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I Do It

The Preoperative Sinus CT:

Reviews and Commentary  n  How

Avoiding a “CLOSE” Call with Surgical


William T. O’Brien, Sr, DO

Although functional endoscopic sinus surgery is an effec-
Stefan Hamelin, MD
tive means of treating patients with recurrent and refrac-
Erik K. Weitzel, MD
tory sinusitis, the procedure is not without risk of serious
surgical complications. Preoperative computed tomogra-
phy (CT) affords radiologists the opportunity to prospec-
tively identify anatomic variants that predispose patients
to major surgical complications; however, these critical
variants are not consistently evaluated or documented on
preoperative imaging reports. The purpose of this review
is to illustrate important anatomic variants and landmarks
on the preoperative sinus CT with a focus on those that
predispose patients to surgical complications. These criti-
cal variants and landmarks can be quickly recalled and in-
corporated into the preoperative imaging report through
the use of the mnemonic “CLOSE”: Cribriform plate,
Lamina papyracea, Onodi cell, Sphenoid sinus pneuma-
tization, and (anterior) Ethmoidal artery. This approach
will greatly enhance the value of the preoperative imaging
report for referring otolaryngologists and help reduce the
risk of surgical complications.

 RSNA, 2016

Online supplemental material is available for this article.

 From the Department of Radiology, University of California,
Davis School of Medicine, Sacramento, Calif (W.T.O.); De-
partment of Radiology, Uniformed Services University of the
Health Sciences, Bethesda, Md (W.T.O., E.K.W.); Department
of Radiology, 375th Medical Group, Scott AFB, IL (S.H.); and
Department of Otolaryngology, San Antonio Military Medical
Center, Joint Base San Antonio, San Antonio, Tex (E.K.W.).
Received October 9, 2015; revision requested November
18; final revision received December 9; accepted January
6, 2016; final version accepted January 20. Address cor-
respondence to W.T.O., Department of Radiology/SGQX,
David Grant USAF Medical Center, 101 Bodin Cir, Travis
AFB, CA 94535 (e-mail:

The views expressed in this material are those of the

authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of
the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the
Department of the Air Force.

 RSNA, 2016

10  n  Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

aranasal sinusitis is a common
clinical condition that affects
Components of the “CLOSE” Mnemonic
approximately 16% of adults in
the United States each year (1). The Critical Anatomic Structure Ideal Imaging Plane Items to Evaluate and Document/Report
disease has adverse impacts on both
Cribriform plate Coronal Keros classification (type I–III)
the quality of life for afflicted patients,
Asymmetric Keros
as well as a substantial socioeconomic Bony dehiscence of skull base
burden due to costs associated with Lamina papyracea Coronal, axial Remote orbital fracture
medical care, decreased productivity, Orbital prolapse into ethmoid sinus
and absences from work or school (2). Presence of Haller cell
Acute uncomplicated sinusitis is a clin- Uncinate process contacting orbital wall
ical diagnosis that is often successfully Onodi cell Coronal Presence or absence of Onodi cell
treated medically with antibiotic ther- Dehiscence of optic nerve within Onodi cell
apy. For patients with recurrent or re- Sphenoid sinus pneumatization Sagittal, axial Pneumatization pattern (conchal, presellar, sellar)
fractory sinusitis, however, surgical in- Pneumatization into skull base & anterior clinoid
tervention may be necessary to restore Dehiscence of carotid canal
patency of sinus drainage pathways. Sinus septation inserting onto carotid canal
The surgical procedures for treating Optic nerve dehiscence within sphenoid sinus
sinusitis have evolved throughout the (Anterior) ethmoidal artery Coronal Identify ethmoidal notch
years to the minimally invasive endo- Presence of supraorbital pneumatization
scopic surgeries used in modern day Source.—Modified from reference 3.
practice. These procedures, although
less invasive, are not without risk of
complications, which may be serious,
life threatening, or even fatal. Preop- imaging has become a mainstay in The floor of the frontal sinus consists
erative computed tomography (CT) surgical planning prior to endoscopic of the orbital roof. The ethmoid sinuses
surgery and affords the opportunity are composed of multiple air cells and
to identify anatomic variants that pre- are located medial to the orbits, infe-
dispose patients to surgical complica- rior to the frontal sinuses, and anterior
nn Evaluation of the cribriform plate tions. These critical areas, however, to the sphenoid sinuses. The roof of the
includes assessment for bone are not routinely or consistently docu- ethmoid sinus (fovea ethmoidalis) sepa-
integrity and measurement of the mented in the preoperative imaging re- rates the ethmoid sinus from the ante-
olfactory depths on each side. port. This review article will highlight rior cranial fossa. The medial margins
nn When evaluating the lamina pap- and illustrate common anatomic vari- consist of the middle turbinates and lat-
yracea, it is important to com- ants of the paranasal sinuses with an eral lamella, while the lateral margins
ment on remote medial orbital emphasis on those that place patients are delineated by the medial orbital
wall fractures, as well as the at risk for surgical complications by walls. The maxillary sinuses are located
presence of Haller cells or unci- utilizing the mnemonic “CLOSE”: Crib- inferior to the orbits, with the orbital
nate process deviation. riform plate, Lamina papyracea, Onodi floor representing the roof of the maxil-
cell, Sphenoid sinus pneumatization, lary sinus. Medially, the maxillary sinus
nn An Onodi cell refers to a spheno-
and (anterior) Ethmoidal artery (Table extends to the lateral wall of the nasal
ethmoidal air cell above and lat-
, Movie [online]) (3). This mnemon- cavity. Inferiorly, the maxillary sinus
eral to the sphenoid sinus,
ic-based approach provides a simple typically pneumatizes to the level of the
placing the optic nerves at risk
means of recalling critical variants to maxillary dentition. The posterior wall
for intraoperative injury.
review and document in the preopera- of the maxillary sinus constitutes the
nn Excessive sphenoid sinus pneu- tive imaging report. anterior margin of the pterygopalatine
matization may result in dehis-
cence of the cavernous segments
of the internal carotids arteries Overview of Paranasal Sinus Anatomy
Published online
and/or optic nerves. The paranasal sinuses consist of paired 10.1148/radiol.2016152230  Content codes:
nn The anterior ethmoidal arteries frontal, ethmoid, maxillary, and sphe- Radiology 2016; 281:10–21
are susceptible to intraoperative noid sinuses. The frontal sinuses are
injury with supraorbital pneuma- located superior to the orbits and eth- Abbreviations:
tization of ethmoid air cells moid sinuses. Both the superior and FESS = functional endoscopic sinus surgery
OMC = ostiomeatal complex
above the anterior ethmoidal posterior walls of the frontal sinus sep-
notch. arate the sinus from the cranial vault. Conflicts of interest are listed at the end of this article.

Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016  n 11

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 2:  Frontal sinus outflow tract. Sagittal reformatted CT image shows
the normal frontal recess, which is located posterior to the agger nasi cell.
Figure 1:  Coronal reformatted CT image
The basal lamella separates the anterior and posterior ethmoid sinus.
demonstrates the normal anatomy of the OMC. The
margins of the uncinate process, middle turbinate,
and orbital walls delineate the sinus drainage changed the treatment for patients with evaluated on coronal CT images (Fig 1).
pathway, which comprises the maxillary antrum recurrent or refractory rhinosinusitis. An additional important sinus drainage
(ostium), infundibulum, hiatus semilunaris, and More invasive external-approach proce- pathway that may be targeted with FESS
middle meatus. dures were replaced with functional en- is the frontal recess, which is best evalu-
doscopic sinus surgery (FESS), which ated on sagittal reformatted CT images
fossa. The sphenoid sinuses are located is now the standard of care for relieving and is located along the posterior mar-
within the sphenoid bone posterior to obstructions associated with paranasal gin of the agger nasi cell (most anterior
the ethmoid sinuses. Depending on the sinus drainage pathways (4–6). The ethmoid air cell) or other variants of
degree of pneumatization, the roof, goal of FESS in the setting of recurrent frontal recess cells, when present (Fig 2)
posterior walls, and lateral walls of the or refractory rhinosinusitis is to open (10). The frontal recess drains into the
sphenoid sinus separate the sinus from the normal paranasal sinus drainage infundibulum or middle meatus, de-
the cranial vault. The anterior wall is pathways by alleviating anatomic or pending on the anterior attachment site
shared with the posterior wall of the pathologic obstructions. The clinical of the uncinate process (11).
ethmoid sinus. efficacy of FESS has been well estab- Several common anatomic variants
The primary drainage pathways for lished, with postoperative improvement may adversely affect the OMC and fron-
the paranasal sinuses consist of the os- in symptoms and quality of life report- tal recess in some patients, resulting in
tiomeatal complex (OMC) anteriorly ed in more than 75% of patients (7–9). a predisposition to recurrent or refrac-
and the sphenoethmoidal recess pos- The principal target of FESS is the tory rhinosinusitis secondary to sinus
teriorly. The OMC is the final drain- OMC, which is the primary drainage outflow narrowing and/or alteration of
age pathway for the frontal, anterior pathway for the maxillary, anterior sinus ventilation and mucociliary clear-
ethmoid, and maxillary sinuses, while ethmoid, and frontal sinuses. The bony ance. In addition, these variants alter
the sphenoethmoidal recess is the final margins of the OMC include the un- the surgical landscape in the region of
drainage pathway for the posterior eth- cinate process, lateral margin of the the sinus outflow tracts. The anatomic
moid and sphenoid sinuses. middle turbinate, and the medial and variants that affect the OMC include the
inferior walls of the orbit. The bony Haller cell, concha bullosa, paradoxical
margins delineate air channels or drain- rotation of the middle turbinate, and
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery age pathways, including the maxillary nasal septal deviation, while prominent
The introduction of endoscopic surgical antrum, infundibulum, hiatus semiluna- or variant frontal recess cells affect the
techniques during the 1980s drastically ris, and middle meatus, which are best frontal recess. Anatomic anomalies that

12  n Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 3:  Coronal reformatted CT image depicts bilateral ethmoid air cells
along the inferomedial orbital walls, consistent with Haller cells (∗). There is
associated narrowing of the infundibula bilaterally (arrows).
Figure 4:  Coronal reformatted CT image demonstrates pneumatization of the
right middle turbinate, consistent with a concha bullosa (∗). There is lateral de-
narrow the OMC tend to contribute viation of the posteromedial wall of the nasolacrimal duct and uncinate process,
to recurrent acute sinusitis or limited resulting in narrowing of the infundibulum (arrow).
chronic rhinosinusitis (12,13). Diffuse
chronic rhinosinusitis, on the other
hand, is more often related to inflam- the uncinate process, with infundibular anterior margin of the frontal recess.
matory dysregulation as opposed to an- narrowing (Fig 5). Occasionally, pro- Frontal cells associated with the frontal
atomic anomalies (13). nounced nasal septal deviation with recess are categorized into one of three
A Haller cell represents an ethmoid spurring may affect the sinus outflow types: type 1 cells are single cells above
air cell that is located lateral to the pathways secondary to lateral displace- the agger nasi cell, type 2 cells consist
maxillo-ethmoidal suture along the me- ment of the middle turbinate, with nar- of two or more small cells above the ag-
dial orbital floor (orbital surface of the rowing of the middle meatus. ger nasi cell, and type 3 cells refer to a
maxillary bone), which may result in Often times, these anatomic vari- large cell above the agger nasi cell with
narrowing of the maxillary antrum and ants are incidental findings in patients extension into the frontal sinus. Type 4
proximal infundibulum (Fig 3). Con- with minimal or no sinus disease. In cells are rare frontoethmoidal cells that
cha bullosa refers to pneumatization some patients, however, a combination are entirely contained within the frontal
of the middle turbinate. When large, of sinus outflow narrowing and alter- sinus (10). Frontal cells are identified in
it may narrow the middle meatus and ations of normal airflow and mucous roughly 20%–30% of patients undergo-
cause lateral deviation of the uncinate clearing associated with these variants ing initial FESS (14,15).
process, with resultant narrowing of may lead to recurrent or refractory si- During FESS, an endoscope is
the infundibulum (Fig 4). Occasionally, nusitis (12,13). placed into the nasal cavity through
concha bullosa may be affected by in- The agger nasi cell is a named fron- the nostril and advanced to the region
flammatory sinus disease and become tal recess cell that represents the most of the OMC. Depending on the clin-
opacified. With normal development, anterior ethmoid air cell. It is present ical scenario and anatomic configu-
the middle and inferior turbinates both and pneumatized in the majority of pa- ration of the paranasal sinuses, FESS
rotate outward. In the setting of par- tients and forms a portion of the an- often includes uncinectomy and max-
adoxical rotation, however, the middle terior boundary of the frontal recess. illary antrostomy with opening of the
turbinates rotate inward, which may Frontal cells are additional subsets of maxillary antrum and infundibulum,
result in narrowing of the middle me- frontal recess cells, which like the ag- as well as any of the following addi-
atus and potential lateral deviation of ger nasi cell, comprise a portion of the tional procedures: turbinectomy and/

Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016  n 13

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 5 With the advent and regular use of

image guidance for intraoperative sur-
gical anatomic verification, images are
recommended to be stored in a for-
mat that is accepted by these systems
when dedicated preoperative imaging
is performed. Image guidance systems
allow the surgeon to visualize CT im-
ages in all three imaging planes during
FESS. Although specifications may vary
slightly among the different vendors
and systems available, imaging param-
eters for preoperative image-guidance
studies include no gantry tilt; reformats
in all three planes at 2 mm or less (1
mm is typically used); and inclusion of
the ears, entire maxilla, tip of the nose,
chin, and frontal sinuses.
Imaging is useful in evaluating the
extent of disease, identifying anatomic
variants that narrow or obstruct sinus
outflow tracts, evaluating for anatomic
variants that predispose patients to
surgical complications, and for image-
Figure 5:  Coronal reformatted CT image demonstrates inward rather than guidance during FESS. Most important,
outward rotation of the middle turbinates bilaterally, consistent with paradoxical the preoperative imaging examination
rotation (white arrowheads annotate the middle turbinates). There is narrowing affords the radiologist an opportunity
of the middle meatus (arrow) and infundibulum (black arrowhead) on the right. to identify danger areas for the otolar-
yngologist prospectively.
There remains a great disparity with
regard to the content contained within
or turbinoplasty, ethmoidectomy, and complications. More recent studies preoperative sinus CT imaging reports.
frontal sinusotomy/drillout (Fig 6). Pre- report a major complication rate of A standard report typically includes the
cision is a necessity during FESS, since approximately 0.36%–1.3% (17–22). extent and pattern of inflammatory si-
there is close proximity and variant an- Complication rates are slightly higher nus disease, secondary complications
atomic relationships between critical for patients with prior FESS undergo- or findings associated with the sinus
structures. As a result, more extensive ing revision surgery (19). disease, anatomic variants predispos-
surgery is often associated with an in- ing to sinus outflow obstruction, and
creased risk of surgical complications. anatomic variants that predispose pa-
Surgical complications associated Preoperative Imaging tients to surgical complications. A re-
with FESS are typically characterized CT imaging of the paranasal sinuses has cent study by Deutschmann et al (24),
as major or minor. Major complications become standard of care for preopera- however, found that 75% of surveyed
include arterial vascular injury, optic tive planning. Helical CT allows for rapid otolaryngologists indicated that the
nerve injury, orbital hematoma, cere- acquisition and multiplanar reforma- preoperative imaging reports offered
brospinal fluid leak, and nasolacrimal tions, as opposed to direct coronal im- little in terms of management decisions
duct injury. When originally pioneered aging that had been performed in years compared with their own clinical as-
during the 1980s, major complication past. Utilization and review of multipla- sessment. In general, fellowship-trained
rates of FESS were reported in as many nar reformations has been shown to af- neuroradiology reports were more
of 8% of cases (16). As surgeons ob- fect surgical planning in more than half comprehensive and clinically relevant
tained more experience with the pro- of cases (23). Unenhanced axial images compared with others, but still failed
cedure, however, major complication are typically obtained at 0.625-mm in- to consistently report on all findings
rates decreased substantially over the tervals, with reformatted images in the that otolaryngologists felt were relevant
years. Additionally, the routine use of coronal and sagittal planes obtained at to surgical planning. The most com-
preoperative CT and intraoperative im- 1–2-mm intervals. Both high-resolution mon anatomic structures or variants
age guidance has resulted in improve- bone and soft-tissue algorithms should excluded from the imaging reports in-
ment in both surgical outcomes and be obtained in all three imaging planes. cluded the location and pneumatization

14  n Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 6 may be sporadic or related to obstruc-

tion of particular outflow tract(s). The
basic report structure includes evalua-
tion of OMC and frontal recess patency
on one side, along with a description
of the associated inflammatory disease
of the maxillary, anterior ethmoid, and
frontal sinuses. This is then repeated
for the contralateral side. If anatomic
variants are present that affect the
OMC or frontal recess drainage path-
ways, they are described along with the
drainage pathway that is involved. The
sphenoethmoidal recess patency and
inflammatory disease of the posterior
ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses are then
described. Patterns of inflammatory
disease that are relevant to manage-
ment include the presence of polypoid
or nonpolypoid mucosal thickening,
frothy attenuation, and air-fluid levels,
Figure 6:  Coronal reformatted CT images show varying degrees of postoperative changes associated with as well as intrasinus contents, such
FESS to include (a) maxillary antrostomy, uncinectomy, turbinoplasty, and ethmoidectomy (b) and frontal drillout. as mucous retention cysts, suspected
fungal colonization, and sinoliths. Sec-
associated with the anterior ethmoidal was to develop a concise template for ondary findings or complications of in-
artery, skull base integrity, and pres- interpretation of the preoperative sinus flammatory sinus disease, such as cen-
ence of an Onodi or sphenoethmoidal CT that is focused on clinically relevant tral increased attenuation (inspissated
air cell. These were only documented information to minimize the risk of sur- secretions and/or fungal colonization),
consistently in approximately 10% of gical complications (24). osteitis, bony demineralization, or bony
imaging reports. Overall, two-thirds of dehiscence, are described along with
those surveyed stated that they would the opacification pattern of the affected
benefit from more clinically relevant Preoperative Imaging Report sinus (Fig 7). Grouping the discussions
information presented in the preop- In concert with our otolaryngology col- of drainage pathway patency with in-
erative imaging reports, specifically in leagues, we developed a report template flammatory disease patterns, anatomic
terms of anatomic variants that predis- for preoperative sinus CT imaging that variants, and secondary findings that
pose to surgical complications (24). ensures critical anatomic variants are affect the specific outflow tract provides
Prior studies and review articles consistently evaluated and documented the otolaryngologists with pertinent
have outlined the anatomic structures by using a mnemonic-based approach. and related information in one section
that should be evaluated on the preop- Although the report format is standard- of the report. The nasal cavity is then
erative sinus CT (25–30), with a sub- ized in terms of layout and ordering of evaluated for pathologic or variant an-
set of those recommending use of a content and findings, there remains a atomic lesions that may affect surgical
standardized checklist or template to great deal of flexibility to allow radiol- access during endoscopy.
ensure critical variants are evaluated ogists to tailor the report for a specific The next section of imaging report
and identified (26,27). For one reason patient (Appendix E1 [online]). is dedicated to a detailed assessment
or another, this information is not rou- Each report begins with a descrip- of surgical danger areas by using the
tinely utilized in daily imaging practices, tion of paranasal sinus development, “CLOSE” mnemonic (3). Information
despite the widespread availability of with a focus on under- or overpneuma- detailing the individual components of
literature on this topic. The percep- tization. The primary considerations the mnemonic is presented in the Table
tion among referring otolaryngologists are the presence of maxillary sinus and will be discussed in detail in the
is that the recommended checklists hypoplasia and its effect on the OMC following section of this review. The
and templates are too comprehensive and the pneumatization pattern of the mnemonic-based approach provides ra-
and contain information that they feel sphenoid sinus. diologists with a simple and expeditious
is noncritical in terms of preoperative The next section of the report fo- means of recalling which critical struc-
planning, making their implementation cuses on the sinus drainage pathways tures need to be evaluated and docu-
less practical. The final recommenda- and patterns of inflammatory sinus mented in the preoperative imaging re-
tion from the otolaryngology community disease. Inflammatory sinus disease port. Each component of the mnemonic

Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016  n 15

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 7

Figure 7:  Images in a 79-year-old woman with secondary findings of chronic sinusitis. (a) Axial CT image in soft-tissue win-
dow demonstrates complete right maxillary sinus opacification with central increased attenuation, consistent with inspissated
secretions and/or fungal colonization (∗). (b) Corresponding image in bone window reveals diffuse thickening and sclerosis of
the right maxillary sinus wall, consistent with osteitis due to chronic inflammation (arrows).

is described in the imaging report, nasal cavity from the anterior cranial compartment, often with a cerebro-
with pertinent positives and negatives fossa. It is best visualized and evaluated spinal fluid (CSF) leak, which may be
included. For example, if there is no in the coronal plane. Along the midpor- identified intraoperatively or present
Onodi cell on a preoperative CT scan, tion of the lamina cribrosa, there is a more insidiously in the postopera-
this is explicitly stated in the report. vertical crista galli, which extends in- tive setting. CSF leak represents the
The listing of pertinent negatives is a tracranially between the olfactory fos- most common major complication of
point of emphasis with referring otolar- sae on either side. Small foramina in FESS (31). Direct communication be-
yngologists, since they cannot assume the cribriform plate allow for transit of tween the intracranial compartment
that omission of a finding from a report olfactory perforators. and the sinus cavity substantially in-
constitutes absence of the finding, es- The lamina cribrosa forms the in- creases the risk of intracranial spread
pecially when dealing with findings that ferior boundary of the olfactory fossa, of infection and may also lead to de-
predispose patients to major surgical with the superior boundary consisting of velopment of a pseudomeningocele or
complications (24). the horizontal fovea ethmoidalis, which meningoencephalocele.
The final section of the preoperative is the roof of the ethmoid sinus. The The Keros classification is used to
imaging report includes an assessment vertical distance between the lamina document the maximum depth of the
of the remainder of the visualized struc- cribrosa and the fovea ethmoidalis rep- olfactory fossa and resultant length
tures on the CT examination to include resents the depth of the olfactory fossa, of the lateral lamella. Keros type I is
the orbits, intracranial contents, soft with the vertically oriented lateral la- defined as less than or equal to 3 mm
tissues of the upper neck, skull base, mella as its lateral border (Fig 8). The in depth, Keros type II is defined as a
and visualized portions of the cranio- lateral lamella is the thinnest and most depth of 4–7 mm, and Keros type III is
cervical junction and cervical spine. vulnerable bony portion of the skull defined as greater than 7 mm in depth
This is particularly of interest to sinus base in terms of intraoperative injury, (Fig 9). Type II is most common, fol-
surgeons, since they are not trained or which is confounded by the attachment lowed by type I. Type III is the least
experienced in identifying pathologic of the middle turbinate along the lateral common variant and portends the
conditions outside of the sinuses. margin of the cribriform plate. As the greatest risk of skull base injury dur-
depth of the olfactory fossa increases, ing FESS. Asymmetry in the depths of
the lateral lamella becomes more vul- the olfactory fossa is also important to
“CLOSE” Mnemonic nerable to intraoperative injury, either identify, as surgical planning will need
directly or through manipulation during to be tailored to the appropriate depth
Cribriform Plate turbinectomy or ethmoidectomy. on either side (32,33). With asymme-
The cribriform plate refers to the hori- Disruption of the lateral lamella re- try, the more inferiorly positioned lat-
zontal lamina cribrosa, which is located sults in direct communication between eral lamella is at greater risk of injury
midline and separates the roof of the the paranasal sinuses and intracranial during FESS (Fig 9).

16  n Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 8

Figure 8:  Keros classification. Coronal reformatted CT images demonstrate the anatomy of the cribriform plate/anterior skull base and varying depths of the
olfactory fossae. The olfactory fossa is delineated by the horizontal lamina cribrosa inferiorly, horizontal fovea ethmoidalis superiorly, vertical lateral lamella laterally,
and vertical crista galli centrally/medially. Its depth is categorized according to the Keros classification (arrows). (a) Keros type I defined as less than or equal to 3 mm
in depth, (b) Keros type II defined as a depth of 4–7 mm, and (c) Keros type III defined as greater than 7 mm in depth.

Figure 9 Figure 10
Lamina Papyracea
The lamina papyracea is a thin layer
of the ethmoid bone that comprises
the medial orbital wall. It is best eval-
uated in the coronal and axial planes.
When dehiscent from a prior injury,
the bony margin of the lamina papyra-
cea is displaced medially into the eth-
moid sinus, along with intraorbital fat
and occasionally portions of the medial
rectus muscle (Fig 10). Deviation into
the ethmoid sinus places the lamina
papyracea and orbital structures at
risk for intraoperative penetration, as
the lamina papyracea can be mistaken
for an ethmoid sinus septation during
ethmoidectomy. Figure 10:  Lamina papyracea dehiscence.
The lamina papyracea may also be Coronal reformatted CT image shows a remote right
Figure 9:  Coronal reformatted CT image shows medial orbital wall/lamina papyracea fracture with
at risk for injury–even when intact–
asymmetry in the depths of the olfactory fossae, with deviation of the bony wall (arrow) and intraorbital
during uncinectomy in the setting of an
the right measuring approximately 2 mm (Keros type I) fat (∗) into the ethmoid sinus. Lobulated mucosal
underpneumatized or atelectatic max-
and the left measuring approximately 8 mm (Keros type thickening is noted within the right maxillary sinus.
illary sinus, with lateral deviation and
apposition of the uncinate process with III). The more inferiorly positioned lateral lamella (right in
the medial orbital wall (Fig 11) (34). this case) is at greater risk of injury during FESS.
Excessive or aggressive manipulation of not specifically evaluated on the preop-
the uncinate process may result in dis- may also cause inadvertent disruption erative CT examination, manipulation
ruption of the medial orbital wall. Ma- of the lamina papyracea due to its lo- of the basal lamella of the middle turbi-
nipulation or resection of a Haller cell cation along the orbital wall. Although nate, which represents the demarcation

Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016  n 17

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

of the anterior and posterior ethmoid When substantial, immediate ophthal- addition, penetration of the lamina
air cells, may cause inadvertent breach mologic intervention may be necessary papyracea establishes a direct commu-
of the lamina papyracea. (35). Direct injury to intraorbital nication between the orbit and a po-
The most worrisome complica- structures, particularly the medial tentially infected sinus, which may lead
tion of orbital violation is an intraor- rectus musculature, is less common to development of orbital emphysema
bital hematoma. Hematomas cause but disastrous due to its irreparabil- and cellulitis.
increased intraorbital pressures and ity. Rectus muscle injuries range from
may result in temporary or permanent intramuscular hematomas with focal Onodi Cell
visual loss, depending on the size of muscle enlargement to complete tran- The Onodi cell, or sphenoethmoidal
the hematoma and rate of expansion. section, which is fortunately rare. In air cell, is a variant posterior ethmoid
air cell that extends posteriorly along
the superior and lateral aspect of the
Figure 11 Figure 12
sphenoid sinus. It is best evaluated in
the coronal plane. Onodi cell is an im-
portant variant to identify, as the optic
nerve commonly courses through the
Onodi cell, with a thin margin of bone
separating the optic nerve from the un-
derlying air cell (Fig 12). This greatly
increases the risk of optic nerve injury
during posterior ethmoidectomy, espe-
cially when surgeons are unaware that
they are in a sphenoethmoidal air cell.
An Onodi cell is best visualized on co-
ronal sequences by first locating an air
cell above the sphenoid sinus and iden-
tifying its continuity with a posterior
Figure 12:  Coronal reformatted CT image dem- ethmoid air cell.
Figure 11:  Lamina papyracea-uncinate apposi- onstrates bilateral posterior ethmoid air cells that
tion. Coronal reformatted CT image demonstrates extend along the superior margin of the sphenoid Sphenoid Sinus
a hypoplastic right maxillary sinus (∗) with lateral sinuses, consistent with Onodi cells (∗). The optic It is important to evaluate the sphenoid
deviation of the uncinate process, which contacts nerves course through the Onodi cells with a thin sinus for the pattern of pneumatization,
the lamina papyracea (arrow). Bilateral concha bul- bony margin separating them from the sphenoeth- as well as dehiscence of the overlying
losa of the middle turbinates are also noted. moidal air cells (arrows). bony plate of the carotid artery and

Figure 13

Figure 13:  Sagittal reformatted CT images show (a) chonchal, (b) presellar, and (c) sellar variants of sphenoid sinus pneumatization. The sellar variant results in a
thin posterior bony margin of the clivus, which is more susceptible to intraoperative injury (arrow).

18  n Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

Figure 14 Figure 15 Excessive pneumatization of the

sphenoid sinus into the skull base and
anterior clinoid processes may result
in dehiscence of the bony margins of
the carotid and optic nerve canals,
rendering them susceptible to injury
during FESS (Figs 14, 15). This is best
evaluated in both the coronal and ax-
ial planes. It is also important to iden-
tify a sphenoid septation attachment
along a thin bony margin of the carotid
canal, as resection of the septation
may expose or damage the underly-
ing carotid artery (35,37–40). Fortu-
nately, injuries to the carotid artery
Figure 14:  Axial CT image shows excessive are rare; however, when present, they
posterior pneumatization of the sphenoid sinus, may be catastrophic, depending on the
with dehiscence of the right cavernous carotid Figure 15:  Coronal reformatted CT image dem- degree of injury and ability to control
artery canal along the posterior margin of the sinus onstrates sphenoid sinus pneumatization extending the hemorrhage (35). Emergent treat-
(arrow). A thin bony margin is noted overlying the into the anterior clinoid with resultant exposure ment–either surgical or endovascular–
left carotid artery (arrowhead). of the right optic nerve canal (arrow) within the to obtain hemostasis is essential. Op-
sphenoid sinus. tic nerve dehiscence may occur in the
setting of excessive pneumatization of
Figure 16 the sphenoid sinuses into the anterior
clinoids or in the presence of an Onodi
(sphenoethmoidal) cell.

(Anterior) Ethmoidal Artery

The anterior ethmoidal artery is a
branch of the ophthalmic artery that
supplies portions of the paranasal si-
nuses and nasal cavity to include the
ethmoid and frontal sinuses, anterior
portion of the nasal septum, and por-
tions of the lateral nasal wall (41–48).
The artery can be located on coronal
CT images by identifying the anterior
ethmoidal notch along the medial or-
bital wall at the level of the anterior
Figure 16:  Coronal reformatted CT images demonstrate the anterior ethmoidal notch along the superolat- ethmoid sinus (49,50). Prior studies
eral margin of the anterior ethmoid sinus. (a) When the ethmoidal notch abuts the fovea ethmoidalis (arrow) have demonstrated that the anterior
or lateral lamella, it is considered protected. (b) With supraorbital pneumatization of the ethmoid sinus above ethmoidal notch can be reliably iden-
the ethmoid notch (∗), the anterior ethmoidal artery is at risk for intraoperative injury.
tified on coronal CT images bilaterally
in approximately 95%–100% of cases
optic nerve. Sphenoid sinus pneuma- sella. The sellar variant is most com- and unilaterally in the remaining cases
tization with respect to the clivus and mon and refers to pneumatization that (46,49,50). If the notch abuts the
sella may be characterized as conchal, extends inferior and posterior to the fovea ethmoidalis or lateral lamella,
presellar, or sellar and is best evaluated sella, resulting is a thin posterior bony then the artery is considered relatively
in the sagittal plane (Fig 13). The con- margin of the clivus (36). The sellar protected during FESS (Fig 16a). The
chal variant refers to underpneumatiza- variant is important to identify preop- presence of supraorbital pneumati-
tion, with a thick bony margin between eratively, since it places the thin poste- zation of ethmoid air cells above the
the sphenoid sinus anteriorly and the rior clival margin at risk for inadvertent anterior ethmoidal notch, however,
sella posteriorly. The presellar variant perforation due to supine positioning of places the artery at increased risk of
refers to pneumatization extending pos- the patient, with the force of gravity di- injury during FESS, since the artery
teriorly to the anterior margin of the rected posteriorly. travels freely within the ethmoid sinus

Radiology: Volume 281: Number 1—October 2016  n 19

HOW I DO IT: The Preoperative Sinus CT O’Brien et al

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