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Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21

ADC Laporan Keuangan

Application Payables
Process Category
End Date Dec 31, 2021
Accounting Mode Final
Report Level Detail
Errors Only No
Transfer to General Ledger Yes
Post in General Ledger Yes
General Ledger Batch Name
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Report Summary

Number of Number of Events Journal Entries

Event Class Documents Processed In Error Ledger Balance Type Count
Payments 4 0 4 ADC Cash Flow Actual 0
ADC Laporan Keuangan Actual 0
Reconciled Payments 4 0 4 ADC Laporan Keuangan Actual 0


Event Class Payments Event Type Payment Created

Event Number 1 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346155 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid Related Entry
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
2 Liability 8301.001.0100000.00.0000.0Z00000.420199002 IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
Journal Entry Total 80,000.00 80,000.00

Ledger ADC Cash Flow Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346155 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
2 Item Expense 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040 IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
Journal Entry Total 80,000.00 80,000.00

Line Error Number Error Message

2 95304 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 does not allow posting.
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Using the GL Accounts form, please enable the Allow Posting option for this account code combination or update the account derivation
rule for the application accounting definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 so that it does not use this account.
2 95308 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 is not enabled. Using
the GL Accounts form, please enable this account code combination or use a different account code combination.

Event Class Payments Event Type Payment Created

Event Number 1 Event Date Nov 5, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 5, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346156 , Payment Date: 05-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid Related Entry
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
2 Liability 8301.001.0100000.00.0000.0Z00000.420199002 IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
Journal Entry Total 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00

Ledger ADC Cash Flow Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 Version GL Date Nov 5, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346156 , Payment Date: 05-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
2 Item Expense 8301.313.9521105.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040. IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
Journal Entry Total 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00

Line Error Number Error Message

2 95304 The account code combination 8301.313.9521105.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 does not allow posting.
Using the GL Accounts form, please enable the Allow Posting option for this account code combination or update the account derivation
rule for the application accounting definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 so that it does not use this account.
2 95308 The account code combination 8301.313.9521105.00.0000.0Z00000.670003040.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 is not enabled. Using
the GL Accounts form, please enable this account code combination or use a different account code combination.

Event Class Payments Event Type Payment Created

Event Number 1 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346167 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid Related Entry
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Liability 8301.001.0100000.00.0000.0Z00000.420199999 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Ledger ADC Cash Flow Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346167 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Item Expense 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Line Error Number Error Message

2 95304 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 does not allow posting.
Using the GL Accounts form, please enable the Allow Posting option for this account code combination or update the account derivation
rule for the application accounting definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 so that it does not use this account.
2 95308 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 is not enabled. Using
the GL Accounts form, please enable this account code combination or use a different account code combination.

Event Class Payments Event Type Payment Created

Event Number 1 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346168 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid Related Entry
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Liability 8301.001.0100000.00.0000.0Z00000.420199999 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Ledger ADC Cash Flow Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Created , Payment Number: 346168 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash Clearing 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161192180. IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Item Expense 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Line Error Number Error Message

2 95304 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 does not allow posting.
Using the GL Accounts form, please enable the Allow Posting option for this account code combination or update the account derivation
rule for the application accounting definition IP Encumbrance AP CASH BASIC 2 so that it does not use this account.
2 95308 The account code combination 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.670003010.0100.8301.00000.00000 for line 2 is not enabled. Using
the GL Accounts form, please enable this account code combination or use a different account code combination.

Event Class Reconciled Payments Event Type Payment Cleared

Event Number 2 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Cleared , Payment Number: 346155 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161012180 IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
2 Cash Clearing IDR 80,000.00 80,000.00
Journal Entry Total 80,000.00 80,000.00

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type

Application Accounting Definition Version GL Date
Journal Entry Description Journal Entry Status
Line Error Number Error Message
0 This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event that it references has been fully accounted.
Please ensure the accounting events for the transaction with the following identifiers for the application Payables have been accounted:
check_id: 1015602.

Event Class Reconciled Payments Event Type Payment Cleared

Event Number 2 Event Date Nov 5, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 5, 2021

Journal Entry Description Payment Cleared , Payment Number: 346156 , Payment Date: 05-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161012180 IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
2 Cash Clearing IDR 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00
Journal Entry Total 3,600,626.00 3,600,626.00

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type

Application Accounting Definition Version GL Date
Journal Entry Description Journal Entry Status
Line Error Number Error Message
0 This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event that it references has been fully accounted.
Please ensure the accounting events for the transaction with the following identifiers for the application Payables have been accounted:
check_id: 1015603.

Event Class Reconciled Payments Event Type Payment Cleared

Event Number 2 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021
Journal Entry Description Payment Cleared , Payment Number: 346167 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161012180 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Cash Clearing IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type

Application Accounting Definition Version GL Date
Journal Entry Description Journal Entry Status
Line Error Number Error Message
0 This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event that it references has been fully accounted.
Please ensure the accounting events for the transaction with the following identifiers for the application Payables have been accounted:
check_id: 1015615.

Event Class Reconciled Payments Event Type Payment Cleared

Event Number 2 Event Date Nov 2, 2021

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type Actual
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Program Report Report Date 01-Dec-21
ADC Laporan Keuangan

Application Accounting Definition IP Encumbrance Accrual V2 Version GL Date Nov 2, 2021

Journal Entry Description Payment Cleared , Payment Number: 346168 , Payment Date: 02-NOV-21 , Journal Entry Status Invalid
Bank Name: ADC-BNI-0004485457 , Payment Currency Code IDR
Accounting Entered Accounted
Line Class Account Currency Debit Credit Debit Credit
1 Cash 8301.001.9910000.00.0000.0Z00000.161012180 IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
2 Cash Clearing IDR 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00
Journal Entry Total 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00

Ledger ADC Laporan Keuangan Ledger Currency IDR Balance Type

Application Accounting Definition Version GL Date
Journal Entry Description Journal Entry Status
Line Error Number Error Message
0 This line cannot be accounted until the accounting event that it references has been fully accounted.
Please ensure the accounting events for the transaction with the following identifiers for the application Payables have been accounted:
check_id: 1015617.

End of Report

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