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Very Short Answers for Term One

1. League Tournament is also known as Round Robin and Berger tournament.

2. In league tournament Winner Team will get 2 Points, Tie/Draw will get 01 Point and
Looser will get Zero Point.
3. British Method in league is Total obtained points/Total Possible points x 100.
4. American Method in league is Total No. of Wins/Total No.of Matches Played x 100.
5. Knock out is of two types – Single and Double
6. League is of two types Single and Double- Three Methods – Staircase, Cyclic and
7. Combination is of Four Types- League cum League, League cum Knockout, Knockout
cum League, and Knockout cum Knockout.
8. Vitamin A – Retinol and Night Blindness
9. Vitamin B1 – Thiamine, Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin, Vitamin B3- Niacin, Vitamin B5-
Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6 – Pyridoxine, Vitamin B7- Biotin, Vitamin B9- Folic Acid,
Vitamin B12- Cyanocobalamin.
10. Vitamin C- Ascorbic Acid and Teeth and Bones
11. Vitamin D – Rickets and Osteomalacia
12. Vitamin E – Anti Sterility Vitamin and Reproductive Failure
13. Vitamin K – Clot the Blood
14. Proteins – Body Building, Carbohydrates – Energy Giving and one gram of carbs give
04 calories. Fat Energy and One gram of Fat gives 9 Calories
15. Gross Motor Development – Large Muscles Walking, Running and Fine Motor
Development – Small Muscles Catching Throwing the ball etc.
16. Kyphosis – Excessive outward curve of spine, Hunch Back Also,
17. Lordosis – Excavation of lumber region – Hollow Back
18. Scoliosis- Bending waist towards on side. C and S shape
19. Round Shoulders – Kelso’s Hunch Back or Slouch
20. Knock Knees – Genu Valgum
21. Flat Feet – Pes Planus, Fallen Arches or Pronated Foot
22. Bow Legs – Genu Varum and Bendy legs
23. First women Participation in Olympics in 1900
24. First Indian women Participation in Olympics in 1952
25. Karnam Malleshwari First women to win bronze medal In Olympics.
26. 50 Mts – Speed , 600 Mts- Cardio Respiratory Endurance, Sit and Reach – Flexibility
of Lower Back , Partially Curl Ups- Abdominal Strength and Endurance, Push Ups –
Upper body Strength (Shoulders and Arms), Modified Push Ups- Strength of
Shoulders and arms, Standing Broad Jump- Strength of the legs, Shuttle Run – Agility
and Speed,
27. Harvard Step Test- Cardio vascular Endurance 1943 Broha and other Started.
28. Rockport one mile test- By Kline 1987 Cardio Vascular Endurance.
29. Rikli and Jones Senior Citizen Test- Fullerton Test 2001 by Roberta Rikli and Jessie
30. Chair Stand Test – Lower body Strength
31. Arm Curl Test – Upper body Strength
32. Chair Sit and reach test – lower body flexibility
33. Back scratch test – Upper body Flexibility
34. Eight Foot Up and Go test- Agility ,Balance
35. Six Minute Walk Test – Cardio Vascular Endurance
36. Biomechanics – External and Internal Forces affecting the motion of the body.
37. Flexion- Angle between the bones Decreases
38. Extension – Increases the angle between body parts.
39. Abduction- Away from the midline of the body
40. Adduction- Movement of a body parts towards the body’s midline.
41. Eversion – Tilt the sole of the foot away from midline of the body.
42. Inversion – Tilt the sole of the foot towards from midline of the body.
43. Supination- Palm or forearm faces up
44. Pronation- Palm or forearm faces Down
45. Planter Flexion – Movement of the foot in a downward motion or away from the
46. Dorsi Flexion – Movement of the foot in a Upward motion or towards from the body
47. Protection – Lower jaw pushed forward
48. Retraction – Lower jaw Pulls Backward
49. Depression – Downward movement of the scapula
50. Elevation - Downward movement of the scapula
51. Circumduction – The limb moves in a circle
52. Rotation – The limb turns round its long axis. Like screw driver.
53. Opposition – The thumb movement that brings the tip of the thumb in contact with
the tip of a finger.
54. Reposition – Returning the thumb to its anatomical position next to the finger.

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