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Hour, “poyados (01 Mou 293 20yjns 1, "s>UrapHOds21300 B L0YS 0 P Aap 0) NY StH uv ‘eyges au Te passnosip yonut 34 [IM i ‘Toamoy soneus ayy, “s2treI2youIq IxDU yA 40} JHODs 0} MOU 5} Fay asoys ‘sUEYY ayp ApoF Ted — Ayn ou OF HEA IE nok Auyen95 ‘paures dqse> axey pynoys 9 ey poTuop u99q seq apes v asonbag axp o spumoy aup aouys au yy ax Jog OUTS he Pap v2 ‘se yee ano ys] Aryozes aiou 280oyp IH 248 DUN STF Puy "WoAIS pu BSSIET Jo sexpIEUEY SHAFFER 24oj2q Paynuapy 9q smu aes Buyaios9p ramoue ue soqpeoidde yonboq ay) jo aun ayy, ‘synokey uejd wexp pue siopjunyoa 247 wow asooyp ‘Soyauvas aaqypre aqp atumso4 am 809 | SEF osme>oq “essty yaNale atp UE onp Bupoou vyges rePyyO ay ! 230)9q "MoU NOK syeURUY | 99er AyPLOM aroUE ‘OUR 404 Y>seas aqp unog mus ay 3peq aur Aa oF YC] yse 04 poypdwso> sem | pure er> 2 peaids pino> Aaqp vpueBedosd 24) {uswom pouueun YP 0} wat J05 axeyseaK peoUn 0) pajuusten ysnf agg sy ‘srEequadys moja ees yes uated Buty JO 3Sa1 re only hlok can boast of neither; the is far too frivolous to deserve or appreciate because the bequest can never be reversed. fly, humans perform webs of mediocrity thing in sweet streams, the colours of the famed planet, away from their es. A far ery, of course, from the comforts of the Palace, but what do fourteen Barth years of physical difficulties ‘count in a sea of eventual youthful immor Youth, Lust. The flying chariot—you were worried about ime, [ remember, and it took six all Styonkars of my safety. But fuelled with ners, you would have been on your advice we tested Manus but he who was considered The Best heart, Isolation again, This thin and perfumes, punctuated by the wise counsel The role, the test, the mute pretence—I fould all end when finally the battle was over and the ten heads smashed, smeared with blood and dust. Only, it was far from over, A washer-man was all it took and T was sent through the blazing fire. You can imagine not the intensity of those flames, the cold, mocking crackle of the ig of human tears. Puru ‘4 mere rumour, and collapsed from his ‘The suspicion, the fear, the doubts that lurked in his ‘mind could be forgiven, overlooked. They could be pacified and explained, What doomed Manus was the need to seek approval from even the lowest rung. The desite to be respected by whom he could never have respected back. The act of g ‘up every scruple he had, every principle he up adored by one more person. ‘the Ideal Man di the faults candidate, we picked the one who they deemed 3 principles; one the Ideal Man for centuries to come. man, I prayed to their Gods, wore relationships, as planned. Their Presight races we have already saw Farthwomen, ean the Bae The Other Woman Manjula Padmanabhan we Mandodari stirred in her bed and looked around. it was. of crocus petals. She opened her Something had changed. But she ‘Then her pet black front of her and Something had changed, But what? ‘Throwing on a peignoir of her husband. He was in his apartm. char rrounded by glowing a small device attached fingers of both hands on a slave crouchiig in front of ly ind wandered slowly through her expression thoughtful i left him a te myriad rooms of her home, J us Deen te Bow TeOter Wana 19 wives were in residence, but she neither experiencing something very close to envy. Which was surely n nor did she believe any of them would bizarre. As a divine, she should feel nothing but pity or disgust ‘was stirrnig within her eternal OF amusement. ‘There was an unspoken belief amongst her fellow-divines that descents into the fleshly dimension were at | best an indulgence, at worsta vice. Those who practised regular visitations did so furti ‘or fearfal forms were to be avoided, But discretion had never been Mandodari’s strong sui ‘many another demon, she adored excess and g were steeped in their delighted that they recognized her as an immortal, reacting with respect and fear. For this very reason, however, they provided nothing in the way of conversat rks, stepped into i : i y rem factories and sweat- “indoors while the great warehouses called malls closed their doors to the publi. restalland had modelled h GooGoo whose pink-skinned and golden ringleted likeness been featured in a popular form of street att called ‘bill boa She appeared very frequ the glowing screens, how front of the shricking, ululating hordes who worshipped hey \ moonless night in the tiny ‘were both off ‘was in the babies’ jin section of Sears via to her consternation, nur sizes too small. The plastic syed made an extremely © Iprecision and ate them sl The ote Worse a em, weard the sounds at she was only looking for som: help her. wavingtheirarmsabout The ‘Themenbegantojibber exci light from their torches sent fant the ceilings and floors of the vast not follow a word of what they said. Kicking aside a couple of jowroom. Mandodari could she together. The instant silence was wonderful. Then she sucked ir stil-warm blood, dismembered them with clinical ly and m She imbs, moving onto the squ Basra Dott, the famous television anchor was single. Whenever i pestered her about her marital status she grinned and ‘very night I go to bed with eighty million people!” And were so high that she was seriously ty detail for herself. She knew 1s of defence, one uniformed her dressed to merge with the cr celebrities who had two being her drivers. On account dyguards when she was out in in a quiet residential riding asoka trees along its boundary guests, many of them members of ned that she had just seen off her younger lull before the next er DingleByte, a hand-held device The the Woman Se SMSs. But like so many other publi greatly cherished the few hours of h | alone. So the device was switched to ‘much it hummed and flashed and cavorted there on her bedside table, she ignored it and would continue ignoring it until after shed had her morning shower and was ready to face the worl. So it was during this glorious lull, while she was still becalmed no warning, her DingleByte blared with unwanted sound. First there was an ear-shattering screech, such as might be made by then a stranger’ face appeared on the device’ display. ‘Awoman. Her voice scythed through the air as she said, in a peculiar mixture of languages old and new, none of them English, “Good morning! Welcome! I am needful of an audience, ‘ome now, yes?” It was not really a question. Basra was so shocked she had no time to spare on being ‘angry, “Wha—?” she stammered, before instantly recovering her famous poise. “Wait! Who are you?” There was no point asking her how shed got the number. It was obvious that this person, ) whoever she was, had access to some extremely sophisticated software-overriding capat tantly a force to reckon with, rmchair in Bastas | room began to shimmer asif with heat-haze, It would take fifteen s for the whole body of her unexpected guest to fully ‘materialize but since she had helpfully arranged for her head to appear first, she was able to talk wit 134 is time to tell say side srview me. In exchange fof this Tam ith half-dozen sons” bhetween what she had to accept ‘could push into place to suit her dari—"Call me Mandyl"—had fully () recognized that had the potential of weeks and (<) the rectum for the snouigh to provide ld be bought atthe The ther Wome 235 sliding doors behind her guest. She could see her ‘way and her viewers trusted her because From where she sat, she could enjoy the play of sunlight falling through the slats of the wooden t ‘overhead and a back-view of the crimson silk kimono she had given the demoness to wear, Though at first glance Mandy could pass for human, at second asnit lance it was impossible not to want to recoil from her. I just that her dimensions were several centimetres larger life-size. It was also the peculiar hue of the skin: pearly white— not blue, not brown, not even green—but nacreous, echoing the sea, not the land, The hair was black but with fiery streaks that sizzled on and off unexpectedly. ‘The eyes weren't merely dark, but impenetrably so, with no discernible pupils. The mouth was lu upwards. But when she mi all identical, very white a Behind them flickered a long black tongue. So she was beautiful, yes. Ina repellent way. {two months before” she said, referring to mortal time, “L am waking up and sleeping and waking and sleeping, but there is. wr me to be” She explain the four dimensions of the mortal So there is not wear, not tear. Not today, ‘not tomorrow” ‘Then suddenly, the change began. Variations appeared in the routine pleasures and events around the Iron Palace. “My peacock is dancing for me, for instance: he is not do it since the time of my marriage. Which is many mortal centuries past. and syntax. Basra could not fer own grasp of Sanskrit was tao weak to make nor whether the divine’s knowledge of Jand. About property. A temple” sings from the mass of The other Woman a7 her hands up with her fingers curled over, making the sign for air- quotes. Apparently she had spent more than enough of her spare time watching mortal television. “Pooh! Lam. is not die. Its ike you mortals enjoy playing them sports?—you know like kicking head made of cow-leather from one side of battlefield to the other, for exarmple—" ‘According to her, engagements between divines took a form football, but with less good will. "My husband is lose. He is always great warrior, he 4s always ‘There is not ever doubt he will win.” The Features ful face knotted together in a fierce sneer. “So of course he is not die.” ““What are you saying?” said Basra, leaning forward with her eyes all agog, She was so practised at feigning emotions in order to get her subjects to talk that she could do it now without even noticing that she was putting it on. It was a shame that all this amazing raw footage was being lost in a private conversation. She was recording it, discreetly of course, on her DingleB, shell have evidence to take to her CEO. ‘would have no news value. Besides ‘worry that Mandy's version of events was too far 1g me that the battle—the one | irs written up—that battle was rigged?” 1m say it is not happen at al. You tell me; how else it ean be 2 And that too, when his enemy is a so-small hero king, so short, so thin and having only one head? Huh! It isa lie, a sham, a nonsense. That is why Tam here. Your courts is talking all the time abot many sides to truth. Your courts is want see hero ki ‘place? Is want to put mortal flag on mortal plot of ‘One plot is lead to other plot. $0 Tam come. To tell my story. To change the plot. At last” The other Woman 37 her hands up with her fingers curled over, making the sign for air- ‘of her spare of ge fer own grasp of Sanskrit was to0 weak to make 's speech or whether the divine’ knowledge of {snot die. Its ike you mortals enjoy playing them sports?—you know like kicking head made ofc from one side of battlefield to the other, for exarmple—" ‘According to her, engagements between divines took a form football, but with less good will. "My husband is lose. He is always great warrior, he is always great genit sver doubt he will win.” The features | of the bea jotted together in a fierce sneer. “So of course | “What are you saying?” said Basra, leaning forward with her ‘eyes all agog, She was so practised at feigning emotions in order to get her subjects to talk that she could do it now without even noticing that she was putting it on. It was a shame that all this private conversation. She sheid have evidence to take to her CEO. But an audio transcript ‘would have no news value. Besides which, she was starting to ‘worry that Mandy's version of events was too far removed from the popular one. “Are you telling me that the battle—t that’ been the high point of every version ofthe epic sinceit was _} Ifirst written up—that battle was rigged?” “Lam say itis not happen at all You tll me: how else it can be "for my immortal warrior to lose? And that too, when his enemy is a so-small hero king, so short, so thin and having only one “That is why Tam here, 2 Your courts is talking all the time about truth? Welll ‘There is \\ many sides to truth. Your courts is want see hero ki place? Is want to put mortal flag on mortal plot of land? We ‘One plot is lead to other plot. $0 I am come. To tell my story. To change the plot. At ast” Arestig the Bow ‘up that could overtur verse may depend on what -ages, and set on fie. They is so happy is how they celebrate. This fs how they show Nobody is took sre Lam now” ‘The fall, red lips curved up in is come? she said, with no attempt at false jurned both her hands towards her full body. an outfit in green and orange jorescent blue organdie flounces at ly bulges. “Lam tell jes is pass since that \ding herself to pace her the famous television wesence kriown to me— remely flattered—the one 1y mind is: Why now? Youve ich to make yourself known to the nodding her head as if encouraging repeated Basra, allowing herself a litle smile 4 convey a sense of amazement alongside a ) I ‘wedding night. Woman 4a icious scepticism. “So...why today? Why now? Has something changed?” Mandy blinked and flexed her shoulders. “I am want to set record straight. For instance: my husband is not have ten heads. ‘Why is mortals believe such kind of nonsense? Five is maximum. ‘And it is must be odd number only: one main head and then les. Ten heads is means five this side, five that nile! It is tota-foolish. But to get back to cone ot two on. side and not! “Well do that, Mandy, well do that” said Basra, “but first our viewers need to know what brought you here, to the mortal dimension—" you that already. It is too boring for me” said the .dding night is much more thrill. For example, I am im that my husband is He cannot! Itisall ny Other Woman—" her rubbish name?" falsetto, “Oh she whose perfumed face rivals the ‘makes the stars tremble with desitel” For an inst disturbing flicker inthe region ofthe guests throat, as ofa second ‘mouth gaping open with a curved and toothy beak poking out. “After all, you tell me: why is lam here? And not she?” Basras tawny eyes glittered. “Yes, Mandy, tell our viewers what that reason is..." “Because” said Mandodari, “because for sitting in background ofthis s0-called big story fel this pain, this axe in my heart. ‘The whole world is say, Look! Look! Your husband is running after that woman! Look! Look— yur forest. Secon nat man and his ane—they hase-chase, until she is fal is have fan with her, hie ie 1 field of vision ‘hat is why T am come. free to ree to speak ist the same ygto look angry. she otha oman | yjdence of birthplace!” se pote of tiumph had entered Ang te reason fo hat is. promfed Bas “And the ey cannot They s stupid Tey fui Pas ganed forward inher sat “OF course of course—" Bare caine they ean show nothing Wels divine ae! all? she age os her mening were obvious Ne igamortal” re rg Basra"pease remember that! and) wi beings with heavy physical bodkes and t hardly more than mayfies clearly?” ‘The demoness drew herselfup inher seat her eyebrows arched \ meters “We is immortal” she repented More slowly. “Its \ can we is live forever. We is live out cof Time, We is have no ano beginning, Weis neither die or is we Hor wack in her bedroom, Mandodasi the wife of the ten-headed demon king settled into her saffron se nted mattress. For al «ee ame she had been aveay, there had Deen Jam of unrest and uncertainty. Rumours 4 of changes and restructuring, of new curren ‘And then, just as suddenly as it had bee the disturbance ot irregularity sem tacontity, oF whatever it was, DEEN O subside, ighad happened. She

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