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Task 1: HEROES

Directions: Think of five heroes/superheroes or villains/supervillains or

superheroes/supervillains from comics, movies, TV, etc. Many of these
characters, are named after existing historical/fictional/mythological figures. In the
box below, identify each character’s role in their fictional universe and then look
up their origins.


In Norse mythology, Loki is the go

Loki The adoptive brother and archenemy mischief and is responsible for vari
of Thor in the Marvel comics and unfortunate events.

Thor Odin son is a fictional In Germanic mythology, Tho

Thor character portrayed by Chris a hammer
Hemsworth in the Marvel Cinematic wielding god associated
Universe (MCU) media franchise, based with lightning, thunder, storm
on the Marvel Comics character of the
acred groves and trees, stren
same name. Thor is depicted as one of
the most powerful of the Asgardians, an the protection of
ancient alien civilization with long ties to mankind, hallowing, and ferti
Earth, who humans consider to be gods.

Surtur Surtur was a Fire Demon, lord

of Muspelheim, and a significant figure
In Norse mythology, Surtr is attes
in the prophecy of Ragnarök as the one in the Poetic Edda, compiled in t
who would initiate the fall of Asgard. 13th century from earlier traditio
Seeking to prevent this sources, and the Prose Edda, wri
prophecy, Odin defeated Surtur
in the 13th century by Snorri
thousands of years ago, taking the
source of his power, the Eternal Sturluson. In both sources, Surt
Flame back to Asgard and confining foretold as being a major figur
Surtur to Muspelheim, where he during the events of Ragnarök
remained for over 5,000 years. After
carrying his bright sword, he will g
Odin went missing following the Second
Dark Elf Conflict, a weakened Surtur battle against the Æsir, he will d
intended to finally start Ragnarök, only battle with the major god Freyr,
to be defeated and killed by Thor. afterward the flames that he bri
forth will engulf the Earth.

Odin Borson was the former Odin is the main god in No

King of Asgard, son of Bor, mythology. Described as a
husband of Frigga, father immensely wise, one-eyed
of Hela and Thor, the adoptive man, Odin has by far the m
father of Loki, and the former varied characteristics of an
protector of the Nine Realms. the gods and is not only th
During the ancient times, he deity to call upon when w
was worshiped as the god of was being prepared but is a
wisdom by the inhabitants the god of poetry, of the de
of Earth. of runes, and of magic.

Valkyrie Brunnhilde is the reigning sovereign

of New Asgard, erstwhile leader to In Norse mythology,
the fallen Valkyrie; shield-maidens a valkyrie from Old
who swore to defend the throne. She Norse valkyrja chooser of
resided on Sakaar as a bounty hunter
designated Scrapper 142 after her slain is one of a host of
defeat at the hands of Hela. Years female figures who choo
into her self-imposed exile, Valkyrie those who may die in batt
found the Asgardian prince Thor and
sold him to the Grandmaster, only to
and those who may live
grow towards him when he told her Selecting among half of th
of Hela's new invasion of Asgard. who die in battle (the oth
Joining the Revengers, Valkyrie half go to the
escaped from Sakaar and assisted
Thor to defeat Hela, witnessing goddess Freyja's afterlif
the Ragnarök as a result before she field Fólkvangr), the valkyr
then joined all of the remaining take their chosen to the
survivors traveling towards Earth,
only for the Statesman to be
afterlife hall of the
attacked by the Black Order. slain, Valhalla, ruled over
the god Odin.

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