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Ay, ‘duypuys are am aujoury ue om YyBIU Ae WOOL 2M uDyha 2ene204,, Ut POV YS “sry uy puey yous Au pooupryp Auryo praia “heave 19 08 “qo ndequary Au 30> 1 Suummis sopys payngodu: 2 098 uoyo ang Sprerpaquuy ‘yfta dqq'sp¥8 Bu04 24150 Bujppnd wseked oy jo siod Suuowrsts Bunp-s09 Bupjors 'ssio> amp syoyp uy wats up dy sv ae aioysty eudems suoissaibay aa teaking the Bow egos 23 ays, though, as T unraveled and scrutinized ‘history, I wondered at the futility of such of lessons from of course” Sita was projected as the idea sarvadharmananda’s Nava Manustirit, which ended up as the ‘eference on Hinduism for Navabharata; Swamiji used to justify the st gender laws binding Sabherate women. Lad often done what-ifanalses of related mythology. . as "Be Ramayana of Nava Manusnm ted, was be used later for complex, srmost’s voice boomed from ina, report to Room 455 and Seniormost pause’ points, For our correcting nudges, ‘ficant scenarios. In this particular one, the Sita equivalent assists her husband in his trade tres bet grievously ST vother in-law and manages the house and finances during ar tended business trip which wil ater be called an exile seaande an improvement on the stereotypical Sita said Seniormost waved me -e, “They returned bome and rumours started, as in all Ramayanas. The husband did 90% | Why would the country’s summon me? sniormost. “This is an emergency” nentum and pante carried {ded to a halt before grim- wn showing an abstract ches, moved in ‘and coarse and scary, though Tfelt so queasy. ignore them” A muscle on her face ‘twitched as her gaze snapped frowned at me, “We want you to ieneeet T eeiveled to see the display, my uneasiness growing 28 E tried ro understand what those strange ed and orange splotches ‘meant. “What is happening there?” a proofing failed” Seniormost’ tone was heavy: “Theimport ofher words sank dowly into my mind. That scarlet es and embers—fire led up my spine stuttered. cries K clone available right now. We , to Kavita to replace her at @ past” They were n gender equal ‘change the past so that the seen by someone burning inside it. ch “Thats Kavite?” I whispered hoarseh They call het Vaidehi? Vanicht-one of ita names Ths is what the irehad made me suspect. What I was seeing: the display was the agai pareeksh ‘the shameful episode present the over eight-hundred aeons of Ramayana. An Ambapur agent was being P alive, and T was supposed to replace her- 234 Breaking te tow bbe stable enough unless there is extreme sps clicked, someone explained the hidden fegessions a5 “And what am I supposed to do there? How will L know how. to behave, what to say, how to recognize people?” cE we data and guidance algorith stay low profile for a day or two til we study the brief you” It sounded tough, but managea timidating in spite of my ed my throat as I tried to push away the ‘obediently directed a miniscule atomizer on the charred remains ‘of my predecessor near my feet. No burnt human bones must be he ashes. impelled by the implant, I ran to the edge of pyre where the onlookers were grey smudges beyond ‘orange shimmer: I stepped out of the fire. I must have impressive with my skin burnished gold from the afterglow of airy bodies, but ing them made me shudder. Petals were showered at ‘me—jasmines, roses, marigolds—soft touches against bare skin, be the husband, the less gossip about her Most m ek his blessing for a rce myself to act docile to someone who had ‘washerman challenged Vaidehi’s chastity he demands ofa fire easy to anger, hare work and I ssumed he valued ing those years of travel. ‘That was the status last evening, as per the most recent transmission. 1 was soaking the information when the chariot jerked to a 1 lush bowers, no gold fountains—only ig. Rice and lentil baras were drying on ‘Women with slicing yam. Men sprawled on rope cots and smoked something. noxi ‘The husband led me to a whitewashed room and closed the ) door behind us. He whipped out a dagger from his waistband. “How did you survive that fire? Witcheraft?” ‘My implant suggested I fall at his feet and plead forgiveness. Forgiveness for what, surviving? I had not integrated sufficiently with the Vaidehi persona to manage such acting, such false ha ignored the advice and readied myself fo He lunged at me. I twisted aside a making him drop the dagger. I kicke agape, eyes round with sho Twas utterly disgusted, why did you agree tothe fire test?” is eyes darted from my face to the fallen dagger, and the \wariness in his eyes transformed into cunning, He straightened ‘empty hand, ‘wouldnt survive, up. “They would have pushed you into the fire anyway,” he sad. “By doing so myself, retained my position as the chieftain’ son. I don't know what witchcraft you did, but your emerging from the pyre has strengthened my pla + OF such pettiness do orators make mighty legends. “They will weave from stich incidents a story of Lord Rama, Maryada Purushottam, the exemplar of social propriety” I said. “Temples me. “Who is ‘they’? Why had T spoken my thot inks?” He snorted. "Now Tye seen warmed from fire. He lost his fear and awe vanished -e you have been proven pure” he said, male pressingon me, Rearesnt 5 new I should collapse the boundaries between the downloaded memories and my it my responses matched what Vaidehis had been. But I wasn't ready to surrender myself yet. transition had been abrupt enough; I couldn't handle more ed the implant for better response time and quick face but stopped short of merging wit ‘The door opened. The husband's brother strode in, dragging, horrors, his wife, Madhulika, She was heavy with child. “The fire test suits you” His grin exposed stained teeth. “You look grander, and you walk straighter” He released his wifes haar, and whacked her shoulder. “Madhulika would survive no such test. God knows how many men she chased when we were aveay” ‘That was lust his eyes. Once, when fellow-drunks almost led him, and this was how he gazed at her led his wounds. shape of fish. Monsoon clouds of black hair spilled over her cheek. I brushed them aside and whispered, “Sister, take heart. Iwill help you” “He will be angrier if you sympathize,” she whispered back, he door. She stumbled ‘out, the enormous swell of her child-heavy belly almost causing her to fal. “Go cook payasam’ he yelled after her. “And add enough nuts orT'l teach you” He turned to me. “Ignore her, beautiful Vaidehi. Her mango- shaped breasts do not smell as good as the golden pears behind head in your lap and brought me back to lif I thought of a cultural archetype to repel brings you to life isa mother. Respect me a ld sucklesat his mother's breast” He grinned, “O mother ‘your uttariya, and let me feast.” The husband stood at the door. “I was looking for in-law rapped her hand. She re your” es with the implant and ped the young girl “Did Agni Devata talk ibby-faced seven-year-old, her eyes wide, to grow with admiration for me! Bitl be spared the bitterness and nund her. women should refuse such insulting her as many as the men. If we unite, She blinked like shetd been woken 24 up. The soft wonder on het face morphed into disgust directed atme. I scolded myself, remembering reing Mother cautioning me is is what those failed profile tests probably Candidate does not obey instructions, Is not cautious. Shoots off her mouth, ish the fire had consumed you,” said a cousin sister, her th dark circles, a bruise ripening on her jaw. “My husband threatened me with agni pareeksha. He says, Vaidehy ‘survived, so why be scared if you are chaste?” Her hostility dismayed me. I couldst think ofa reply. “If Vaidehi hed died, said someone. “Ne 1 survived, they'll hold her up as an example, Either way, the moment Elder Brotherin-law agreed to the fire test, we were doomed” Shard-sharp words, and true, as history showed. T turned to face the woman who spoke: Madhulika, continued, “We should keep men so happy that no one ay them. They have so much work to do: we women can let well, Vaidei,” said the mother-in-law, “You are swollen-headed because you accompanied my son on and survived the fie, but itis women like Madhulika inspire young girls” essed my lips tight so that I wasnt tempted to retort "Valdebi!” A voice from behind. I looked up—it was 8 the husbands elder sister. She crooked a finger T stumbled slightly as I stood, and Madhulika stretched her arm to steady me. Her finger curled around my forearm,

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