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OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS BANKI COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS), BANKI Notice No 3603 Di TTTT, INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS OF ALL SEMESTERS THEORY, REGARDING THE CONDUCT OF ON-LINE EXAMINATION- 2021 (BACK & SPECIAL) papers will be sent to the students through their WhatsApp group by 1, The Questions of the respect Teacher-in charge / Examination Section 2. The time duration of Examination is ‘Three’ hours. 3. Students are advised to use black ball point pen and Ad size Papers only for writing the answers. 4. Students must appear the said exam with their college uniform. 5. The mobile camera of every student should be on position and when required by the Teacher-in charge. 6. Each and every student must download the cover page of answer script from college website and fill up it properly, then attach as front page of answer script of each sitting of Examination. 7. The Semester Roll No and Signature should be mentioned on the top of the right corner of each page 8. Each and every page must be serially numbered and total number of pages must be mentioned on the fromt page of answer script. 9. After completion of the examination time, each and every student has to take the scanned photograph of all answer sheets serially and send those as PDF file to the Examination section through his/her \whatsapp number strictly within half an hour of the completion of the examination. 10. A single PDF file should be sent to the Examination section in the form of a folder with Semester Roll No. on the PDF file, 11. The Students are advised to write only Semester Roll no and Subject. 12, They should not write their names on the folder. 13. The folder should be in the form. Roll No. -118BAC01001 Subject —Beo. -CC -I WY Controller aie Fe Banki Canase VARESE TNS Pee auToNOo Ce BANKI-754008,

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