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1. What is the difference between Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow?

The differences of Laminar Flow and Turbulent Flow.

Laminar Flow Turbulent Flor
It is usually considered a calm state, This is characterized by irregular
in which layers of liquid particles flow movement and mixing of fluid
in a smooth, parallel direction and with particles, as well as a substantial
relatively low velocity. interchange of energy all across fluid,
and it occurs at high velocity
This usually occur when reynold's This is occurs when the value of
value is less than 2000 or Re <2000 Reynold's no. is less than 4000 or Re>

2. How the laminar, transitional and fully turbulent flow are demonstrated in the
video? You can make sketches or photos of the flow characteristics.

In laminar flow the pattern of fluids is not

chaotic hence the injected dye streamline is
well definition line.

In turbulent flow the dye being injected into

the head tank results in a complete mixture
of liquid throughout the tube.

In transitional flow it occurs when 2000 <Re

<4000, it is noticeable when the streamline
flows from a straight direction towards the
change of shape.
3. How are Reynolds Number are determined experimentally and theoretically?

In experimentally the (Re) is calculated by computing the mean bulk flow rate
and the value for the mean bulk speed of the fluid.

In theoretically;
For circular pipe, RE=pVD/u = VD/v = V(2ro)/v
V = mean velocity ft./s or m/s
d = diameter of pipe and ro=radius of pipe in ft or m
u = absolute viscosity in lb.-s/ft², Pa-s or N-s/m²
v = kinematic viscosity of the fluid in ft²/s or m²/s
p = mass density

For non- circular pipe, RE=V(4R)/v

V = mean velocity in ft./s or m/s
v = Kinematic viscosity of the fluid ft²/s or m²/s

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