Mapeh 9-Summative Test

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DIRECTION. Please 1. Musical compositions that resemble a
follow the directions
carefully. Fill in the harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the
circle that Protestant Church during the Baroque era.
corresponds to your
answer for each a. Oratorio b. Fugue
question. c. Chorale d. Concerto Grosso
Mangyaring sundin 2. Italian Benedictine monk who invented the
nang mabuti ang
mga direksyon.
modern notation that replaced the neumatic
Punan ang bilog na notation. He developed the use of “ut-re-mi-
tumutugma sa iyong
sagot para sa bawat fe-so-la” now the modern sofa syllables “do-
tanong. re-mi-fa-so-la-ti.”
a. Pope Gregory I
b. Antonio Vivaldi
c. George Friedrich Händel
d. Guido de Arrezo
3. A through-composed vocal music
composition written and expressed in a poetic
a. Troubadour Music b. Mass
c. Madrigal d. None of the mentioned
4. Musical compositions that resemble a
harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the
Protestant Church during the Baroque era.
a. Oratorio b. Fugue
c. Chorale d. Concerto Grosso
5. The Gergorian Chant is written in _________ Liturgy.
a. Latin b. French c. English d. Italian
6. The period in music where it is mainly monophonic
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Romantic
7. Melodies during this period is elaborate and ornamental
a. Medieval b. Renaissance c. Baroque d. Romantic
8. He is remembered for his operas and oratorios. He became England’s favorite composer. He has given English
audiences music that in variety and interest rivalled anything they could remember.
a. George Friedrich Händel
b. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
c. Pope Gregory I
d. Thomas Morley
9. He was the most famous composer of secular music in his time. He was a singer in the local cathedral during his
childhood and was believed to have studied music with William Byrd, an Elizabethan composer of sacred music.
a. George Friedrich Händel
b. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
c. Pope Gregory I
d. Thomas Morley
10. Italian Benedictine monk who invented the modern notation that replaced the neumatic notation. He developed the use
of “ut-re-mi-fe-so-la” now the modern sofa syllables “do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti.”
a. Pope Gregory I
b. Antonio Vivaldi
c. George Friedrich Händel
d. Guido de Arrezo
11. It is the era where Pre-Historic and Egyptian arts flourished.
a. Ancient Era b. Classical Era c. Medieval Era d. Golden Era
12. Their paintings are from medieval period, only depicting religious sentiments were enormous in size and covered entire
church walls.
a. Gothic Paintings b. Byzantine Paintings c. Roman Paintings d. Romanesque Paintings
13. Pre-historic drawings of animals were usually correct in proportion. Which of these options is an example of this
a. Tomb of the Diver
b. The Shepherd David
c. Head of Alexander
d. Cave of Lascaux, 1
14. Which of the following options below is a characteristic of the Rose Window of Notre Dame?
a. It has sturdy stone structures
b. It has stained glass windows
c. It has flat-roofed, rectangular structure
d. it is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen
15. It is carved from limestone with excessively heavy breast and abdomen used as charm to ensure fertility.
a. Queen Nefertiti b. Venus of Willendorf c. The Barberini Diptych d. Venus if Brassempouy
16. Pre-historic drawings of animals were usually correct in proportion. Which of these options is an example of this
a. Tomb of the Diver
b. The Shepherd David
c. Head of Alexander
d. Cave of Lascaux, 1
17. The direction that the audience’s eye goes through the artwork, often to focal areas.
a. Pattern b. Emphasis c. Movement d. Proportion
18. A Gothic architectural design of rich architecture and design, splendid stained glass windows and thousands of
sculptured figures and Also known as the Notre Dame Cathedral.
a. Hagia Sophia b. The Colosseum c. Worcester Cathedral d. Cathedral of Chartres
19. _____________ is used to make the artwork seem active.
a. Variety b. Harmony c. Repetition d. Emphasis
20. They are used to lead the viewer’s eyes throughout the artwork. It can lead your eyes into, around, and out of the visual
images within the artistic frame.
a. Color b. Lines c. Space d. Shapes and Forms
21. Conduct the event according to the rules with the welfare of the athlete in mind.
a. Be Accurate and Responsible
b. Be a Benefit and Cause No Harm
c. Act with Fairness
d. Act with Integrity
22. This refers to all of the qualities pertaining to one’s mental preparations in officiating a game.
a. Physical Qualities b. Emotional Qualities c. Mental Qualities d. Social Qualities
23. A kick where the referee points towards corner of the field from which kick is to be taken
a. Corner kick b. Goal Kick c. Penalty Kick d. Offside Location
24. Other health habits help reduce the risk of developing ____________ except:
a. wellness b. diseases c. illnesses d. viruses
25. What system in sports is used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules?
a. Sports Officiating b. Sports Science c. Sports Psychology d. Sports Regulations
26. When the referee blows whistle simultaneously forming T index finger showing
a. Substitution b. Beckoning-in c. Charged Time-out d. Visible Count
27. In games which require the official to run continuously, what fitness component should the official possess?
a. Balance b. Endurance c. Power d. Agility
28. It is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.
a. fitness b. health c. wellness d. welfare
29. This refers to the ability to deal with others at any given situation.
a. Physical Qualities b. Emotional Qualities c. Mental Qualities d. Social Qualities
30. A capacity to think critically is an example of:
a. emotional wellness b. intellectual wellness c. interpersonal and social wellness d. mental wellness
31. Be conscientious and business-like in carrying out their duties.
a. Adhere to Legal Standards b. Exhibit Professionalism c. Act with Integrity d. Act with Fairness
32. Respect the dignity of athletes, other officials, and volunteers, coaches, and spectators.
a. Exhibit Professionalism
b. Show Respect for Participants, Rights and Dignity
c. Act with Fairness
d. Act with Integrity
33. Be fully prepared to do the job assigned to them.
a. Be a benefit and Cause No Harm
b. Be Accurate and Responsible
c. Act with Integrity
d. Act with Fairness
34. Physical activity can be defined as:
a. muscular movement of the body that requires energy to produce the movement.
b. any condition that elevates heart rate.
c. aerobic exercise.
d. All of the above
35. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating skills help our community?
a. Save money during sports competition
b. Train youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports official
c. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
d. All of the above
36. It is brought by any alteration of the physical, chemical, biological, or radiological properties of a body of water
resulting in the impairment of its purity or quality.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution
37. It requires all mining leaseholders to comply with Pollution Control Laws and regulations and provide for penalties for
a. P.D. 463 b. P.D. 1067 c. P.D 1251 d. P.D. 1219
38. It means any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water, air and /or land resources.
a. Oil Spill b. Pollution c. Soil Erosion d. Flash Flood
39. It is the destruction of big areas of forests.
a. Soil Erosion b. Illegal Mining c. Flash Flood d. Deforestation
40. It is any alteration of the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the atmospheric air.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution
41. This condition describes as excessive sound that causes hearing loos, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension, headaches, and
high blood pressure.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution
42. Is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not just the absence of disease or infirmity.
a. Community Health b. Community c. Health d. Environmental Health
43. Comprises those aspects of human health that are determined by physical, chemical, biological, social, and
psychosocial factors in the surrounding environment.
a. Health b. Community c. Community Health d. Environmental Health

44. Which is not an effect of oil spill?

a. Suffocation of marine mammals b. Skin irritation c. Death of trees from oil in root d.
45. Which of these is not a positive effect of a healthy environment
a. It promotes healthy living and stress free way of life.
b. It increases people’s productivity and effectiveness.
c. People in the community are suffering from different physical and mental illnesses.
d. It gives hope and makes people in the community to have a positive outlook in life.
46. All of these are effects of air pollution except
a. lung b. asthma c. hearing loss d. Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
47. All of these are the effects of deforestation on the environment except
a. flooding b. soil erosion c. Greenhouse effect d. suffocation of marine animals
48. This is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides, such as poisons that are used to kill agricultural pests like insects and
herbicides that are to get rid of weeds.
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Soil pollution d. Water pollution
49. Which of the following environmental problems causes global warming?
a. oil spill b. air pollution c. deforestation d. soil erosion
50. It is the destruction of big areas of forests.
a. Soil Erosion b. Illegal Mining c. Flash Flood d. Deforestation

1.Listen to the song composed by Thomas Morley of Renaissance period.
b. • Now is the month of Maying
c. •
2. After listening, draw your own interpretation on a piece of oslo paper.
3. Write a short description of your drawing at the back of the paper.
4. Your work will be graded using the criteria below:
Quality of artistic composition – 30 %
Creativity - 20 %
Interpretation - 20 %
Overall impression of the art - 30 %
100 %

1. Make a PORTFOLIO. Compile pictures of some Western Classical Artworks (Philippine inspired) with reflection
or thoughts on the artworks.
2. Your work will be graded using the criteria below:
Content - 50%
Format/Style - 15%
Originality - 15%
Reflection - 10 %
Punctuality - 10%

1. Record a video or take a photo of yourself while executing 5 correct hand signals of referees in basketball,
volleyball, and football with mastery.
2. Your work will be graded using the criteria below
Mastery - 30%
Posture - 20%
Execution - 25%
Performance - 15%
Behavior - 10%

1. One way to save the environment is through “RECYCLING.”
2. Make an artwork out of Recycled Materials.
3. Your work will be graded using the criteria below
Creativity - 40%
Use of reused recycled materials - 40%
Overall presentation - 20%

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