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BSI BSxS4OO PART) 68 MM 1b246b9 OO1LLST & 1 BS 5400: Part 1: 1988 } uve 624.2401 British Standard Steel, concrete and composite bridges Part 1. General statement Ponts en acier, en béton et en matériaux composites Partie 1. Généralités Stahl, Beton- und Stahlbetonbriicken Teil 1. Allgemeines e British Standards Institution Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor Tan 3115-5449 2000 BSI BS*5400 BS 5400 : Part 1: 1988 Foreword Gonoral BS b4UU Is a document combining codes of practice to covor the design and construction of steel, concrete and ‘composite bridges and specifications forthe loads”, materials and workmanship. tis based on the principles of limit state design outlined in 1S0 2304 ‘General principles forthe verification ofthe safety of structures’. 1t comprises the following: Part 1, General statement Pert 2. Specification for loads art 3, Code of practice for design of stel bridges Part 4, Code of practice for design of conerets brllges Part 5. Code of practice for design of composite bridges Part 6, Specification for materials and workmanship, steel Part7. Specification for materials and workmanship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing tendons Port8, Recommondations for materials and work- ‘manship, concrete, reinforcement and prestressing twrnlois Part9. Bridge bearings Section 9.1, Code of practioe for design of bridge bearings Section 9.2. Specification for me manufacture andi Part 10. Code of practice for fatigue ‘Some of the above Parts are manuals of goad practice, ‘whilst others express requirements in specific torms.. For this reaton BS 5400 should not by reference be Incorporated as a whole into construction contracts. Cortain Parts, ie, Part 2, Part 6 and Part 7, may be sutable for individual incorporation by reference, provided that “inrougnout 8S W400 extorna ores appies tothe structure ana mos eotormations euch o thou de to ohana n temperature wil be ferred to as ‘oad or eang’; the stress rtans inthe srt Withdraw “For bridges to be designed to other los spofeaions, Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor fan 3115 2 2000 clause 10 PART) 86 MM Db24669 OO1L1L0 2 ml care is taken to ascertain that no provisions in such Parts conflict with other provielone in the taxt of the contract. ‘As stated above, the basis of BS 6400 is limit stato dosign. ‘Accordingly, it differs in principle from its prodecessor, BS 153 ‘Sted! girder bridges’T. Although the load factors ‘adopted are judged appropriate in the light of current. kknowledeo, detailed comparisons between tho desians ‘resulting from BS 6400 and those from its predacessor ill be possible only from the rasults of the use of this standard In practice and from ompirial calibration studies. ‘The results from these studies will enable posible adjust- ‘ments to be made at periodic intervals. Users of BS 6400 should recognize the need for engineering judgement arising expecially from the difference in principle mentioned above, ‘The changes from the 1978 edition of this Part of 5400 ‘were originally intended to be implemented by the issue of [an amendment. Hower for nase of tse it was decided t0 incorporate the changes into @ new edition, BS 5400 Part 1: 1978 is consequently withdrawn, Objective of BS 5400 ‘The aim of BS 6400 isthe achiovernent of aocoptable levels of probability in ordar thatthe ctructure bolng designed will not become unfit for the use for which it is required, Le. that it will not reach limit state during its, design da coherent set of partial the UK, ‘which combine to provide what is considered to be an acceptaply tow probability of stiaining the limit states siven in clause 3, thas bean assumed in the drafting of this British Standard that the executions of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experianced people. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. ising trom ts osponsa wil bo refered toe oad afoot! BSI BSxSHOO PART# 68 MM LL24G69 OO1DIb1 4 mm BS 5400 : Part 1 : 1988 Contents Page Foreword Inside front cover Committees responsible Deck eover Goneral statement Tea by he British Slandards testitutien 1155545 2000 ‘Scope Definitions Loads ‘Strongth of materials Design vale Design toads Design load effects Design resistance Limit states General Ultimate limit states Sorvicoability limit states Further requirements Modifications to design values Verification of structural adequacy Design life Analysis General Methods of analysis Linear elastic methods Non-linear methods Plastic methods Conditions for plestic methods or redistribution Analysis of structure Ultimate limit state Serviceability limit state Fatigue Deflections it stare Serviceability limit state or fatigue Effective spans Model analysis and testing Global analysie Local resistance assessment Erection Foundations Verification ofthe safety of foundations Inctucing ples Design of structural foundations Bridger overtese BSI BS*S400 BS 5400 : Part 1: 1988 General statement 1 Scope This Pat of BS 6400 is a statement of the general concepts embodied in othr Parts ofthe standard. It describes the ‘pplication ofthe limit oats principles odoptod and iludes satione on analysis and foundation design, both of ‘which are common to all forms of bride construction. NOTE. The te oF the pues verered to is art of 1B 6400 aro tec on the inede back cover 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the following dafinitions and explanations of terms apply 2:4 toads, The fous tle commie in determining the load effects, S, on the structure ar specified in Part 2 and are described throughout as nominal loads. For certain loads statistical distributions are available anc for these @ return period of 120 years has been adopted. Where such distributions are not available nominal values, based on Judgement and experience, are given, and these are Considered to approximate to a 120-yeat return poriod. 2.2 strongth of materials. Viore statistical data are avaliable on the strength of materials, characteristic values are given in the appropriate Paris ofthis standard, Where such data are not avallable, nominal values are given to 'be used as characteristic values in all the computations. 2.3 Design values 2.3.1 Design loads. Tho design loads, Q*, ore determined ‘rom tho nominal loads, Qx, according to the relation OM A where Try, is 2 factor given in Part2 for each loed, ‘Tq. = funetion (Yea Tra) where “Tes takes account of the possibility of unfavourable deviation of the loads from thelr nominal values: “Yea takes account of the reduced probability that various loadings acting together will ll attain thelr hominal valuos simutaneousy. 2.3.2 Design load effects. The design effects, S*, fare obtained from the design Foade by the roletion S* = %g (offecis of O°) =a (otfocts of Yeu On) where ho ia factor that takes account of inaccurate assess- mont ofthe effects of loading, unforeseen stress distribution In tho structure, and veriations in dimensional aoouraey achieved in eonetruction. Values of 13 are given in Parts 3, 4, Sand 9. Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor fan 3115 4 2000 PARTX) 66 MM Lb24b69 OO1LLb2 & Where linear relationships can be assumed between looding and loed affects, 8* can be determined from S*= effects of Nha Ye. Ox) 23.3 Design resistence, The design vesbiane, B*, tray bo catia a fe (es Ifthe function is linear and involves a single value of Ymy2, this may be expressed as 1 = tunetion r + 14 fal FY FS Fg funation ed = i= function Uf) where fs the characterstle (or nosing!) strenyt oF the materiel; Ym is @ reduction factor specified in the rolovant parts of ths standard my = function (Tmt Yona where ‘pat Is intended to cover the possible reductions in Ue steength of the materials fn the structure as ‘whole as compared with the characteristic value deduced from the control test specimen; “Tma ts intended to cover possible wesknesses of the structure arsing from any cause other than the reduction in the strength of the materials allowed for In Yq, Including manufacturing tolerances. For simplicity, instead of 10 rm Factors, @ single Factor hes been adopted for this British Standard. For concrete construction Tx has different velues for concrete and reinforcement; hence the following format has been used Inert a ‘AY = function ( nation ( For stvel construction normally only one value of Tm is involved; hence the format used in Part 3 is function (f) 3 Limit states 2.1 Gonerat “The two limit states adopted in BS 6400 are: (a) the ultimate limit state: and (6) the serviceability fimit state, ‘3.2. Uteimare ite states ‘The ultimate limit states applicable to this standard are: (2) loes of equilibrium of a part oF the whole of the structure when considered as arid body; (6) doterioration, due to fatigue, toa stage whe ‘allure ocours; (6) a post elastic or post buckling state determined by the current extent of knowledge of the ultimate behaviour of bridge structures and which, in ce cases, relates only to the collapse strength of the section considered and not to the collapse strength of tho whole etructuro 8.3 Sorvicesbility limit states ‘Tho corvicoablity limit states applicable to this standard {a) that condition boyond wich a loss of utility oF ‘cause for public concern may be expected and remedial action required: (b) the vibration limits statad in Part 2 as applied to footbridges. 3.4 Further requirements ‘The deflection of tho structure or any part oF it should not be such as to affect its appearance advoreoly, violate minimum specified clearances. or cause drainae ditficutis. “Tho structure may need to be cambered to counter these effects. Minimum spectfied ce ‘tained under the action of lood ‘the action of permenent loads only. Compliance with the relevant clauses of this standard should ensure adequate durability during the decign life of the structure ‘The configuretion of the structure and the interaction between the structural members should be such sto. neuro @ robust end stable design, The structure should bo designed to sunport loads caused by normal function, but thore should be o reasonable probability that it will ‘not collapse or suffer disproportionate damage under the effects of misuse or accident. 4 Modifications to design values For bridgos In the UK, no further modifications need be ‘made to the design values to take account of the serious- ness of attaining a limit state. For the present it Considered that the total consaquences of falura of beicgee of different types are the same* and the factor Yy2, which is intended to take account of economic consequences, angor to communities ec, Is not expllelty stated but I allowed for in the values of Yy, and Ym. Sillarly Yn, which Is intonded to take account of the nature of the structure and its behaviour, whist allowing for those structures or parts of structures in which partial or complete eollapee mey occur without warning ie not explicitly stated, BSI BS*54OO PARTXL 86 MM bb24Gb9 OOLLIE3 & BS 5400 : Part 1: 1988 Designs carried out in accordance with the provision of BS 5400 should not require the factor Yn {Im special cases where elements can fall without due Warning, e.g. buckling, the design equations Le. the values ‘of A. have aopropriate safety values bult into them. 5 Verification of structural adequacy Fore satisfactory design the following relation should be satisfied RID st a function ( fe te.tunevon (7% Whon the resistance function i linear anda single value (of Tm is involved, this elation may be estranged as 1 7h Tm Ieshould be noted thatthe form of expression (2a) is used in Part 4, wherees the form of exprassion (2b) is used in 73. Thoterore when Using Part in conjunction with sither Part 3 or Part 4 care should be taken to ensure that “Yeas applied corectiy The bridge and its components should be checked for cverll stability under the appropriate factored loads and ‘the design shouts also comply with te provisions of Part 10 with regard to fatigue lif. CConcidoration should be given tothe esrodynamic sta of bridges suscoptibe to such effets, Vehicle induced vibration need not be considered, )> atts of, 04) a) function (fe) > (effects of T41, x) (2b) 6 Design life ‘A design life of 120 years hes been assumed throughout {BS 5400 (unless otherwise stated), The assumption of e design life does not necessarily mean thot the structure will no longer be ft for its purpose atthe ‘end of that period, or that it will continue to be serlenable {or that length of time without adequate and regular inspection and maintenance. {tis to be emphasized that bridges, like most modern structures, require fegular Inspection end, when necessary, repzir under competent direction, Means of access and other ‘measures requited to facilitate inspection and maintenance should be considered with adequate working space being provided around parts such as bearings, expansion joints and, where relevent, prestrssing anchorages. "Clearly the conaquances of flute of ove liye bk sue wt sunperon brkige Wl Ue Grier Han tet oF one smal Oridge. A sreatr| umber of the ris ara Brosaly the seme by lhe British Standards trstitution 155546 2000 bridges ere constructed, honever, and in tha absence of enprea tate esumed thet for tho aum ofthe soneoquonces BSI BS*S4YOO PART*L 88 MH Wb24bb9 OOLLIbY T BS DaUU : Part 1: 1988 7 Analysi 7.4 General ‘Tho following goneral principles should be adopted inthe caloulation ofthe lod effets arising undor any esoumed pattern of applied loading and in the veritcaton of safety Of the structur, Global analysis of actions should be Undarcekan foreach ofthe most severe conditions anpropriato to the part undr consderstion for all of tho loading combinations prescribed in Part 2. The methods ‘of analysis shouldbe eapable of predicting al toaaing effects including, where appropriate, those that cannot be predicted by simple bending theory. 7.2 Methods of analysis 72.1 Linear elastic methods, These methods take account of ail olastie phenomena such as shear lag, warping, ot. but some of these effects may be neglected where ftipulated in Parts $, 4 and 6, In these methods the surf- ress of tho structural mombers are assumed to remain constant throughout the full range of applied loading and the socond:-order effects of deformation sre ignored. 7.2.2 Non-linear methods. Non near methods of analysis are converted with either one oF both of bvo distinct aspects of nondinear structural behaviour: {a) the noninearity arising from significant geometric chhanges taking place in the structure under load; (b) the nonsinearity in the stress-strain behaviour of ‘the materials thomeolve. “The behaviour in (a) occurs in systems such as suspension bridges and Is also associated with the loss of stiffness ‘due to buckling of slender components. The behaviour in (b) Is associated with such phenomena as progressive tensi cracking in concrete, creep of materials under sustained Teading, localized yielding ote. Non-linesr methods of analysis may be based on the incremental application of, linear elastic mathods using modified membor stiffness fr olastic modull. Nonlinear analysis Is not normally required for structures designed in accordance with the various Parts of BS 8400, However, to allow for rome ‘non-linear behaviour, redistribution of the load effects, ‘obtained by alincarclastie method, may be assumed to 7.23 Plostic methods. Tho torm ‘plastic method! denotes ‘a method of enalvsis in which part or all of a material in the section or sections of a structural member is assumed ‘to have reached yield point under the applied loading “Tie results in the possibility of ‘plastic hinges” or ‘yin lines" being formed in the structure where yielding has taken place 7.24 Conditions for plastic methods or redistribution. Plastic methods or other procedures for permitting redistribution of moments and shears may be used only when: (a) the form of construction and the materials have an cexkquale pleteau of resistance under the appropriate Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor fan 3115 2000 ultimate conditions and are not prone to deterioration of strenath due to shakedown under repeated loading; (b) the development of bending plasticity does not cause an indetorminate deterioration in shear or torslone!realstence, or, when relevent, in axial strength (6) the supports or supporting structures are capeble of withstanding reactions caleulated by elastic methods; (4) changes in geometry due to deflections will not significantly influonce the load effacts or are fully taken into account. Ft may be assumed that conditions (a) and (b) ate met by teach of the eppropriate methods presented in the design sections of 8S 5400. 7.3 Analysis of structure 7.3.1 Ultimate limit stat, The load effects under the most adverse ofthe prescribed design loading conitions appro- priate to the ultimate timit state should be valeulated by ‘2 mathod satisfying equilibrium requirements, all load cffects being shown to be in equilibrium with the appli loads, Elestie methods are acceptable as tower bound collapse solutions; they will also lead to solutions fess {ikely to violate serviceability erterla, Plastic or yield line ‘methods may be edopted when appropriate to the form of construction. Unies otherwive stated in Parts 3, 4 and 5 the siffaase of the structural components should be based on the nominal ‘dimensions of the member cross soctions and on the elastic ‘moduli. Shoor lag may be ignored for the main analyele ‘The effects of cracking in composite structures may be allowed for elther by assuming a modified stiffness in 3 linear elastic enelysis or by adjustments to the results of Such an analysis as stated in Part 8, The effective spans should be assumed to be as defined in 7.6. 7.3.2 Serviceability limit state. Load effects under each ‘of the preseribed design loadings eppropriate to the serviceability limit state chould, whore relevant, be ealeu latod by clastie methods, Linear methods mey be used when these are based on the section properties assumed In 7.3.1, provided that changes in geometry de Ht significantly Influence the load effects. Non-linear methods ‘may be adapted with appropriate allowances for los of stittess due to cracking, creep or other predictable deformation of the structure as directed in Parts 3,4 and 6 and should be used where gsometric changes significantly ‘modify the load effects. Usually, these phenomena are taken into account either by assuming @ modified stiff ress ina linear elastic analysis or by adjustments to the results of such an analysis as statod in Parts 3, 4 and B. “The method used should satisfy equilrium requirements (00 7.3.1) and compatibility of caformations. Due allowance should be made in both detorminate and indeterminate forms of construction for any erection procadures which affect the distribution of reactions and stresses, Effective spans should be In accordance with the assumptions given in 7. BSI BS¥5400 PART*1 88 Where a part only of a bridge is to be snatysed, ‘the boundaries to that part should either be so idealized 45 to represent accurately the stiffness af the hounding parts of supports, or they should be sufficiently remote ‘from the region under consideration that errors in simulation have no significant Influence on the solutton. ‘The bounding parts should be designed to carry the boundary reactions caleulated from tho analysis, 7.33 Fatigue, Globel analysis ofthe structure for the ‘assessmont of fatigue life should, where relevant, employ linear elastic methods based on section properties without reduction of stiffness and, for concrete the short term modu 7.8.4 Deflections. Analysis ofthe structure for deflection chould employ linear elastic methods, Deflections due to structural self-weight should allow for the method and sequance of construction. Account should be taken of ‘changes in stiffness during construction, and in creep and shrinkage offeets in concrete after completion, Deflections due to Finishes should be caleulated using the long-term characteristics of concrete, Deflections due to live load should be based on short-term charaotarstios, ‘of concrete and on the most unfavourable distribution of loads using an elastic analysis appropriate to the ervicsability limit state (400 7.3.2). Where appropriate, allowanca should be made for shea floxibllity and/or for axial deformation In estimating deflections during erection and on first loading of a welded steal structure, the relaxation of wekling residual stress In regions of applied tonite stress, 1: defined in Part 3, should be taken into account. 7.4 Analysis of sections 7.4. Ultimate limit sate, Methods used to calculate the uitimate resistance in bending, axial fores, shear of torsion should provide estimates of strength having a probability ‘of at loaet 06 & of being achioved when the material ‘characteristics are accurately known. ‘Lower-bound! ‘methods are thorafore essontal to ansure that the required rallabiity is obtained. The methods given in this standard ‘may be deemed to satisfy this requirement, Other methods should be verified, wither by calibration agsinst mothode In ‘standard or by testing in accordance with 7.6, “The effects of shear lag will normaly be neglected, but should in cartan cases be considered for transverse ‘members as indicated in Parts 3, 4 and 5, 74.2 Serviceabiity limit state or fatique, In the calcu lation of stressos for sorvicesbilty or fatigue assessment from the actions analyzed in accordance with 7.2.2, following should be Included unless otherwise stated the design sections of this standard: “Te influence of shear Is may bo deemed to be allowed for n he eacultion ofthe propertie ofthe ere estions for srs whem using te eppropiste effective width prevaribad in Pars 3,4 and by the British Standards testitution 1155548 2000 M@ 1524669 OODLES 1 mm BS 5400 : Part 1 : 1988 (2) stresses due to axial forces and global bending moments, both longitudinal and transverse, including the influence of shear lg"; (b) shear stresses, including those du to torsion; (6) warping etree due to torsion and distortion of box members; (4) transverse stresses due to distortion of box members: (0) stresses due to creep, relaxation and shrinkage: (f) stresses due to membrane forces; (q) stresses occurring in the vicinity of major stress ‘concentrations which are due to the local nature of ‘any appropriate pattern of loading or due to structural discontinuities, particularly near supports; (h) stresee due to bending momente in mombore caused by deflections and changes in geometry, 09, secondary stresses in trusses due to deformation. ‘The mathernatial idealization of the structure should raflect the nature of its judged response. The bounds ‘zumed in auch idoolizetion should either simulete accurately the stiffness of adjacent parts or be sufficiently remote from the part under consideration forthe stresses int to be insensitive to the boundary assumptions. If, forthe sake of convaniance, any part of the structure 's ignored in the analysis it should be exarnined to determine whether the behaviour of the structure under load can lead to detrimental offects on such @ part. 78 Effective spans {n the decormination of loads and joad ettects, te ettee: tive spans of beams and slabs should be assumed to be as follows. (6) Simply supported members. The smaller of either: (1) the distance between the centres of bearings ‘or other supports, or {2} the clear distance between supports plus the eftective depth. (&) Members framing into supporting members. “The distance betwean the shear conties ofthe support ing members. {c} Continuous members. The distance hetwaan cantree ‘of supports, excapt where, in the case of beams on Wide supports, the effect of the support with is Included i tie analyse, (a) Cantifevers. The distance from the face of the support plus half te effective dapth, axcapt where: (1) itis an extension of a continuous beam when the length to the centre of the support should be used, or (2) in the case of mombers on wide supports, the effect of the support width is included in the analysis, lyse 5 BST BS#S4OD PART#L BS 6400 : Part 1: 1988 7.8 Model snatysis and vesting 7.8.1 Global analysis, Model analysis and testing may be used elthar to define the load effects ina structure ot to votify a proposed theoretical analysis fora structure, ‘The models used should be capable of simulating the response of the structure appropriately and the inter pretation of the results should be carried out by engi having the relevant experience. ‘The reliability ofthe test results depends inter alla upon | the setroy onan | (a) material properties (model and prototype); (b) methods of measurements; | | {) methods used to derive load effects from measurements; {4 loading and react In intorpreting results, the assessed load effects to be used, jn dosign should excoea those derived from te test data by @ margin dependent upon {0} number of tots: (f) method of testing; {) an szaccamant of (a) (o) and (c) above, In all cases the interpreted results should provide sauilibriur. 7.8.2 Local resistance assessment. Methods for calculating the ultimate resistance of cross sections other than those specified in this standard should be verified by tests on a range of representative components, or models thereof, suffleent co ensure tet Uh fluence on each parameter ff the physical bahaviour up to collapse is demonstrated. ‘The reliability of such verification will depend upon (a), (4), (e} and (F) of 78.1, In such tests the ratio between the strength predicted by the chosen method (using measured properties and dimensions) and the meseured Value should be obtained for a numberof samples and the ‘mean and standard deviation of such ratios determined, “The partial factors for strenath prescribed in this standard should then be adjusted for application with the verified tnethod to take into account its mean accuracy and variability, Where prototype tasting is adopted as a basis of proving || the resistance of a component, the test loading should adequately reproduce the range of stress combinations 1 be sustalned Inservice, A sufficient numnbea of proto- types should be tested to enable @ mean value and standard deviation of resistance to be calculated for each critical stress condition, the design values then being taken at 1.5 standard deviations below the mean, ‘The material strengths to be specified for construction should have mean values and coefficients of variation ‘compatible with those in the prototypes. Tolerances and dimonsions should be similetly prescribed so that constructions are compatible with the prototypes. Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor fan 3115 49 2000 @8 MME Vb24669 COLLIE 3 mm No results of prototype tasting may be used to justify ‘any reduction in partial safety factors ‘Similar tests on componants may be usud to verify oF daturmine serviceability limit loading capacity. 8 Erection ‘The adoption of limit state methods with partial safety ‘actors emphasizes the necessity to assess the Loads and location of ereation plant eccurately. The smount of the partial factor applied to these loads should be appraised or each case on Its merits, making due allowance for the accuracy or otherwise of the evaluation of temporary loads, Additionel material incorporated for erection purposes should also bo acouratoly secoeced and IF tf to be retained in the completed structure, its effect on this should be taken into sccount. 9 Foundations 9.1 Verification of the safety of foundations including pies Foundations should be assessed in accordence with the principlae oot out in BS 800A. BS 8004 hes not been drafted on the bess of limit state dsian, but it will be appropriate to adopt the nominal Toads specified in Part 2 with Yq. and Y¢a = 1 as design loads for the purpose of verifying foundations in ‘eccordance with BE 8004, The locd on foundatione should be derived from the methods of enalysis appro priate to the serviceability limit state 9.2 Design of structural foundations ‘Structural foundations are designed Lo transmit the applied Toading on the structure ta the ground or piles depending upon the method of transfer. In each cose itis necessary to know the rection to the applied loading. These reactions, which will be bearing pressures or pile loads, should be talculated for the design loading relevant to tho limit tat ‘contideration and the foundetions assessed for the 10 Bridges overscas “The design requirements given in Parts 1, 3,4, 5,9 and 10 ‘may be used for the design of bridges to other loading specifications, provided that the factors Yr. are modified as necessary to achieve desian losds consistent with those ‘specified in Part 2, This means, for example, that for the ultimate limit state calculations the probability of design, foals being excreted during the design life of the bridge should not exeoed 5 % end provided also that materials land workmanship comply with Perts 6 and 7. BSI BS*S4O0 PART#) 88 MM 2E24GL9 OOLLIG7 5 ml Publications referred to BS 163°t —Spatfietion for steel ler bees BEGI00 —Gtel, conerate and composite Uoaee Part 2 Spociieston for losde Part 8 Code of practi for design of eee ridges Cade af proton for daign of eoneret rigor 6 Code of preeton for design of comporite bri Part Specification for materials and wrkmanehi, eto! Part 7 Specification for materia vl wnrkmanshin ennevee, reinforcement and presiresing tendons ‘Part 8 Recommendations for materials and workmanship, conerets, reinforcement and prestestng tendons art 9 Bride bearings. Section 81 Code of prectlee for dosan of brio besrinas Section 8.2 Specication for materials, manufture and Inetaliton of bridge buerings Port 10 Code of practice fr fatigue 185.8004 Coo of practice for foundations e Previous page is blank “wvitharown, “PRelerad 0 inthe foreword only, ' Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor Tan 31 15:35:50 2000 BSI BS*S4O0 ‘Tis British Standard, havig bean prepard under the dretion of, Givi Esler od Duilsing tractureeGtanaards Committ ‘wos published undor the suthorty of the Board of BSI and cor Into effet an 30 September 1988, ‘© brush stanaars institution, 1908 First published June 1978 Fst revson Soptembar 1688 188 0 690 188670 “Tho following 0S referent rlate tothe work on thie sender Guinniteerterene G90/60. Dra for comment 04/10027 OC. Brita Standerds institution, Incorporated by Roya! Charter, 6! ie fhe indapendent nations! body for he prapaation af British Standards, Is the UK membar of the International Organization for Stancardization nd UK sponsor of the British National tn ation to Ue preparation and promulgation of standards, BSI coffers secallstsrvlcesIneludina the provision of information {through the AS! Library and Stondardie GatabeerTeennice! Hop 4 Exporters end ater sero, Adc ean be obtain from the Enquiry Section, 81, Milton Koynes MIKA GLE, telephone Copyright, Users of Brith Standards ar minded that copyaht subi Ia al! BSI publications. No part of this publication may be Feprosuead inary form without tho pre persion in wring of Committees responsible for this British Standard ‘The prepcation ofthis BrtshStandord was ontruste by the {C36} to TecheicalCornmittoo CSB, upon which te ‘ellowing boas wore presented Brian Cement Arrocietion| Briteh Constructions Steowork Asoeation Ltd Dritan Freee Conaree edoration Lid British Raiiays Board British Stel Industry Amendments issued since publication PART] €5 MM LL24G69 OO1L168 7? mm BS 5400: Part 1: 1988 SI. This dos no preslue the free ue, in tho course of size, type oF grade dosignations. Enquiries should be axdressed to the Puoleations Manager, BSI, Linford Wood, Milton Koynes te Yor telex 829777. Contract requirement. 4 British Standard does not purpart to Include all the necroary provsons ofa contrect. Uses of Drtoh ‘Stondards are responsaie for thelr corretappietion Revision of Brien Standare, Bran Stanaar ara revise we ater, by the ue aha of amendronts or of revise eins eis important that usors of British Standards shoud scrtain that ‘Automatic updating srviee. BSI provides en economic, nviu fond automatie standart updating sevio called PLUS, Details are Sib rom OSI Enquty Seeion a tn Kayne, telephone (0008 221166, tlox 825777 information onal BSI publications is In tha BST Cutalogue, Sipplamented each menth by BS/ News which is avaiable to Subserbing members of SSI and ives detls of now publications, Tevisone, amendments and witnsronn standerde, Any Beton WhO, ‘when making use of 8 Sesh Standars, encourters on inaccuracy OF “mbiguty 1s eauestd to not BSI without day In orcer that the matter may ba inverteated ana epproprias action “akan, ‘County Surveyor’ Society Department of Transport (Highways) [Department of Traneport(Tranmort ond Ro Research Lahoratary) Inetititon of Chil Engineer, Inettution of Structural Engineers Scottish Develoomant Deparment ‘Steal Construction Intute Wielcig stu ‘Amd. No, Date of issue | Text affected British Standards Institution - 2 Park Street London W1A 20S Copyright by the British Slandards Isittion Mor Tan 21 15:35:51 2000 8861: 1ued:oorsSsa @ Telephone 01-629 9000 - Telex 266033 caer

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