy being generated.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages to Geothermal Power

• The big problem is that there are not many places

where you can build a geothermal power station.
You need hot rocks of a suitable type, at a depth
where we can drill down to them.
The type of rock above is also important, it must be of
a type that we can easily drill through.
• Sometimes a geothermal site may "run out of steam",
perhaps for decades.
• Hazardous gases and minerals may come up from
underground, and can be difficult to safely dispose of.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is it Renewable?

• Geothermal energy is renewable.

•The energy keeps on coming, as long
as we don't pump too much cold water
down and cool the rocks too much.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Tidal Power
• Tidal power works rather like a hydro-electric
scheme, except that the dam is much bigger.
• A huge dam (called a "barrage") is built across a river
estuary. When the tide goes in and out, the water
flows through tunnels in the dam.
• The ebb and flow of the tides can be used to turn a
turbine, or it can be used to push air through a pipe,
which then turns a turbine. Large lock gates, like the
ones used on canals, allow ships to pass.
• Only around 20 sites in the world have been
identified as possible tidal power stations.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Tidal Power

• Once you've built it, tidal power is free.

• It produces no greenhouse gases or
other waste.
• It needs no fuel.
• It produces electricity reliably.
• Not expensive to maintain.
• Tides are totally predictable.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages to
Tidal Power
• A barrage across an estuary is very expensive to build,
and affects a very wide area - the environment is
changed for many miles upstream and downstream.
Many birds rely on the tide uncovering the mud flats so
that they can feed. there are few suitable sites for tidal

• Only provides power for around 10 hours each day,

when the tide is actually moving in or out.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is it Renewable?

• Tidal
energy is

•The tides will

continue to ebb
and flow, and
the energy is
there for the
taking.A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Fossil Fuels

• Coal, Petroleum (Oil) and Gas are called

"fossil fuels"
• because they have been formed from the
fossilized remains of prehistoric plants and
• They provide around 66% of the world's
electrical power, and 95% of the world's
total energy demands
How Fossil Fuels Work

• Coal is crushed to a fine dust and burnt. Oil and

gas can be burnt directly.

Burn fuel> heat water to make steam> steam

turns turbine>turbine turns
generator>electrical power sent around the

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Fossil Fuels
• Coal provides around 28% of our energy, and
oil provides 40%.

• Crude oil (called "petroleum") is easier to get

out of the ground than coal, as it can flow along
pipes. This also makes it cheaper to transport.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
 Petroleum, or "crude oil," is a liquid fuel that is present in
various locations throughout the world.
 It has many uses, from the generation of electricity to the
manufacture of medicines, plastics, and other commercial
(i) Transportation:
(ii) Industrial power:
(iii) Heating and lighting:

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Natural Gas
 Natural gas is a very valuable and useful fossil fuel, and has
been used throughout the world as an efficient and cost-
effective form of energy for hundreds of years.

 Natural gas-odorless, tasteless, shapeless and colorless in its

purest form-is a flammable combination of hydrocarbon
gases, primarily of methane but including significant
quantities of ethane, propane, butane, and pentane.

 It is found in oil fields (associated) either dissolved or

isolated in natural gas fields (non associated), and in coal
beds (as coalbed methane).

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Natural Gas……..contd.

 Hydrogen production
 Natural Gas Vehicle
 Power generation
 Residential domestic use
 Fertilizer

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
 Coal is a non-renewable fossil fuel formed in ecosystems
where plant remains were preserved by water and mud from
oxidization and biodegradation, thus seizing atmospheric
 Coal is a readily combustible black or brownish-black rock. It is
a sedimentary rock, but the harder forms, such as anthracite
coal, can be regarded as metamorphic rocks.
 It is composed primarily of carbon and hydrogen along with
small quantities of other elements, notably sulfur.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
• Coal as fuel
• Cooking
• Gasification

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Using Fossil Fuels
• Very large amounts of electricity can be
generated in one place using coal, fairly
• Transporting oil and gas to the power stations
is easy.
• Gas-fired power stations are very efficient.

• A fossil-fuelled power
• station can be built
• almost anywhere

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages of Using Fossil Fuels

• Basically, the main drawback of fossil fuels is pollution.

• Burning any fossil fuel produces carbon dioxide, which
contributes to the "greenhouse effect", warming the Earth.
• Burning coal produces sulphur dioxide, a gas that
contributes to acid rain.
• With the United States importing 55% of its oil, oil spills
are a serious problem
• Mining coal can be difficult and dangerous. Strip mining
destroys large areas of the landscape.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is it Renewable?

Fossil fuels are NOT a

renewable energy resource
• Once we've burned them all, there isn't any
more, and our consumption of fossil fuels has
nearly doubled every 20 years since 1900.
This is a particular problem for Oil, because
we also use it to make plastics and many
other products.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Nuclear Power
• Nuclear power is
generated using Uranium, which is a metal mined
in various parts of the world.
• Nuclear power produces around 11% of the world's
energy needs, and produces huge amounts of
energy from small amounts of fuel, without the
pollution that you'd get from burning fossil fuels.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
How Nuclear Power Works
• Nuclear fission makes heat>heated
water makes steam>steam turns
turbines>turbines turn
generators>electrical power is sent
around the country

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
• The reactor uses Uranium rods as fuel, and
the heat is generated by nuclear fission.
Neutrons smash into the nucleus of the
uranium atoms, which split roughly in half
and release energy in the form of heat.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Advantages to Using Nuclear Power
• Nuclear power costs about the same as coal, so
it's not expensive to make.
• Does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide, so it
does not contribute to the greenhouse effect.
• Produces huge amounts of energy from small
amounts of fuel.
• Produces small amounts
of waste.
• Nuclear power is reliable.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Disadvantages of Nuclear Power
• Although not much waste is produced, it is
very, very dangerous.
• It must be sealed up and buried for many
years to allow the radioactivity to die away.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Is it Renewable?

• Nuclear energy from Uranium is

NOT renewable.

•Once we've dug up all the Earth's uranium

and used it, there isn't any more.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Fuel: Introduction
 A fuel, in general terms, may be defined as a substance (containing mostly carbon and
hydrogen) which, on burning with oxygen in the atmospheric air, produces a large
amount of heat.
 The amount of heat generated is known as calorific value of the fuel. As the principal
constituents of a fuel are carbon and hydrogen, therefore, it is also known as
hydrocarbon fuel. Sometimes, a few traces of sulfur are also present in it.
 The heat energy released by reactions of fuels is converted into mechanical energy via
a heat engine.
 Other times the heat itself is valued for warmth, cooking, or industrial processes, as
well as the illumination that comes with combustion.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Fuel: Classification
Fuel may be classified according to following three general categories-
1. Solid Fuel
2. Liquid Fuel
3. Gaseous Fuel
Each of these may be further subdivided to (a) natural fuel and (b) prepared fuel

• Solid Fuel: The natural solid fuels are wood, peat, lignite or brown coal, bituminous
coal and anthracite coal. The prepared solid fuels are wood charcoal, coke, briquetted
coal and pulverized coal. The following solid fuels are important from the subject point
of view-

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solid Fuel
1. Wood- At one time it was extensively used as a fuel. It consists of mainly carbon
and hydrogen. The wood is converted into coal when burnt in the absence of air. It is
not considered as a commercial fuel, except in industries , where a large amount of
waste wood is available. The calorific value of wood varies with its kind and moisture
content. The average calorific value of the wood is 19 700 kJ/kg.

2. Peat- it is a spongy humid substance found in boggy land. It may be regarded as the
first stage in the formation of coal. It has a large amount of water contents (upto 30%)
and therefore has to be dried before use. It has a characteristic odor at the time of
burning, and has a smoky flame. Its average calorific value is 23 000 kJ/kg.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solid Fuel

3. Lignite or brown coal- It represents the next stage of peat in the coal formation, and is an
intermediate variety between bituminous coal and peat. It contains nearly 40% moisture and
60% of carbon. When dried, it crumbles and hence does not store well. Due to its brittleness, it
is converted into briquettes, which can be handled easily. Its average calorific value is
25 000 kJ/kg.

4. Bituminous coal- It represents the next stage of lignite in the coal formation and contains
very little moisture (4 to 6%) and 75 to 90% of carbon. It is weather-resistant and burns with a
yellow flame. The average calorific value of bituminous coal is 33 500 kJ/kg.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solid Fuel

5. Anthracite coal- It represents the final stage in the coal formation, and contains 90% or more carbon with a
very little volatile matter. It is thus obvious, that the anthracite coal is comparatively smokeless, and has very
little flame. It possesses a high calorific value of about 36 000 kJ/kg and is therefore, very valuable for steam
raising and general power purposes.

6. Wood charcoal- It is made by heating wood with a limited supply of air to a temperature not less than 280° C.
It is a good prepared solid fuel, and is used for various metallurgical processes.

7. Coke- It is produced when coal is strongly heated continuously for 42 to 48 hours in the absence of air in a
closed vessel. This process is known as carbonization of coal. Coke is dull black in color, porous and smokeless.
It has a high carbon content (85 to 90%) and has a higher calorific value than coal. If the carbonization of coal is
carried out at 500 to 700° C, the resulting coke is called lower temperature coke or soft coke. It is used as a
domestic fuel. The coke produced by carbonization of coal at 900 to 1100° C, is known as hard coke. The hard
coke is mostly used as a blast furnace fuel for extracting pig iron from iron ores, and to some extent as a fuel in
cupola furnace for producing cast iron.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solid Fuel

8. Briquetted coal- It is produced from the finely ground

coal by molding under pressure with or without a binding
material. The binding materials usually used are pitch,
coal tar, crude oil and clay etc. The briquetted coal has the
advantage of having, practically, no loss of fuel through
grate openings and thus it increases the heating value of
the fuel.

9. Pulverized coal- The low grade coal with a high ash

content, is powdered to produce pulverized coal. The coal
is first dried and then crushed into a fine powder by
pulverizing machines. The pulverized coal is widely used
in the cement industry and also in metallurgical processes..
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solid Fuel

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Liquid Fuel

 Almost all the commercial liquid fuels are derived from natural petroleum (or crude
oil). The crude oil is obtained from bore-holes in the earth's crust in certain parts of
the world.

 The liquid fuels consist of hydrocarbons. The natural petroleum may be separated
into petrol or gasoline, paraffin oil or kerosene, fuel oils and lubricating oils by
boiling the crude oil at different temperatures and subsequent fractional distillation or
by a process such as cracking.

 The solid products like vaseline and paraffin wax are recovered from the residue in
the still. The following liquid fuels are important from the subject point of view-

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Liquid Fuel

1. Petrol or gasoline- It is the lightest and most volatile liquid fuel, mainly used for
light petrol engines. It is distilled at a temperature from 65° to 220° C.

2. Kerosene or paraffin oil- It is heavier and less volatile fuel than the petrol, and is
used as heating and lighting fuel. It is distilled at a temperature from 220° to 345° C.

3. Heavy fuel oils- The liquid fuels distilled after petrol and kerosene are known as
heavy fuel oils. These oils are used in diesel engines and in oil-fired boilers. These
are distilled at a temperature from 345° to 470°C.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Liquid vs solid fuel

Merits and Demerits of liquid Fuels over Solid Fuels –

 Higher calorific value. Demerits
 Lower storage capacity required. × Higher cost.
 Better economy in handling. × Greater risk of fire.
 Better control of consumption by using valves. × Costly containers are required
 Better cleanliness and freedom from dust. for storage and transport
 Practically no ashes.
 Non-deterioration in storage.
 Non-corrosion of boiler plates.
 Higher efficiency.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Gaseous fuel

 The natural gas is, usually, found in or near the petroleum fields, under the earth's surface. It,
essentially, consists of marsh gas or methane (CH4) together with small amounts of other
gases such as ethane (C2H6), carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO).

 The following prepared gases, which are used as fuels, are important from the subject point
of view :

1. Coal gas- It is also known as a town gas. It is obtained by the carbonization of coal and
consists of mainly hydrogen, carbon monoxide and various hydrocarbons. The quality of
coal gas depend upon the quality of coal used, temperature of carbonization and the type of
plant. It is very rich among combustible gases and largely used in towns for street and
domestic lighting and heating. It is also used in furnaces and for ringing gas engines. It
calorific value is about 21000 to 25000 kJ/m3.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Gaseous fuel

2. Producer gas- It is obtained by the partial combustion of coal, coke, anthracite coal
or charcoal in a mixed air-steam blast. It is, mostly, used for furnaces particularly for
glass melting and also for power generation. Its manufacturing cost is low, and has a
calorific value of about 5000 to 6700 kJ/m3.

3. Water gas-It is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide and is made by passing
steam over incandescent coke. As it burns with a blue flame, it is also known as blue
water gas. The water gas is usually converted into carbureted (enriched) water gas by
passing it through a carburetor into which a gas oil is sprayed. It is, usually, mixed with
coal gas to form town gas. The water gas is used in furnaces and for welding.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Gaseous fuel

4. Monti gas- It is produced by passing air and a large amount of steam over waste coal at about
650° C. It is used for power generation and heating. It is also suitable for use in gas engines. Its
calorific value is about 5850 kJ/m3.

5. Blast furnace gas- It is a by-product in the production of pig iron in the blast furnace. This
gas serves as a fuel in steel works, for power generation in gas engines, for steam raising in
boilers and for preheating the blast for furnace. It is extensively used as fuel for metallurgical
furnaces. The gas, leaving the blast furnace, has a high dust content the proportion of which
varies with the operation of the furnace. It has a low heating value of about 3750 kJ/m3.

6. Coke oven gas- It is a by-product from coke oven, and is obtained by the carbonization of
bituminous coal. Its calorific value vanes from 14 500 to 18 500 kJ/m3. It is used for industrial
heating and power generation.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
merits and demerits of the gaseous fuels

 The supply of fuel gas, and hence the temperature of furnace is easily and accurately
 The high temperature is obtained at a moderate cost by pre-heating gas and air with heat of
waste gases of combustion.
 They are directly used in internal combustion engines.
 They arc free from solid and liquid impurities.
 They do not produce ash or smoke.
 They undergo complete combustion with minimum air supply.

× They are readily inflammable.
× They require large storage capacity.
A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut
Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Requirements of a good fuel….

It is readily available
It is less expensive
It should have a low ignition point.
It should have low moisture content
It should have a high calorific value.
It should freely burn with a high efficiency, once it is ignited.
It should not produce harmful gases.
It should produce least quantity of smoke and gases.
It should be economical, easy to store and convenient for transportation.
In case of solid fuel, the size should be uniform so that combustion is regular

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Calorific Value of Fuels

• The calorific value (briefly written as C.V.) or heat value of a solid or liquid fuel may be
defined as the amount of heat given out by the complete combustion of 1 kg of fuel.
• It is expressed in terms of kJ/kg of fuel. The calorific value of gaseous fuels is, however,
expressed in terms of kJ/m3 at a specified temperature and pressure.
• Following are the types of the calorific value of fuels :
 Net or lower calorific value.
 Gross or higher calorific value

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Gross or Higher Calorific Value

• All fuels, usually, contain some percentage of hydrogen. When a given quantity of a fuel is
burnt, some heat is produced. Moreover, some hot flue gases are also produced.
• The water, which takes up some of the heat evolved, is convened into steam. if the heat, taken
away by the hot flue gases and the steam is taken into consideration, i.e. if the heat is recovered
from flue gases and steam is condensed back to water at room temperature (15° C), then the
amount of total heat produced per kg is known as gross or higher calorific value of fuel.
• In other words, the amount of heat obtained by the complete combustion of 1 kg of a fuel, when
the products of its combustion are cooled down to the temperature of supplied air (usually taken
as 15° C), is called the gross or higher calorific value of fuel.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Gross or Higher Calorific Value

• It is briefly written as H.C.V. If the chemical analysis of a fuel is available, then the higher
calorific value of the fuel is determined by the following formula, known as Dulong's formula :

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Net or Lower Calorific Value

• When the heat absorbed or carried away by the products of combustion is not recovered (which is the
case in actual practice), and the steam formed during combustion is not condensed, then the amount of
heat obtained per kg of the fuel is known as net or lower calorific value.
• It is briefly written as L.C.V. If the higher calorific value is known, then the lower calorific value may be
obtained by subtracting the amount of heat carried away by products of combustion (especially steam)
from H.C.V.

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solved math on HCV and LCV

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET
Solved math on HCV and LCV

A. N. M. Mominul Islam Mukut

Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals (ME 421) Associate Professor, Dept. of ME, DUET

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