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Bio 93 Discussion - Week 2 quiz KEY

1. Cohesion between molecules of water is provided by:

a. covalent bonds
b. hydrogen bonds
c. municipal bonds
d. ionic bonds

2. The bonds holding a molecule of sodium chloride together are:

a. hydrogen
b. non-polar
c. ionic
d. covalent

3. Bu ers resist change in the pH of a solu on by dona ng or sequestering:

a. electrons
b. hydrogen ions
c. hydroxide ions
d. acids and bases

4. What category of carbon compound has an oxygen atom double-bonded to a carbon that is also
bonded to a hydroxyl group?
a. carbohydrate
b. carbonyl
c. carboxyl
d. alcohol

5. Fats and steroids are both lipids. They di er because:

a. fats mix poorly with water while steroids mix readily with water
b. steroids contain one fused carbon ring while fats contain two
c. steroids contain four fused carbon rings while fats contain triacylglycerol
d. steroids contain four fused carbon rings while fats contain a phosphate group
6. Sucrose is composed of a glucose molecule and fructose molecule linked in a
hydrolysis/dehydra on reac on. (Fill in the blanks and circle the correct underlined word)





7. Match the level of protein structure to its characteris c:

1. Primary a. Interac ons between side chains

2. Secondary b. Consists of 2 or more polypep de chains
3. Ter ary c. A result of hydrogen bonds
4. Quaternary d. An unraveled chain of polypep des

1. ___D____ 2. ___C____ 3. ___A____ 4. ___B____

8. Methionine is a non-polar amino acid because its side chain is:

a. a hydroxyl group
b. hydrophilic
c. a methyl group
d. acidic

9. The nitrogenous base of a nucleic acid:

a. is only found in pyrimidines
b. is bound to the phosphate group
c. tend to take up hydrogen ions from solu on
d. has two carbon rings

10. In Sickle cell anemia, a single DNA base change causes:

a. mul ple changes in mRNA sequence
b. improper ter ary protein structure
c. disrup on of amino acid linkages
d. a reduc on in protein produc on








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