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Professional Disposition Statement

As a professional elementary school teacher, I understand that all students learn in

different capacities. I believe that as a teacher, I must use a variety of instructional strategies to
optimize student learning. I believe that all students can learn, and want to learn when presented
with strategies that make sense to them.
I believe that as a professional teacher, and to meet all the diverse needs of my students, I
must teach with differentiated strategies that accommodate all students needs. I must
communicate in ways that demonstrate respect for the feeling, ideas, and contributions, of others.
I must also be open and adjusting and able to be flexible and revise my plans that appropriately
fit my students needs.
I must teach in a manner that is professional yet kind, stern but gentle. I view teaching as
an important aspect in my life, I must demonstrate qualities of humor, empathy, and warmth. I
must be a gentle, thoughtful, and responsive listeners. I must be able to play many roles for my
students. I will be patient with my students, reliable, treat with the dignity and respect they
deserve. I believe that communicating a caring, considerate, and willingness way will allow
students to trust you.
After completing the Professional Disposition Assessment and developing my own
personal disposition statement based on how I feel as a professional teacher, I can say that my
statement aligns with my beliefs. I wholeheartedly agree that all students learn at different paces
and capacities and teachers should be able to accommodate and find different instructional
strategies that work best for each student. Once teacher help students realize that learning can be
fun with the right resources, students will be more open to learning because it doesn’t confuse or
upset them. I definitely agree that differentiated is an important aspect of teaching and my
professional as well as personal disposition statement.
I also strongly agree that as a professional teacher, we must play many roles and wear
many hats. By showing students how to have a positive attitude, being warm and kind to others,
and showing compassion can go a long way in showing students how to be good people in the
world. The main thing that I want students to take away from my future classroom and from me
as a teacher is that I hope they learned something new, something to help them become a better
student, and to be a good person in this world.
I also grown as a person personally as well as professionally since the start of this
program by becoming more aware of students needs. After helping and being around a student
long enough, I know when they are struggling and would like assistance. I pride myself in being
able to know and understand my students needs. I believe that this demonstrates growth as a
professional because I will be able to read my students, and personally because I am truly
developing strong relationships with my students.
The Model Code of Ethics for Educators represents principals and ethical practices,
allowing teachers to practice mindfulness, self-reflection, and decision making that sets the
groundwork for teachers and allows them to take accountability. Professional Dispositions for
Educators includes certain values, commitments that influences behaviors that will affect and
lead to student academic growth, motivation, and development. These two go hand in hand by
allowing teacher to have both personal and professional goals in mind when it comes to their
teaching practices.
In my future classroom, I plan to make corrections in my professional dispositions
statement when I see something that isn’t quite working for both students and myself. By having
a open and honest classroom, I plan to nip problems when they arise, have a open
communication system with my students, and be the best educator I can be to them.

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