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Gwynedd-Mercy College

School of Business and Education

Choosing Community: Social Justice in a Diverse World

EDU 414 – Classroom Management

Extracurricular Assignment

Please use this template to TYPE your reflection.

Name: Camryn Guertse

Event/Activity: The IRIS Center’s Online Professional Development

Date: November 08, 2021

Describe the event and your participation:

The IRIS Center’s Online Professional Development Training focuses on helping

students become independent learning. Both the pre-test and post-test gave scenarios of the four

major types of self-regulation strategies. It allowed me to participate in certain situations that are

common in the classroom environment such as self-regulation techniques. I first reviewed the

IRIS modules to learn more in depth which each self-regulation was for and what was involved.

Then, I was able to take the scenario I was given and choice which method was best or why that

method was used based on the techniques explained.

Next, my participation allowed me to become more comfortable with when and where to

use the self-regulation strategies and when it is appropriate. For example, when and how to

reduce disruptive problems in the classroom with the student(s) managing their own behaviors.

Completing the IRIS module along with taking the pre-test and post-test I can now say I am

proficient in listing and describing the four main self-regulation strategies that all students need

to be able to use in the classroom to grow and become successful.

Lastly, this course educated me on the steps and strategies used to implement each of the

self-regulation strategies in the classroom. I noted that mindfulness will teach young students to

focus on the present with their body, emotions, and space to gain control of their surroundings.

Being conscious of each student in the classroom, have reflection breaks with the class or

students, or talk about feelings. The list can be endless with opportunities and strategies to

implement. Overall, this course and my participation continue to educate me on my journey to be

prepared to have a successful career by developing new skills, what is current, and successfully.

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