Waiting Behaviour at A Public Place: Hospital Administration

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Waiting behaviour at a public place: Hospital

Submitted on November 2, 2021

Find and describe a place where people are waiting (e.g. in queues at stores, at public transport
stations etc.) Observe in this place for at least 15 minutes.

Describe in detail three of the actors and their activities at this place (focusing on waiting
behaviour). Try to use less than 1500 words, but more than 500 words.

Do not come up with new names of waiting styles yet. Try to resist using more abstract concepts,
such as Loflands principles. Just describe in detail what you see.

Please consider ethical issues, such as privacy (make people unidentifiable, so do not publish
names and other information known).

Save the description on your own device for later use in assignment D (you will be asked to paste
the description in this assignment).

Situation: The waiting room for the outpatient administration at this hospital is almost every day
filled with visitors who want to go to the hospital for treatment. Everyone who will seek treatment
at the outpatient polyclinic, must register through an officer whose position is in front of the waiting
room, which is limited by a table with clear glass to avoid transmission of COVID. Patient seats
can usually accommodate around 100 people, but with the COVID pandemic, only 50% are
allowed to sit in the room. As a result, some patients who arrived late were forced to stand in the
entrance lobby, waiting for an empty one.

1.Actor analysis

a.A 50-year-old woman sat patiently while holding the queue number. She wears a green hijab
with floral motifs on its edges, a dress with an orange top and small floral motifs at the bottom.
Sometimes she holds the hand of a man who seemed to be her husband, a man his age who sat
languidly and uninspired. Periodically, her eyes glanced at the queue number in front of the
hospital administrator's glass. A red cloth mask covered her face, but her eyes were still eager to
pay attention to her husband and were wary of waiting in line. Her left hand firmly holds a
transparent folder containing the documents needed for treatment. It seems that the woman is a
faithful and loving wife and cares for her husband. She occasionally whispered to her husband,
but her husband was not excited. He was seen leaning against the wall, squinting his eyes
wearing a blue cloth mask.

b.A mother with a daughter stand in the corner of the entrance of the waiting room. They choose
to stand, probably because all the seats in the room were full of people. The mother with shoulder-
length hair looks like a modern mother in a brown cardigan and black underwear leaning against a
large pillar near the entrance, looking busy on the phone. Her daughter looked bored and paced
behind her mother while holding a mineral drink bottle.

c.A young man in his 30s with brown hair stands in front of the hospital administration desk. It
seemed the number had just been called, but the person in front of him did not seem to have
finished dealing with the registration department. The man was dressed in all black, a black T-shirt
and trousers. He seemed to be getting angry; he stretched his body and cleared his throat loudly.
Several pairs of eyes watched him. However, all that has not made the person in front of him
finish his business. The man sighed again, his right hand on his waist. His sharp eyes stared at
the officers and people in front of him


What is most strange or remarkable that you have observed?

In covid situation, the hospital is still crowded with patients and families. In such a crowded situation,
no security guard stand by in that room, because such a situation sometimes triggers a riot. And
waiting with children sometimes make them boring, parents should pay attention to them not only
busy themselves. A hospital administrator should firm with queue time and able to read the situation

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