How To Burn Off Body Fat, Hour by Hour!

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An Amazing New Diet Idea!

How to Burn off Body

Fat, Hour by Hour!
Medical Doctor's New Discovery Burns Away
More Fat Than If You Ran 98 Miles per Week!

Dear friend,

My name is Don Schwerdtfeger. I am an M.D. and have been practicing medicine here in
San Diego for 14 years.

I am reproducing my business card at the bottom of this page and I am writing to ask the
people of America a personal favor.

If any of you will do this favor for me you will be helping me with my research and I will
gladly pay you for your help.

Here is what it is all about: I'm a psychiatrist and in addition to my other patients I have
been helping people with alcohol and drug addictions. So far, I have helped more than
2500 various types of drug addicts.

But strangely enough, over the years, my practice has taught me that over eating is even
more difficult to deal with than many hard-core drug addictions.

Sometime ago I began to realize that any person who is overweight needs much more
than just a diet. I now know that every overweight person needs an anti-fat weapon that
is both safe and very powerful!

Finally, after years of research, I feel I have developed just such a weapon. What it
consists of is a new diet product and a system that actually burns off body fat, hour by

Believe it or not, my new diet system burns away more fat and fluid than if you ran 98
miles per week.

Many of the people who have tested my program have lost as much as 2 pounds of fat
and fluid every day for the first week.

Actually, many people have reported a 6 pound weight loss in just the first 48 hours!
After the first week, many people continue to lose as much as 9 pounds every two weeks
thereafter. Some people (who were very obese) have use my method to lose 50, 60 and
even 100 pounds and more.

When you begin to use this program, you can expect to be able to measure the difference
in your waistline in just 24 to 48 hours.

You will probably lose more inches each week than if you faithfully did hundreds of
situps every day.

You may very well lose as much as 3 to 5 inches off your waistline in the first month. If
you are a woman you can lose as much as a full dress size in only seven days.

Apparently, what happens is that my diet system allows your body to break down your
excess body fat and flush it out of your system quite rapidly.

The amazing thing, of course, is the speed at which the system works. It is rather
remarkable to throw off as much a 6 pounds of fat and fluid in the very first weekend.
Just imagine how it must feel drop up to 2 pounds a day and shrink your waistline up to
3 inches the first week.

My first concern when I developed this program was safety. Therefore, my anti-fat
formula contains absolutely no drugs. It is made up entirely of 100% natural ingredients.
I first tested it on myself and I now use it religiously everyday. I have found that my
program can even help people who have been hopelessly overweight all their lives
including those who need to lose 20 to 30 or 70 pounds or more.

My diet product does not necessarily produce a specific spot reduction, but if you are
considerably overweight a significant overall loss of excess pounds could easily mean
that you can lose:

 6 inches off waistline

 4 inches off stomach
 4 inches off buttocks
 3 inches off thighs
 5 inches off hips

Remember -- you don't have to continue to wait weeks for results with my system. It
starts instantly! You can actually see the results in just a few days.

The way you use this formula is simple. All you do is mix it with a glass of your favorite
beverage and drink it every day the first thing in the morning.

Then, during the rest of the day, you eat a wide selection of tasty foods which are
scientifically proven to maintain a high level of fat burn off.
That's all there is to it. This may be the most effective fat burning method ever
developed. It is not a drug. It is not a gimmick. It is a formula that I was only able to
develop after years of research and, as I said before, I use it myself.

It works. And now I want to spread the word to other doctors so they can use my diet
system to help all of their overweight patients. To make a long story short, what I want
to do is write an article and have it published in the various medical journals as I
sincerely feel this is the best way to convince other doctors of the value of my system.

But I need lots of proof in order to get my article published and this is where you can
help me. And, as I said before, I will be more than happy to repay you for your help.

So therefore, here is what I would like for you to do: if you or any member of your family
is overweight I would like for you to go ahead and order a supply of my crash-loss
system and test it yourself. It is sold by Milburn products, Incorporated. As soon as you
receive this fantastic diet system -- start the program and see if it works for you. Frankly,
this or any other diet program will not work for everyone because a very small
percentage of people have unusual problems. (By the way, naturally you should check
with your doctor before you use this or any other diet plan.) However, Millburn products
is so positive about this diet system that they are making the following guarantee:

If you have not lost up to 6 pounds in the first 48 hours and up to 12 pounds in the first
week, or, if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied, then send back the empty product
container and the company will return your entire payment to you quietly and without

The price is just $8.45 for a full 10 day supply with complete instructions. A 15 day
supply is $11.70. A 20 day supplies $13.95. And finally, a 30 day supply is only $18.95.
(This is a 25% discount.)

It is easy to order. First of all, don't send any money. All you have to do is pick up your
phone and dial 1-800-000-0000. If you live in Pennsylvania, please call 1-800- 000-
0000. (These are toll-free numbers and it won't cost you a penny.) When the girl
answers give her your name and address and tell her how much you want to order. Then
tell her the number of either your mastercard or visa credit card and the expiration date.
(By the way, for our records, please tell them to code number of your orders 2069.)

That's all there is to it. If you are not 100% satisfied (for any reason at all) simply send
back the empty product container to Milburn products and they will send you a complete
refund with no questions asked.

However, I'm pretty sure you're going to be more than satisfied. Actually, I think you're
going to be amazed. In fact, I think you are going to lose your excess weight faster and
easier than you ever thought possible.
Anyway, if I am right I want you to write me a letter. Don't send the letter to Milburn
products. Send it to me at the address on my business card. In the letter tell me how
much weight you have lost and how you feel about my product, and how much of it you
originally ordered.

In return for this favor (as soon as I get your letter) I will immediately send you another
sample of my new diet product and I will send it to you absolutely free.

The amount that I will send you will be the same amout that you order now from Milburn

This will be my way of thanking you for helping me with my research. Also, in the long
run, I honestly feel that with your help and the help of other nice people like yourself that
I can do a lot to help people who have been struggling for years with a weight problem.

Don Schwerdtfeger

P.S. by the way, if you have any questions after you start using my new diet product you
can call me direct at the number on my business card which is reproduced below. Thank

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