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Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 01

Ms. Helen -------- transferred to the Chicago

branch last week.
(A) is
(B) will be
(C) has been
(D) was
CÂU 02 – BÀI 01

The sales manager -------- our company six

years ago.
(A) will join
(B) joined
(C) joins
(D) is joining
CÂU 03 – BÀI 01

The money -------- deposited in the bank last

(A) was
(B) is
(C) has been
(D) will be
CÂU 04 – BÀI 01

The City Hall -------- constructed in 1945.

(A) were
(B) was
(C) is
(D) will be
CÂU 05 – BÀI 01

He -------- elected as vice president of our

company in the last week’s meeting.
(A) is
(B) was
(C) will be
(D) were
CÂU 06 – BÀI 01

Ms. Jin -------- from her trip next week.

(A) returned
(B) returns
(C) to return
(D) will return
CÂU 07 – BÀI 01

The manager -------- with the president

(A) will meet
(B) met
(C) meets
(D) meeting
CÂU 08 – BÀI 01

The bank -------- interest rates next month.

(A) raises
(B) is raising
(C) will raise
(D) raised
CÂU 09 – BÀI 01

The economy -------- from the recession next

(A) will recover
(B) recovers
(C) recovered
(D) is recovering
CÂU 10 – BÀI 01

Effective next week, Mr. Park -------- in

charge of the sales department.
(A) is
(B) will be
(C) be
(D) was
CÂU 11 – BÀI 01

The public library usually -------- no fees for

local residents to borrow books.
(A) will charge
(B) charging
(C) to charge
(D) charges
CÂU 12 – BÀI 01

Every month, we -------- a monthly business

(A) will have
(B) have
(C) having
(D) has
CÂU 13 – BÀI 01

The department heads frequently --------

with the overseas marketing team.
(A) to meet
(B) will meet
(C) meet
(D) meeting
CÂU 14 – BÀI 01

A good supervisor -------- encouragement to

(A) gave
(B) is giving
(C) given
(D) gives
CÂU 15 – BÀI 01

We are now -------- our efforts to provide

better services to our customers.
(A) increase
(B) increasing
(C) increases
(D) increased
CÂU 16 – BÀI 01

The blueprint for the office building --------

finished by next week.
(A) will have
(B) have
(C) are
(D) will be
CÂU 17 – BÀI 01

The president -------- the office early every

(A) will leave
(B) left
(C) is leaving
(D) leaves
CÂU 18 – BÀI 01

The recruitment of sales personnel --------

last week.
(A) is ending
(B) will end
(C) ends
(D) ended
CÂU 19 – BÀI 01

By next Friday, all budget reports --------

reviewed by the accounting team.
(A) will be
(B) are
(C) have
(D) were
CÂU 20 – BÀI 01

I knew Mr. Kim’s resignation when I --------

his office last Tuesday.
(A) will visit
(B) visited
(C) visiting
(D) visit
CÂU 21 – BÀI 01

Starting next week, the new City Library

------- a variety of services to meet the needs
of all citizens.
(A) will provide
(B) provides
(C) provided
(D) providing
CÂU 22 – BÀI 01

In the past, it -------- impossible to provide

those services due to the lack of technology
and equipment.
(A) has
(B) was
(C) is
(D) will be
CÂU 23 – BÀI 01

We always ------- comments and suggestions

that may help us serve you better.
(A) welcomed
(B) will welcome
(C) welcome
(D) welcomes
CÂU 24 – BÀI 01

I -------- Louisiana state University.

(A) am attending
(B) attend
(C) was attending
(D) attended
CÂU 25 – BÀI 01

He has sold motorcycles --------.

(A) ten years ago
(B) since ten years
(C) for ten years ago
(D) for ten years
CÂU 26 – BÀI 01

Columbus -------- America more than 400

years ago.
(A) discovered
(B) has discovered
(C) had discovered
(D) have discovered
CÂU 27 – BÀI 01

He fell down when he -------- towards the

(A) run
(B) runs
(C) was running
(D) had run
CÂU 28 – BÀI 01

We -------- there when our father died.

(A) still lived
(B) lived still
(C) was still living
(D) were still living
CÂU 29 – BÀI 01

I -------- in the room now.

(A) am being
(B) was being
(C) have been being
(D) am
CÂU 30 – BÀI 01

I -------- to New York three times this year.

(A) have been
(B) was
(C) were
(D) had been
CÂU 31 – BÀI 01

I will come and see you before I -------- for

(A) leave
(B) will leave
(C) have left
(D) shall leave
CÂU 32 – BÀI 01

John -------- a book when I saw him.

(A) is reading
(B) read
(C) was reading
(D) reading
CÂU 33 – BÀI 01

Jack -------- the door.

(A) has just opened
(B) open
(C) will have opened
(D) opening
CÂU 34 – BÀI 01

My sister -------- for you since yesterday.

(A) is looking
(B) was looking
(C) has looked
(D) looked
CÂU 35 – BÀI 01

We -------- Doris since last Sunday.

(A) don’t see
(B) haven’t seen
(C) didn’t see
(D) hadn’t seen
CÂU 36 – BÀI 01

When I last saw him, he -------- in London.

(A) has lived
(B) is living
(C) was living
(D) has been living
CÂU 37 – BÀI 01

The man got out the car, -------- round to the

back and opened the boot.
(A) walking
(B) walked
(C) walks
(D) walk
CÂU 38 – BÀI 01

For several years, his ambition -------- to be a

(A) is
(B) has been
(C) was
(D) had been
CÂU 39 – BÀI 01

Henry -------- into the restaurant when the

writer was having dinner.
(A) was going
(B) went
(C) has gone
(D) did go
CÂU 40 – BÀI 01

He will take the dog out for a walk as soon

as he -------- dinner.
(A) finish
(B) finishes
(C) will finish
(D) shall have finished
CÂU 41 – BÀI 01

Oil -------- if you pour it on water.

(A) floated
(B) floats
(C) will be floated
(D) float
CÂU 42 – BÀI 01

I couldn’t cut the grass because the machine

-------- a few days previously.
(A) broke down
(B) has been broken
(C) had broken down
(D) breaks down
CÂU 43 – BÀI 01

An increasing school age population --------

that there will be a need for more teachers.
(A) imply
(B) was implied
(C) implies
(D) have implied
CÂU 44 – BÀI 01

Since --------, I have heard nothing from him.

(A) he had left
(B) he left
(C) he has left
(D) he was left
CÂU 45 – BÀI 01

I don’t understand this sentence.

What --------?
(A) does mean this word
(B) have this word mean
(C) means this word
(D) does this word mean
CÂU 46 – BÀI 01

John -------- tennis once or twice a week.

(A) usually play
(B) is usually playing
(C) usually plays
(D) have usually played
CÂU 47 – BÀI 01

It was noisy next door. Our neighbors --------

a party.
(A) had
(B) were having
(C) had had
(D) have had
CÂU 48 – BÀI 01

I -------- for Christine. Do you know where

she is?
(A) look
(B) looked
(C) am looking
(D) looks
CÂU 49 – BÀI 01

At 5 o’clock yesterday evening, I -------- my

(A) am ironing
(B) have ironed
(C) ironed
(D) was ironing
CÂU 50 – BÀI 01

Before you -------- a new study, be sure to

property file the documents from the
previous one.
(A) begin
(B) beginning
(C) will begin
(D) began
CÂU 51 – BÀI 01

Why -------- at me like that? What’s the

(A) do you look
(B) have you looked
(C) did you look
(D) are you looking
CÂU 52 – BÀI 01

I -------- along the street when I suddenly

heard footsteps behind me.
(A) was walking
(B) am walking
(C) walk
(D) walked
CÂU 53 – BÀI 01

She -------- German for two years.

(A) has learnt
(B) is learning
(C) learn
(D) learns
CÂU 54 – BÀI 01

I usually -------- away at weekends.

(A) have gone
(B) goes
(C) am going
(D) go
CÂU 55 – BÀI 01

The earth -------- round the sun.

(A) go
(B) has gone
(C) went
(D) goes
CÂU 56 – BÀI 01

Sales reports show that our brand of

seasonal products -------- very well right now
throughout the country.
(A) selling
(B) sold
(C) is selling
(D) are sold
CÂU 57 – BÀI 01

Mr. Radford, the plant manager, recently

-------- a tour of the production plant for
visitors from Japan.
(A) conduct
(B) conducted
(C) to conduct
(D) will conduct
CÂU 58 – BÀI 01

I -------- at 8 o’clock every morning.

(A) was getting up
(B) got up
(C) is getting up
(D) get up
CÂU 59 – BÀI 01

-------- you go to the dentist?

(A) How often are
(B) How often do
(C) How often does
(D) How are
CÂU 60 – BÀI 01

Ann -------- tea very often.

(A) doesn’t drink
(B) don’t drink
(C) didn’t drink
(D) hasn’t drunken
CÂU 61 – BÀI 01

The sun -------- in the East.

(A) is rising
(B) rose
(C) has risen
(D) rises
CÂU 62 – BÀI 01

Bad driving often -------- many accidents.

(A) caused
(B) had caused
(C) causes
(D) has cause
CÂU 63 – BÀI 01

The Olympic Games -------- every four years.

(A) take place
(B) takes place
(C) took place
(D) is taking place
CÂU 64 – BÀI 01

What time -------- the banks close in Britain?

(A) do
(B) did
(C) does
(D) can
CÂU 65 – BÀI 01

Look! That man -------- to open the door of

your car.
(A) try
(B) tried
(C) is trying
(D) has tried
CÂU 66 – BÀI 01

When I was young, I -------- to be a singer.

(A) want
(B) was wanting
(C) wanted
(D) had wanted
CÂU 67 – BÀI 01

They -------- me about it last week.

(A) was telling
(B) told
(C) had told
(D) would tell
CÂU 68 – BÀI 01

I -------- here at the end of the month.

(A) will leave
(B) would leave
(C) would have left
(D) is leaving
CÂU 69 – BÀI 01

My grandfather -------- many years ago.

(A) had died
(B) has died
(C) died
(D) was dying
CÂU 70 – BÀI 01

I -------- my son the money for that last week.

(A) gave
(B) given
(C) have given
(D) was given
CÂU 71 – BÀI 01

I -------- the dishwasher on when I heard the

(A) am turning
(B) was turning
(C) was turning
(D) turned
CÂU 72 – BÀI 01

Last year, they -------- 22 million TV sets.

(A) were selling
(B) had sold
(C) has sold
(D) sold
CÂU 73 – BÀI 01

At last the bus came. We -------- for half an

(A) waited
(B) was waiting
(C) have waited
(D) had been waiting
CÂU 74 – BÀI 01

Ted and Amy -------- for 24 years.

(A) have been married
(B) married
(C) were married
(D) has been married
CÂU 75 – BÀI 01

Tomorrow I -------- my grandparents.

(A) am going to visit
(B) will have visited
(C) have visited
(D) visit
CÂU 76 – BÀI 01

I think the weather -------- nice later.

(A) will be
(B) be
(C) had
(D) has been
CÂU 77 – BÀI 01

She -------- very angry when she knows this.

(A) shall be
(B) has been
(C) will have been
(D) will be
CÂU 78 – BÀI 01

John -------- at this moment.

(A) arrive
(B) arrives
(C) are arriving
(D) is arriving
CÂU 79 – BÀI 01

Early last week, the city council formally

-------- the downtown renewal project.
(A) approved
(B) will approve
(C) approves
(D) has approved
CÂU 80 – BÀI 01

If commercial banks -------- mortgage rates,

many households will have difficulty in
repaying interest.
(A) will raise
(B) raise
(C) to raise
(D) raising
CÂU 81 – BÀI 01

Some technical support workers -------- at

the headquarters to learn how to operate
the new network access system over the
past two months.
(A) trained
(B) have trained
(C) have been trained
(D) are trained
CÂU 82 – BÀI 01

If you -------- to sell your property

internationally, we will be the best choice.
(A) will plan
(B) plans
(C) plan
(D) planned
CÂU 83 – BÀI 01

We -------- working as a specialist for

international property over the past 20
(A) were
(B) have been
(C) are
(D) will be
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 02

He ------- our apology for the inconvenience.

(A) accepting
(B) acceptance
(C) accepted
(D) to accept
CÂU 02 – BÀI 02

-------- will be completed by next month.

(A) Constructive
(B) Construct
(C) Construction
(D) Constructed
CÂU 03 – BÀI 02

We are looking for an -------- person for our

sales department.
(A) experienced
(B) experience
(C) experiences
(D) to experience
CÂU 04 – BÀI 02

Our products are doing well in the --------

competitive market.
(A) extreme
(B) extremely
(C) extremity
(D) extremeness
CÂU 05 – BÀI 02

Every -------- will receive a written response.

(A) apply
(B) applicant
(C) applied
(D) applicable
CÂU 06 – BÀI 02

We recommended a -------- review of all of

the facilities in the hospital.
(A) comprehensive
(B) comprehend
(C) comprehensively
(D) comprehensiveness
CÂU 07 – BÀI 02

An important part of a manager’s job is

offering -------- to new employees.
(A) encourage
(B) encouragement
(C) encouraging
(D) encourages
CÂU 08 – BÀI 02

We are -------- seeking new university

graduates to join our sales team.
(A) current
(B) currency
(C) currently
(D) currentness
CÂU 09 – BÀI 02

The president had a meeting with

employees during his -------- visit to the
(A) recently
(B) recentness
(C) recency
(D) recent
CÂU 10 – BÀI 02

Most companies provide -------- low wages

to interns.
(A) signified
(B) significantly
(C) significant
(D) signify
CÂU 11 – BÀI 02

The new product will give -------- to our

(A) satisfaction
(B) satisfy
(C) satisfied
(D) satisfying
CÂU 12 – BÀI 02

Mr. Tailor -------- a training program for the

new employees.
(A) to propose
(B) proposal
(C) proposing
(D) proposed
CÂU 13 – BÀI 02

The research and development -------- has

gradually increased.
(A) spend
(B) spending
(C) spent
(D) spends
CÂU 14 – BÀI 02

We recommend that you -------- purchase

your home.
(A) quickly
(B) quick
(C) quicken
(D) quickness
CÂU 15 – BÀI 02

The labor department -------- estimated that

10.000 new jobs would be created.
(A) original
(B) originally
(C) origin
(D) originate
CÂU 16 – BÀI 02

The -------- of the new bridge is expected to

begin next month.
(A) construct
(B) constructive
(C) constructed
(D) construction
CÂU 17 – BÀI 02

During the meeting, some employees --------

several questions.
(A) asking
(B) asked
(C) to asked
(D) being asked
CÂU 18 – BÀI 02

You have to refuse the -------- of packages

from unknown senders.
(A) deliverable
(B) delivered
(C) delivery
(D) deliver
CÂU 19 – BÀI 02

Small-business owners -------- use local

newspaper advertisements.
(A) frequent
(B) frequency
(C) frequentness
(D) frequently
CÂU 20 – BÀI 02

For more information, please -------- our

(A) visiting
(B) visit
(C) to visit
(D) visitors
CÂU 21 – BÀI 02

Due to the recent -------- conditions, the

company made a lot of money.
(A) economy
(B) economic
(C) economist
(D) economically
CÂU 22 – BÀI 02

You should receive official -------- for taking

a day off.
(A) approve
(B) approved
(C) approving
(D) approval
CÂU 23 – BÀI 02

Identification cards must be ------- displayed.

(A) clear
(B) clearly
(C) clearance
(D) clarity
CÂU 24 – BÀI 02

Most interviewers -------- examine

applicants’ educational backgrounds.
(A) closely
(B) closer
(C) close
(D) closest
CÂU 25 – BÀI 02

GE Motors is -------- described by the media

as a good company.
(A) frequently
(B) frequented
(C) frequency
(D) frequent
CÂU 26 – BÀI 02

Dr. Marriot recently completed a --------

study on economic trends.
(A) detail
(B) details
(C) in detail
(D) detailed
CÂU 27 – BÀI 02

Our company recorded -------- profits this

(A) impress
(B) to impress
(C) impresses
(D) impressive
CÂU 28 – BÀI 02

The new airline has increased -------- in the

airline industry.
(A) compete
(B) competition
(C) competitive
(D) competitively
CÂU 29 – BÀI 02

Patients’ private health records will be kept

-------- confidential.
(A) completely
(B) complete
(C) completion
(D) completed
CÂU 30 – BÀI 02

All -------- information should be submitted

next week.
(A) necessarily
(B) necessity
(C) necessaries
(D) necessary
CÂU 31 – BÀI 02

Our new car is -------- attractive to families

with children.
(A) extreme
(B) extremely
(C) extremity
(D) extremes
CÂU 32 – BÀI 02

The special team will conduct an -------- on

the reports.
(A) inspect
(B) inspected
(C) inspecting
(D) inspection
CÂU 33 – BÀI 02

The organizer -------- the seminar with a

brief introduction.
(A) started
(B) starter
(C) starting
(D) to start
CÂU 34 – BÀI 02

You need to get your supervisor’s -------- for

the seminar.
(A) approval
(B) approve
(C) approved
(D) approving
CÂU 35 – BÀI 02

We offer a -------- of levels and classes for

those who are interested in learning Korean.
(A) vary
(B) variety
(C) various
(D) varies
CÂU 36 – BÀI 02

The -------- of the semester is September 21,

so you should hurry to join this wonderful
(A) beginning
(B) begins
(C) begin
(D) began
CÂU 37 – BÀI 02

You can find more -------- about this program

at our website.
(A) informative
(B) inform
(C) informal
(D) information
CÂU 38 – BÀI 02

BizCard offers great products and services

with -------- prices.
(A) excellence
(B) excellently
(C) excellent
(D) excel
CÂU 39 – BÀI 02

We sometimes have sales and promotions

for our -------- products.
(A) reliable
(B) reliably
(C) reliability
(D) rely
CÂU 40 – BÀI 02

Our -------- designers guarantee the most

impressive business cards for your business.
(A) experience
(B) experiential
(C) experientially
(D) experienced
CÂU 41 – BÀI 02

To renew your license, please present two

forms of --------.
(A) identify
(B) identification
(C) identifiable
(D) identified
CÂU 42 – BÀI 02

Most of the start-up companies spend a

relatively high percentage of -------- budgets
on advertising costs.
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
(D) theirs
CÂU 43 – BÀI 02

Because all members were busy doing their

work, the sales manger had to finish the
sales report by --------.
(A) him
(B) his
(C) himself
(D) he
CÂU 44 – BÀI 02

The company will discontinue -------- of the

assembly line.
(A) operational
(B) operate
(C) operation
(D) operated
CÂU 45 – BÀI 02

Please be sure to keep all receipts and

submit -------- with your claim for
(A) they
(B) their
(C) them
(D) themselves
CÂU 46 – BÀI 02

Our mission is to promote and protect the

health and-------- of all residents.
(A) safe
(B) safely
(C) safety
(D) safer
CÂU 47 – BÀI 02

Sam, the marketing director, has been

known for presenting many --------
advertising ideas.
(A) creation
(B) creator
(C) creating
(D) creative
CÂU 48 – BÀI 02

Evaluation forms are -------- placed outside

the doors so that you can pick them up as
you leave.
(A) convenience
(B) conveniently
(C) convenient
(D) convene
CÂU 49 – BÀI 02

This new automatic ordering system is

designed to help customers place their
orders more -------- regardless of time and
(A) quick
(B) quickly
(C) quickness
(D) quickest
CÂU 50 – BÀI 02

Patrick Simmons is -------- for both recruiting

new sales personnel and training them.
(A) responsible
(B) responsibly
(C) responsibility
(D) responsibilities
CÂU 51 – BÀI 02

Because the train leaves -------- at 7:00, ticket

holders should board before 6:50.
(A) prompt
(B) promptness
(C) promptly
(D) prompted
CÂU 52 – BÀI 02

Should you need any technical assistance

with the computer system, please notify
technical support staff in a -------- manner.
(A) time
(B) timely
(C) timing
(D) times
CÂU 53 – BÀI 02

Mr. Osman travels-------- for business to find

out new investment opportunities
throughout the world.
(A) regularly
(B) regularities
(C) regular
(D) regulate
CÂU 54 – BÀI 02

If your business depends -------- on selling

products or services to other firms, then you
and your staff need to make great sales
(A) heavy
(B) heavily
(C) heaviness
(D) heavier
CÂU 55 – BÀI 02

Here’s how to make presentations that

show-------- clients exactly what your
company can do for them.
(A) prospectively
(B) prospect
(C) prospects
(D) prospective
CÂU 56 – BÀI 02

Rehearse in front of a friend or colleague

who can offer -------- criticism.
(A) construction
(B) constructive
(C) constructively
(D) construct
CÂU 57 – BÀI 02

Several samples of office uniforms will be on

display in the lobby for the -------- of the
(A) remaining
(B) remainder
(C) remained
(D) remain
CÂU 58 – BÀI 02

Safety experts stress that -------- inspections

of the hospital facilities will ensure safety
and proper functioning.
(A) frequent
(B) frequency
(C) frequents
(D) frequently
CÂU 59 – BÀI 02

The president of Alliance Investment Co.

-------- announced the cancellation of its
plan to expand its operation in Japan.
(A) regretfully
(B) regretful
(C) regretting
(D) regretted
CÂU 60 – BÀI 02

The committee informed Mr. Yamamoto

that -------- application cannot be accepted
because he didn’t submit the required
(A) he
(B) himself
(C) his
(D) him
CÂU 61 – BÀI 02

Workers who work with hazardous materials

should remember to be -------- and always
wear protective clothing.
(A) cautious
(B) caution
(C) cautiously
(D) cautiousness
CÂU 62 – BÀI 02

Loan applications must be filled out --------

before being submitted to our loan office.
(A) complete
(B) completes
(C) completely
(D) completed
CÂU 63 – BÀI 02

Travelers are advised to make reservations

for their trip before the -------- rate increase.
(A) predict
(B) predicting
(C) predicted
(D) prediction
CÂU 64 – BÀI 02

Ambition and diligence are the most

important -------- of all successful
(A) characteristic
(B) characterize
(C) characterizing
(D) characteristically
CÂU 65 – BÀI 02

The system engineers work more efficiently

as -------- began using the new technology.
(A) themselves
(B) them
(C) their
(D) they
CÂU 66 – BÀI 02

To contend with increasing orders, we put

an advertisement to hire -------- help.
(A) addition
(B) additions
(C) additional
(D) additionally
CÂU 67 – BÀI 02

We are working with city officials to identify

potential sites for the -------- public library.
(A) proposing
(B) proposed
(C) propose
(D) proposal
CÂU 68 – BÀI 02

SIC Manufacturing Co. which has a 20%

market share has become our --------
(A) strongly
(B) strength
(C) strongest
(D) most strongest
CÂU 69 – BÀI 02

Researchers from several chemical research

institutions which will work -------- on this
study will have a meeting.
(A) collaboration
(B) collaborates
(C) collaboratively
(D) collaborated
CÂU 70 – BÀI 02

The hotel’s newly remodeled buffet has won

mixed --------, mostly on the disappointed
(A) reviewer
(B) reviewed
(C) reviewing
(D) reviews
CÂU 71 – BÀI 02

The construction project managers must

present their -------- monthly reports to the
board by the end of the month.
(A) revision
(B) revise
(C) revising
(D) revised
CÂU 72 – BÀI 02

Some smaller family – run restaurants that

don’t accept traveler’s checks are --------
found in many small cities throughout the
(A) easy
(B) easily
(C) easier
(D) easiest
CÂU 73 – BÀI 02

The emergency drill ended quite quickly

because all occupants of the building were
very --------.
(A) cooperative
(B) cooperating
(C) cooperation
(D) cooperate
CÂU 74 – BÀI 02

Materials for the seminar will be sent to all

-------- a week in advance.
(A) attendance
(B) attends
(C) attendees
(D) attend
CÂU 75 – BÀI 02

Improving working conditions can improve

the -------- of workers more than increasing
their salary.
(A) product
(B) productive
(C) produce
(D) productivity
CÂU 76 – BÀI 02

Despite weak forecasts, the Bradford Group

reported an -------- profit growth of 2.3
billion dollars this year.
(A) impression
(B) impressed
(C) impressively
(D) impressive
CÂU 77 – BÀI 02

We need to plan more -------- promotional

events to draw customers to our stores.
(A) excited
(B) exciting
(C) excitable
(D) excite
CÂU 78 – BÀI 02

-------- of the construction project is

scheduled for the end of September, barring
any unforeseeable problems.
(A) Complete
(B) Completed
(C) Completely
(D) Completion
CÂU 79 – BÀI 02

Only -------- geared employees are allowed

on the factory floor near dangerous
(A) suitable
(B) suitably
(C) suit
(D) suitability
CÂU 80 – BÀI 02

Please fill out the medical history form --------

before returning it to the receptionist.
(A) complete
(B) completely
(C) completing
(D) completion
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01, 02, 03 – BÀI 03

1. Competition in the global market

2. An important part of a manager’s job

3. The item whose code number includes

four fives
CÂU 04, 05, 06 – BÀI 03

4. The new product

5. The strengths and weaknesses of each


6. The purpose of this meeting

CÂU 07, 08, 09 – BÀI 03

7. The office supplies which were quite


8. Construction workers

9. Economists from all over the world

CÂU 10, 11 – BÀI 03

10. Any problems with the new software


11. Library patrons who fail to return an item

by the due date

CÂU 12, 13, 14 – BÀI 03

12. Major industries in this district

13. The effective use of landscaping

14. The impressive floral display at the

building entrance
CÂU 15, 16, 17 – BÀI 03

15. The results of the study

16. The career – development seminars

17. The full report on the company’s budget

CÂU 18, 19, 20 – BÀI 03

18. Applications for the receptionist job

19. The estimated production costs for the

new Pro Tip markers

20. Visitors to the Sydney Orgo Lab facilities

CÂU 21, 22, 23, 24 – BÀI 03

21. The energy commission

22. One responsibility of the staff assistant

23. Tickets for Westbury Football games

24. The quality – control process

CÂU 25, 26, 27 – BÀI 03

25. The new office building

26. Upgrades to the order-tracking database

27. Mr. Song’s promotion to the position

of division manager
CÂU 28, 29, 30 – BÀI 03

28. The mail office

29. All employees who work in the assembly


30. Orders from the warehouse

CÂU 31, 32, 33, 34 – BÀI 03

31. Applications for scholarships

32. Recent research on battery life

33. The tasks that Ms. Ogawa must turn in

34. The use of umbrellas

CÂU 35, 36, 37 – BÀI 03

35. The investment in solar energy

36. Many of the older buildings in this area

37. The willingness to create custom –

designed fabric
CÂU 38, 39 – BÀI 03

38. The challenges of maintaining quality


39. The prevention of environmental

Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01, 02, 03 – BÀI 04

1. established a business partnership with

another company

2. requires three reference letters

3. need to hire additional programmers

CÂU 04, 05 – BÀI 04

4. employed several workers for the


5. proposed a new law to promote

CÂU 06, 07 – BÀI 04

6. should submit necessary documents to

the personnel office

7. have agreed to work together on the

CÂU 08, 09, 10 – BÀI 04

8. can easily accommodate a large tour group

9. are currently seeking qualified candidates

10. are able to provide feedback to our

educational programs
CÂU 11, 12 – BÀI 04

11. have received several letters about our

new products

12. should be received by the end of this

CÂU 13, 14 – BÀI 04

13. was elected as vice president of our

company in the last week’s meeting

14. is extremely important to finish this

report by noon
CÂU 15, 16 – BÀI 04

15. need to develop clearly planned

marketing strategies

16. are doing well in the extremely

competitive market
CÂU 17, 18, 19 – BÀI 04

17. will be kept completely confidential

18. will be raising interest rates next month

19. have consistently provided quality

services and products

CÂU 20, 21, 22 – BÀI 04

20. has been reviewed by our legal advisor

21. should not be used with any other model

22. will work directly with any distributor to

fulfill a customer request

CÂU 23, 24 – BÀI 04

23. will finish this project by the end of the


24. will not be able to attend the monthly

CÂU 25, 26, 27 – BÀI 04

25. had renewed our policy on time

26. would have known about the leak in the

supply room

27. were bought out by a larger company

CÂU 28, 29, 30 – BÀI 04

28. was so complicated with so many twists

29. need to get printed for the next bulk


30. is not working properly

CÂU 31, 32, 33 – BÀI 04

31. is already able to hold a conversation

32. can even read and write very well

33. expect to hear from you as soon as

CÂU 34, 35 – BÀI 04

34. is responsible for all administrative


35. are likely to be the next victims of the

economic slowdown
CÂU 36, 37, 38 – BÀI 04

36. is the author whom I always talked about

37. wanted to know the reason why

Mr. Peterson was transferred

38. will lead you to the building

CÂU 39, 40, 41, 42 – BÀI 04

39. announced their new leave policy

40. will go into effect in two weeks

41. take responsibility for every accident

42. happened during the construction

Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 05

Applicants should -------- necessary

documents to the personnel office.
(A) submitting
(B) submitted
(C) to submit
(D) submit
CÂU 02 – BÀI 05

You must -------- your supervisor when you

are late for work.
(A) notify
(B) to notify
(C) notification
(D) notifying
CÂU 03 – BÀI 05

This hotel can easily -------- a large tour

(A) accommodates
(B) to accommodate
(C) accommodated
(D) accommodate
CÂU 04 – BÀI 05

We didn’t -------- the production deadline.

(A) meeting
(B) meet
(C) met
(D) to meet
CÂU 05 – BÀI 05

The company will -------- its new high-speed

copy machine.
(A) introduction
(B) introducing
(C) introduced
(D) introduce
CÂU 06 – BÀI 05

Ms. Rebecca has -------- the proposal in

(A) deliver
(B) to deliver
(C) delivering
(D) delivers
CÂU 07 – BÀI 05

The two parties have -------- to work

together on the project.
(A) agreeing
(B) agree
(C) agrees
(D) agreed
CÂU 08 – BÀI 05

Mr. Revin has -------- the budget report.

(A) finished
(B) finish
(C) finishing
(D) finishes
CÂU 09 – BÀI 05

Ms. Lim has -------- Cozy Office as a new

(A) chosen
(B) choose
(C) chose
(D) chooses
CÂU 10 – BÀI 05

The accounting manager has -------- the

financial problem.
(A) explain
(B) explains
(C) explanation
(D) explained
CÂU 11 – BÀI 05

The performance was -------- due to the bad

(A) postpone
(B) postpones
(C) postponing
(D) postponed
CÂU 12 – BÀI 05

The management is -------- a special bonus

for all employees.
(A) considering
(B) considerable
(C) considerate
(D) consider
CÂU 13 – BÀI 05

Detailed conference schedules are -------- in

the information packet.
(A) include
(B) including
(C) included
(D) includes
CÂU 14 – BÀI 05

All budget reports should be -------- by the

end of this week.
(A) received
(B) receiving
(C) receipt
(D) receive
CÂU 15 – BÀI 05

The bank will be -------- interest rates next

(A) raise
(B) raises
(C) raised
(D) raising
CÂU 16 – BÀI 05

Our company will soon -------- a no smoking

(A) implementing
(B) implementation
(C) implemented
(D) implement
CÂU 17 – BÀI 05

The contract has been -------- by our legal

(A) review
(B) reviewed
(C) reviewer
(D) reviews
CÂU 18 – BÀI 05

The requested information should be --------

(A) write
(B) written
(C) writes
(D) wrote
CÂU 19 – BÀI 05

We have -------- several letters about our new

(A) received
(B) receiving
(C) receipt
(D) receives
CÂU 20 – BÀI 05

The successful candidates will be -------- by

next week.
(A) notifies
(B) notification
(C) notify
(D) notified
CÂU 21 – BÀI 05

The Mega E-learning company has recently

-------- its innovative online education
(A) launch
(B) launched
(C) launching
(D) launches
CÂU 22 – BÀI 05

We are currently -------- qualified candidates

who are able to provide feedback to our
educational programs.
(A) seek
(B) seeks
(C) seeker
(D) seeking
CÂU 23 – BÀI 05

All interested applicants should -------- their

cover letter and resume.
(A) sending
(B) sends
(C) sent
(D) send
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 06

He stops working -------- heavy raining.

(A) in spite of
(B) without
(C) because
(D) because of
CÂU 02 – BÀI 06

We decided to leave early -------- the party

was boring.
(A) although
(B) once
(C) because
(D) because of
CÂU 03 – BÀI 06

Many people believe him -------- he often

tells a lie.
(A) unless
(B) in spite of
(C) although
(D) before
CÂU 04 – BÀI 06

-------- she was very hard working; she hardly

earned enough to feed her family.
(A) In spite of
(B) Since
(C) After
(D) Although
CÂU 05 – BÀI 06

She walked home by herself, -------- she

knew that it was dangerous.
(A) because
(B) although
(C) and
(D) but
CÂU 06 – BÀI 06

Mai worked hard, -------- she passed her

(A) so
(B) although
(C) because
(D) though
CÂU 07 – BÀI 06

Tom has a computer, -------- he doesn’t

use it.
(A) or
(B) as
(C) because
(D) but
CÂU 08 – BÀI 06

He used to smoke a lot -------- now he

doesn’t smoke any more.
(A) still
(B) therefore
(C) but
(D) as
CÂU 09 – BÀI 06

-------- it rained, the boys played football.

(A) Even
(B) Even though
(C) However
(D) In spite of
CÂU 10 – BÀI 06

-------- tomorrow is a public holiday; all the

shops will be shut all day.
(A) As
(B) Just as
(C) Although
(D) When
CÂU 11 – BÀI 06

You need to contact your supervisor --------

you are late to work.
(A) despite
(B) often
(C) if
(D) according to
CÂU 12 – BÀI 06

-------- he joined your company, Mr. Park

has been working in the sales team.
(A) Since
(B) During
(C) Within
(D) Due to
CÂU 13 – BÀI 06

-------- the recent high interest rates, there

are many people to apply for a loan.
(A) Despite
(B) Unless
(C) Although
(D) While
CÂU 14 – BÀI 06

Refunds will be given only -------- the period

of 30 days from the purchase.
(A) because
(B) although
(C) for
(D) while
CÂU 15 – BÀI 06

The City Museum will be open -------- the

scheduled renovation.
(A) once
(B) because
(C) while
(D) after
CÂU 16 – BÀI 06

-------- the internship period has ended,

you will get a chance to be hired as a
full-time employee.
(A) Beyond
(B) During
(C) Between
(D) After
CÂU 17 – BÀI 06

You are not allowed to renew the books

-------- other patrons are waiting for them.
(A) due to
(B) because of
(C) because
(D) from
CÂU 18 – BÀI 06

The commuter train service has been

suspended -------- a technical problem.
(A) because
(B) while
(C) unless
(D) because of
CÂU 19 – BÀI 06

The new office can accommodate 1.000

people -------- the advertisement.
(A) according to
(B) because
(C) while
(D) before
CÂU 20 – BÀI 06

-------- we receive your orders, we will check

our inventory to fill your orders.
(A) During
(B) Sometimes
(C) Once
(D) Often
CÂU 21 – BÀI 06

-------- you have reviewed the enclosed

contract carefully, please sign on the dotted
line, and mail it to our office.
(A) Upon
(B) According to
(C) Unless
(D) After
CÂU 22 – BÀI 06

-------- the number of flights to China has

increased, tickets are still in short supply.
(A) Although
(B) Unless
(C) After
(D) In spite of
CÂU 23 – BÀI 06

You may not enter the building --------

showing your valid driver's license.
(A) without
(B) unless
(C) besides
(D) consequently
CÂU 24 – BÀI 06

The number of smokers is decreasing; --------,

the number of teenager smokers is
(A) however
(B) besides
(C) hence
(D) moreover
CÂU 25 – BÀI 06

-------- the soaring increases in sales, the

staff members were given no compensation
for their efforts.
(A) Although
(C) Because of
(C) While
(D) Despite
CÂU 26 – BÀI 06

All the rooms were occupied; --------, we had

to get a room at a hotel somewhere outside
the city.
(A) nonetheless
(B) in addition
(C) otherwise
(D) therefore
CÂU 27 – BÀI 06

-------- the market price is quite expensive,

the sales rate is steadily increasing every
(A) Because
(B) Yet
(C) Although
(D) Unless
CÂU 28 – BÀI 06

Ms. Walker changed her clothes -------- Mr.

Peers had spilt coffee on her blouse.
(A) because
(B) because of
(C) in spite of
(D) therefore
CÂU 29 – BÀI 06

Something went wrong with the stage set;

--------, the show began 30 minutes later.
(A) furthermore
(B) in addition
(C) therefore
(D) because
CÂU 30 – BÀI 06

-------- your order was placed after the

deadline, no discount will be given.
(A) However
(B) During
(C) Because
(D) Despite
CÂU 31 – BÀI 06

-------- the recent increase in sales, we

decided to hire more sales personnel.
(A) Due to
(B) In fact
(C) While
(D) Because
CÂU 32 – BÀI 06

The feedback from our customers are great

-------- a few bad comments.
(A) although
(B) because
(C) once
(D) despite
CÂU 33 – BÀI 06

-------- the government takes effective

measures, the unemployment rate will
continue to rise.
(A) Unless
(B) Also
(C) Except
(D) However
CÂU 34 – BÀI 06

Overall profits of our company increases by

more than 10 percent -------- Ms. Serena was
serving as sales manager.
(A) during
(B) because of
(C) despite
(D) while
CÂU 35 – BÀI 06

-------- the unsuccessful summer season, the

manager wants to go ahead with expansion
(A) Because
(B) Although
(C) Due to
(D) Despite
CÂU 36 – BÀI 06

We provide refunds only -------- the item is

defective or damaged during delivery.
(A) if
(B) due to
(C) during
(D) despite
CÂU 37 – BÀI 06

To receive a full refund, you need to return

the item -------- 30 days of your purchase.
(A) because
(B) while
(C) within
(D) if
CÂU 38 – BÀI 06

If you want to exchange the item with a new

one, the item will be sent within 7 business
day -------- we receive you returned item.
(A) due to
(B) prior to
(C) according to
(D) after
CÂU 39 – BÀI 06

The restaurant still tries to improve its

quality and service -------- they usually
receive excellent feedback from customers.
(A) such as
(B) in addition to
(C) by means of
(D) even though
CÂU 40 – BÀI 06

The new convention center will not open

until next January -------- the yesterday’s
press release.
(A) as
(B) so that
(C) instead
(D) according to
CÂU 41 – BÀI 06

-------- the six month’s internship period is

completed, all participants will be eligible to
get a raise.
(A) Once
(B) Soon
(C) Then
(D) Later
CÂU 42 – BÀI 06

I turned on the fan -------- the room was hot.

(A) due to
(B) despite
(C) even though
(D) because
CÂU 43 – BÀI 06

The merchandise that you purchased from is

still returnable -------- you have your receipt.
(A) whereas
(B) as long as
(C) in case of
(D) together with
CÂU 44 – BÀI 06

Sam and I will meet you at the restaurant

tonight -------- we can find a baby-sitter.
(A) although
(B) unless
(C) otherwise
(D) only if
CÂU 45 – BÀI 06

-------- the director wants to see the budget

report, give him a copy of the report.
(A) That
(B) Despite
(C) If
(D) For
CÂU 46 – BÀI 06

There are a number of people who are

interested -------- investing in overseas
stocks and real estate.
(A) about
(B) on
(C) for
(D) in
CÂU 47 – BÀI 06

Through our online graduate program, you

can get your master’s degree -------- a year.
(A) instead of
(B) within
(C) under
(D) besides
CÂU 48 – BÀI 06

Thanks to its strong performance, the

company’s stock price has nearly doubled
-------- it went public twenty years ago.
(A) if
(B) since
(C) regarding
(D) than
CÂU 49 – BÀI 06

Please be aware that we are not able to

process your loan application -------- proper
(A) upon
(B) until
(C) without
(D) along
CÂU 50 – BÀI 06

Each month, one outstanding employee will

be honored -------- his or her exceptional
contributions to our company.
(A) for
(B) at
(C) across
(D) over
CÂU 51 – BÀI 06

-------- he finishes reviewing the accounting

procedures, the auditor will go over all
the financial reports.
(A) Whether
(B) Once
(C) As if
(D) Yet
CÂU 52 – BÀI 06

It looks like they’re going to succeed --------

their present difficulties.
(A) despite
(B) because of
(C) even though
(D) yet
CÂU 53 – BÀI 06

This copier will bring you reliable and

quality service-------- maintenance checks
are carried out periodically.
(A) including
(B) in case
(C) as long as
(D) unless
CÂU 54 – BÀI 06

Employees are reminded to turn off their

computer equipment -------- leaving the
(A) before
(B) until
(C) because
(D) then
CÂU 55 – BÀI 06

It is advisable for employees to submit

vacation preferences by next Friday --------
the latest.
(A) at
(B) before
(C) until
(D) up to
CÂU 56 – BÀI 06

We have rescheduled the meeting --------

that the delegates who will arrive tomorrow
can attend.
(A) so
(B) concerning
(C) over
(D) since
CÂU 57 – BÀI 06

Mr. Nelson has been given a challenging

assignment, which is to lead the research
institute -------- the process of restructuring.
(A) behind
(B) above
(C) except
(D) through
CÂU 58 – BÀI 06

As you can see, I have included a list--------

my previous supervisors in addition to a
cover letter and a resume.
(A) across
(B) to
(C) of
(D) among
CÂU 59 – BÀI 06

Mr. Bright arrived at the conference center

on time -------- his flight was almost 30
minutes late.
(A) as if
(B) because
(C) even though
(D) regardless of
CÂU 60 – BÀI 06

Carol showed up for the meeting --------

I asked her not to be there.
(A) even though
(B) despite
(C) provided that
(D) because
CÂU 61 – BÀI 06

For those experiencing difficulties with

internet access, technical support is
available -------- the day.
(A) from
(B) about
(C) between
(D) throughout
CÂU 62 – BÀI 06

-------- Marge is an honest person, I still

wonder whether she’s telling the truth
about the incident.
(A) In spite of
(B) Since
(C) Though
(D) In the event that
CÂU 63 – BÀI 06

We had to hire more than 30 sales personnel

last month-------- we have noticed a strong
demand for our new products.
(A) that
(B) if
(C) as
(D) which
CÂU 64 – BÀI 06

According to your credit card agreement

with our company, your account may be
terminated -------- further notice if you fail to
make timely payments.
(A) before
(B) after
(C) from
(D) without
CÂU 65 – BÀI 06

The windows were all left open. --------, the

room was a real mess after the windstorm.
(A) Nevertheless
(B) However
(C) Consequently
(D) Otherwise
CÂU 66 – BÀI 06

Several employees were speaking loudly

------- the presentations yesterday morning,
and this behavior will not be tolerated at
future presentations.
(A) while
(B) during
(C) for
(D) within
CÂU 67 – BÀI 06

AKC corp. has decided to hire 50 new

employees -------- they recently signed a
government contract worth an estimated ten
million dollars.
(A) due to
(B) owing
(C) because
(D) although
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 08

The products damaged during shipment

or packaging should -------- immediately.
(A) replace
(B) have replaced
(C) be replaced
(D) be replacing
CÂU 02 – BÀI 08

An unexpected problem -------- during the

(A) occurred
(B) was occurred
(C) occurring
(D) occur
CÂU 03 – BÀI 08

The attached documents -------- confidential

(A) contain
(B) is contained
(C) contains
(D) have containing
CÂU 04 – BÀI 08

The manager will -------- the new safety

(A) distributing
(B) distribute
(C) distributed
(D) distribution
CÂU 05 – BÀI 08

The parts could not -------- to the factory by

next week.
(A) be shipped
(B) shipping
(C) ship
(D) shipment
CÂU 06 – BÀI 08

Attendance records should -------- to the

personnel department.
(A) submission
(B) submit
(C) submitting
(D) be submitted
CÂU 07 – BÀI 08

The contents of this proposal can -------- by

the manager.
(A) be revised
(B) revise
(C) revision
(D) revised
CÂU 08 – BÀI 08

The company will -------- its staff by 20

(A) be reduced
(B) reducing
(C) reduce
(D) reduction
CÂU 09 – BÀI 08

The proposal has -------- by my secretary.

(A) revised
(B) revising
(C) revise
(D) been revised
CÂU 10 – BÀI 08

The accounting manager has -------- all

budget report.
(A) reviewing
(B) reviewed
(C) been reviewed
(D) reviews
CÂU 11 – BÀI 08

We found out after the vacation that some

of the files --------.
(A) was disappeared
(B) disappear
(C) had disappeared
(D) had been disappeared
CÂU 12 – BÀI 08

Your documents -------- in the top drawer

with the clients' files.
(A) placed
(B) is placed
(C) was placed
(D) are placed
CÂU 13 – BÀI 08

The first automobile company, which --------

in 1889, produced over a thousand cars a
(A) established
(B) is established
(C) was established
(D) were established
CÂU 14 – BÀI 08

The farewell banquet will -------- at the

Mariet Hotel tomorrow from 6:00 p.m. until
9:00 p.m.
(A) be holding
(B) be held
(C) have held
(D) hold
CÂU 15 – BÀI 08

To stay awake during the flights, pilots

-------- to chew gum or eat sugar cubes to
stay alert.
(A) advised
(B) advising
(C) to advise
(D) are advised
CÂU 16 – BÀI 08

Protective gear must -------- at all times

in laboratories where chemicals are used.
(A) wear
(B) have worn
(C) be worn
(D) be wearing
CÂU 17 – BÀI 08

Owing to the high rate of unemployment

and widespread crisis awareness, wages
-------- moderately in the early years of the
(A) rise
(B) risen
(C) rose
(D) were risen
CÂU 18 – BÀI 08

The operation manual is written easily so

that it can be correctly -------- by users.
(A) understand
(B) understanding
(C) understandable
(D) understood
CÂU 19 – BÀI 08

The new employee handbook was -------- to

all employees.
(A) distributed
(B) distributing
(C) distributes
(D) distribute
CÂU 20 – BÀI 08

You should -------- the rent before the

(A) paid
(B) be paid
(C) pay
(D) paying
CÂU 21 – BÀI 08

The research and development budget has

-------- substantially.
(A) reduced
(B) reduces
(C) been reduced
(D) be reduced
CÂU 22 – BÀI 08

The resident has -------- a new strategy to

increase sales.
(A) proposing
(B) proposed
(C) been proposed
(D) propose
CÂU 23 – BÀI 08

The terms of the contract must --------

(A) be reviewing
(B) review
(C) reviewing
(D) be reviewed
CÂU 24 – BÀI 08

The researchers have -------- a new vaccine.

(A) been developed
(B) developing
(C) developed
(D) develops
CÂU 25 – BÀI 08

They have consistently -------- quality

services and products.
(A) provides
(B) been provided
(C) providing
(D) provided
CÂU 26 – BÀI 08

The company’s travel budget has --------

(A) reduced
(B) reduce
(C) been reduced
(D) reducing
CÂU 27 – BÀI 08

All teens and their friend are -------- for an

End-of-the-Summer Ice Cream Party and
Game Night.
(A) invite
(B) invited
(C) inviting
(D) invites
CÂU 28 – BÀI 08

All the food for the party will --------, along

with cards and various board games.
(A) provide
(B) provides
(C) provided
(D) be provided
CÂU 29 – BÀI 08

Registration is -------- to join the event.

(A) requiring
(B) requires
(C) require
(D) required
CÂU 30 – BÀI 08

Though a great deal of money had --------,

the project was a failure.
(A) invested
(B) be invested
(C) been invested
(D) invest
CÂU 31 – BÀI 08

Public buildings throughout the country

will soon -------- a no-smoking policy.
(A) implement
(B) implementation
(C) be implemented
(D) implementing
CÂU 32 – BÀI 08

It is a great pleasure to inform you that your

company has -------- as our new supplier.
(A) selecting
(B) selected
(C) be selected
(D) been selected
CÂU 33 – BÀI 08

Because of a mechanical problem, the

replacement parts could not -------- by
(A) shipped
(B) be shipped
(C) be shipping
(D) ship
CÂU 34 – BÀI 08

A special luncheon will be held in honor of

the sales department, which has --------
monthly sales goals.
(A) reached
(B) been reached
(C) reaching
(D) reaches
CÂU 35 – BÀI 08

According to a new policy, overnight

camping in all national parks is no longer
(A) permits
(B) permitting
(C) permitted
(D) permission
CÂU 36 – BÀI 08

Requests to withdraw from a course must

-------- in writing via email before your
allotted time has expired.
(A) receive
(B) be receiving
(C) receiving
(D) be received
CÂU 37 – BÀI 08

No extensions will -------- for this course.

(A) grant
(B) have granted
(C) be granted
(D) have been granting
CÂU 38 – BÀI 08

J&B Co. will be -------- its new line of home

appliances next month.
(A) introduce
(B) introducing
(C) introduces
(D) introduced
CÂU 39 – BÀI 08

All requests for office supplies should be

-------- to Mr. Park by noon.
(A) submitting
(B) submit
(C) submitted
(D) submission
CÂU 40 – BÀI 08

To attract customers, discounted items

should -------- at the front of the store.
(A) have displayed
(B) displays
(C) displaying
(D) be displayed
CÂU 41 – BÀI 08

The orphanage would like to thank people

for their donations that were -------- to it.
(A) delivers
(B) delivering
(C) delivery
(D) delivered
CÂU 42 – BÀI 08

Sales reports show that our brand of

seasonal products -------- very well right now
throughout the country.
(A) selling
(B) sold
(C) is selling
(D) are sold
CÂU 43 – BÀI 08

An increasing school age population --------

that there will be a need for more teachers.
(A) imply
(B) was implied
(C) implies
(D) have implied
CÂU 44 – BÀI 08

The mall -------- by the police on the orders

of the mayor.
(A) closed
(B) had closed
(C) was closed
(D) will close
CÂU 45 – BÀI 08

She -------- as an expert on parenting.

(A) regards
(B) is regarded
(C) is regarding
(D) will regard
CÂU 46 – BÀI 08

French -------- in France and several other

countries in Europe.
(A) speaks
(B) is spoken
(C) has spoken
(D) will spoke
CÂU 47 – BÀI 08

The roof -------- by a friend of mine.

(A) has repaired
(B) is repairing
(C) is being repaired
(D) was repairing
CÂU 48 – BÀI 08

Too many books -------- about the World

(A) have been written
(B) have written
(C) have been writing
(D) has been written
CÂU 49 – BÀI 08

Before going to bed, she -------- her books

neatly on the table.
(A) arrange
(B) arranges
(C) is arranged
(D) are arranged
CÂU 50 – BÀI 08

I have already -------- his photo to the

(A) shown
(B) been shown
(C) being shown
(D) shows
CÂU 51 – BÀI 08

The road to our village -------- widened next

(A) is
(B) will
(C) can
(D) will be
CÂU 52 – BÀI 08

The payments on new houses should --------

within 10 days of the date of the contract.
(A) receive
(B) received
(C) to receive
(D) be received
CÂU 53 – BÀI 08

We were -------- by Dt Albert’s outstanding

contributions to the development of the
new vaccine.
(A) impression
(B) impressive
(C) impressed
(D) impresses
CÂU 54 – BÀI 08

Tickets to the X-men movie will -------- online

starting next Friday.
(A) have sold
(B) be selling
(C) be sold
(D) have been selling
CÂU 55 – BÀI 08

The CEO’s comments about social

responsibility have been -------- by some
(A) misinterpret
(B) misinterpreted
(C) misinterpreting
(D) to misinterpret
CÂU 56 – BÀI 08

Several problems have -------- since the very

beginning of the development.
(A) emerged
(B) emerge
(C) emerging
(D) been emerged
CÂU 57 – BÀI 08

In recent years, there -------- a number of

books authored by autistic persons who
have recovered significantly, if not
(A) have been appeared
(B) was appeared
(C) has appeared
(D) have appeared
CÂU 58 – BÀI 08

The application form -------- to the university

before May 31st.
(A) must send
(B) sent
(C) must be send
(D) must be sent
CÂU 59 – BÀI 08

His car needs --------.

(A) be fixed
(B) fixing
(C) to be fixing
(D) fixed
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 09

The event received coverage in a newspaper

-------- is widely distributed in the region.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) whose
(D) that
CÂU 02 – BÀI 09

Describe any activities in -------- you

participated for your community.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) which
(D) that
CÂU 03 – BÀI 09

A paid holiday will be given to -------- team

has the highest sales.
(A) which
(B) whichever
(C) who
(D) whoever
CÂU 04 – BÀI 09

-------- you go, it will be an honor to

accompany you.
(A) Wherever
(B) Whatever
(C) Whomever
(D) Whoever
CÂU 05 – BÀI 09

Mr. Bickerson will lead you to the building

-------- you should go to.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whose
(D) whom
CÂU 06 – BÀI 09

Mr. Simon, -------- is the head of the main

office, is responsible for all administrative
(A) who
(B) he
(C) whose
(D) whom
CÂU 07 – BÀI 09

-------- you send the package, just make sure

it gets there before noon tomorrow.
(A) Wherever
(B) How
(C) Where
(D) Whenever
CÂU 08 – BÀI 09

This is the spot -------- the terrible car

accident happened.
(A) when
(B) where
(C) why
(D) how
CÂU 09 – BÀI 09

Of the fifty applicants -------- registered

today, most had more than three years of
experience in the field.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) of which
(D) what
CÂU 10 – BÀI 09

At certain shops in populous areas, they sell

imitation bags and shoes, -------- is illegal.
(A) where
(B) and
(C) but
(D) which
CÂU 11 – BÀI 09

-------- you said to Ms. Johanssen was clearly

inappropriate and unprofessional.
(A) Who
(B) That
(C) What
(D) Whom
CÂU 12 – BÀI 09

The only benefit given to employees is

health insurance, -------- only covers 90% of
medical bills.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) it
(D) they
CÂU 13 – BÀI 09

Those of you -------- passports have expired

should inform the travel agency.
(A) who is
(B) whose
(C) whom
(D) what
CÂU 14 – BÀI 09

I would like to see the manager with --------

I talked on the phone yesterday.
(A) who
(B) when
(C) whom
(D) that
CÂU 15 – BÀI 09

-------- you ask for information, we will be

happy to help you with all our heart.
(A) Whoever
(B) Wherever
(C) Whatever
(D) Whenever
CÂU 16 – BÀI 09

A streetcar, -------- is easy to find in San

Francisco, is one of the means of
transportation that people use frequently.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whom
(D) who
CÂU 17 – BÀI 09

The man -------- you spoke is my uncle.

(A) to him
(B) to whom
(C) whom to
(D) to that
CÂU 18 – BÀI 09

All -------- you have to do is take care of the

(A) what
(B) that
(C) which
(D) it
CÂU 19 – BÀI 09

I am a qualified violin instructor-------- has

recently moved to the area.
(A) what
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whose
CÂU 20 – BÀI 09

Playing the violin is something -------- takes a

lot of practice and dedication.
(A) which
(B) where
(C) who
(D) what
CÂU 21 – BÀI 09

We are always looking for new singers --------

would like to join our record label.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) who
(D) where
CÂU 22 – BÀI 09

We have decided that you do not have the

style -------- we are looking for at the
(A) when
(B) what
(C) that
(D) how
CÂU 23 – BÀI 09

Yesterday, I met a woman -------- grandfather

was Swedish.
(A) who
(B) who’s
(C) whose
(D) which
CÂU 24 – BÀI 09

Tom, -------- has three sisters, has no interest

in getting married.
(A) who
(B) whom
(C) that
(D) which
CÂU 25 – BÀI 09

She put her prize in a place -------- everyone

would notice it.
(A) where
(B) which
(C) in what
(D) to that
CÂU 26 – BÀI 09

The set of paint brushes -------- you ordered

on June 20th has arrived in our store.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) whose
(D) who
CÂU 27 – BÀI 09

-------- he says deserves recording.

(A) Which
(B) Who
(C) That
(D) What
CÂU 28 – BÀI 09

Jeffrey Richards spent a large amount of

money starting a personal fossil collection
-------- later became the foundation of our
national geological museum.
(B) which
CÂU 29 – BÀI 09

The company,-------- suffered a big loss due

to poor management, made a successful
comeback last year.
(A) in which
(B) in that
(C) that
(D) which
CÂU 30 – BÀI 09

After the speech, -------- lasted for almost

two hours, everyone proceeded to the
conference room for a meeting.
(A) that
(B) which
(C) when
(D) it
CÂU 31 – BÀI 09

The hall -------- the conference about

retirement policies will be held is located in
the office across from the shopping center.
(A) in where
(B) when
(C) in which
(D) which
CÂU 32 – BÀI 09

This is the house -------- I lived when I first

came to the US.
(A) in where
(B) where
(C) which in
(D) which
CÂU 33 – BÀI 09

The family -------- was burnt in the fire was

immediately given a suite in a hotel.
(A) whose house
(B) that house
(C) which house
(D) the house of them
CÂU 34 – BÀI 09

My friend eventually decided to get

divorced, -------- upsets me a lot.
(A) why
(B) which
(C) who
(D) that
CÂU 35 – BÀI 09

Twenty percent of the people -------- were

surveyed said that they were very satisfied
with the product and would buy it again.
(A) where
(B) which
(C) who
(D) them
CÂU 36 – BÀI 09

The reason -------- I have continued to work

for that company is the job security.
(A) why
(B) which
(C) that
(D) at which
CÂU 37 – BÀI 09

The house -------- I grew up has just

(A) in that
(B) which
(C) that
(D) where
CÂU 38 – BÀI 09

Frank Smith, -------- son works for us, can

provide an estimate.
(A) that
(B) whose
(C) which
(D) whom
CÂU 39 – BÀI 09

What’s the name of the person -------- first

landed on the moon?
(A) who
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) whose
CÂU 40 – BÀI 09

Experts all agree that dreams -------- great

anxiety and stress are called nightmare.
(A) when cause
(B) whom cause
(C) cause
(D) which cause
CÂU 41 – BÀI 09

At last they were able to tow up the man

and his car -------- crashed down the hill.
(A) whose
(B) who
(C) that
(D) which
CÂU 42 – BÀI 09

Recommend me a nice restaurant -------- we

can have an Italian dinner.
(A) where
(B) which
(C) in where
(D) in that
CÂU 43 – BÀI 09

The book -------- author is now being shown

in the news has become a bestseller.
(A) that
(B) whose
(C) which
(D) whom
CÂU 44 – BÀI 09

I could not remember the person about

-------- you told me, so I could not talk to him.
(A) whom
(B) which
(C) that
(D) who
CÂU 45 – BÀI 09

New York is a place -------- people of many

different cultures live and work together.
(A) in that
(B) which
(C) in where
(D) where
CÂU 46 – BÀI 09

Traveling on holiday, -------- I love to do, can

be very expensive.
(A) where
(B) that
(C) which
(D) when
CÂU 47 – BÀI 09

My favorite month is always February --------

we celebrate Valentine’s Day and Presidents’
(A) where
(B) when
(C) why
(D) which
CÂU 48 – BÀI 09

Mr. Kim knows the location of the office

-------- issues parking permits.
(A) who
(B) it
(C) whom
(D) which
CÂU 49 – BÀI 09

We are currently seeking an experienced

sales manager-------- has at least five years
of experience.
(A) why
(B) which
(C) who
(D) whom
CÂU 50 – BÀI 09

The number of foreign students -------- want

to learn Korean is gradually increasing.
(A) which
(B) that
(C) whom
(D) they
CÂU 51 – BÀI 09

A new security door, -------- can be operated

by remote control, will be installed next
(A) that
(B) it
(C) them
(D) which
CÂU 52 – BÀI 09

Many people -------- were surveyed indicated

that they are planning to buy a new car.
(A) they
(B) who
(C) which
(D) those
CÂU 53 – BÀI 09

The hotel -------- is under renovation is

expected to reopen next month.
(A) that
(B) such
(C) when
(D) whom
CÂU 54 – BÀI 09

The airport limousine service, -------- has

been running since January, has been
favorably received by travelers.
(A) who
(B) what
(C) when
(D) which
CÂU 55 – BÀI 09

This is a reminder for those employees

-------- are considering making a leave
(A) when
(B) who
(C) which
(D) them
CÂU 56 – BÀI 09

You also need to complete the leave request

form -------- can be obtained from the
personnel office.
(A) what
(B) who
(C) for
(D) that
CÂU 57 – BÀI 09

Please submit the form with your

supervisor’s approval to the personnel office
-------- is located on the 5th floor next to the
employee lounge.
(A) which
(B) it
(C) who
(D) they
CÂU 58 – BÀI 09

Due to your excellent performance, I will

surely recommend your company to anyone
-------- is planning a move.
(A) who
(B) which
(C) what
(D) when
CÂU 59 – BÀI 09

The award was presented to Dr. Marson

-------- led the research on global warming.
(A) while
(B) who
(C) which
(D) whose
CÂU 60 – BÀI 09

The community center runs community-

based programs -------- include a wide
variety of classes and services.
(A) whose
(B) where
(C) that
(D) what
CÂU 61 – BÀI 09

S&B Accessories began to sell cosmetics

products in 2002, -------- now account for
more than 50 percent of its total sales.
(A) what
(B) which
(C) whom
(D) it
CÂU 62 – BÀI 09

Passengers -------- hold a Student Advantage

Discount Card will immediately save 15% off
rail fares to most of our destinations.
(A) which
(B) what
(C) that
(D) whom
CÂU 63 – BÀI 09

We produce and support a range of public

events -------- are entertaining, informative
and most importantly, relevant to our
readers and their lifestyles.
(A) that
(B) they
(C) whom
(D) who
CÂU 64 – BÀI 09

She got angry with -------- was against her

(A) whom
(B) whoever
(C) what
(D) who
CÂU 65 – BÀI 09

The nurse -------- from Japan can speak

English well.
(A) which come
(B) who come
(C) coming
(D) came
CÂU 66 – BÀI 09

The second training session is for employees

-------- responsibilities include processing
payroll forms.
(A) whose
(B) which
(C) what
(D) who
CÂU 67 – BÀI 09

Of all the truck models available today, it

can be difficult to figure out ------ would best
suit your company's needs.
(A) when
(B) why
(C) which
(D) where
CÂU 68 – BÀI 09

Most of the people ------- attended

yesterday's workshop have already
submitted their feedback.
(A) who
(B) those
(C) whose
(D) some
CÂU 69 – BÀI 09

The film -------- in 1989 is about the wild

(A) made
(B) which made
(C) making
(D) makes
CÂU 70 – BÀI 09

------ has time at the end of the day should

make sure that all of the file cabinets are
(A) Whom
(B) Who
(C) Whoever
(D) Whose
CÂU 71 – BÀI 09

A healthy diet -------- fruit and fiber will

decrease one’s risk of cancer.
(A) that include
(B) included
(C) including
(D) includes
CÂU 72 – BÀI 09

The study said that children -------- preschool

often had more colds.
(A) attend
(B) attending
(C) attended
(D) attends
CÂU 73 – BÀI 09

Energy is -------- makes things work.

(A) what
(B) that
(C) where
(D) whom
CÂU 74 – BÀI 09

Hemlin Corporation is looking for a sales

representative ------- primary role will be
expanding business in the northwest region.
(A) that
(B) whose
(C) who
(D) which
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 10

She is -------- singer I’ve ever met.

(A) worse
(B) bad
(C) the worst
(D) badly
CÂU 02 – BÀI 10

Mary is -------- responsible as Peter.

(A) more
(B) the most
(C) much
(D) as
CÂU 03 – BÀI 10

It is -------- in the city than it is in the country.

(A) noisily
(B) more noisier
(C) noisier
(D) noisy
CÂU 04 – BÀI 10

She sings -------- among the singers I have

(A) the most beautiful
(B) the more beautiful
(C) the most beautifully
(D) the more beautifully
CÂU 05 – BÀI 10

She is -------- student in my class.

(A) most hard-working
(B) more hard-working
(C) the most hard-working
(D) as hard-working
CÂU 06 – BÀI 10

The English test was -------- than I thought it

would be.
(A) the easier
(B) more easy
(C) easiest
(D) easier
CÂU 07 – BÀI 10

English is thought to be -------- than Math.

(A) harder
(B) the more hard
(C) hardest
(D) the hardest
CÂU 08 – BÀI 10

Jupiter is -------- planet in the solar system.

(A) the biggest
(B) the bigger
(C) bigger
(D) biggest
CÂU 09 – BÀI 10

She runs -------- in my class.

(A) the slowest
(B) the most slow
(C) the slowly
(D) the most slowly
CÂU 10 – BÀI 10

My house is -------- hers.

(A) cheap than
(B) cheaper
(C) more cheap than
(C) cheaper than
CÂU 11 – BÀI 10

Her office is -------- away than mine.

(A) father
(B) more far
(C) farther
(D) farer
CÂU 12 – BÀI 10

Tom is -------- than David.

(A) handsome
(B) the more handsome
(C) more handsome
(D) the most handsome
CÂU 13 – BÀI 10

He did the test -------- I did.

(A) as bad as
(B) badder than
(C) more badly than
(D) worse than
CÂU 14 – BÀI 10

A boat is -------- than a plane.

(A) slower
(B) slowest
(C) more slow
(D) more slower
CÂU 15 – BÀI 10

My new sofa is -------- than the old one.

(A) more comfortable
(B) comfortably
(C) more comfortabler
(D) comfortable
CÂU 16 – BÀI 10

My sister dances -------- than me.

(A) gooder
(B) weller
(C) better
(D) more good
CÂU 17 – BÀI 10

My bedroom is -------- room in my house.

(A) tidier than
(B) the tidiest
(C) the most tidy
(D) more tidier
CÂU 18 – BÀI 10

This road is -------- than that road.

(A) narrower
(B) narrow
(C) the most narrow
(D) more narrower
CÂU 19 – BÀI 10

He drives -------- his brother.

(A) more careful than
(B) more carefully
(C) more carefully than
(D) as careful as
CÂU 20 – BÀI 10

It was -------- day of the year.

(A) the colder
(B) the coldest
(C) coldest
(D) colder
CÂU 21 – BÀI 10

The admission fee for the new art museum is

-------- more expensive than we expected.
(A) far
(B) well
(C) quite
(D) pretty
CÂU 22 – BÀI 10

Taking a subway is faster -------- any other

available method to get to the airport.
(A) as
(B) than
(C) more
(D) most
Page: Ms. Tram TOEIC – FB: TOEIC Quỳnh Trâm – 0359.030.369

Tốc độ thành công của bạn nhất định

phải vượt qua tốc độ già đi của bố mẹ.
CÂU 01 – BÀI 11

Supervisors must be willing to --------

additional responsibilities.
(A) assemble
(B) assist
(C) access
(D) accept
CÂU 02 – BÀI 11

Before you sign the contract, you need to

-------- the terms carefully.
(A) react
(B) reply
(C) remind
(D) review
CÂU 04 – BÀI 11

Customers can -------- products within 10

days of purchase.
(A) retire
(B) return
(C) refer
(D) resume
CÂU 05 – BÀI 11

The new industrial complex will -------- many

manufacturing plants.
(A) submit
(B) expand
(C) conduct
(D) attract
CÂU 06 – BÀI 11

Our new price list is -------- in this letter.

(A) reserved
(B) advised
(C) included
(D) checked
CÂU 07 – BÀI 11

The investigators -------- the inspection to

resolve the problem.
(A) conducted
(B) returned
(C) left
(D) satisfied
CÂU 08 – BÀI 11

We decided to form international

partnership to -------- our market.
(A) expand
(B) include
(C) submit
(D) compete
CÂU 09 – BÀI 11

Customers are advised to -------- with our

customer service representatives.
(A) tell
(B) conduct
(C) speak
(D) apply
CÂU 10 – BÀI 11

Bell Institute is looking for an --------

researcher in their R&D division.
(A) expensive
(B) extended
(C) experimental
(D) experienced
CÂU 11 – BÀI 11

It is important to speak -------- to the

(A) currently
(B) clearly
(C) extensively
(D) considerably
CÂU 12 – BÀI 11

Investors need to watch news programs

-------- to find investment opportunities.
(A) tightly
(B) strictly
(C) narrowly
(D) closely
CÂU 13 – BÀI 11

Questions should be -------- forwarded to

the director.
(A) directly
(B) freshly
(C) easily
(D) uniquely
CÂU 14 – BÀI 11

The management of Windows on Economy

decided to -------- the subscription rates.
(A) borrow
(B) raise
(C) advance
(D) grow
CÂU 15 – BÀI 11

The accounting team will -------- revised

reimbursement procedures next month.
(A) install
(B) implement
(C) notify
(D) fulfill
CÂU 16 – BÀI 11

If you are late to work, you must -------- your

immediate supervisor.
(A) notify
(B) announce
(C) raise
(D) arrange
CÂU 17 – BÀI 11

It is advisable to examine the terms of the

-------- carefully.
(A) guideline
(B) invitation
(C) production
(D) agreement
CÂU 18 – BÀI 11

All department heads have to -------- the

monthly business meeting.
(A) decide
(B) continue
(C) attend
(D) regard
CÂU 19 – BÀI 11

Belco Electronics will be -------- a press

conference about the proposed merger.
(A) expressing
(B) meeting
(C) charging
(D) holding
CÂU 20 – BÀI 11

The new exhibition is expected to feature

the most -------- selection of the ancient
(A) extensive
(B) distracted
(C) spacious
(D) durable
CÂU 21 – BÀI 11

Because we take your privacy seriously, your

private health records will be kept --------
(A) completely
(B) quickly
(C) sincerely
(D) regularly
CÂU 22 – BÀI 11

The government will send its experienced

supervisors to -------- the compliance with
the federal safety law.
(A) attract
(B) inspect
(C) compete
(D) produce
CÂU 23 – BÀI 11

I am sorry to inform you that your vacation

leave request cannot be granted at this time
because we have to -------- the end of the
month deadline on the Jade project.
(A) finish
(B) supply
(C) include
(D) meet
CÂU 24 – BÀI 11

It is very important for a negotiator to

resolve disagreements by providing
solutions acceptable to the -------- sides.
(A) affecting
(B) criticizing
(C) opposing
(D) establishing
CÂU 25 – BÀI 11

You need to -------- a request form to the

personnel department to ask for a leave of
(A) charge
(B) submit
(C) agree
(D) accept
CÂU 26 – BÀI 11

The bank has confirmed that it will take

necessary measures to -------- another
computer system failure.
(A) upgrade
(B) encourage
(C) prevent
(D) improve
CÂU 27 – BÀI 11

The management decided to lay off some

temporary workers in an effort to reduce
(A) values
(B) expenses
(C) fines
(D) refunds
CÂU 28 – BÀI 11

To apply for the advertised position, please

-------- an application with the necessary
documents to the human resources
(A) comply
(B) submit
(C) urge
(D) accommodate
CÂU 29 – BÀI 11

The marketing seminar scheduled for

tomorrow is -------- for employees who have
been with the company less than a year.
(A) intended
(B) based
(C) agreed
(D) invited
CÂU 30 – BÀI 11

If you want to reschedule your --------, please

give us at least 24 hours advance
(A) appointment
(B) position
(C) assignment
(D) subscription
CÂU 31 – BÀI 11

All visitors are required to -------- photo

identification before entering our research
(A) notify
(B) assign
(C) permit
(D) present
CÂU 32 – BÀI 11

In a preview, seats in the front row are

usuallyfor -------- VIP guests.
(A) chaired
(B) reserved
(C) performed
(D) submitted
CÂU 33 – BÀI 11

Ultra Discount Stores Inc. reserves the --------

to change the free gift items without prior
(A) importance
(B) selection
(C) right
(D) goal
CÂU 34 – BÀI 11

While the service center is closed for

renovation, all questions concerning repairs
will be -------- by the customer service
(A) expired
(B) handled
(C) replied
(D) attending
CÂU 35 – BÀI 11

Our policy clearly states that the board of

directors should -------- an outside auditor
to oversee our company’s accounting
(A) deposit
(B) appoint
(C) predict
(D) operate
CÂU 36 – BÀI 11

Business Solutions, one of the leading

international business magazines, has
-------- in over 30 countries.
(A) subscribers
(B) spectators
(C) witnesses
(D) participants
CÂU 37 – BÀI 11

Because of the large number of people, we

had to wait for more than 3 hours to --------
tickets for the baseball game.
(A) support
(B) purchase
(C) achieve
(D) replace
CÂU 38 – BÀI 11

We are delighted that your generous --------

have made it possible for us to support
children from low income families.
(A) acquisitions
(B) contributions
(C) additions
(D) benefits
CÂU 39 – BÀI 11

Business owners want to hire employees

with ambition, energy, and a desire to make
a --------.
(A) complaint
(B) decision
(C) living
(D) difference
CÂU 40 – BÀI 11

Our service representatives ------- committed

to providing quality service for customers.
(A) retain
(B) remember
(C) reimburse
(D) remain
CÂU 41 – BÀI 11

Our current subscription rates will be

effective until further --------.
(A) notice
(B) noticeable
(C) noticed
(D) notices
CÂU 42 – BÀI 11

The board of directors unanimously agreed

to -------- your consultant contract for an
additional two-year period.
(A) redeem
(B) renew
(C) rehire
(D) recall
CÂU 43 – BÀI 11

Customers may request a refund or --------

only if the merchandise is still unused.
(A) replacement
(B) complaint
(C) receipt
(D) promotion
CÂU 44 – BÀI 11

One of the greatest -------- of online

bookstores over traditional ones is saving
time and money.
(A) incomes
(B) advantages
(C) interests
(D) designs
CÂU 45 – BÀI 11

If you need any information about the

opening, please do not -------- to contact me.
(A) provide
(B) qualify
(C) hesitate
(D) compete
CÂU 46 – BÀI 11

Our special offer will be available to the first

100 customers because of -------- supplies.
(A) limited
(B) speedy
(C) available
(D) persuasive
CÂU 47 – BÀI 11

Be sure to read the directions -------- before

installing the software program.
(A) heavily
(B) thoroughly
(C) increasingly
(D) readily
CÂU 48 – BÀI 11

All employees are reminded to return

-------- merchandise to the manufacturer.
(A) lucrative
(B) constructive
(C) defective
(D) effective
CÂU 49 – BÀI 11

After three months of intensive

negotiations, the two companies --------
agreed on the terms of the merger contract.
(A) soon
(B) finally
(C) already
(D) yet
CÂU 50 – BÀI 11

Any Business Directory is designed to

provide a single -------- directory of local
(A) transparent
(B) apparent
(C) reliant
(D) comprehensive
CÂU 51 – BÀI 11

The training program on fire safety is

scheduled to begin -------- at 8:00 A.M. and
end at 5:00 P.M.
(A) promptly
(B) carefully
(C) openly
(D) frequently
CÂU 52 – BÀI 11

Please retain this note as a proof of --------

account ownership in case you open
another account in the future.
(A) future
(B) open
(C) prior
(D) new
CÂU 53 – BÀI 11

The Ministry of Education has been training

new teachers for the -------- school year.
(A) once
(B) current
(C) upcoming
(D) first
CÂU 54 – BÀI 11

According to a local newspaper, Digital

Office.Com is planning to open a new store
-------- located on Capital Avenue.
(A) convenientily
(B) correctly
(C) greatly
(D) widely
CÂU 55 – BÀI 11

Though the digital camera you ordered is

presently out of stock, we expect to receive
additional supplies --------.
(A) soon
(B) nearly
(C) almost
(D) usually
CÂU 56 – BÀI 11

We are considering switching suppliers

because Vest Supplies has been -------- late
in delivering our orders.
(A) steadily
(B) officially
(C) exactly
(D) consistently
CÂU 57 – BÀI 11

Because of the -------- sales, the sales

manager had to resign from his position.
(A) declining
(B) rejected
(C) potential
(D) competitive
CÂU 58 – BÀI 11

Professor Wang’s achievements in Physics

were remarkable, -------- considering that he
didn’t get any research funds for his project.
(A) favorably
(B) unusually
(C) especially
(D) positively
CÂU 59 – BÀI 11

Though one of the sizes you requested is

currently --------, we will ship the rest of
your order immediately.
(A) related
(B) stylish
(C) disinterested
(D) unavailable
CÂU 60 – BÀI 11

Even though our new cellular phone model

has been -------- advertised, demand for
it is still relatively low.
(A) previously
(B) sharply
(C) adequately
(D) widely
CÂU 61 – BÀI 11

Because of the confidential nature of the

contract, please keep it in a -------- place.
(A) cautious
(B) secure
(C) distinguished
(D) strict

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