BPM Question Bank BPM Question Bank

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BPM Question Bank

Business Process Management (Deakin University)

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BPM Question Bank

Q1. Phase 5 of the BP Trends process redesign methodology known as

(topic10, p.6):

a. Roll-out process <5>

b. Analysis process <2>
c. Understand project <1>
d. Redesign process <3>
e. Implement redesigned process <4>

Q2. Which of the following is NOT included in the BPM discipline (topic
1, p.6).

a. Automate the primary actives of the firm

b. Radically reduce the cost of business interactions
c. Make deep structural adjustments
d. Provide self-service that delights
e. Radically after relationships with suppliers and customers

Q3. Promoting the organization’s products and service is a business

function of: Sales and marketing

Q4. Which of the following issues is NOT typically considered under the
industry based view of strategy (topic 2, p.12):

a. Cost reduction
b. Retention of customers and suppliers
c. Economies of scale
d. Product differentiation
e. Employee retention

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Q5. The primary aim of an ERP systems is to (topic 3, p.8):

Fully integrate all key business processes into one software solution

Q6. The system which co-ordinates many processes associated with

customer engagement and interaction called a Customer relationship
management system.

Q7. A concept map: enables and facilitates the decomposition of a value


Q8. Another name for ‘support processes’ is: Enabling Processes.

Q9. Under the gap model, a lack of information would usually be

classified as: cause

Q10. Under the gap model, losing market share would usually be
classified consequence

Q11. The acronym BPMN stands for: business process modelling


Q12. Within the BPMN, a rectangle with square corners is called a/an
system/ thing (topic 6, p.10)

Q13. In a typical procurement process, the document identifying the

material needed, the quantity needed a date it is known as a: purchase
requisition (topic 7, p.8)

Q14. In a typical procurement process, an agreement to purchase the

started material, for the price started, unstated terms, and is called a:
purchase order (topic 7, p.9)

Q15. In a manufacturing environment the fulfilment process is also

known as the: order-to-cash process (topic 8, p.3).

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Q16. Fulfilling customer orders directly from the inventory of finished

goods is called: sell-from-stock (topic 8, p.4)

Q17. Product routing consists of six operations. Which of the following is

the odd one out: Move to storage (topic9, p.9)

Q18. The process concerned with creating new products based on

factors such as market research and new production techniques is
called: Product design.

Q19. Conduct interviews and draft straw man as-is process fits within
which of the following re-design methodology stages: Phase 2 Agree
the current “AS-Is” process

Q20. Which of the following is considered to be a generic building block

of competitive advantages: Innovation

Q21. Measures which tell you about the results achieved by sub-
processing, or activities within in the process of value chain are called:
Internal measures.

Q22. An information system which supports the execution of individual

activities in a process and helps organizations co-ordinate work across
functions is known as: an enterprise system

Q23. Enterprise systems play a vital role in all of the following activities

a. Monitoring process
b. Evaluated processes
c. Capturing and storing processes
d. Executing processes

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Q24. A comprehensive collection of all of the activities that are

performed to design, produce, market, deliver, a support a product line is
known as a: value chain

Q25. Which of the following primary actives is NOT a specific component

of Porter’s generic value chain: strategy

Q26. A system which transforms natural resources or raw materials and

components into finished product the delivered to end customers is
known as:

A supply chain management system

Q27. The primary purpose of a knowledge Management system is to:

Collect tacit knowledge and experience and transform it into
tangible information

Q28. If it assumed that sales calls directly relate to the volume of sales
made, we can say that sales calls scheduled is a leading indicator of
successful sales.

Q29. The aim of a worksheet is to: describe the attributes and

resources that support processes in a value chain.

Q30. Differences between measured of performance of the AS-IS

process and the TO-BE process is known as: performance gap.

Q31. Differences between how things are done now and how they could
or should be performed is known as the: Capabilities gap.

Q32. The normal process flow hierarchy is: Value chain, business
process, process, sub-process

Q33. In the BPMN, on ovont is represented as: a circle

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Q34. A document that identifies the materials needed, the quantity

needed and the date it is needed is called: a purchase requisition

Q35. Processes associated with supply chain management and

customer relationship management are known as: Inter-company

Q36. In fulfilment, which is the odd one out: Manufacturing

Q37. Which document is NOT found in a normal fulfilment process?

a. Quotation
b. Packing list
c. Customer invoice
d. Goods requisition
e. Sales order

Q38. Data which describes key entities associated with a company,

including customers, vendors, products, employees is called: Master

Q39. Which of the following is NOT a step in the standard plan-to-

produce process in supply chain:

a. Supply network forecasting

b. Production capacity planning
c. Material logistics
d. Production & material scheduling
e. Capacity planning

Q40. Which of the following is commonly adopted to assist managers to

focus on various functions and processes within their firms: Value Chain

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Q41. Phase 1 of the BP Trends process redesign methodology is:

understanding project

Q42. The most accurate example of needs based positioning is: Serving
most or all the needs of a particular group of customers.

Q43. Long range strategic decisions about which products and service to
produce are typically made by: Senior managers

Q44. Product information is an example of: Master data

Q45. Factory location information is an example of: organizational data

Q46. Ordering supplies is an example of a: Support process

Q47. IT infrastructure is an example of a: Support process

Q48. Which of the following is NOT a step in defining a preliminary

business case:

a. Define the AS-IS processes

b. determine what the AS-IS process is or is not doing now
c. define what the TO-BE process should do when completed
d. consider how you will bridge the capability gap
e. Ensure all stakeholders have formally signed off the process

Q49. Which of the following problems are NOT normally associated with
support or enabling processes:

a. Employee problems
b. IT problems
c. Facilities, Equipment and location problems
d. Accounting and bookkeeping problems
e. Inbound and outbound logistical problems

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Q50. A person who uses ICT to create, acquire, process and synthesise
information is called a:

Knowledge worker

Q51. Which of the following is NOT a transformational key driver

espoused by Fingar?

a. Knowledge as business capital

b. Jumbo transportation
c. The internet
d. Automation focus on outward-facing business processes
e. Matching of IT infrastructure and measurement methodology

Q52. In Porter’s model, which is NOT one of the five forces?

a. Suppliers
b. Customers
c. Liquidators
d. Substitute products and services
e. Potential new entrants

Q53. According to Porter, organisations can choose from the following

strategies to compete except:

a. Improvisation
b. Cost leadership
c. Differentiation
d. Niche specialisation

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Q54. A system which fully integrates all of the key business processes
into one software solution so that information flows seamlessly through
the business is known as: An ERP system

Q55. The primary purpose of a customer relationship management

system is to:

Manage the attraction and then the retention of customers by

enhancing customer responsiveness

Q56. Which of the following statements about business process

architecture is NOT true?

a. It defines how business processes work together to add value

b. It is the most effective strategic framework available to
achieve organizational goals
c. It links organizational goals to strategic goals
d. It provides a basis for prioritising change initiatives
e. It is a key to facilitating effective organizational alignment

Q57. Which of the following is NOT a step in creating business process


a. Identify a specific value chain

b. Use a worksheet to depict each process
c. Determine the strategic goals you wish the value chain to achieve
d. Ensure that every sub-process has been documented and
signed off by all stakeholders
e. Subdivide the value chain into its major processes

Q58. According to Madison, which of the following is NOT a symptom of

a broken process?

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a. Data redundancy is common

b. Too many reviews and sign-offs
c. Things take too long
d. Customers are relatively satisfied with the service they
e. Nobody manages the total process

Q59. Which of the following is NOT included in the task complexity


a. Strategic and integrated processes

b. Specific activities and tasks
c. Mid-level processes
d. High level processes

Q60. In a process diagram, the top swim lane is normally reserved for
the: Customer

Q61. A system that organises, enhances, and expedites intra and inter-
firm knowledge manager centred around a corporate knowledge base or
repository is called a: knowledge management system.

Q62. According to Porter, the primary reason why the concept of “fit” is
fundamental to competitive advantage is because: it is difficult for a
competitor to match a package of interlocked activates.

Q63. A document that provides verification that the specified goods have
been received is called a:

Goods receipt document

Q64. A document that contains an itemised list of the materials sent or

the services provided to the customer, along with the cost of item plus
any discounts, taxs, shipping or other charges, is called a: Pricing List

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Q65. What kind of organizational structure does “Magal” promote:


Q66. In Porter’s view, which of the following best describes strategic


Performing different activities than rivals

Q67. In Porter’s view, which of the following best describes operational


Performing similar activities better than rivals perform them

Q68. The name of a person requesting materials is an example of:

Transactional data

Q69. Filling an order from stock is an example of: Core process

Q70. Scalability is: A concept related to the number of users or the

volume of operations a given hardware/software combination can

Q71. In a process diagram, organizational departments responsible

for activities are depicted as:


Q72. Which of the following is NOT a step in a typical procurement


a. Creating a purchase requisition

b. Creating and sending a purchase order
c. Receiving an invoice from a supplier
d. Receiving a supply note from a customer

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Q73. Which of the following functional areas is NOT included in a typical

procurement process?

a. Warehouse
b. Purchasing
c. Accounting
d. Manufacturing
e. Human resources

Q74. Which of the following is NOT a step in a typical fulfilment


a. Receive customer purchase order

b. Create sales order
c. Prepare shipment
d. Create and send invoice
e. Create a detailed costing analysis

Q75. The 2 most common fulfilment methods are:

a. Sell-to-order and configure-from-stock

b. Procure-and-sell and effective-delivery
c. Effective-delivery and configure-to-order
d. Configure-to-order and sell-from-stock
e. Sell-to-order and sell-from-stock
f. Sell-to-order and effective-delivery

Q76. A document identifying all the materials or parts needed to make a

unit of finished product is called a: Bill of Materials.

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Q77. The process which defines the steps or operations necessary to

create a product is called: Product routing.

Q78.which of the following is NOT a phase in the BPTrends process re-

design methodology?

a. Implement redesigned business process

b. Formulate strategic initiatives
c. Understand the project
d. Redesign business processes
e. Analyse business processes

Q79. Fixed order quantities are more economical than variable order
quantities because they have been pre-determined to minimise costs.

Q80.which of the following is NOT included under Kaplan and Norton’s

balanced scorecard approach:

a. Process measures -> inventory method

b. Financial measures
c. Growth measures -> innovation
d. Customer measures
e. Strategic measures

Q81.Harmon’s main criticism of Kaplan and Norton’s balanced scorecard

approach is that: it supports and entrenches functional specialisation

Q82. Under the balanced scorecard approach, percentage of sales from

new products would be classified as a customer measure

Q83. Under the balanced scorecard approach, time allotted to develop

the next generation of products would classified as: An innovation and
learning measure

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Q84. Re-design approved and initiated’ fits within which of the following
re-design methodology stages? Phase 3

Q85. Create steering team and identify project facilitator’ fits within which
of the following re-design methodology stages: Phase 1

Q86.The process that focuses on the entire relationship between a

company and its supplier is referred to as the: Source-to-settle process

Q87. The process that helps companies to create a funnel of ideas that
they can assess to determine the most viable end products for
development is called the: Idea to market process

Q88. A list of order for which invoicing is due is called a: Billing due List.

Q89. A situation where there is insufficient stock in inventory to meet

customer demand is referred to as a: Stock out.

Q90. In BPM, the term used to assess and measure whether a process
is achieving its objective is called a: key performance indicator.

Q91.In a manufacturing environment, such as super skateboard

builders, some companies are required to purchase materials directly
from other companies according to business requirement. This is known
as: Business to business commerce.

Q92. In BPM, a statement that defines some policy or practice of the

business is called a: Business rule

Q93. A tool that defines the concepts and relationships that a knowledge
worker relies on is called a: Cognitive map

Q94. In the gap model, poor business rules are classified as a: Cause.

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Q95. The term given to someone who has a vested interest in the
process that we are trying to change is: stakeholder

Q96. Finance and Accounting in a manufacturing firm is an example of a:

Support process.

Q97. A receiving point is an example of: Organization data.

Q98. A shipping point is an example of: organization data.

Q99. Senior managers of a company are most likely to use a (n)

Strategic system.

Q100. Product differentiation to gain strategic advantage means:


Q101. The following represent fundamentals of the digital economy as

proposed by Fingar and Aronica except:

a. Digital corporations achieve hyper-efficiency

b. Operational management becomes 24/7
c. Relationship management becomes holistic
d. Cycle times are slashed
e. BPM will become the pre-eminent business discipline

Q102. An individual who is ultimately responsible for re-design projects

and approving major decisions is called: Project sponsor.

Q103. Which of the following is NOT a procurement activity?

a. Purchasing goods and materials

b. Negotiating with suppliers
c. Paying for goods and services
d. Influencing buyer behaviour through specialised marketing

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Q104. Trade-offs are essential to strategy because they create the need
for choice and limit what a company offers.

Q105. Which of the following is NOT a form of strategic fit?

a. Simple consistency
b. Two tier product differentiation
c. Reinforcing activities
d. Optimisation of effort

Q106. Under the BPTrends enterprise methodology the following does

not occur:

a. Understand external suppliers

b. Understand enterprise
c. Define business processes architecture
d. Build process management capability
e. Manage enterprise processes

Q107. Sub-optimisation occurs when: a process within one silo is

improved at the expense of processes in other silos thereby weakening
value chain.

Q108. Under the SCOR model, Level 1 represents the: Supply Chain

Q109. Which of the following is NOT a level 2 supply chain activity: Align

Q110. Competitive advantage in the marketplace is achieved in all the

following ways except: Higher profits

Q111. Which of the following is NOT a component of the gap model:


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Q112. In the BPMN, a rectangle with rounded corners represents: an


Q113. In the BPMN, a dashed arrow represents: a message flow

Q114. The point at which ownership of material being shipped passes

from one company to another is as: Free-on-board.

Q115. If the data in the invoice, goods receipt document, and purchase
order is identical this is known as: Three way match.

Q116. When an organization is faced with Porter’s five competitive force

which one of the following is NOT one of the basic competitive strategies
the organization should use?

a. Low cost leadership

b. Product differentiation
c. Focus on a niche market
d. Develop an integrated website
e. Strengthen customer and supplier intimacy

Q117. Training and employee relations are normally handled by which

area :Human Resource

Q118. In supply chain management, which of the following is NOT a step

in the standard plan to product process

a. Supply network forecasting

b. Production capacity planning
c. Material logistics
d. Production and material scheduling
e. Transport logistics

Q119. Which of following is NOT a step in the asset management


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a. Asset generation
b. Asset accounting
c. Retire / replace assets
d. Maintain assets
e. Delay assets

Q120. In the redesign phase of the BPTrends process redesign met, the
first step is

a. Create the to be process

b. Develop draft plan of the to be process
c. Innovate and consider could be options
d. Present and review the to-be
e. Have the to-be redesign process approved and initiated redesign

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