Building Resilience Through Procurement Analytics

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Operations Practice

Building resilience through

procurement analytics
New tools can help companies crisis-proof their supply chains. To implement
the technology at scale, companies can focus on four key priorities.

by Kathrin Bormann, Jörg Dittrich, Raman Julka, and Björn-Uwe Mercker

© Andriy Onufriyenko/Getty Images

September 2021
Managing supply chains can be tough for many improved their spend visibility and were equipped to
organizations, whether because of too much respond more effectively. Yet more than one-third
organizational complexity, too little spending saw only a slight improvement, and 16 percent, or
transparency, or too heavy a reliance on gut nearly one in six companies, saw no improvement at
instinct—usually resulting from siloed data and all (Exhibit 1).
manual processes. COVID-19 exacerbated these
challenges, even as it made an even stronger case In an increasingly volatile business environment,
for the analytics-driven future that companies have that limited progress is not sufficient. Quite simply,
sought to achieve for years. too many of today’s procurement and supply-
chain functions are unnecessarily vulnerable. Yet
The promise: by better using a company’s own companies can take substantial steps improve
data, analytics can help organizations spend more their ability to respond to internal and external
intelligently and efficiently, improving their liquidity obstacles—especially by staying more up to date
and cost position. It can increase transparency and with economic and technological developments that
speed, giving decision-makers crucial insights for help create a stronger, more resilient organization.
determining when, where, and how to act. And in
so doing, it can help organizations become more Analytics, for example, is not a secret. But
resilient. companies face challenges in trying to implement it
at scale, primarily because procurement data can be
inherently messy and fragmented. A given product’s
Vulnerable supply chains, difficult purchase order could be stored in the company’s
solutions procure-to-pay system, while the invoice is stored
In a recent webinar poll we conducted, procurement in the financial system and the referring contract is
organizations reported seeing some improvement stored in the customer-relationship management
in their ability to react to disruptive events. When (CRM) system. When data are stranded in siloes
comparing COVID-19 to the global financial crisis such as these, companies cannot create a single
of 2008–09, about half of organizations say they source of truth.

Exhibit 1
Only 50 percent
Only 50 percent of
of procurement
procurement professionals
professionals say
say their
performed better
better in 2020 than
in 2020 in 2008–09.
than in 2008-09.

We have taken Our response Our response was

Not at all
initial steps was better significantly better

16% 35% 41% 8%

We were again We made investments in We improved spend We were able to
taken by surprise analytics and capabilities, visibility and now anticipate challenges
but there are gaps understand levers to react and react at speed

N=165 procurement professionals; survey conducted in July-December 2020

2 Building resilience through procurement analytics

Deep, category-level content and experience Look beyond spend data
are also notoriously difficult for many companies For understandable reasons, procurement
to develop, retain, and share consistently. They functions often focus almost exclusively on spend
have few benchmarks to work from, which means data. But those data give only a partial picture of
they cannot access potentially powerful demand what’s happening. To generate true, actionable
and commercial levers to drive better terms. insights, it is crucial to develop a single source of
When teams do run analyses on specific product truth that incorporates all sources of relevant data,
categories, that process is often manual and along the entire supply chain, and from all relevant
thus not scalable, leaving much of procurement’s functions—including sales, finance, product
volume unmanaged. In this environment, development, R&D, and operations (Exhibit 2).
automation is essential to manage large volumes When these sources are not linked to each other,
of data and execute rote processes faster and with executives are hard-pressed to form an accurate
greater accuracy. But most procurement functions understanding of the entire data situation.
haven’t applied automation at scale—yet.
Consider a chemical company that needs specific
raw materials for its production processes. The
Four actions for analytics in company faces potential risks in the supply chain:
procurement export barriers in the material’s source markets,
To make faster progress in using analytics to environmental policies, geopolitical events, and
optimize procurement—and thus become more other external shocks. The procurement function
resilient in a time of immense disruptions and analyzes this problem through a very specific lens,
technological change—four actions are particularly typically boiling down to a three-part question:
important. What is my risk exposure for this raw material, are

Exhibit 2
Spend analyticsharvests
Spend analytics harvestsallall relevant
relevant sources
sources of data.
of data.

External environment Internal functions

Types of data Sources of data

Suppliers, service providers Supply chain

Current and potential suppliers Planning, manufacturing,
warehousing, sales
Legal, financial, auditing, Engineering and technology
environmental, governance R&D, product development
analytics Support functions
Market and finance
Legal, finance, HR,
Supplier finance, currencies,

Design and technical Business strategy

standards Strategic planning, merger
Reflecting latest changes and acquisition teams

Building resilience through procurement analytics 3

the materials coming from a single source, and can I negotiate payment terms that better reflect the full
line up an alternate source? value at stake.

But finance looks at the problem from a different Similarly, if the procurement department identifies
view: what is the revenue at risk if the company a cost-savings opportunity, top-performing
can’t access that material? Similarly, the production companies ensure that the entire organization
department looks at it through yet a different is able to track progress and course-correct if
perspective: is there an alternative material that we needed. The objective is to ensure not only that
can use? the promised improvements actually occur, but
also that they don’t trigger negative ramifications
By connecting finance, product development, elsewhere in the organization.
and procurement data, companies can gain the
transparency they need to understand their true Change the organizational mind-set about
risk exposure, and thus take the steps needed to benchmark data
increase operational and financial resilience. In some organizations, employees have concerns
about using data to improve procurement
A utility used this approach to consolidate spending, worrying that applying benchmarks and
procurement’s enterprise-resource-planning (ERP) quantifying performance will expose individuals to
data along with general-ledger and cost-item data. unfair consequences. That sort of resistance can
The goal was to differentiate operational and capital undermine analytics initiatives right out of the gate.
expenditure and set a baseline for external spend.
By consolidating procurement and financial data To overcome these concerns, leaders can
and creating a common taxonomy of procurement launch strong change-management practices
categories, the utility identified spending reductions that help shift mind-sets, for a culture in which
of between 9 and 12 percent—all while maintaining data are seen as a powerful tool for helping
strict regulatory standards across its operations. people achieve better results, rather than for
“naming and shaming” exercises. Well-designed
Adopt an end-to-end view communications reinforce that the company wants
It isn’t just the data that need to reflect as many to generate objective information and benchmarks,
sources as possible. All too often, individual shining a light on top performers so that their best
departments make decisions in a vacuum, based practices can be codified and shared. The people
on their own budgets, KPIs, and department- who use these insights to make the most dramatic
specific criteria, leading to inconsistency at improvements in performance can become change
best and strategic errors at worst. Ideally, the agents whose stories help inspire the rest of the
decision-making process in procurement should organization.
also incorporate multiple perspectives, so that the
company understands the full implications across Add automation capabilities
the entire value chain. Finally, procurement organizations have major
opportunities to automate processes and analyses.
For a simple example, think of time periods in The need to automate is growing in line with the
payment terms. Companies often impose one volume and complexity of procurement data, which
standard time period for the payments they make are increasingly difficult to analyze manually in a
to their suppliers, and another—typically much way that leads to specific, actionable insights.
shorter—for the payments they receive from their
customers. That difference has financial and long- Because automation comes in different types,
term relationship implications for executives to ranging from full analytics suites to digital
identify, quantify, and think through. By adopting an assistants, companies will want to test options and
end-to-end view, companies can better understand tailor the right set of solutions for their needs. The
both the buyer and supplier side, and potentially critical common factor underlying most automation

4 Building resilience through procurement analytics

tools, however, is their ability to free employees that is broken into five $5,000 purchases, each one
from repetitive, routine tasks and processes. The well below the $10,000 threshold. Digital assistants
most effective solutions can identify relevant can handle small orders and spot such patterns and
data patterns and deviations from the expected, discrepancies, and flag them for a human employee
explain results and their impact, and even suggest to address. In this way, they improve compliance and
measures to take in response. The very best can generate savings by bundling those orders and (re-)
also assist in data visualization, synthesizing negotiating with suppliers.
immense amounts of data and delivering insights to
decision-makers in a clear, intuitive format.

One apparel company used spend-analytics Procurement functions are growing more complex,
automation to understand small-value orders. and the business environment is becoming more
Most companies have a value threshold below volatile. As a result, procurement analytics can
which employees do not need to go through formal deliver real value by taming complexity, increasing
procurement channels and can instead place orders transparency, and giving managers the insights
directly. But that pragmatic practice can encourage they need to make better decisions. Through these
workarounds that undermine the policy’s intent, measures, the procurement function—and the
such as large orders broken into smaller ones that entire enterprise—can become much more resilient.
are all below the threshold—the $25,000 purchase

Kathrin Bormann is a solution leader in McKinsey’s Nuremberg office, Jörg Dittrich is an associate partner in the Frankfurt
office, Raman Julka is an associate partner in the New York office, and Björn-Uwe Mercker is a partner in the Munich office.

Copyright © 2021 McKinsey & Company. All rights reserved.

Building resilience through procurement analytics 5

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