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Multiple choice vocab

Circle the letter that has the correct definition for the vocabulary given. (fact)

1) Manifest destiny
A) Belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both
justified and inevitable
B) The social class between the lower and upper classes
C) The act of settling a group of people in a new place
D) The extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence

2) Imperialism
A) Process of becoming part of another culture
B) A document that sets out the laws and principles of a government
C) The extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence
D) The act of settling a group of people in a new place

3) Annexation
A) To free from bondage, restraint, or influence
B) The action of annexing something, especially territory
C) A document that sets out the laws of those in power
D) The act of setting a group of people in a new place

4) Isolationism
A) To leave one country or region to settle in another
B) Actions that a nation takes in relation to other states
C) A policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the
political affairs of other countries
D) The land or territory that forms the furthest extent of a country's settled or inhabited

5) Social Darwinism
A) the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence
B) Belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both
justified and inevitable
C) The social class between the lower and upper classes
D) Survival of the fittest
Policies/Acts/Document match up
Match the policy, act, or document with the corresponding letter/definition. (fact)

6) Big Stick Policy _______

7) Dawes Act _______

8) Open Door Policy _______

9) Indian Removal Act _______

10) Monroe Doctrine _______

A) Allow for a system of trade in China open to all countries equally

B) Any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas is a potentially hostile act

against the US

C) Policy popularized by Theodore Roosevelt that asserted U.S. domination

D) Authorized the president to negotiate with southern Native American tribes for their removal

to federal territory west of the Mississippi River in exchange for white settlement of their

ancestral lands

E) Regulated land rights on tribal territories within the United States

Who is this person and what significance did they have during this time period?

11) Thomas Jefferson (fact)

12) Sacagawea (fact)

13) Stephen F. Austin (fact)

14) Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (fact)

15) Theodore Roosevelt (fact)

Name the image
Name what the image is of and the significance that it holds in this time period.

16) (Critical thinking) (fact)

17) (Critical thinking) (fact)

Manifest Destiny in 3 images
Use the 3 images above to answer the questions.

18) What do each of these images represent? Use evidence from the images. (Critical thinking)

19) What is the difference between each image? (Critical thinking)

20) Which one do you feel best represents Manifest Destiny? (Critical thinking)
I would want to take this test because it has a variety of ways to show that I know the content.

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