GENERAL PHYSICS 1 Quarter 2 Activity Sheet

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Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Calculate the moment of inertia about a given axis of single-
object and multiple-object systems (1 lecture with exercises)
 Calculate magnitude and direction of torque using the
definition of torque as a cross product. STEM_GP12RED-IIa-3
 Describe rotational quantities using vectors.
 Determine whether a system is in static equilibrium or not.
 Apply the rotational kinematic relations for systems with
constant angular accelerations. STEM_GP12RED-IIa-6
 Solve static equilibrium problems in contexts such as, but not
limited to, see-saws, mobiles, cable-hinge-strut system,
leaning ladders, and weighing a heavy suitcase using a small
bathroom scale. STEM_GP12RED-IIa-8
 Determine angular momentum of different systems.
 Apply the torque-angular momentum relation.

Subject Matter: Moment of Inertia

Moment of Inertia, also known as rotational inertia,
 It is the rotational analog for mass and is represented by a capital letter I. It is defined
as the property of a rotating body to resist change in its state of rotation. The larger
the moment of inertia, the greater the resistance it offers to angular acceleration. The
SI unit for moment of inertia is the kg.m2.
 The moment of inertia I of a particle about an axis is obtained by multiplying the mass
m by the square of its distance r from the axis.
I =mr 2

 For a system made up of several particles, the moment of inertia of the system I s is
the sum of the individual moments of inertia.

I S=m1 r 21 +m 2 r 22 +…=∑ m i r 2i

 Radius of Gyration (k) is the distance from an axis of rotation where the mass of a
body may be assumed to be concentrated without altering the moment of inertia of
the body about that axis. Radius of gyration is analogous to the center of mass.

 The moments of inertia of composite bodies of simple geometric shapes about a

specified axis are shown below. The specified axes, except for the rod, are generally
taken along the axes of symmetry that is, running through the center of mass
resulting in symmetrical mass distribution.

Image copied from

Activity 1: Try This.

1. Consider standing and balancing a
hammer upright on the tip of your finger.
If the head of the hammer is heavy and
the handle long, would it be easier to
balance with the end of the handle on
your fingertip so that the head is at the
top, or the other way around with the
head at your fingertip and the end of the Image copied from Conceptual Physics

handle at the top.

2. Which among the two cans will reach the

bottom first? Is it the one with content or
the other one without? Explain your
answer scientifically.

Activity 2: Problem Solving (Answer without solution will not be considered)

Consider the balanced seesaw. Suppose the boy on the left suddenly gains 50 N, such
as by being handed a bag of apples. Where should he sit in order to balance, assuming
the heavier boy does not move? Is it closer or farther from the person he is facing?
Explain your answer.

Activity 3: Problem Solving (Answer without solution will not be considered)

A taho vendor carries a 1.5 m long light plank over his shoulder. At the end of the plank
are two buckets weighing 40.0 N and 60.0 N, respectively. Find:
a. Find the value of force F exerted by his shoulder. Neglect the weight of the plank.
b. Where should he support the plank for it to be balanced horizontally?


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Use Newton’s law of gravitation to infer gravitational force,

weight, and acceleration due to gravity. STEM_GP12G-IIb-16
 Discuss the physical significance of gravitational field.
 Apply the concept of gravitational potential energy in physics
problems. STEM_GP12Red-IIb-19
 Calculate quantities related to planetary or satellite motion.
 For circular orbits, relate Kepler’s third law of planetary motion
to Newton’s law of gravitation and centripetal acceleration.

Subject Matter: Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Gravitational Field
Gravitational Potential Energy

Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, Weight and Gravitational Field
 Gravity is one of the four fundamental interactions-the others being the
electromagnetic, weak nuclear, and strong nuclear interactions.
 What is now called the law of universal Gravitation was first inspired by Galileo’s
discovery that light and heavy bodies have the same acceleration on the surface of
the Earth when air resistance is negligible as well as Newton’s observation of a
surprising numerical coincidence involving the radius of the earth, the distance of the
Moon from the center of the Earth, the gravitational acceleration on the Earth’s
surface, and the Moon’s centripetal acceleration as it orbits the Earth.
 According to Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation, “Every particle of mater attracts
every other particle with a force proportional to the product of their masses and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.” In equation form,
this can be written as
G m1 m 2
F g=

Where Fg is the magnitude of the gravitational force, m1 and m2 are the masses of
the interacting particles, r is the distance between the particle, and G is a
fundamental physical constant known as the Universal Gravitational Constant.
 The value of the Universal Gravitational Constant is
G= 6.674 X 10-11 Nm2/kg2

Gravitational Field
 The gravitational field strength, ⃗g ( ⃗r ), is defined as the gravitational field per unit test
mass at a point.
F g (⃗r )

⃗g ( ⃗r )=
Where F g (⃗r ) is the gravitational force exerted on a test mass, mt , located at positionr⃗

 The magnitude of the gravitational field strength at a distance r from a point mass, M,
(or from a uniform density sphere with mass M) is g=GM/r2
 The gravitational field inside a uniform spherical shell is zero.

Gravitational Potential Energy and Escape Energy

 The gravitational potential energy of a pair of masses, m1 and m2, that are a distance
r apart is
−Gm1 m2
U g= +C
−Gm1 m2
Where C is a constant that is often conveniently assigned a value of 0: U g=

 It can be shown that the above expression for the gravitational potential energy is
consistent with the expression U g=mghfor a body of mass m located in a region with
uniform gravitational field or gravitational acceleration

Orbits and Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion

 First law (Law of Ellipses): all planets move about the sun in elliptical orbits
 Second Law (Law of Areas): A radius vector joinin a planet to the Sun sweeps out
equal areas in equal times.
 Third Law (The Harmonic Law): 3 =¿ constant for all planets in the solar system
where T is the orbital period of the planet (the time it takes to complete on orbit) and
a is the average distance of the planet from the Sun.
The detailed contents of the lesson can be found in pages 159-177 of the book in
General Physics 1

Activity 1: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

What is the gravitational acceleration on the surface of a planet that has twice the radius
and twice the density of Earth? Show solution

Activity 2: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

The escape speed from the surface of the Earth is approximately 11.2 km/s. What is the
scape speed from a planet that has twice the density of Earth and twice the radius?

Activity 3: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

The moon is 3.84 x 108 m, on the average, from Earth. It takes the moon 27.32 days to
complete orbit the Earth. What is the orbital radius of a satellite that takes 8 hour to
complete orbit the Earth? Show solution


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Relate the amplitude, frequency, angular frequency, period,

displacement, velocity, and acceleration of oscillating systems.
 Recognize the necessary conditions for an object to undergo
simple harmonic motion. STEM_GP12PM-IIc-25
 Calculate the period and the frequency of spring mass, simple
pendulum, and physical pendulum. STEM_GP12PM-IIc-27
Subject Matter: Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)
 The displacement from an equilibrium position of an object undergoing simple
harmonic motion can be described by using a sinusoidal function
x= A sin ( wt + ∅ )
f =frequency
ω=2 πf =angular frequency
T = = period ∅= phase angle

The displacement of an oscillating body from an equilibrium position as a function of

time. The traced oscillation is a sine wave. The solid oscillation has a phase difference
with the sine wave. The period T is measured as the time interval of a complete cycle.

Necessary Conditions for Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

 In order for a body to undergo SHM, a restoring force must act on this body that
brings it to its equilibrium position. That is, the restoring force pulls the body opposing
its displacement back to the equilibrium position.
 Thus, from Newton’s second Law of Motion the acting force in a SHM has the
following form:

Where k is a constant and x is the displacement from the equilibrium position.

 Considering that the motion has a sinusoidal form, the second derivative of the

position as a function of time is negatively proportional to the original function. Thus,
the force becomes:

F=−mω2 x

 Taking the equilibrium position to be zero, the angular frequency is then:

√ m

Energy and Force Considerations

 We can derive the potential energy by considering that the acting force is a function
of position:
F= v( x)

 This leads to:

V = kx 2

 The kinetic Energy (KE) is then calculated as follows where the position as a function
of time is sinusoidal:
KE= mv 2

 Thus, the total energy is:

−1 2 1 2
E=KE+ V = mv + kx
2 2

 Given that the total energy is conserved with no damping, the total energy is:
1 2 1 2 1
E= m ( ω A cos ( ωt+ ∅ ) ) = k ( A sin ( ωt +∅ ) ) = kA 2
2 2 2

Mass and Spring, Simple Pendulum, Physical Pendulum

 For a mass and spring system, the restoring force follows Hooke’s law. Therefore, for
this system, k is interpreted as the stiffness of the spring, where m is taken as the
mass of the oscillating body (see conditions for SHM)
 The angular frequency for a physical pendulum (where g is the acceleration due to
gravity and l is the length of the pendulum):
√ l
 The angular frequency for a physical pendulum (were b is the distance of the center
of mass from the pivot point, m is the mass of the physical pendulum, and I is the
moment of inertial from the axis of rotation).

√ I
The detailed contents of the lesson can be found in pages 159-177 of the book in
General Physics 1or watch this on Youtube:

Activity 1: Problem Solving

Ultrasound is used in clinical applications to probe soft tissues inside the body. To detect
small and stiff objects, like tumours, the frequency used is around 5.0 MHz. What
molecular vibration period is caused by this ultrasound pulse?

Activity 2: Problem Solving

The tuning fork prongs vibrate at 350 Hz with amplitude of 0.500 mm. A small insect with
a mass of 0.025g lands on the tip of one of the prongs. Assuming that it’s mass has a
negligible effect on the frequency of oscillation, what is the maximum kinetic energy of
the insect? (Answer without solution will not be considered)

Activity 3: Problem Solving

The period of oscillation of an irregularly shaped object is 1.2 s. its mass is 1.0 kg and it
is hanged from one of its ends to oscillate, which is 3.5 cm away from its center of mass.
What is its moment of inertia? (Answer without solution will not be considered)


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Differentiate under-damped, over-damped, and critically

damped motion. STEM_GP12PM-IId-28
 Define mechanical wave, longitudinal wave, transverse wave,
periodic wave, and sinusoidal wave. STEM_GP12PM-IId-31
 From a given sinusoidal wave function infer the (speed,
wavelength, frequency, period, direction, and wave number.
 Apply the inverse-square relation between the intensity of
waves and the distance from the source. STEM_GP12MWS-

Subject Matter: Types of Waves

Damped Oscillation
 A decrease in the amplitude of oscillation is caused by dissipative forces. Say, we
add friction (or a drag force) to the restoring force, the net force for the oscillator
∑ F=−kx−c dt

d2 x dx
m 2
dt dt

d 2 x −k c dx
= x−
dt m m dt

 The added drag force is proportional to the velocity and the solution to the differential
equation above gives the position function of the oscillator. The position function of
the oscillator with little damping is then:
x=e− γt [ A cos (ωt +φ) ]
 Here we see that the oscillation amplitude decays in time due to the exponential
function. The amplitude decreases exponentially and the time constant γ is related to
the drag coefficient c (due to the drag force the additional drag force which is
proportional to the velocity). Also angular frequency is related to the said time
constant as follows.

f drag=−c

k c
√ m
4 m2

ω=√ ω2o−γ 2

 Where ω o is related to the natural frequency f o of the oscillator:

ωo 1 k
f o= =
2π 2π √ m

 The types of damping depend on the relation between the time constant and the
natural frequency of the oscillating system:

ω 2o >γ 2 underdamping

ω 2o <γ 2 overdamping

ω 2o=γ 2 critical damping

 Underdamping exhibits oscillatory motion with decreasing amplitude. Critical

damping condition exhibits no oscillation and the motion returns to the equilibrium
position after being displace and released. Overdamping condition will also not
exhibit oscillation but the motion returns to the equilibrium position more slowly after
being displaced from this position and released.

 There are two ways of transporting energy: one is through the bulk motion of a
material (e.g.: When a particle moves through space, it carries kinetic energy with it.
The energy is associated with the particle)

Mechanical and Electronic Waves

 Examples of mechanical waves include waves on a spring, water waves, seismic
waves associated with earthquakes, and sound.
 Examples of electromagnetic waves include light, radio waves, x-rays, gamma rays,
microwaves, infrared waves, and ultraviolet waves.

Longitudinal and Transverses Waves

 If the direction of oscillation of the particle is perpendicular or transverses to the
direction of propagation, the mechanical wave is a transverse wave.

 If the direction of oscillation of the particles in the medium is parallel to the direction
of propagation of the wave, the mechanical wave is a longitudinal wave.
 If the direction of oscillation of the particles in the medium has components that re
parallel, and components that are perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the
wave, the mechanical wave is a combination transverse-longitudinal wave.

Wave Characteristics, Periodic Waves, Sinusoidal Waves

 The wave speed v depends on the type of wave and the properties of the medium.
 In a periodic wave, the motion of each point of the medium is periodic with frequency
f and period T.
 The wavelength λ is the distance over which the wave patterns repeat.
 The amplitude A is the maximum displacement of a particle in a medium.
 The product of λ and f equals the wave speed.
 A sinusoidal wave is a special periodic wave in which each poing moves in simple
harmonic motion.

Mathematical Description Of Periodic Waves

 The wave function, y(x,t), gives a mathematical description of a wave. For a wave on
a string, y is the displacement of particle at time t and position x. For other type of

waves, is replaced by other quantities (e.g. for sound waves, the pressure, P(x,t), at
time t and position x is more appropriate.
 The wave function for sinusoidal wave moving in the positive x-direction can be
written as
y ( x , t )= A cos ⁡(kx−wt )

 The wave function for a sinusoidal wave moving in the negative x-direction can be
written as
y ( x , t )= A cos ⁡(kx +wt )
Where A is the amplitudek =2 π /λ is called the wave number and ω=2 πf =2 π /T is
the angular frequency of the wave
 The wave speed can be calculated using any of the following equations:
ω λ
v= , v=λ f , and v=
k T
 The quantity kx −ωt or kx +ωt above is known as the phase. The phase is measured
in radian

Activity 1: Let us analyze

What would the world be without waves? Give TWO specific example and DISCUSS

Activity 2-3: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)
A speedboat sends out a wave that rocks a small boat where a senior high school
student is standing. She notices that the height of the waves as measured from
trough to peak is 0.60 m and that the wave rock the small boat with a period of 2.0 s.
the distance between crests is 1.9 m. what are:
a. the amplitude f. angular velocity
b. the wave length, g. the wave function
c. the frequency, h. maximum vertical speed of
d. the wave speed the rowboat?
e. wave number


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Describe qualitatively and quantitatively the superposition of

waves. STEM_GP12MWS-IIe-35
 Apply the condition for standing waves on a string.

 Relate the frequency (source dependent) and wavelength of
sound with the motion of the source and the listener.

Subject Matter: Waves

Superposition of Waves, Interference, and Standing Waves
 Superposition of waves: the resultant displacement of two or more overlapping
waves is the algebraic sum of the displacements of the individual waves.

 Interference: interference occurs when two waves overlap. The interference is

constructive when the displacements due to the two waves are in the same direction,
and destructive when the displacements are in opposite direction.

Standing Waves on a String

 A standing wave is a pulsating stationary pattern caused by the interference of
harmonic waves of equal amplitude and wavelength traveling in opposite directions.

 When a string fixed at one end is wiggled at the other end, incident waves will travel
toward the fixed end. When the incident and reflected waves have the same
amplitude, their interference forms a standing wave.

 Nodes and Antinodes: if the displacement at a point in space remains zero as a wave
travels through, that point is a node. The displacement at other points typically varies
with time. If the displacement at a point is space varies over the greatest range as a
wave travels through, that point is an antinode.

Activity 1:
Give an example of actual application of (a) constructive interference (b) destructive
interference and EXPLAIN how it works
Wave Interference Actual Example Explain how it works/ Benefits



Activity 2:
Give example of Harmonic Waves
Harmonics Example
First Harmonic Ex. Guitar string
Second Harmonic
Third Harmonic

Activity 3:
How do sound cancellation headsets work? How does this apply to the lesson?


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Relate pressure to area and force. STEM_GP12FM-IIf-41

 Relate pressure to fluid density and depth. STEM_GP12FM-IIf-
 Apply Pascal’s principle in analyzing fluids in various systems.
 Apply the concept of buoyancy and Archimedes’ principle.

Subject Matter: FLUIDS

Pressure increases with depth.
 Pressure does not depend on the shape of the container. Furthermore, It also does
not depend on the amount of the liquid. Pressure is the same at any particular depth
in liquids contained in vessels of different sizes or shapes.
 The international system of measurement of Pressure is N/m2 and is equivalent to
Pascal (Pa), in honor of the French mathematician Blaise Pascal.
To find the pressure exerted by water above an object, apply the equation:

Where P pressure
=¿ F force
A area

1 atm = 1.013 x105 Pa = 1.013 bar = 14.7 lb/in2 = 760 mmHg = 760 torr

 The force (F) of the column of water is F=mg. The mass (m) is equal to the density
(ρ) of the water times its volume (V), m = ρV. The volume of the water is the area of
the column ties its height, V=Ah. Therefore, F= ρAhg. Thus, the pressure can now be
determined by:

F ρAhg
P= = =ρhg

 The pressure of the water on a body depends on three factors-density, depth and

 The atmosphere is a deep ocean of air which also exerts pressure on us. At sea
level, air which also exerts pressure on us. At sea level, air pressure is about 1.0
x105 N/m2 or 100kPa (kilopascal)

Pascal's law or the Principle of transmission of fluid-pressure

 states that "pressure exerted anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is
transmitted equally in all directions throughout the fluid such that the pressure ratio

(initial difference) remains the same."
The equation used is:
F1 F 2
A1 A2

Activity 1: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

A meat vendor uses a knife with the surface area of 0.2 m 2 to cut a piece of meat. If
the butcher uses 19.5 N to cut the meat, what is the pressure produced?

Activity 2: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

If the density of water is 1000.00 kg/m 3, what is the pressure due to the water at the
bottom of a swimming pool 2.0 m deep?

Activity 3: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

A 30.0 N force is exerted on the small piston of a hydraulic system. The cross-
sectional area of the small piston is 0.0400 m 2. What is the magnitude of the weight
that can be lifted by the large piston, which has a surface area of 0.100 m 2?


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Apply Bernoulli’s principle and continuity equation, whenever

appropriate, to infer relations involving pressure, elevation,
speed, and flux. STEM_GP12FM-IIf-46

 Explain the connection between the Zeroth Law of
Thermodynamics, temperature, thermal equilibrium, and
temperature scales. STEM_GP12TH-IIg-49
 Convert temperatures and temperature differences in the
following scales: Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin.
 Define coefficient of thermal expansion and coefficient of
volume expansion. STEM_GP12TH-IIg-51
 Calculate volume or length changes of solids due to changes
in temperature. STEM_GP12TH-IIg-52
 Solve problems involving temperature, thermal expansion,
heat capacity, heat transfer, and thermal equilibrium in
contexts such as, but not limited to, the design of bridges and
train rails using steel, relative severity of steam burns and
water burns, thermal insulation, sizes of stars, and surface
temperatures of planets. STEM_GP12TH-IIg-53

Subject Matter: Bernoulli’s Principle


Bernoulli’s Principle states that:

The pressure in a fluid decreases as the speed of the fluid increases.

 Bernoulli’s principle holds only for steady flow. The conservation law also applies in
fluids. For liquids, the mass that flows into a given pipe must e equal to the mass that
flows out of the given pipe in the same time interval, that is m 1=m2.
This will give:
ρ1 V 1=ρ2 V 2 since m=ρV

ρ1 ( A ¿ ¿ 1 d 1)=ρ2 ( A ¿ ¿ 2 d 2) ¿ ¿ since V = Ad

ρ1 ¿ since V = Ad

Since ρ and t are constant,

A 1 v 1= A 2 v 2
The product Av which has a dimension of volume for unit time is called the flow rate, R.
That is

 Temperature directly relates to properties of objects. In chemistry, objects with high
temperature are found to have molecules with high kinetic energy and vice versa
 An object’s temperature is measured using a thermometer, which is dependent on
the properties and behaviour of matter during a temperature change.

Temperature Scales
 Celsius temperature scale. This is also known as the centigrade scale, because it is
based on the freezing point (0 0C) and boiling point (1000C) of water (all at standard
atmospheric pressure) and has 100 degrees in between.
 Fahrenheit temperature scale. This scale is also based on the freezing point (32 0F)
and boiling point (2120F) of water at standard atmospheric pressure. The Fahrenheit
degree is 5/9ths of a degree in the Celsius scale.
 Kelvin temperature scale. Is based on the changes in pressure and consequently
temperature of gases in fixed volume containers. By extrapolation from pressure-
temperature graphs, the zero temperature (absolute zero or 0K) is determined to be
at 273 0C. The Kelvin scale is not degree based and is thus written without the
degree sign.
 To convert among the three scales, we use:
T F = T C + 320

T C = T F −320

T K =T C +273.15

Thermal Expansion
 When the temperature of an object is increased, it expands. This expansion can
either be linear or volumetric.
 The following equation is quantify the expansion:
o Linear Expansion:
∆ L=α Lo ∆ T
Where ∆ L is the change in length, Lo is the original length and ∆ T is the change
in temperature

o Volume Expansion:
∆ V =β V o ∆ T
Where ∆ V is the change in volume, V o is the original volume and ∆ T is the
change in temperature

 The coefficient of linear (α ) and volume ( β ) expansion depend on the kind of materal
that experiences the temperature change.

 Heat is energy transferred between objects of different temperatures. Heat is not
temperature (NOT synonymous); heat is what flows when there is a temperature
 Heat is energy, the quantity of heat is expressed in Joules (J)

Heat Capacity
 Heat required to change the temperature of a given mass of material is:
Q=mc ∆ T
 “c” in the equation above refers to specific heat, which is defined as “the amount of
heat required per unit mass to increase the temperature by one degree”. Different
materials have different specific heat.

 Heat gains and losses are associated with changes in matter, specifically with
changes in temperature or state (solid, liquid, gas). Calorimetry involves the
measurement of heat gains and losses in objects of differing temperatures and heat
 In closed systems (systems that experience no heat loss to the environment), the law
of conservation of energy is observed so that heat loss is equal to heat gain:
 For objects losing or gaining heat without undergoing a phase change, the equation
Q=mc ∆ T
A phase change occurs when an object changes from either of its solid, liquid or
gaseous states.
 For objects losing or gaining heat and undergoing phase change, the equation is:
Q=− +¿ Lf ¿
m or Q=− +¿ Lv ¿

 Lf is heat of fusion, for objects changing from solid to liquid or vice-versa and Lv is
heat of vaporization, for objects changing from liquid to gas or vice-versa. These are
specific to a material. The is also Ls which is the heat of sublimation (solid to gas)

Mechanism of Heat Transfer

 Thermal conductors are materials that permit the transfer of heat while thermal
insulators are materials that prevent the transfer of heat.
 There are three main methods of heat transfer:
o Conductor – transfer of heat between two bodies in contact
o Convection – transfer of heat through the motion of a mass from one place to

another (more commonly in liquids and gases, because of their ability to flow)
o Radiation – transfer of heat through electromagnetic radiation.

 The amount of heat per unit time transferred from an object of height temperature to
an object of lower temperature can be measure as heat current, H, which is
expressed in joule per second, or Watt (W):
dQ T H −T C
H= kA
dt L
Where K is the thermal conductivity of the material, A is the area of the material, T H is
the temperature at the warm end, and TC is the temperature at the cold end.
 Heat current in radiation is expressed as:
H= Aeσ T 4
 The Stefan-Boltzmann constant equivalent to 5.67 x10 -8 W/m2.K4
 Emissivity has a value between 0 and 1 and depends on the material; it is defined as
the ratio of the energy emitted by a material to a perfect emitter (a blackbody). Since
it is a ratio of two similar quantities, emissivity is a pure number.

Activity 1: Let’ Analyze

Is the statement, “bake in an oven at moderate heat”, accurate? EXPLAIN why?

Activity 2:
Have you tried ironing your clothes, and sometimes you hear a clicking sound. What
causes that clicking sound? How does that regulate the heat? EXPLAIN

Activity 3: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

A 1.5 kg sample of ice is kept in a freezer at -20 0C. Then, 7x103 J of heat is added to the
sample. If there is no loss of heat to the surroundings, what will be the new temperature
of ice?


Subject area and Grade level: General Physics 1/ Grade 12

Learning Competency:  Enumerate the properties of an ideal gas. STEM_GP12GLT-

 Solve problems involving ideal gas equations in contexts such
as, but not limited to, the design of metal containers for
compressed gases. STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-58
 Interpret PV diagrams of a thermodynamic process.
 Compute the work done by a gas using dW=PdV (1 lecture).

 State the relationship between changes internal energy, work
done, and thermal energy supplied through the First Law of
Thermodynamics. STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-62
 Differentiate the following thermodynamic processes and show
them on a PV diagram: isochoric, isobaric, isothermal,
adiabatic, and cyclic. STEM_GP12GLT-IIh-63
 Calculate the efficiency of a heat engine. STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-
 Describe reversible and irreversible processes.
 Explain how entropy is a measure of disorder.
 State the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-
 Calculate entropy changes for various processes e.g.,
isothermal process, free expansion, constant pressure
process, etc. STEM_GP12GLT-IIi-71

Subject Matter: Thermodynamics

o If absolute pressure (P) and temperature (T) are constant, volume (V) is
proportional to the number of moles (n).
o If temperature (T) and number of moles (n) are constant, volume (V) inversely
varies with absolute pressure (P).
o If volume (V) and the number of moles (n) are constant, absolute pressure (P) is
proportional to the temperature (T).

 The ideal gas law relates:

Where R =8.314 J/mol.K
 When an ideal gas undergoes a change from state 1 to state 2, the state variable of
the gas are related by:
P1V 1 P2V 2
T1 T2

First Law of Thermodynamics

 Thermodynamic systems have internal energy, which is the sum of the kinetic

energies of the particles that compose it.
 Internal energy can change by:
1. Adding or removing heat
2. Having work done by or on the system
 Changes in the internal energy are qualified in the First Law o Thermodynamics,
which states that “heat added to a thermodynamics system is transformed to either a
change in its internal energy, work done, or a combination of both”:
∆ U =Q+W or ∆ U =Q−W

where∆ U is the change in internal energy, Q is heat, and W is work done on the
system (note that if the system is doing the work, the sign is negative, -W

 The first law of thermodynamic is a restatement o the law of conversation of energy

since it explains the transformation of energy since it explains the transformation of
energy among work, heat, and changes in the internal energy of a thermodynamic

 It means by which disorder can be quantitatively measured.
 The entropy change in a reversible isothermal process is given as:
∆ S=S 2−S1=
Where S2−S 1 is the change in entropy between final and initial states.

Activity 1: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

An unspecified ideal gas at 100C and 100kPa occupies a volume of 2.5 m3.
a. How many moles does this gas have?
b. If the pressure and temperature are raised three times their original value, how
much volume would the gas now occupy?

Activity 2: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

James carries a box of toys. He has a lot of toys, he had to do 1.7 x 104J. in the
process, his internal energy decreases by 4.2x104Joule. Determine the quantities,
including their algebraic sign, of work, internal energy, and heat gained/lost in James

Activity 3: Problem Solving. (Answer without solution will not be considered)

How much energy must be transferred as heat for a reversible isothermal expansion
of an ideal gas at 1320C if the entropy of the gas increases by 46.0 J/K


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