Question Bank: PHYSICS Unit-I

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Question bank: PHYSICS


1. State and explain Rayleigh-Jeans law. Show how its drawbacks can be overcome
using Planck’s law. (VTU July 04) 5 Marks

2. Show that Planck’s law reduces to Wien’s law and Rayleigh-Jeans law under certain
conditions. 10 Marks

3. What is Compton effect ? Explain its physical significance. (VTU Dec 2014) 5

4. What are matter waves? Mention their properties. (VTU Jan 10) 5 Marks

5. Explain Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Give its physical significance. (Jan 2008,
2010, July 09, July 04) 5 Marks

6. Show that a free electron cannot exist within the nucleus of an atom. (June 10, June
08, Jan 07) 5 Marks

7. Compute the de Broglie wavelength for a neutron moving with one tenth part of the
velocity of light. Mass of neutron is 1.6749 x 10-27 kg. 5 Marks

8. Write a short note on black body radiation spectrum with a neat diagram. 5 Marks

9. Calculate the momentum of an electron and the de Broglie wavelength associated

with it if its kinetic energy is 1.5 keV. 5 Marks

10. What is wave function? Give its physical significance and properties. (July 09, Jan
09) 5 Marks

11. Set up time independent Schrodinger wave equation. (July 09, Jan 09) 10 Marks

12. Define the terms probability density, normalization, Eigen functions and Eigen
values. (July 09, Jan 09) 10 Marks

13. Derive the Eigen values and Eigen functions for a particle in one dimensional
potential well of infinite height and discuss the solutions. (July 06, July 04)

10 Marks
14. Discuss the wave functions, probability densities and energy levels for a particle in a
box by considering the ground state and the first two excited states. 10 Marks

15. The position and momentum of an electron with energy 1 keV are simultaneously
determined. If the inherent uncertainty in measurement of its position is 1 Å, What is
the minimum uncertainty in its momentum? (July 04) 5 Marks

16. An electron is bound in a one dimensional potential well of width 1 Å, but of infinite
height. Find its energy values in the ground state and also in the first two excited
states.(Jan 2006, Jan 2003) 5 Marks

17. In a measurement that involved an uncertainty of 0.003 %, the speed of an electron

was found to be 800 m/s. Calculate the corresponding uncertainty involved in
determining its position. 5 Marks

18. In a simultaneous measurement of position and velocity of an electron moving with a

speed of 6×105 m/s. Calculate the highest accuracy with which its position could be
determined. Error in the velocity is 0.01 % for the speed stated. (Jan 07) 5 Marks

19. What requirements of wave function Ψ must satisfy in order to obtain important
properties from the Schrödinger Equation? 5 Marks

20. Explain how a wave function can be normalized (State the normalization condition).

5 Marks


1. What are the assumptions of classical free electron theory? 5 Marks

2. What are the assumptions made in quantum free electron theory? Explain the success
of this theory. (VTU Jan 2015) 5 Marks

3. Explain classical free electron theory. Mention its failure. (Jan 07, 08, July 03)
. 5 Marks

4. Define the term mean collision time, mean free path, drift velocity and relaxation
time. (June 2012) 10 Marks

5. Define Fermi energy and Fermi factor. Discuss the variation of Fermi factor with
temperature and energy.(VTU Jan 2015) 5 Marks
6. Find the temperature at which there is 1 % probability that a state with energy 0.5 eV
above Fermi energy is occupied. (VTU Jan 09, June 08, Jan 07) 5 Marks

7. Define the terms Fermi factor and Density of states. 5 Marks

8. A uniform silver wire has resistivity 1.54 10 -8 m at RT for an electric field of 2

Volt/cm. Calculate the drift velocity and relaxation time of electron, assuming that
there are 5.8 1022 conduction electrons per cm3 of the material. 5 Marks

9. Derive an expression for electrical conductivity in an intrinsic semiconductor.

10 Marks
10. Derive an expression for hole concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor.
10 Marks
11. Derive an expression for electron concentration in an intrinsic semiconductor.
10 Marks

12. Show that EF = Eg/2 in an intrinsic semiconductor at absolute zero. 10 Marks

13. Define Hall effect? Derive an expression for Hall coefficient. With a neat diagram
explain the measurement of Hall voltage. 10 Marks

14. Explain the variation of resistivity of a superconductor as a function of temperature.

5 Marks

15. Write a note on Type I, type II superconductors with example. (June 09, July 06)
10 Marks

16. Write a note on high Tc superconductors. 5 Marks

17. What is superconductivity? Explain the BCS theory of superconductivity. (Jan10,

June 08, July 05) 5 Marks

18. What do you mean by superconductivity? Explain about Maglev vehicles. 10 Marks

19. Explain Meissner effect. 5 Marks

20. Write a note on applications of superconductivity. 5 Marks


1. Derive an expression for energy density at thermal equilibrium in terms of

Einstein co-efficients. (VTU June 08) 10 Marks

2. What are the requisites and conditions for Laser action? Explain briefly the
applications of laser. (VTU Jan 2015, July 07) 10 Marks

3. Explain the basic principle of LASER with diagram. (VTU Aug 2000, Mar 99)
. 5 Marks

4. Define the following: 1. Metastable state 2. Active medium 3. Pumping. 5 Marks

5. Explain the construction and working of Co2 laser with energy level diagram.
(VTU Jan 08, Jan 04, July 03) 10 Marks

6. Explain the process of spontaneous and stimulated emission. (June, 2013, Dec
2013) 5 Marks

7. Explain the construction and working principle of semiconductor laser. 10 Marks

8. The average output power of laser source emitting a laser beam of wavelength 633
nm is 5 mW. Find the number of photons emitted per second by the laser source.

5 Marks

9. The ratio of population of two energy level is 1.059 10 -30. Find the wave length
of light emitted at 330 K. (V.T.U June 12) 5 Marks

10. Obtain an expression for numerical aperture of an optical fibre with a neat
diagram. 5 Marks

11. Explain the types of optical fibers with suitable diagrams. (Jan15, June 08, July
07) 10 Marks

12. What is attenuation? Explain the mechanisms of attenuation in optical fibres. (Jan
15, Jan 06, Jan 07) 10 Marks

13. Obtain an expression for acceptance angle of an optical fibre. (Jan 15, June 10,
July 07) 5 Marks
14. The angle of acceptance of an optical fibre is 300 when kept in air. Find the angle
of acceptance when it is in a medium of refractive index 1.33. (July 13, July 11,
Jan 09, Jan 03) 5 Marks

15. Find the attenuation in an optical fibre of length 500 m, when a light signal of
power 100 mW emerges out of the fibre with power 90 mW. (Jan 06) 5 Marks

16. Discuss point to point communication using optical fibre with neat block diagram.
What are the advantages of optical fibre communication over other methods?
(Jan 10, July 04, Feb 05) 10 Marks
17. Write a note on applications of LASER. 5 Marks
18. The refractive indices of core and cladding are 1.50 and 1.48 respectively in an
optical fibre. Find the Numerical aperture and angle of acceptance. 5 Marks
19. A Laser operating at 632.8 nm emits 3.182 x 10 photons per second. Calculate
the output power of the laser if the input power is 100 W. Also find the % power
converted into coherent light energy. 5 Marks
20. Write a note on angle of acceptance and numerical aperture. 5 Marks


1. Explain how the Bragg’s spectrometer is used for the determination of interplanar
spacing in a crystal. (Jan 2003, Feb 2005) 10 Marks

2. Explain the seven crystal systems with neat diagrams. (July 2003) 10 Marks

3. Derive an expression for interplanar spacing in cubic system. (Jan 2006) 5 Marks

4. Explain the steps to identify the miller indices? 5 Marks

5. Find the atomic packing factors for SC, FCC and BCC structures. (Feb 2005, July
2005) 10 Marks

6. Define Coordination number, atomic packing factor and Miller indices. 5 Marks

7. Derive an expression for internal field in case of one dimensional array of atoms
in dielectric solid. (Jan 2011, July 2013, June 2014) 10 Marks
8. If a NaCl crystal is subjected to an electric field of 1000 V/m and the resulting
polarization is 4.3 x 10-8 C/m2, calculate the static dielectric constant of NaCl.
5 Marks

9. Explain ionic and orientation polarisability in dielectrics. 5 Marks

10. Monochromatic X-rays of wavelength 0.7 Å undergo first order Bragg reflection
from a plane (302) of cubic lattice at a glancing angle of 350. Calculate the lattice
constant. (Jan 08, July 04) 5 Marks

11. The atomic weight and density of sulphur are 32 and 2.08 x 103 kg m-3
respectively, The electronic polarizability of the atom is 3.28x10-40 F m-2. If
sulphur solid has a cubic structure, calculate the dielectric constant. (July/Aug
2007, June 2014). 5 Marks

12. Describe magnetic hysteresis in ferroelectric materials. (June 2013) 5 Marks

13. Discuss various polarization mechanisms in dielectrics and their frequency

dependence. (Jan 2013) 10 Marks

14. Derive Clausius-Mossotti equation for 3-dimensional cubic solid dielectric.

. 10 Marks
15. Define Space Lattice, Bravais Lattice, Unit cell and Lattice parameters. 10 Marks
16. Explain the Scherrer formula to estimate particle size. 5 Marks
17. First order spectrum is formed when xrays of wavelength 1.5 Å is incident on a
crystal at 12o. Calculate the interplanar spacing of the crystal. 5 Marks
18. A monochromatic beam of electrons with KE 235.2 eV undergoes first order
Bragg reflection in a crystal at a glancing angle of 9o 12’ 35”. Calculate the
interplanar spacing. 5 Marks
19. Explain the importance of miller indices in crystallography. 5 Marks


1. Give the graphical representation of density of states with equation for 0D, 1D, 2D
and 3D structures. (VTU Jan 15) 10 Marks

2. Mention the applications of carbon nano tubes. 5 Marks

3. Explain thermal evaporation process for the deposition of thin films. 5 Marks

4. Write a note on carbon nano tubes and their physical properties.(Jan 15) 10 Marks
5. Explain various structures of CNT with diagrams. 5 Marks

6. Write a note on top down and bottom up approach with diagrams. 10 Marks

7. Describe Ball Milling and Sol-gel methods of nano materials. 10 Marks

8. What are thin films? Explain with one application. 5 Marks

9. Explain various stages of thin film growth? 10 Marks

10. Write a note on Pirani gauge for measuring vacuum in thin film technology. 5 Marks
11. Write a brief note on importance of nanotechnology. 5 Marks
12. Write a note on Penning gauge for measuring vacuum in thin film unit. 5 Marks
13. Describe briefly the process of thermal evaporation with a neat block diagram of thin
film unit. 10 Marks
14. Explain briefly crystal thickness monitor to measure thickness in thin films. 5 Marks
15. Explain briefly mesoscopic state in nanotechnology. 5 Marks
16. Explain briefly the working of a rotary pump. 5 Marks
17. Explain briefly the working of a diffusion pump. 5 Marks
18. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ball milling method? 5 Marks
19. Explain one method of preparation of nanomaterial with a neat diagram. 5 Marks
20. Describe the arc discharge method and pyrolysis of producing carbon nanotubes.
. 10 Marks

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