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5.5 1

R r circumfrance 1 circumfrance 2 x y z

12 13 75.396 40.8395

1 2 3
6 13 25.5 old size new size str dex con
hgt: x2, wght: x8
8 16 32 diminuitivetiny +2 -2 same

1 6 2* 10x10 10x20 10x40 reduce: tiny small +4 -2 same

2 13 4** 20x10 20x20 20x40 hgt: x0.5, wght: x0.125 small medium +4 -2 +2

3 26 8*** 40x10 40x20 40x40 medium large +8 -2 +4

large huge +8 -2 +4

panels : 1 2 huge gargantuan+8 same+4

1 1

* = 2 2 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6

3 3

** =

= 5ft

*** =

%1 %1


Hit dice 2d8+8 (17) 3d8+15 (28) 4d8+31 (48)

initiative +1 +0 -1
speed 30 40 40

AC 17 16 16

Grapple -1 +4 +12

Attack +3, 1d6 +4, 2d4+3 +8, 3d4+7

Space/reac 5/5 5/5 10/10

ferocity, anti-mechanical ferocity, anti-mechanical ferocity, anti-mechanical
specal atta tensaity tensaity tensaity
lowlight vision, scent, lowlight vision, scent, lowlight vision, scent,
special qual trunk trunk trunk

saves fort +5, ref +3, will +2 fort +7, ref +3, will +2 fort +11, ref +3, will +2

str 10, dex 12, con 16, int str 14, dex 10, con 18, int str 20, dex 8, con 24, int 2,
2, wiis 13, cha 4 2, wiis 13, cha 4 wiis 13, cha 4


listen +6, spot +4 listen +7, spot +5 listen +8, spot +7

feats alertness, toughness alertness, toughness alertness, toughness

cr 1 2 4

ferocity: no penlty while disabled or dying

anti-mechanical tensaity: damage as per one bigger for sundering/breaking things

is: 4

1 4 settings spins 🍄 lever opens dooor no spin while pressed

nat a ac/attak 2 4 snufuluphagus (imune to chronomancy) metal scraps strewn around

same -2 3 lead bound book w/ magic lock, radiates abjouration, slows area around it

same -1 4 gelatinus cube in a jar, rope snake dc29 sense motive/spot/nature, survalence

same -1 5 5 snufuluphagus (imune to chronomancy) -1 baby (-1 size catogory)

+2 -1 6 botom of skeliton but large has large bag w/ journal, 1 light of mithril, (250 coins of gold

+3 -2

+4 -4 3

… +1d6 book

1 6 4

🍄 🍄

💀 💀



+12, 3d6+12

aking things
💀 human top of skeliton w/ thin layer of puffy skin, big nails, long thick hair, giant teeth, giant bag top

al scraps strewn around the room blue juce staining their mouths playing w/ ball made of mayors trophy

= slow aresa lead walls w/ door barred from outside

🍄 lever opens door

1 size catogory) nest coverd in blue 'jelly' pods get in: layer 1 medium, layer 2 small, dome made of warped & twisted m

thril, (250 coins of gold dc 26 -10gp for each less) swingign curtains x 5, ref 16, 2d4, +/- 4dc/room size, +/- die si

nest has: wand, detect magic, 32

wand, fox's cunning, 42

bottle of air

wand, light, 46

5 cloak of charisma


zragth clan 1 of 6 desert nom

giude to chronomancy, com

330 galons of water / month

stores upto 990 galons of wa

you enter a x by y z

eth, giant bag top

of mayors trophy furnishings of the room

creatures prevelent objects

e of warped & twisted metal

4dc/room size, +/- die size/size

x=size 1

y=size 2


h clan 1 of 6 desert nomads that use sky whales

e to chronomancy, compeate edition

galons of water / month

es upto 990 galons of water

= 5ft = wall = secret door = locked door = door

a) 1 ( b x 6 ) + C
18 %

b) 1 c) 0
%(a) 6 8 %(c)

% = plinth %
c) night(0), sun(1) turns lights on & off

1) a mummy (MM 190), 260gp, wand of silence (43)
☠) dead gnomes + gentle repose & permanancy
3) tight squeez 'tween coffins %

📚 bookshelfs
2) book titles:
1 a godles plane
2 a new perspective on relitivity
3 geometry by construction
4 how to avoid liqudisation when using 'wyvern dust' or heptakylamylapheide
5 the subjectivity of time
6 necromancy: a beginers do's & don’t's
7 the fabric of time
3) special books
📚 when opened spews 1d4+1 monkeys every turn. Str dc to close = 9 + 1/ 3 monkys
📚 room loops on itself until book is closed* n=4
📚 book has gag. It charm (dc 14) to open it,

1) pit trap w/ glass wall beyond it & (nistels ilusion) 20ft
2) nistels magic aura (ilusion)

💪 a player must put their arm in to open door other bits of floor open into pit trap (10ft)
💰 wall falls and all those squares that aren’t adjecent fall relising
ii x iii x iv x
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚
☠ ☠ 📚 📚
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ 📚 table here 📚
☠ ^1 ☠ ^3 y % y %
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚
☠ ☠ 🔑 📚 📚 📚
☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠

vi x vii x viii x

y % y % ️️
1 ️️

💰 🚪

xii x xiii x xviii x

y % y %
v x

y % y

ix x

y % y

ixx x

y % y
0 0 0 1

0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

0 0 0 -1

23 0.04444444

3 9 0.4
2.5 6.25 0.27777778
2 4 0.17777778
1.5 2.25 0.1
1 1 0.04444444
0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0
Ai Aii Bi Bii Ci

b f c a d


3 3
i ii

2 4 2
1 1

3 3
i ii

2 4 2
1 1
Cii Di Dii Ei Eii Fi

b e c f d a


4 2 4


4 2 4

3 3
ii i

2 4 2

3 3
ii i

2 4 2

4 2 4
1 1


4 2 4
1 1
mobius * torus
mobius * circle * circle

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