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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the finding on how environmental

factors affecting the Academic Performance of Grade V students of

ASES. Graphical presentation of the data was made to substantiate

the narrative discussion of the study for easier understanding.

This discussion was focused on the academic performance of Grade

V students in ASES. Data were presented, analyzed and interpreted

in this chapter.

Table 1 Distribution Of Respondents According To Gender.

Gender Respondents %

Female 26 52%

Male 24 48%

Total 50 100%

Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents according to

their gender. Based from the data and information gathered, fifty

percent (52%) of respondents are female while forty-eight percent

(48%) are male.

From the table, it shows that mostly female are the lead

Table 2 Distribution of respondents according to age.

Age Respondents %

9-10 20 40%

11-12 27 54%

13-14 3 6%

Total 50 100%

Table 2 shows the distribution of respondents according to

their age. Based from the data and information gathered, forty

percent (40%) of respondents are ages 9 – 10 years old, fifty-

four percent (54%) are 11 – 12 years old and six percent (6%) are

from 13 – 14 years old.

From the table, it shows that ages 11 -12 years old are the

major respondents.

Table 3 What type of environment do you learn best?

Learn Best Respondents %

Spacious 41 41%

Quiet 34 34%

Noisy 4 4%

Crowded 4 4%

In table 3, it shows what type of environment the students of

ASES learn best. Based from the data and information gathered,

forty-one percent (41%) of respondents likes a more spacious

room, thirty-four percent (34%) prefer a quiet room, four percent

(4%)pick the noisy and crowded room.

It shows that forty-one percent (41%) of the respondents wish

to study in a more spacious room than a quiet, noisy and crowded


Table 4 What type of environment do you learn least?

Learn Least Respondents %

Spacious 4 4%

Quiet 7 7%

Noisy 40 40%

Crowded 32 32%

In table 4, it shows what type of environment the students of

ASES learn least. Based from the data and information gathered,

four percent (4%) of respondents merely choose spacious room,

seven percent (7%) indicate quiet room, forty percent (40%)choose

the noisy room while thirty-two percent (32%)agree that they have

difficulties in crowded room.

It shows that forty percent (40%) of the respondents agree

that they have difficulties to study in a noisy place.

Table 5 Identify possible factors affecting your academic

performance in school.
Possible Environmental

Factors Respondents %

Teacher’s Method 34 34 %

Physical Environment of

School 37 37 %

Relations between Teacher

and Student 42 42 %

Curriculum 28 28 %

School’s Building 33 33 %

Relations between Students 33 33 %

In table 4, it identifies some possible factors affecting the

academic performance of Grade V students in ASES. Based from the

data and information gathered, thirty-four percent (34%) of

respondents pick teacher’s method, thirty-seven percent(37%)are

because of the physical environment of school, forty-two percent

(42%) think it is the relation between teacher and student,

twenty-eight percent (28%) agree that curriculum has an impact in

their academic performance, thirty-three percent (33%) choose the

school’s building as one of the environmental factors affecting

their performance, and thirty-three percent (33%) think that

relations between their classmates are more likely affects also

their academic performance in school

It shows that forty-two percent (42%) of the respondents hope

to have a good camaraderie with their teacher.

Table 6 With what type of classmate do you learn best?

Learn Best Respondents %

Noisy 9 9 %

Friendly 41 41 %

Quiet 33 33 %

Naughty 7 7 %

In table 6, it shows with what type of classmate they learn

best. Based from the data and information gathered, nine percent

(9%) of respondents likes a noisy classmate, forty-one percent

(41%) prefer a friendly one, thirty-three percent (33%)pick the

quiet and seven percent (7%) likes a naughty one.

It shows that forty-one percent (41%) of the respondents wish

to be with a friendly classmate.

Table 7 With what type of classmate do you learn least?

Learn Least Respondents %

Noisy 34 34%

Friendly 12 12%

Quiet 10 10%

Naughty 27 27%

In table 7, it shows with what type of classmate they learn

least. Based from the data and information gathered, thirty-four

percent (34%) of respondents likes a noisy classmate, twelve

percent (12%) prefer a friendly one, ten percent (10%)pick the

quiet and twenty-seven percent (7%) think that a naughty one

affects their performance in school.

It shows that thirty-four percent (34%) of the respondents

think that they were preoccupied by noisy classmates.

Table 8 With what type of teacher do you learn best?

Learn Best Respondents %

Strict 36 36%

Friendly 35 35%

Moody 3 3%

Grouchy 4 4%

In table 8, it shows with what type of teacher the students

of ASES learn best. Based from the data and information gathered,

thirty-six percent (36%) of respondents likes a strict adviser,

thirty-five percent (35%) select a moody, four percent (4%) the

grouchy one affects their performance in school.

It shows that thirty-six percent (36%) of the respondents

consider that they learn best in a strict teacher.

Table 9 With what type of teacher do you learn least?

Learn Least Respondents %

Strict 10 10%

Friendly 7 7%

Moody 43 43%

Grouchy 27 27%

In table 9, it shows with what type of teacher the students

of ASES learn least. Based from the data and information

gathered, ten percent (10%) of respondents learn least in a

strict adviser, seven percent (7%) prefer the friendly one,

forty-three percent (43%)select a moody teacher while twenty-

seven percent (27%) the grouchy one affects their performance in


It shows that forty-three percent (43%) of the respondents

consider that they have difficulties to learn less in a moody



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study.


This study on Environmental Factors Affecting Academic

Performance of Grade V students in ASES located at District 2

Anayan, Pili, Camarines Sur for the S/Y 2016 – 2017. To determine

the personal profile of Grade V students of ASES and the

Environmental Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Grade

V students of ASES.

The respondents of this study were the Grade V students of

Anayan-Sagrada Elementary School.

This study used descriptive method. Descriptive method is

used to determine the environmental factors affecting the

academic performance of the Grade V students in ASES.


The following are the conclusions drawn from the findings of the



Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, researchers

recommend the following:


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