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Chapter 01

1.1 Introduction of the study

RMG sector is one of the most important source national GDP in Bangladesh. Recent data
shows that 65% of income from export comes from RMG sector. So the smooth running of
this sector is very much important for us. Another survey shows more than fifteen lac people
directly engage in this sector. But recently this sector is under threatened. Recently few
massive labor unrest happened in this sector. Labor unrest is the most threat for this industry.
Most of the unrest arises for poor worker management practice. In RMG sector worker
management practice is not standard enough for stabilize the sector. In this study I want to
show that an efficient worker management practice can solve the issue mostly. For example I
hereby used the worker management practices of Square Textile Ltd. to resist the labor
Our RMG sector is mostly export oriented sector. Bangladesh has good reputation in world
market for its quality product with minimum cost. Labor cost of our country is very low. For
the entire possible issues buyer of the whole world interested to invest here. We are become
the emerging tiger of this sector. Last two decade we are performing flawless performances.
But recently few massive Industrial disputes become the flaw of this sector. That’s we need
to clarify the reason of labor unrest and the way of keep out of this. In research it is found
that most of the Industrial dispute starts from faulty worker management practices. For this
reason I like to present how an effective worker management practices can solve the issue.

1.2 Objective of the study:

The broad objective of this report is to provide an overview of Worker Management Practices
practice of Square Textile Ltd. The specific objectives of this report are:
1) To know the overall picture about practices of Worker Management practices in
Square Textile Ltd.
2) To identify the causes (if any) non practices of Worker Management.
3) To make suggestion for policy implementation.
1.3 Methodology:

Every research work requires its methodology without which any research will not be
scientific and successful. Methodology is a system of explicit rules and procedures upon
which research is based and against which claims for knowledge are evaluated. As
methodology is generally concerned with data generation data presentation, data analysis
following rules and methods are followed to ease the data collection procedure.

Study Area:

The area of my study has been in composed the Worker Management practices to resist the
labor unrest of Square Textile Ltd.

Target Group:

To gather the required information I have contacted with head office and factories’ mangers
and taken interviews of their employees and workers particularly who work in several units
of a factory. And I have taken into account 75 workers with employees of only these two
factories and head office randomly as sample for data collection.

Variables Covered:

Considering the objective of the research I have collected data on the some basis factors or
dimensions. Each dimension also includes more than one element. The dimensions are given

1. Human Resource Planning of Square Textile Ltd.

2. Job Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.

3. Recruitment and Selection process of Square Textile Ltd.
4. Training and Development of Square Textile Ltd.
5. Promotion of Square Textile Ltd.
6. Performance Appraisal of Square Textile Ltd.
7. Compensation of Square Textile Ltd.
8. Rules and Regulation of Square Textile Ltd.

Sources of Information:

Information has been collected from the following sources:

1. Secondary Sources: Secondary sources of information are as follows:

a. Internal sources:

(1) Organizations annual report

(2) Project appraisal report.
(3) Organization’s profile
b. External Sources:

(1) Different books and journals.

(2) Newspapers and magazines
1.4 Limitations

Some limitation or barriers ware faced while conducting the study. The limitations which I
faced during my study are as follow:

1. Garments industry is totally separated than other industry. Its management systems
and other administrative systems are very much practical and related with labor

2. All the employees are very busy with their work; sometimes I had to wait more
than one week for a piece of information.
3. Without holyday it was difficult to make time to visit University supervisor.
4. I had to go under my day-to-day job responsibility. So I could get less extra time to
spend in collecting data for preparing my Dissertation report.
5. Due to time limitation many aspects could not be discussed.

6. Confidentiality of data might be another important barrier that I have faced during
the conduct of study.

7. Every organization has their own secrecy that is not revealed to others. While
collecting data on Square Textile Ltd., it is obvious that personnel would not
disclose enough information for the sake of confidentiality of the organization.

8. Only few days’ Dissertation experience is not enough to find out all the pros and
cons of such a vast project.

9. The employees of Alana Group had no eagerness to supply more information

because of extra hardness.

10. Sufficient records, publications, facts and figures are not available.

11. These constraints narrowed the scope of the real analysis.

Nevertheless the aforementioned limitation and the limitations that are not described I had
tried heart and soul to make a standard report in all possible manners.

Chapter 02
Profile of the Square Textile Ltd
2.1 About the Company

Square Textile Ltd. started its journey by establishing the first unit in1997. One year later the
second unit was established. Square Textile Ltd. is a subsidiary company of Square Group
.The Company was incorporated as a public limited company in the year of 1994. The
operation was started in 1997.It was enlisted in Dhaka Stock Exchange & Chittagong Stock
Exchange in 2002. Within a very short time of span the company achieved some significance
success. Square Textile Ltd. receives Oeko-Tex standard 100 and ISO-9002 certificates in the
year 2000. Authorized capital of the company is tk.1000 million. It’s paid- up capital is
tk.251.90 million. 1,223 employees are working in this organization. The business lines of
Square Textile Limited are manufacturing and marketing of yarn. The factory is located in
Saradaganj, Kashimpur, Gazipur, Bangladesh. Its office is located at Uttara in Dhaka.

2.2 Mission Statement

The mission statement of Square Textile Limited is “Our mission is realization of vision
through maximum production of goods and services strictly on ethical and moral standards at
minimum costs to the society ensuring optimum benefits to the shareholders and other
stakeholders.” This mission is envisioned by the concept of business which ensures wellbeing
of the investors, stakeholders, employees and members of the society which will create new
wealth in the form of goods and services.
2.3 Key Product/Services:

As stated earlier the business line of the company is manufacturing and marketing of yarn. It
 100% Cotton Ring Span Yarn For Hosiery
 100% Cotton OE Rotor Yarn for Hosiery
 Knit Fabrics for 100% export oriented readymade Garments Industry.
 It also performs the following services:-
 Dying & Post Mercerization.

 Fabric dying the final output is marketwise by Square Fashion Ltd. In Square Textile
Ltd. Limited two types of products are produced in two different units. These are as
Unit 1: Combed and Carded Yarn from a count range of Ne.10 to Ne.80.
Unit 2: Combed Ring Yarn from a count range of Ne.20 toNe.40.
In Square Spinning Ltd. 100% Cotton Carded and Combed Yarn in the count range of Ne.16
to Ne.30 are produces.
Finally in Square Fashion’s Ltd. Readymade Knit Apparels like T-shirts, Polo shirts, Tank
tops, Pajamas, Sport wear, Under garments, Men’s & Ladies fashion wear , Kids wear etc.

2.4 Strategic Goals & Objectives

 The company sets the following objectives for it to achieve:

 To strive hard to optimize profit through conduction of transparent business

operations within the legal and social framework with malice to none and justice for

 To create more jobs with minimum investments

 To be competitive in the internal as well as external markets

 To maximize export earning with minimum imported in-puts

 To reduce the income gap between top and bottom categories of employees.

Thus the company focuses to pole-star its mission that fulfill the objective with emphasis
on the quality of the product , process and services blended with good – governance that
help build the image of the most enable corporate – citizenship at home and abroad . The
company wants to produce such society friendly goods and services that go to satisfy the
wants of all the relevant party without disturbing or damaging the socio-economic and
ecological, balance of the mother earth and the process of human civilization leading to
peaceful co-existence of all the leaving beings. The company always strives for top
quality products at the least cost reaching the lowest rungs of the economic class of
people in the country. The company values its obligation to the greater society as well as
it strives to protect the interests of its shareholders and to ensure highest return and
growth of their assets.

2.5 Management

The entire management process comprises the following units:

Executive Management:
The Managing Director, the CEO is the head of the Executive Management Team which
comprises senior members of the Management Apparatus. Within the limits of delegated
authority and responsibility by the Board of Directors, Executive Management operates
through further delegation of authority at every echelon of the line management. The
executive Management operates within the framework of Policy & Planning
Worker Management
Square has a personal and administrative Department. Square is one of the biggest
employers in Bangladesh. The total number of employees is 1,223. For the employees
there is systematic in house training in home and abroad.
To motivate t h e e m p l o y e e s , a l o n g w i t h s a l a r y a n d b e n e f i t s t h e c o m p a n y
p r o v i d e s various facilities like
-Free meals,
- Free transportation,
-24 hour medical center,
-On site sports.
Production and accommodation facilities include
-Full time supply of safe drinking water,
-Adequate lighting and ventilation facilities from sheet.

Conceptual Frame work
3.1 Conceptual Frame Work

The tremendous success of readymade garment exports from Bangladesh over

the last two decades has surpassed the most optimistic expectations. Today the apparel
export sector is a multi-billion-dollar manufacturing and export industry in the
country. The overall impact of the readymade garment exports is certainly one of the most
significant social and economic developments in contemporary Bangladesh. With
over one and ha l f m i l l i o n w o m e n w o r k e r s e m p l o y e d i n s e m i - s k i l l e d a n d
s k i l l e d j o b s p r o d u c i n g clothing for exports, the development of the apparel export
industry has had far-reaching implications for the society and economy of Bangladesh. As
this is the most earned sources for our country we have to look insight to solve the issue from
this sector. My study founds that the main reason of Industrial dispute that closely stuck with
present worker management practices in RMG sector. Well structured WORKER
management practice can eradicate the described issue from this sector. In my study

There are two parts of this literature review worker management practices of RMG sector and
another is Labor unrest of RMG sector.

3.2 Worker Management Practices include

Worker Management planning:

The process by which management determines how the organization should move from its
current manpower position to its desire manpower position is known as worker management

Human Resource Planning includes the determination existing human resource needs and
finding out the ways of procuring the human resource to be needed for the organization. That
is Human Resource Planning is a blue print of existing human resources and required of
human resources in future. Human Resource Planning is the key between a firm’s strategic

plan and its overall Worker Management function. The human resource plan is a projection
of how the fire plan acquires and utilization

Job analysis:

Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operation
and responsibilities of specific job.

Job analysis involves the identification and description of what is happening on the job. This
process uses a number of methods and instruments for collection and defining job date into
job facts that will be used for a variety of useful organizational purpose. The word job has
been under fire because it implies restrictive work opportunities of involved employee. The
use of the word does not restrict the work. Jobs can be as broad and flexible as an
organization wishes them to be. Job analysis is the procedure for determining the duties and
skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it.


Recruitment is the process discovering potential for the actual or anticipated organizational
vacancies. Recruitment is the process trough which the organization seeks applicants for
potential employment. Selection refers to the process by which it attempts to identify
applicants with the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics that will
help the company achieve its goals, companies engaging in different strategies need different
types and numbers of employees. The strategy a company is pursuing will have a direct
impact on the types of employees that it seeks to recruit and selection.


Selection is the process by which candidate for employment divided into two classes those
who will be offered employment and those who will not. According to Dale Yoder. Selection
is the process by which candidates for employment divided into two classes those who
will be offered employment and those who will not . Selection is the process of
choosing from the candidates, form within the organization or from outside, the most
suitable person for the current position or for the future positions”.


A Promotion involves a change from one job to another that is better than previous one in
terms of status and responsibility.

Promotion is given to that employee who proves them highly qualified or deserves
promotion. It is motivation as well as reward. When an employee works with his full effort
and makes good result he is rewarded with promotion. But on the other hand, when an
employee gets promotion, he method considers him self as an important work part of the
organization and that’s why he tries to do more good than before. A promoted employee
receives higher designation gets power, honor with various basic opportunities like
habitation, transportation, higher salary, more luxurious and comfortable life. So, promotion
is a technique to utilize the skills, ability and experience of the employees in a fruitful way


Demotions are considered as punishment when employee is transferred from present post to
lower post is called demotion.


Shifting an employee or manager from one place another by same responsibility, salary and

Chapter 04
Analysis and Findings

4.1 Worker Management Practices of Square Textile Ltd.:

The Garments Industry was established before three decades in our country. At the beginning
of this Industry Worker Management was not introduced clearly. It tends to reduce
absenteeism and turnover, increasing productivity and problem solving ability. But it is
matter of sorrow that all organizations do not follow the rules and regulations properly. I
Trying to finding out the readymade garments industry of Bangladesh particularly Square
Textile Ltd. what are the Practices of Worker Management Properly.

4.2 Human Resource Planning of Square Textile Ltd. :

Human Resource Planning is a process of deciding in advance what is to be done in future

regarding human resources of an organization. Human resource planning is one of the most
important elements in a successful worker management practices Program. Specifically,
human resource planning is the process by which and organization ensures that it has the
right number and the right kinds of people at the right places, at the right time, capable of
effectively and efficiently completing those tasks that will help the organization achieve its
overall objectives.

a. Human Resource Planning Method of Square Textile Ltd.: Square Textile

Ltd. are followed the Human Resource Planning Method of Annual
estimate of expected vacancies Method.

b. Steps of Human Resource Planning of Square Textile Ltd.: Square Textile

Ltd. are followed the Human Resource Planning some steps. This steps are :

(1) Square Textile Ltd. at first set their goals. These goals will lead the
organization as well as its people to perform their activities properly.

(2) The second steps are taken Square Textile Ltd. to established business mission of the
organization for the achievement of the organization to attain performance levels of the

(3) Square Textile Ltd. is taken third steps of Human Resource Planning of the
organizational mission can be achieved through some strategic decisions.

(4) The fourth steps is taken human resource planning of Square Textile Ltd. is
established functional structure of the organization.

(5) The fourth steps is taken human resource division to implementation the
stages of human resource planning of Square Textile Ltd.

c. Human Resource Policy Planning of Square Textile Ltd.: Square Textile

Ltd. is planning the Human Resource policy is as follows:

1) Understand employee’s role.

2) Take responsibility.

3) Clearly defined objectives for both the individual and the work team shall be
the cornerstone of our actives.

4) Policy of hiring people with due respect to factors like reservation, sex, marital
status, and the like.

5) Policy on terms and conditions of employment- compensation policy and

methods hours of work, overtime, promotion, transfer, lay off and the like.

6) Policy regarding housing transport, uniform and allowances.

7) Policy regarding industrial relations- trade-union, collective bargaining,

grievance procedure, participative management and communication with

4.3 Job Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.:

Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operation
and responsibilities of a specific job.

1. Use of Job Analysis Information of Square Textile Ltd.: Alana Group are
can be use job analysis information the following human resource areas:

a. Recruitment and selection

b. Compensation.

c. Performance appraisal.
d. Ensure complete assignment of duties
2. Steps in Job Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.: the proper analysis of jobs
and organization, some steps are followed by Square Textile Ltd.:

a. Determine the purpose.

b. Identify the Jobs.

c. Explain the process.

d. Determine data collection method and collect job analysis information

e. Process the Job Analysis Information

f. Review and Update Frequently.

3. Method of Job Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.: The Square Textile Ltd. is
followed Observation method and Individual Interview Methods for job
4. Benefits of Job Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.: Some major benefits can be
accrued to the Worker Management as well as organization and employees for
the Square Textile Ltd. are:

a. Reduce turnover.

b. Identifies organization- wide issues and solicits ideas for corrective action.

b. Identifies organization- wide Strengths.

c. Establishes benchmark data to evaluate future improvements.

d. Provides employees with a stake in their employer’s success.

4.4 Recruitment and Selection Process of Square Textile Ltd.:

Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment of the
vacant position of the organization. This process begins when new recruits are sought and
ends when recruits submits their application. Selection is a Process of choosing the best one
from among the number of candidates. Right person for the job is the main goal of the

selection. Generally the organization recruits and selects different types of qualified
candidates for different departments:

1. Recruitment process of Square Textile Ltd.:

Recruitment process of Square Textile Ltd. Involves four steps, namely:

a. Worker management practices or Recruiters determines the job opening or

job vacancies through worker management Planning or requests by

b. Worker management practices or Recruiters will determine the requirement of

each job opening through job analysis information, particularly the job
description and job specification.
c. Worker management PRACTICES or Recruiters will select a method or a
numbers of methods for recruitment from among the alternative methods of
D. Worker management practices or Recruiters will use the method or the
methods and will build a pool of job applicants.
2. Challenges faces by Square Textile Ltd. regarding recruitment:

Recruitment is not an easy job. Some of the challenges may be created by the organization
itself, by the recruiters of the organization, and by the external environment. The most
common challenges and constraints faced by recruiters include:-

a. Organizational policies.
b. Human resource plan.
c. Affirmative action plan.
d, Recruiters’ habits or capabilities.
e. Environmental condition.
f. Job requirements.
g. Costs.
h. Time.
i. Incentives, etc.
So, Recruiters should be aware of the challenges and constraints surrounding the recruitment
process before they attempt to find suitable applicants.

3. Channels of recruitment process of Square Textile Ltd.: The following
recruitment sources are used by the Square Textile Ltd.:
a. Advertisement in the news paper
b. Employee referrals for the job

c. Labor organization

d. Internal Resources
In fact they collect lower level and mid level employees from upper three sources and top
level employees from Internal sources which is mentioned in the bottom line.

Selection process of Square Textile Ltd.: Selection is a Process of choosing the best one
from among the number of candidates. This process begins when recruits apply for
employment and ends with the hiring decisions but sometimes it continue up to the
orientation of the newly selected employees.

1. The selection procedure of Square Textile Ltd. includes the following


a. Preliminary reception.
b Initial Screening interview.
c. Completion of the application form.
d. Employment test.
e. The comprehensive interview.
f. Background investigation.
g. Conditional job offer.
h. Physical or Medical Examination
i. Final employment decision.

2. Strategies for Recruitment and Selection of Square Textile Ltd.: Strategic

Guiding Principles for Recruitment and Selection of Square Textile Ltd. is
mentioned below:

a. It follows Bangladesh labor law accordingly in case of worker

Recruitment and Selection.
b. It inspires more than 18 years of old employee to work.

c. No discrimination in case of Recruitment and Selection but
discrimination is subject to condition.
d. No pregnancy examination of women workers as a precondition of
e. Workers are given compensation at minimum wages rate. (at lower
level and mid level employees among few sections)
f. It discourages child labor and follows local law and ILO convention.

4.5 Training and Development of Square Textile Ltd.:

All the employees of the organization do not require training. The employees who require
training do not require the same type of training. Training is the process of teaching new
employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs.

Development refers to improve current or future management performance by imparting

knowledge, changing attitude or increasing skills..

1. New employees training: New employees are provided training for following

a. To make them familiar with the overall environment of the

b. To improve their skill and abilities so that they can perform their task
more effectively and efficiently.
c. To develop their morale, attitude, job satisfaction in the organization to
change their behavior to the right direction

2. Old employees training: Old employees are provided training for following

a. When an employee transferred from one place to another, one

department to another department, one unit to another unit, and from
one branch to another branch, he must be make familiar with the new
b. To develop their skill and abilities so that they can perform their job
more effectively and efficiently.

In fact, Square Textile Ltd. does not provide adequate training facility for
all employees.
4.6 Promotion and Demotion Procedure of Square Textile Ltd.:
Promotion and Demotion Procedure of Alana Group are as under:

1. Promotion Procedure of Square Textile Ltd.: A promotion occurs when an

employees is moved from one job to a job that is higher in pay, responsibility,
and/or organizational level. Employees generally promoted by the Square
Textile Ltd. are the following way:

a. On the basis of education.

b. On the basis of performance and skill.
c. On the basis of job length.
d. Seniority.
e. Merits or ability.
f. On the basis of training in the country or abroad.

2. Demotion Procedure of Square Textile Ltd.: Demotion is considered as a

punishment when an employee is transferred from present post to lower post is
called demotion. Demotion policy of Square Textile Ltd. is as follows:

a. When demotion is granted as punishment, person will get chance for

self defense and reviewing the punishment.
b. Employees are well informed about the causes of demotion.
c. This law is applicable for all.
d. Rules of the organization should be logical and acceptable.
e. If any employees do something against the organization, authority
should enquire the incident and take decision by discussion.
3. Reasons of Demotion of Square Textile Ltd.: The causes of the demotion
of Square Textile Ltd. are as follows:

a. Misbehavior.
b. Negligence in duty.
c. Irregular promotion

d. Unfitness.
e. Problem of adjustment.
f. Punishment.

4.7 Performance Appraisal of Square Textile Ltd.:

Performance Appraisal means evaluating an employee’s current and/or past performance

relative to his or her performance standards. Performance appraisals are now more clarified
and they concentrate on developing organizational strengths and employee performance.

1. Purpose of Performance Appraisal of Square Textile Ltd.:

a. To review past performance

b. To assess training needs
c. To help develop individuals
d. To audit the skills within an organization
e. To set targets for future performance
f. To identify potential for promotion
g. To provide legal & formal justification for employment decision
h. To diagnose the hidden problems of an organization

2. Performance Appraisal Process of Square Textile Ltd.: Square Textile Ltd.

is conducted the performance appraisal interview twice in a year.

3. Approaches to measuring performance in Square Textile Ltd.: There are

various kind of method for measuring performance appraisal. But we get
information that Alana Group uses only two type of performance method.
These are at below:

a. 360 - degree feedback: One currently popular methods of

performance appraisal is called 360-degree feedback. With this method
managers peers, suppliers or colleagues are ask to complete
questionnaire. The questionnaire is generally lengthy.

b. Experience based: Alana Group measures the performance of

employee by experience. For example MR. X has been working in

Alana Group for three years and MR. Y has been working in Alana
Group for two years. So Alana Group favors MR. X for his more

4.8 Compensation process of Square Textile Ltd.:

Compensation is what employee receives in exchange for their contribution to the

organization including pay and benefits. Compensation may be defined as the remuneration
for the time spent and physical and mental efforts invested by the employees. Compensation
includes salary, wages and other financial and non-financial and social rewards offered by the
employer and accepted by the employees. Without adequate compensation, current
employees are likely to leave and replacements will be difficult to recruit.

1. Common compensation policies of Square Textile Ltd.: Some common

compensation policies of Square Textile Ltd. are:

a. Basic Salary and Wages

b. Benefits
c. Allowance
d. Bonus
e. Incentives
f. Commission. etc.
2. Compensation policy of Square Textile Ltd.: Company follows the
following criteria

a. For Staff (GM to In-charge): Payment According to company policy.

The policy is as follows:

(1). Basic + house rent + medical + conveyance + food +

technical allowance = total.

b. Workers: Payment According to BGMEA law & Follows Bangladesh

gazette. The policy is as follows:

(1). Basic + House rent + Medical + Benefit + Technical

allowance + Shift allowance =Total

c. Pension Scheme: There is no Pension Scheme facility in this

4.9 Rules and Regulations of Square Textile Ltd.:

Following rules and regulation are established by the Alana Group:

1. Normal working hour: Total 9 hour a day including 1 hour lunch break.

2. Work starting time: At 8 a.m. for worker & factory staff. At 9 a.m. for office

3. Work Finishing time: At 5 p.m. for worker & factory staff. At 5.30 p.m. for
office staff

4. Overtime:

a. Starts: At 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (normally). Overtime allowed for workers.

There is no overtime allowed for staff.
b. Double pay for overtime
c. International labor law, BGMEA, ILO rules are follows in case of
d. Maximum 2 hours are granted as overtime for each worker.

5. Annual leave and holidays:

a. Sick leave-ten days is in a year with full pay

b. Earned leave is fourteen days in a year.

c. Casual leave is six days with full pay gross salary.

d. Maternity leave is four weeks for top level it started from 2004 in this

e. Festival holiday is seven days as per calendar year.

6. Transport Facilities: Transport facilities are fully provided by the company,

under certain conditions, for the top level employees who come from distance
place. But the lower level and mid level employees do not get this facility.

4.10 Analysis

4.10 SWOT Analysis of Square Textile Ltd.:

SWOT means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT analysis is

a careful evaluation of organizations internal strengths and weakness as well
as its environmental opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis of Alana
Group is discussed below.

Identification of SWOT analysis: The identification of SWOT analysis of the

Alana Group is described below.

1.Strengths: The Strengths of Square Textile Ltd. are:

a. The company management is very strong and follows local and

international law accordingly.
b. Spread market.
c. Work environment is comfortable.

d. Have effective management to implement the strategy.
e. Have power to proper use of opportunity.
f. Producing product at low cost.

2. Weaknesses: The weaknesses of Alana Group are:

a. Lack of training and development

b. Lack of worker management practices policies and practices

c. Lower Compensation Package

d. Lack of Motivation

e. Work under pressure

f. Communication Problems

g. Very Expensive Incentives Required

3. Opportunities : The company provides the following opportunities to

The workers:

a. Delivery product in specific time.

b. Have ability to provide product according to customers need.
c. Determination of the effective method and system in terms of Plant
layout, Material transfer, Tool design, Factory maintenance, Time
studies, and Motion studies etc.

d. Supply new product.

4.Threats: The Company faces some threats that are:

a.Facing excessive competition.

b. Unstable of political environment.
c. Socile change.
d. Lack of raw materials.
e. Lack of adequate, update and accurate information from the
Management Information System (MIS).

f. Lack of effective manpower.

4.11 Findings of the Study:

The Garments Industry was established before three decades in our country. At the beginning
of this Industry Worker Management was not introduced clearly. With the passage of time
the owners of the Garments Organizations become familiar with worker management
practices and it plays an important role in organization development, growth of production
and human resource development etc. The modern approach to supervision and worker
management engages more workers’ intelligence, creativity, motivation and loyalty. It tends
to reduce absenteeism and turnover, increasing productivity and problem solving ability. But
it is matter of sorrow that all organizations do not follow the rules and regulations properly.

The actual scenario of Worker Management of The Garments Industry particularly

Square Textile Ltd. is described below:

1) At the beginning of this Industry Worker Management was not introduced clearly
but now it plays an important role.
2) The recruitment and selection process is not so standard. That’s why organization
does not selecting skilled and efficient employees. But skilled manpower more
require to the development of organization.
3) In some cases rules and regulations are so hard. For this reason employees of the
organization are not motivated and effectiveness.
4) Compensation package covers minimum standard at mid and lower level but at
top level it is standard. Minimum wages cannot ensure standard of living.
5) The organization does not get training facility for all employees, but it is
necessary to develop performance and productivity.
6) The organization do not caring about their further career development.
i. For this reasons do not develop long-term career effectiveness and
success of organizational personnel.
7) The pay and promotion decision are made based on the seniority although it
should be related with performance and sometimes it is not provided properly.
And sometimes nepotism works behind it.

8) Lack of adequate, update and accurate information from the management
information System (MIS) department. But it is important for effective
management and quality control of productivity.
9) Lack of job description and job analysis procedure for the personnel so that
sometimes lower level workers cannot identify their specific tasks.
10) All the departments have not enough modern facilities like-computer & other
technologies. That’s why not possible to ensure sound quality of product and
increasing effective productivity.

11) Most of the employees feel job stress. That’s why does not always ensure
12) The workers do not conscious about the organizational law. For this reason effect
for the over all productivity and management of the organization.
13) Most of the employees do not feel job securities. For this reason employee are
always feel fear and it affect their mind and do not ensure maintaining quality and
effective productivity.

14) No Transport facilities provide mid level and lower level employees of the
organization. But its facilities require all levels of employees.

Recommendation and Conclusion
5.1 Recommendations

Day in and day out, the workers of this sector were deprived of the fruits of their labor. They
toiled that another might enjoy. They “slaved” that another might be rich. They cannot ensure
hand to mouth after doing hard work. There is no standard of living. Their children cannot
achieve education and involve in child labor. They cannot get salary in time. But this
situation has to be changed. For this reason we face labor unrest recently. This issue is a great
threat for this industry. To make stable this sector we must have to stop any form of labor
unrest. Considering these some suggestions can be prescribed bellow for RMG sector:

1. The organization should try to worker management practices properly. No

sexual harassment. Ensure good and comfortable work environment. No duty
between 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. pays for overtime properly and timely. Increase
salary relating with market price.
2. The organization should Make a Standard recruitment and selection policy and
follows properly and selecting only skilled and efficient employees. Skilled
manpower can always contribute more to the development of organization.
3. The organization should follow the BGMEA & Government rules and
regulation for employee motivated and increasing productivity and attainment
organization goals and objectives.
4. The organization should be increased compensation package and provide pay
and salary to all employees within the first week of the next month for
ensuring the standard of living.
5. The organization should provide training facilities for all employees to
develop performance and productivity.
6. The organization should try to plan for carrying the employee career
development because, Career development looks at the long-term career
effectiveness and success of organizational personnel.

7. Company should provide promotion based on performance and should be
avoided all sort of nepotism and Design cost effective pay structure that will
attract, motivate and retain competitive employees.
8. The organization should provide always adequate, update and accurate
information from the management information System (MIS) department for
effective management, quality and increasing productivity.

9. The organization should try to making standard Job description and job
analysis procedure because, the all level workers of the organization can be
identify their specific tasks, duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of a
10. The organization should provide the modern facilities like computer & other
technologies for effective management, Increasing productivity and other
11. The organization should try to reduce labor dissatisfaction and job stress
through good behave and incentives for ensure effective productivity.
12. The organization should try to be conscious workers about organizational law,
about their rights and also the owner must fulfill and respect the employee’s
right and choice.
13. The organization should try to ensure employees safety and security of their
workplace for maintaining quality and effective productivity.

14. The organization should be providing transportation facilities minimum

specific area coverage for all levels of employees, for employees motivated
and reduce dissatisfaction of employees and attainment organizational goals.

5.2 Conclusion

Garments Industries have appeared and sought to enlighten the hopes of the unemployed,
poor and pro-poor of the country. They have played a vital role creating employment
opportunity of the people through developing Industrial sector.

Worker Management practices system, working environment and working condition have
been changed with the passage of time how it was started at first. Compliance Department is
for implementing & follow-up the Local and International laws, to support the worker’s
interest and right and buyer requirements. They do not have fully in house medical facility.
The selection procedure of Square Textile Ltd. includes: Preliminary reception; Employment
test; Selection interview; Reference and Background check; Medical evaluation; and Hiring

Square Textile Ltd. Promoted employees on the basis of performance and skill but this
scenario does not exist at every level. Job satisfaction of the employees is not so high. Square
Textile Ltd. is 100% export oriented industrial organization.

Though Bangladesh is backward in industry nevertheless our garments industries are trying to
develop industrial sector of our country and opens new door for industrialization in
Bangladesh. Our garments Industries contribute greatly for developing socio economic
condition of our people. Finally, each and every company in garments Industry should
have proper and well planned worker management Practices policies and their
practices in their every functional level of operation. Then we can ensure the
development of Garments Industry of our country.

1) Ahmed, K. H. (2002). Backward linkage to readymade garments: Bangladesh
perspective. Dhaka: Academic Press and Publishers Limited.

2) Worker Management. (A Strategic Approach) By William P. Anthony,

Pamela L. Perrewe and K. Michele Kacmar

3) BGMEA. (2004). Backward Linkage of Apparel Industry Shows Potential for Foreign
Investment. Dhaka: BGMEA.

4) Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2003). Business research methods (8th ed.). NY:
5) Siddiqi, H. G. A. (2004). The Readymade garment industry of Bangladesh. Dhaka:
The University Press Limited.
6) Hussain, M. G. (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce). “Compliance in RMG
Industry of Bangladesh”

Websites consulted:

5. .


Job analysis

1. Do you have the practice of job analysis?

2. Do you follow any specific steps of job analysis?

3. What are your methods of collecting job analysis information?

4. How it used this organization?

5. Does the responsibility specified regarding the job?

6. How you conduct the Job analysis?

7. What type of method they are following to conduct job analysis?

8. Do you perform smellier activities in same position?

9. Do you provide training to the employees before starting new job?

HR planning & recruiting

1. What do you mean by HR planning?

2. Do you have the practice of HR planning in your Organization?

3. How you recruit people?


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