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Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Just a Dream Mind Map Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Students will recall the story of Just a Dream, then apply what they have learned by creating
Overview: Open-Mind Portraits.
GLOs: Students will listen, speak, read, write, and represent to understand, and critically and
personally answer to oral, print, and other media texts
SLOs: Students will:
 Recognize the main events in oral, print, and other text medias; explain the causes that
led to the event, and describe how it influenced the subsequent events
 Identify a variety of ways that information about the book can be recorded and
presented visually
Lesson Students will:
Objectives  Students will recall the story of Just a Dream by going over the answer sheet of the fill in
the blanks
 Students will apply what they recalled by creating Open-Mind Portraits
 Students will identify a variety of ways to record and present the information about Just a
Dream by creating Open-Mind Concepts
 Students will distinguish the main events in Just a Dream

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Assessment  Students answering the fill in the blank sheet when we are going over it as a class
 Students’ final product of the Open-Mind Portraits

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to  Students’ fill in the blank Resources:  Just a Dream
Lesson: sheet  Embedded: Formative
 Penciled Crayons Assessment
 Open-Mind Portrait sheets  50 Literacy Strategies: Step by
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
Review of Previous Concepts/New Learning:
 I will start the class by going over the objectives/expectations for this lesson, Pre-assessment
which is going over the fill in the blanks sheet and making Open-Mind (FA)
 I will ask students to give me a summary of the book or ask what main
events they remember.
 I will have the PowerPoint up for students to see the answer sheet for the fill
in the blank, if they have blanks, they have fill it in and if they have circles,
it means they have to change their answers in their sheet.
Transition: Have two students give back students their fill in the blank sheets
Learning Activity 1: Students
Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Just a Dream Mind Map Time:

 We will be going over the fill in the blank sheet as a class by asking answering the
students what answer they had. questions in the
 Then emphasize to students that they need to fill in their blanks, because fill in the blank
they will be needing it for the next activity will allow me to
assess they
 Once finished, I will start explaining the next activity, which is making
understood the
an Open-Mind Portrait story.

Writing down
the answers on
the board will
aid students that
didn’t get the
answer right,
which can
Transition: Have students hand out the Open-Mind Portrait sheet for students
Learning Activity 2: Students’
 I will be presenting them an example of an Open-Mind Portrait that I drawings for the
have created and explain the purpose of creating it, which is to identify a Open-Mind
variety of ways to visually present information about the events that Portrait will
transpired in the book Just a Dream allow me to
assess their
 Then I will demonstrate them step by step how to make one for
themselves and I will also be writing down the steps on the board.
of the story or
 Students have to draw a face first, then at the next page, they need to understand who
draw what could be in Walter’s head in the story of the book. An Walter was and
example is drawing the main events. what was going
 Tell students that there are colors at the back. on in his head.
 The example is provided below.

Transition: Let students work

Subject/Grade: English Language Arts, Grade 4/5 Lesson/Date: Just a Dream Mind Map Time:

Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
 When finished students, will hand it in to me or at the back
 Emphasize to put their names on it.
 If majority of students didn’t get to finish, I will allow them to have time
to work on its next class.
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
 Students did well to follow the instruction for the activities in this lesson. Students engaged in
answering the fill in the blanks sheet for the whole class and students were all writing down the right
answers from the board. Students got to finish their Open-Mind Portraits and was able to put in the
information that was asked for the activity.
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
 Showing an example of what the final product could be aided students to know what the expected
final product could be.
 Going over the answers as a class helped students that didn’t get the right answers.
 Writing down expectations and objectives aided the students to know what to do for the class.
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
 When writing down the expectations, I forgot to include what students could do if they finish early,
which made students question what to do after they were done
 Give opportunities for students to present their work
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
 Ensure to include what to do afterwards when students finish early such as reading or drawing
 For the last 5-10 minutes of class, ask students if anyone wants to present their work or get them inti
small groups and present their work with that group.
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:
 I have grown in this experience realizing how important it is to tell or give students options of what to
do after they or when they finish their work early. This will allow them to not get too distracted or
distract others who are working and allows them to keep themselves busy. I have also growm
realizing that it is important for students to show their work, so that we can support and encourage
them to be proud of their work.

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