Competition Game Plan

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HIP TOSS - my right arm tracks up

under his armpit, left-hand grabs his

left arm at triceps/elbow. Do my fit in
and finish the toss

Switch to a double and run him over.



continue with the movement by
throwing his head as if I had the heel,
but instead, I let go of my grip on the
collar and my right arm snakes down
his left leg as I’m shooting with my
right leg knocking him off balance
backward and picking up his leg, Left
hand grabs at the heel, left knee goes
to the outside of his leg and lifts up to
help with picking up the leg, right arm Keep attempting to finish the choke,
switches to his waist. Right leg comes catch the wrist under the thumb with
down and plants in the front part of his If he defends, go back to the brabo yours, lean forward, swing the leg
triangle. As soon as that my left foot over, pinch tight and finish the armbar
plants, I do sesai. IF I DIDN’T GET It is possible to finish from here but I
TO LIFT HIS LEG UP AND HE want to now sit in my chair and hug
DEFENDED HARD…. If he pulls his arm out… simply go tight, secure my hooks if possible Rotate hips and finish the choke.
to cross choke, grabbing the lapel If he is blocking with his hand:slide Make a scissor motion while Should be enough pressure to
behind his back, not the collar. up to an S mount Take one hook out (same side as pulling hook out and rotating. finish choke. Leg goes around the head and
choke hand) and make yourself Finish Choke. opponent is on their back. Pinch
ANKLE PICK - My shin and knee slide up and sits perpendicular. Finish choke. and extend hips.
Right off the grip, AS SOON AS HE While always pressuring with the
Lockup the triangle, pop out to side behind his shoulder and head,
STEPS FORWARD WITH HIS choke, use same side leg to hook
and finish for the tap knee and hand goes to near side hip, Opposite hand grabs his opposite side simultaneously I am throwing my Bring my head back to the mount and
RIGHT LEG (my left side), even in the arm bend (with heel), pull Always pressuring with
3rd point pressure, look for brabo elbow (opposite of the side being other leg up and over to secure a fat finish the choke
before he plants because I want to get With live hand, reach across to arm away and stretch out. choke. Use same leg which
Left hand tracks down to the sleeve at series, kimuras, etc choked by the hand) and pulls across boy type mount.
him before he gets to react, I drop choke hand starts pulling in and opposite lapel (opposite of choke was used for choke 3 and Already in position. With live
the same time my body circles to the his face. Place your chest on top of his
down, bring his head over the right across the neck, live hand lets go hand’s grip) and grip with thumb place it on the back of hand, grab my own lapel while
left pivoting on my right foot to make Knee goes to the mat to take mount. triceps to keep from pulling his arm of lapel and starts to feed itself in directly under the other arm.
knee to put more weight on the leg. opponent’s neck. hooking opponents arm.
him step with his right leg, he now out. Hug and finish. behind the head across the back
Left hand catches and blocks at the Rotate my elbow around to the neck Arm Hook (choke 3) - Opponent
plants that leg and has his weight on If they defend double keep pressure down and as soon as My free arm rotates to secure the while rubbing it across the face and of the neck defends choke 2 by stopping live
heel, right arm throws his head across Place my forehead on the choke hand blade of my forearm along the other
that foot If he goes for If he jumps guard (sprawl but stay up on (1) turn his elbow up as I (2) pull him possible, LONGSTEP OUT pushing the head away hand from grabbing lapel.
the mat over his right knee. If I caught side of his neck
guillotine, look to do with a guillotine, use their toes) look for knee pivot on the left foot and pull him Use my free hand to go under the Scissor choke (choke 2) - when Opponent does this with his hand Leg behind head (choke 4) Armbar - some how opponent
the heel like I was supposed to, I keep Pass lapel off to other hand in super
the guillotine log roll defense for guillotine tap, ankle pick or single circular around and (3) whip the elbow and start walking his arm up opponent defends choke 1 by that is on the same side as the - Opponent defends choke defends choke 4. Finish with
my grip on the collar and come with deep like doing a cross choke, make
defense from guard leg bottom of my foot at his ankle. until it is straight; all the while Arm behind the head (choke 1) pinching elbow into their body lapel. 3 armbar.
him, coming with the knee cut sure the sharp wrist bone (by the Left thumb into lapel with blade on the neck
Punch in to the collar with right hand immediately (even before he hits his keeping my head on the mat. My knee pinching at his hip and with Left hand switches positions with my
to get my grip- thumb in the collar at my foot (that’s inside the half guard) thumb joint) is caught on the neck I shoot my arm (the one closest to his
back on the ground. As I cut, the left head to keep the tripod. Place my
neck, pinch elbow in and down. Now hand goes immediately to the elbow of walking up to opponents butt. My free legs) under his arm and along his neck forearm on the ground and place my If he defends by pushing up: take the armbar
in a good defensive position. Always his right arm and pulls up to secure the DOUBLE LEG With my left foot, step in by his foot on the outside. creates a wedge (with my hand on his to secure a head and arm grip. That thumb inside the collar on the other o Rear Gi Choke Series - Things to
keeping strong posture pass. 3rd point pressure down. IF I off the snap down from the grip - I As soon as he lifts his arm up a little, I hip and my elbow on my knee) to pop Move toward north/south and with my hand grabs inside the sleeve of my side remember: The Choke Hand feeds
WENT FOR THE ANKLE PICK, have my grip, SNAP him down a few put my head on the mat to get in block my knee out From the brabo grip, put shoulder right hand, reach under his near armpit other arm
thumb in DEEP with the sharp part of
LOWERED MY LEVEL AND times, before he starts to come up it from getting under. pressure down, pop to knee on belly. and grab the lapel Rotate the blade side of my free arm the wrist on the side of his neck (on
MISSED THE CATCH at the heel (because you anticipate it) shoot in for SESAI when opponent grips high in (which is now the choke arm) around the main artery). Live Hand is under
Reaching with my left hand and because he stepped back with his right the double, and finish by driving my collar- left hand grips sleeve at Grapevine and tripod. Place my head to the neck and finish the choke the arm and grabbing the same lapel to
grabbing the lapel on the same side, leg to avoid the pick…. across. elbow, right hand still in the collar. Pull out opponents lapel and get brabo Ezekiel Choke from back- if he begins on the mat to use both hands and feed help feed the choke hand in deeper.
snap them down and around. Snap Arm Triangle- grip and put shoulder pressure on the Brabo Choke- Bread Cutter- to belly out by turning away from me my first hand in the collar very deep
down strong circle left I have my 3rd point pressure down on jaw/neck turning my thumb and blade side into
his jaw with my knee pinching at his the neck Feed the one arm under his head
Takedown hip and with my foot (that’s inside the behind the neck and grab inside my Back lapel choke series - Ezekiel
- my takedowns are a series of half guard) walking up to opponents TO P - SIDE CO NTRO L opposite sleeve choke if I can not get my right thumb
Gri pping takedowns, typically 2-5 butt Longstep half guard pass- Things to remember: in the lapel, switch to Ezekiel with left
-things to remember: always off consecutively. The idea is that I WILL 3rd point pressure Cross choke- arm. If Ezekiel blocked, try to get
balancing and trying to mess them up, take you down either by one Block the near side hip the x choke with my second hand your thumb back in
constantly trying to foot sweep or trip technique or by overwhelming you Pull out opponents lapel and get coming over the top and thumb in Ezekiel Choke
them with techniques. HALF GUARD TO P brabo grip and put shoulder pressure
Things to remember: on the jaw/neck
3rd Point Pressure Always looking for kimura/straight BACK (WITH HO O KS)
Pull out opponents lapel and get armlock/paintbrush MO UNT Things to remember:
STANDING brabo grip and put shoulder pressure Looking for arm triangle Things to remember: SUBMIT SUBMIT SUBMIT
- Shake hands, jump back, get loose on the jaw/neck Looking to advance to mount Submit Control this position, use hooks to
and get Froggy. Shorten the sleeves. Always looking for kimura/straight Looking for knee on belly Instead of being reversed to your keep control
Stance is low, loose, and on your toes; armlock/paintbrush If he turns out, taking turtle position guard, pop out to side control if you’re Back pack monkey, I go where ever
staggered with left in front. Always looking for the LONGSTEP and taking the back having trouble. he goes

Things to remember: Things to remember: Things to remember: Things to Remember:
Keep breaking posture, break grips. Keep a strong posture (head up back Sweeping o Elbows in tight, protect neck and
Always look for the upa sweep when straight, statue) with my grips on his Looking to Kimura arms
they attempt to regain posture; look for lapels keeping his BACK DOWN Looking to get full guard o ESCAPE!
kimura. Do not allow him to get grips, if he Stay on your side o ESCAPE!!
Kimura does, do your grip breaks, if he has no o ESCAPE!!!
Submit grips, he cannot do his techniques
Defend crossface
Armbar Wide base to avoid being swept
Sweep Sweep
Don’t stay flat, keep moving. Kimura Hip push and bump escape- Shrimp to half guard -

L-Base Guard break- Stand up Guard Open-

my base (legs) form an L shape with
my right knee directly in the middle. o Keep elbows in tight, place your o Elbows in tight, wedge the leg up
Cross choke- go for cross choke, look Over-Hook Series - Starting out with a Jamelao sweep - Waiter sweep - X-Guard sweep 1 and 2-
Posture and lean back stretching his hands on his hips and bump like crazy and shrimp out to half guard pushing
for armbar and pillow sweep when he deep over hook on opponents arm
legs out Wide base. Right hand on lapels to a side as you shrimp out the other, the leg in
defends (preferably with my left arm, but
doesn’t matter) and grabbing the lapel keeping his back down, strong come up on top and look to pass
as if doing X choke. Always looking posture. Left hand grabs arm and pins IMMEDIATELY
to belly Stretch his leg out with half guard, Right arm grabs inside near leg Right leg hooking at the knee, left foot
to triangle or sweep. right hand reaches inside and grabs at is going to hook inside the leg like a
Right arm keeps the posture keeping
his back down, left hand grips the the shin, left arm is underhooking half butterfly. Right arm hooking in
pants at the hip, left arm forms a near leg
wedge to pop the legs open Jump up and stand STRAIGHT UP Make a pendulum toward left side
X Choke Triangle Omaplata, Omaplata sweep - in Finish straight arm lock with over Pillow Sweep - If opponent moves his Hook sweep - put one butterfly hook If opponent stands: Eiffel Tower Sweep- if he pops my
keeping the arm swinging with left leg. Left arm
reality, using this to sweep opponent hooked arm by arching into the elbow body to the other side not allowing me in (opposite of overhook) and an grip off his sleeve,
Roll up and with left hand, grab far ankle scoops inside near leg and hooks
and finish with triangle (Omaplata to scoot my hips out on that side and under hook with other arm.
ankle. Left leg is now on thigh to Bring my body inside perpendicular
sweep to triangle from mount flattening me out
Knee cut across getting an underhook create the lever. with him, elevate his leg with my left
With live hand, get thumb in gi and Foot on same side as over hook goes combination) Omaplata Sweep - right hand grabs
IMMEDIATELY and 3rd point foot, slip my right foot inside on the
finish X choke. on opponent’s hip. My hips slide out across at the sleeve. Left arm hooks Grab his heels, use either my knees or Step back on the opposite side of the same leg above the left foot, pinch
pressure down. arm being grabbed Roll to the left and try to finish the sweep
to that side. Start lifting, rotating, and rolling. same side leg, then right hand passes my feet to bump his hips and knock knee to body
Lock my over hook around opponents off sleeve to the left hand him over, pulling his heels back
As I come up, my hips rotate to make
Same as setting up triangle. Push head elbow and pinch tight to my body.
the longstep. Longstep happens
away and bring leg over for Omaplata. Hook with opposite arm inside same
immediately to get my pass
side leg (elbow to back of knee) and Knee cut with other knee, pressure Same side of the arm being grabbed, Roll the opposite direction to finish
Grab wrist or forearm with live hand With other leg, chop or kick out his base Kick legs, post and come up tall, Stretch out his legs with mine, lift his
grab the back of my head. This motion Right hand grabs the elbow and makes Post and come up one hip at a time down, and longstep that elbow creates a wedge (my elbow
and push to my legs. opponent will turn to get away, with foot off the ground to make him off
should bring my hips out and into the it bend, do Omaplata while keeping touches my knee) between my leg and my right arm hug the back of the knee balance and roll over to knock him
Sweep opponent while putting my hole. the sleeve his and pull him back and down. Cover over and cut pass or longstep
knee (quadriceps side) his neck Finish sweep and look for Fat Boy mount Roll to the left again if the others didn’t work and get your points.
**Look to mount, but if he is Stand up and knee cut if needed
Clear arm, lift hips, and push off hip
& Pinch leg into body. Grab my leg shrimping out on one side, just flair
around shin and pull down across the Start momentum and kick towards his Roll, and end up on top off to side control. Bullfight pass, look for armlock,
back of his neck. Lock up triangle and If opponent tries to get up, let him and armpit and pulling everything tight to kimura, and if he turns away - the
finish. lock up triangle simultaneously. my body. Come up to mount, or Fat Stand up and bull fight pass, end up EZEKIEL CHOKE and back take
Boy mount. with knee on belly, side control or if
Bring right knee to the side of the he turns away - Ezekiel Choke
neck to set up for the triangle.
Finish triangle from mount Knee cut

Hop over pass

- - Mindjet

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