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Answer 1


Job hunting is not a cake walk in today’s times. Likewise, is finding the right candidate. A
candidate is expected to possess a lot of skillset to be able to take over the job responsibilities
with minimal or no training from the management. Hiring managers evaluate the CVs to
shortlist candidates for the job role, hence to be able to portray that you are the right
candidate for the job, you need to have a professional CV and cover letter. This is a mandate as
it is also the first step to get a chance to be able to get on a call with the hiring manager. For the
organization to be able to hire the right candidate for a job role, it is important to make the
vacancy announcement precise and clear so as to avoid hiring a wrong candidate. There are
certain ways with which an organization can ensure the same which are:

 Advertising on appropriate platforms

 A brief about the organization alongwith important links for details.

 Clear expectations from the candidate (Job responsibilities)

 Qualifications/certification that are mandatory to apply

 Instructions to apply

Concept and application

Problem solving: Any organization highly appreciates problem solving abilities of a candidate.

This is one of the skills that not every candidate has. Problems or hurdles do not come with
prior notice and they occur in every department of any organization. Problem solvers lead to
smooth working which helps the entire team. It is also believed that problem solvers move on
to get career growth faster compared to others. Problem solvers are natural leaders and that’s
what organisations look for in candidates so as to decrease dependency to the management.

Professionalism: Every business flourishes only when the system being followed is disciplined
and professional. Professionalism applies to all aspects of the job role, including the attire of
the candidate, their communication with the team mates and the management, their
communication with the clients, the way they handle a situation etc. No matter what the job
responsibilities are, they will not be fulfilled unless they are done professionally.
Effective Communication: Communication is an important aspect of any job role in an
organsiation, but, if the communication is not effective, it is useless. Effective communications
means that the receiver should be able to understand the message as it was perceived by the
sender. The onus of ensuring effectivity lies on the candidate that initiates communication. One
can ensure effectivity by using different ways of communication and also using facts and other
sources to support their message. Miscommunication between two departments often leads to
confusions and delay in the completion of tasks.

Team-worker: No matter which segment are you working in, you can never be a lone wolf. In
any organization, the candidates have to work with each other in a team and a task is fully
completed when each candidate completes their individual tasks. The ability to work in a team
is always appreciated and very much needed out of the candidates. Team work makes the
completion of a task easy and effective if done with utmost diligence. It is rightly said that a
team goes a long way and an individual can only go faster but for a short term. Team building
itself takes a lot of efforts from the managers’ end. But, once the right team is built, the
candidates usually work towards the organizational goals effectively.

Time management: A working professional should be able to manage his working hours in such
a way that he completes his daily tasks without delaying them to the next day. In any corporate
job, the candidates are required to work for around 8-9hours a day and they are assigned a
particular number of tasks everyday. We see that a lot of working candidates end up working
overtime due to their poor time-management skills. Time management skills are not only
needed on a professional front but also on a personal front. In today’s times, managing work
life balance is very important for individuals and this is something that they need to do on their
own to be able to give time to their personal life as well.


The above-mentioned skills are basic skills that make any job easier for an individual. Apart
from these, a candidate must possess the skillset needed to complete a particular task. It
becomes a tedious job for the management to train the candidate if they do not possess the
right skillset to perform a task. For eg:- a sales person can not be hired for a technical job of
developing applications as they do not possess the skillset to develop the app and vice-versa.
Organisations now spend highly only on the hiring process of the right candidate so as to avoid
spending on their training and this ideology has worked out in favour of the organisations. This
is usually followed for hiring candidates at middle or higher management. Candidates are not
hired in this manner for entry level jobs.
If the abilities of the employee do not match the job requirement, it creates hurdles in the task
completion leading to delay and decreasing productivity. Hence, it is very important for the
organization to hire the right candidate.

Answer 2


Perception management has become very important in these times as a lot of organisations
have turned employee-oriented. It also plays an important role in avoiding any perceptual
errors while considering promotions, feedbacks or reviews by the managers. The current times
where we are stuck in a worldwide pandemic, the organisations have no other way but to allow
its employees to work remotely. Although perception management is difficult without personal
interactions, it is still applicable to organisations. Perception management is also necessary as
any differences may result in difficulty in employee collaboration. It’s the responsibility of both
the managers and the employees to ensure the process of perception management.

Concept and application

Perception management can be effectively achieved in the following ways:

Practising high levels of self-awareness: Individuals often forget to keep a check on their
perpetual errors which leads to distortion in various situations. This is often lead by perpetual
errors like primacy effect or recency effect.

Use of supportive evidences for individual perception: Individuals often tend to make an
opinion or pereception by the things surrounding them. This leads to perceptual errors in an
organization, one must perform their personal impressions before concluding. This can be done
by taking insights from others in the organization.

Empathy: It is very important for individuals to be empathic towards their peers. Perception
management requires individuals to look at things from others’ perception as well to better
understand about situations.

Leaving behind personal impressions: It is very common that individuals tend to frame
personal impressions based on some experiences. However, it is to be understood that these
experiences should not be the base of perceptions in every situation. Individuals should make
efforts to rise above the personal impressions of events, people or situations.
Avoiding common perceptions: It is so common that individuals end up perceiving about
something that is traditionally perceived in a particular manner. As human beings, individuals
tend to climb the easy stairs by just going with the common perceptions of a situation, event or
other people. This often leads to perceptual errors in organisations. It should be a practice by
individuals to avoid the common perceptions in order to be on the same page as to avoid any

Avoiding irrelevant attributions: Out of curiosity, individuals tend to contemplate about things
that are irrelevant to developing perceptions. This often leads to delay in the process alongwith
errors. Individuals must avoid inappropriate attributions and focus on actual reasons of the
event, incidemnt or behaviour.

Perception management is a process that involves 4 steps namely stimulus, registration,
interpretation and reaction. It is a cognitive process that revolves around a situation or event.
There are external and internal factors that affect the perception process. External factors
include intensity, size, contrast, repetition, motion and status whereas internal factors include
personality, learning and experience and motivation. The process of perception management is
very similar to the process of a human body. For eg: the stimulus could be a situation where an
employee interacts with the manager (for guidelines, instructions), the employee understands
the work assigned or instructions given by the manager by listening to them, this is called
registration, the employee then interprets the information registered from the manager in his
brain using his though process, experience or expertise, The final stage is when the employee
takes an action on the information received from the manager which is called the reaction.

Q3. Nikita is a Change Manager with Nelson & Murdock. In the view of the way the business
landscape is evolving with more reliance on technology, she intends to bring about many new
initiatives which require employees to unlearn certain aspects and learn many new
approaches. Many learning theories have been prevalent which organizations use from time
to time.

a. If employees need to learn certain model behaviors demonstrated by leaders, which

learning theory should Nikita select for faster results? (5 Marks)
Answer 3A.
It may be helpful for your group to have an authority lead if it allows your group to be more
helpful and have an increased ability to achieve its objectives. Besides, it is extremely
supportive of retaining full power within your field of knowledge since your colleagues, having
worked with you before, are looking forward to working with you again. It is imperative to
identify the right action to take as a pioneer as you write your very own practices while
exercising good self-respect and mindfulness.

Concept and application

1. Don't be afraid to speak your mind.

The make-up of a running environment that is reliable has the effect of making the
environment realistic and open to participation. Delegates can be bound to trust your picks and
rely upon you with their pastimes within the occasion that they charge you're trustworthy with
them. Doing what you say you may do may show off in your gathering that you are reliable.

2. Make sure that you make the right choice when it comes to your selection.

Settling on choices quickly is one of your most significant obligations as a pioneer. Your group
ought to be sure about your capacity to choose an option. When you focus entirely on a choice,
your associates will have confidence in your capacities as a pioneer.

3. Be willing to accept new encounters as they come your way.

You will need to keep your channels of correspondence open in order for you to be able to
communicate with your assembling. Show complete focus skills to animate correspondence,
like posing open-finished inquiries and staying alert as the agent talks. Maintain your workers
educated utilizing speaking with them consistently about alternatives and what is happening
inside the gathering and association.

4. Provide requested information

It is critical that your team gets a clear understanding of what you expect from them and how
they can generate for you. I think it would be extremely valuable if dealers were to be taught
instead of rebuked if we are to accomplish this enormously. Amendments should be completed
in non-public order now not to humiliate colleagues. Make a fantastic, trusting relationship via
correctly recognizing what the specialist is doing and recommending strategies they might

5. Show the other people what it looks like when it is finished

Keep yourself to comparable norms as your lawmakers. on the off chance that your gathering is
needed to stay late, stay past due with them. On the off chance that your association
accomplishes a goal, this needs to be something that you can likewise do.


In this post, we can observe why initiative practices are so fundamental inside an association,
simply as a few basic moves you may make to start fostering your very own assertive authority
behavior. While doling out is a principal ability that each pioneer needs to have, your group will
see its value more within the occasion that you could cooperate with them closer to a common

b. How does learning through reinforcement bring about behavior modification in

employees? (5 Marks)

Answer 3B.
Assisting someone who is learning as much as possible is crucial to achieving maximum learning
potential. A regulation of effect is a proposal taking its roots from Thorndike's regulation of
effect in which he asserts that supported conduct will be rehearsed. As a result, there will now
no longer be an outline of behaviors that may not be supported everywhere. Therefore, if a
guide can be said to be as much as that which points to a specified behavior being repeated or
impeded, then a guide is defined as that which does this. I think that it would be a good idea to
separate the concept of worker proposal from that of worker support.

Concept and application

Suggestion, as depicted within the subsequent segment, addresses a vital mental cycle this is
primarily intellectual. In this sense, the offer is generally inner to the employee, and we can
most straightforward see resultant symptoms of it in actual behavior. Assist, then again, is
commonly observable and often directed remotely. Without information, at the least,
something approximately the underlying reasons that prompted the individual in query's good
conduct, a supervisor may additionally build it up.

Some requirements should be satisfied for encouraging feedback to be persuasive in dealing

with the reiteration of favored conduct. To start with, the employee has to value the actual
reinforcer. It'd be insufficient in shaping behavior if representatives were uninterested in it.
Second, the reinforcer should be unambiguously connected to the proper behavior. The
worker's receipt of the reinforcer ought to be straightforwardly reliant on doing the top-quality
behavior. Prizes must be awarded based totally on overall performance, and the higher a
worker's stage of implementation, the more excellent fantastic his award ought to be. The
subject is possibly the most petulant issue in conduct an alternate approach. Although the
subject can valuably affect the working environment, mainly in case it is conveyed in a usual
way. As speedy as conceivable after the infringement, adverse outcomes may manifest when
representatives disdain the pastime or accept they're being rebuffed unjustifiably. Those hurtful
consequences of the subject are portrayed in. consequently, while the issue is terrific electricity
in remedial learning, its usage should be as it should be examined and implemented.


It is important to note that both uplifting remarks and aversion learning are concerned with
getting the employee to show the preferred behavior. With uplifting comments, the
representative works with a particular objective to obtain favored awards, however with
evasion learning, the employee strives to avoid inevitable awful consequences. In both
situations, although, the supervisor's favored behavior is accelerated. Historically, the primary
mode of eradicating undesirable behavior and reducing its incidence was through
administrative commitments.

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